On WHAT HONEST basis does Admin make CLAIM of Exec. Priv.?

Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.
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Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.

JoeyKaka has nothing, and it shows, so he goes all ad hominem.

Your whining won't change anything, bitch.

ObamaCare was passed fraudulently and affirmed in the SCOTUS on a wholly dishonest basis.

Joey doesn't care when the outcome is to his liking.

Libs lack principles.

Similarly, invoking Executive Privilege with NO valid basis is a fraud. JoeyK claps like a trained seal and pretends that the "issue" is whether Executive Privilege itself is an invalid legal principle.

Again, little Joey, the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.
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Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.

JoeyKaka has nothing, and it shows, so he goes all ad hominem.

Your whining won't change anything, bitch.

ObamaCare was passed fraudulently and affirmed in the SCOTUS on a wholly dishonest basis.

Joey doesn't care when the outcome is to his liking.

Libs lack principles.

Similarly, invoking Executive Privilege with NO valid basis is a fraud. JoeyK claps like a trained seal and pretends that the "issue" is whether Executive Privilege itself is an invalid legal principle.

Again, little Joey, the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.
With joeyk it is race and kissing obamaturds butt. He is wrong and he knows obamaturd is wrong.
On WHAT HONEST basis does the Obama Administration make the CLAIM of Executive Privilege over the Fast and Furious papers, notes and e-mails?

I don't think they HAVE any HONEST basis to invoke Executive Privilege.

Why won't the President 'splain his action, in detail?

Isn't it "curious" how little the national media seems interested in pressing him on it?

Maybe they are afraid of appearing "rude?"

Has any president EVER released private or inter office e-mails?

Why should Obama open THAT door? Cuz that asshole Issa said so? Obama should just have that raggedy fag fuck dragged into the Oval Office and slap the shit out of him...drug him and stage a motelroom with a midget that looks like a young boy with Issa suckin his dick. Then post it on the internet. I would imagine Issa would get more "internet e-mails" than he really wants then..

Just a thought...

Nixon had to release audiotapes from his White House. If the Republicans went to court, Obama would lose.
The Supreme Court stated: "To read the Article II powers of the President as providing an absolute privilege as against a subpoena essential to enforcement of criminal statutes on no more than a generalized claim of the public interest in confidentiality of nonmilitary and nondiplomatic discussions would upset the constitutional balance of 'a workable government' and gravely impair the role of the courts under Article III."
Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.

JoeyKaka has nothing, and it shows, so he goes all ad hominem.

Your whining won't change anything, bitch.

ObamaCare was passed fraudulently and affirmed in the SCOTUS on a wholly dishonest basis.

Joey doesn't care when the outcome is to his liking.

Libs lack principles.

Similarly, invoking Executive Privilege with NO valid basis is a fraud. JoeyK claps like a trained seal and pretends that the "issue" is whether Executive Privilege itself is an invalid legal principle.

Again, little Joey, the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.

I used to respect you; but now I see that you're just a partisan hack. The ACA was legitimately passed by Congress. The SC upheld the law as constitutional and now you're throwing a fit like a damn 8 yr old.

Take your little tantrum and your hypocrisy and shove them both up your tight little ass. Moron.
Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.

JoeyKaka has nothing, and it shows, so he goes all ad hominem.

Your whining won't change anything, bitch.

ObamaCare was passed fraudulently and affirmed in the SCOTUS on a wholly dishonest basis.

Joey doesn't care when the outcome is to his liking.

Libs lack principles.

Similarly, invoking Executive Privilege with NO valid basis is a fraud. JoeyK claps like a trained seal and pretends that the "issue" is whether Executive Privilege itself is an invalid legal principle.

Again, little Joey, the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.
With joeyk it is race and kissing obamaturds butt. He is wrong and he knows obamaturd is wrong.

Shut up, dumb ass. You're 2 brain cells away from being fully retarded.
Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.

JoeyKaka has nothing, and it shows, so he goes all ad hominem.

Your whining won't change anything, bitch.

ObamaCare was passed fraudulently and affirmed in the SCOTUS on a wholly dishonest basis.

Joey doesn't care when the outcome is to his liking.

Libs lack principles.

Similarly, invoking Executive Privilege with NO valid basis is a fraud. JoeyK claps like a trained seal and pretends that the "issue" is whether Executive Privilege itself is an invalid legal principle.

Again, little Joey, the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.

I used to respect you; but now I see that you're just a partisan hack. The ACA was legitimately passed by Congress. The SC upheld the law as constitutional and now you're throwing a fit like a damn 8 yr old.

Take your little tantrum and your hypocrisy and shove them both up your tight little ass. Moron.

You're a douche. I am being honest, so in your pathetic confused state, you call THAT being a partisan hack.

The ObamaCare Act was NOT passed legitimately at all. The SCOTUS upheld it illegitimately.

It needs to be repealed, but now worse damage has been done due to the bullshit legal writing of the disgraceful CJ.

Take your advice and cram it up your pathetic ass, you scumbag idiot.

With all due respect.

Liability said:
the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.

So, tell me, was EP validly invoked when Bush used it to shield Rove from a House committee?

Whatever [Rove] may know about executive privilege, he could only have learned when George W. Bush used it to protect him from various investigations, notably concerning his role as White House political boss in the partisan and lawless dismissal of seven United States Attorneys for partisan revenge.
JoeyKaka has nothing, and it shows, so he goes all ad hominem.

Your whining won't change anything, bitch.

ObamaCare was passed fraudulently and affirmed in the SCOTUS on a wholly dishonest basis.

Joey doesn't care when the outcome is to his liking.

Libs lack principles.

Similarly, invoking Executive Privilege with NO valid basis is a fraud. JoeyK claps like a trained seal and pretends that the "issue" is whether Executive Privilege itself is an invalid legal principle.

Again, little Joey, the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.

I used to respect you; but now I see that you're just a partisan hack. The ACA was legitimately passed by Congress. The SC upheld the law as constitutional and now you're throwing a fit like a damn 8 yr old.

Take your little tantrum and your hypocrisy and shove them both up your tight little ass. Moron.

You're a douche. I am being honest, so in your pathetic confused state, you call THAT being a partisan hack.

The ObamaCare Act was NOT passed legitimately at all. The SCOTUS upheld it illegitimately.

It needs to be repealed, but now worse damage has been done due to the bullshit legal writing of the disgraceful CJ.

Take your advice and cram it up your pathetic ass, you scumbag idiot.

With all due respect.


Ok, I see I'm dealing with a tantrum-throwing little child. Carry on. Let me know how the ACA works out for you...if you don't kill yourself first. Idiot.
I used to respect you; but now I see that you're just a partisan hack. The ACA was legitimately passed by Congress. The SC upheld the law as constitutional and now you're throwing a fit like a damn 8 yr old.

Take your little tantrum and your hypocrisy and shove them both up your tight little ass. Moron.

You're a douche. I am being honest, so in your pathetic confused state, you call THAT being a partisan hack.

The ObamaCare Act was NOT passed legitimately at all. The SCOTUS upheld it illegitimately.

It needs to be repealed, but now worse damage has been done due to the bullshit legal writing of the disgraceful CJ.

Take your advice and cram it up your pathetic ass, you scumbag idiot.

With all due respect.


Ok, I see I'm dealing with a tantrum-throwing little child. Carry on. Let me know how the ACA works out for you...if you don't kill yourself first. Idiot.

No no you hypocritical gasbag doucher. I merely mirrored you faggoty tantrum and you responded in your expected whining fashion.

You douchey hypocrites are plodding and predictable.

ObamaCare is getting repealed, so don't hold out too much hope for collecting much from it, ya pathetic douche bag.

Liability said:
the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.

So, tell me, was EP validly invoked when Bush used it to shield Rove from a House committee?

Whatever [Rove] may know about executive privilege, he could only have learned when George W. Bush used it to protect him from various investigations, notably concerning his role as White House political boss in the partisan and lawless dismissal of seven United States Attorneys for partisan revenge.

TRY to use your pathetic excuse for a brain.

Was ROVE an adviser TO the President?

Answer: yes. Yes he was.

That does make it different on that fact, alone, ya idiot.
Liability said:
the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.

So, tell me, was EP validly invoked when Bush used it to shield Rove from a House committee?

Whatever [Rove] may know about executive privilege, he could only have learned when George W. Bush used it to protect him from various investigations, notably concerning his role as White House political boss in the partisan and lawless dismissal of seven United States Attorneys for partisan revenge.

TRY to use your pathetic excuse for a brain.

Was ROVE an adviser TO the President?

Answer: yes. Yes he was.

That does make it different on that fact, alone, ya idiot.

Sure, sure it does. Let's try to calm down a little now. We wouldn't want you to have a heart attack. Take a deep breath and count to ten.
So, tell me, was EP validly invoked when Bush used it to shield Rove from a House committee?

TRY to use your pathetic excuse for a brain.

Was ROVE an adviser TO the President?

Answer: yes. Yes he was.

That does make it different on that fact, alone, ya idiot.

Sure, sure it does. Let's try to calm down a little now. We wouldn't want you to have a heart attack. Take a deep breath and count to ten.

Yes. It does.

Unlike you, douchey, I am calm.

It comes from being right.

You should try that someday.

Clearly this isn't the day.
On WHAT HONEST basis does the Obama Administration make the CLAIM of Executive Privilege over the Fast and Furious papers, notes and e-mails?

I don't think they HAVE any HONEST basis to invoke Executive Privilege.

Why won't the President 'splain his action, in detail?

Isn't it "curious" how little the national media seems interested in pressing him on it?

Maybe they are afraid of appearing "rude?"

Simple answer is none. Obama Claims he had nothing to do with F&F and yet is trying to use a tool Designed to Protect the President and his Aids Communications, Which seems to Imply his involvement in some of the Documents he is using it on. Which would seem to imply he is lying.
Liability has gone...

Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.

JoeyKaka has nothing, and it shows, so he goes all ad hominem.

Your whining won't change anything, bitch.

ObamaCare was passed fraudulently and affirmed in the SCOTUS on a wholly dishonest basis.

Joey doesn't care when the outcome is to his liking.

Libs lack principles.

Similarly, invoking Executive Privilege with NO valid basis is a fraud. JoeyK claps like a trained seal and pretends that the "issue" is whether Executive Privilege itself is an invalid legal principle.

Again, little Joey, the question is not whether it has been used before or whether it can be used validly. It has and it can.

The question is whether it was validly invoked in THIS matter. It was not.

I used to respect you; but now I see that you're just a partisan hack. The ACA was legitimately passed by Congress. The SC upheld the law as constitutional and now you're throwing a fit like a damn 8 yr old.

Do you think the ACA would have been passed by Congress if the word TAX had been used in place of the words INDIVIDUAL MANDATE ?

I call it FRAUD, but that's just me.
Liabaility tries desperately to justify his utter hypocrisy. The right has gone full bonkers. Even previously reasonable right-wingers like Liability have completely lost their minds. Is it due to to Obama's recent Supreme Court victories, or is it just that you can't take it anymore?

Many presidents have invoked executive privilege. Bush did it to keep from exposing the people behind the outing of a fucking covert CIA operative. And you want to now cry foul? Give me a fucking break, pal. You're being a hypocrite and you're throwing a damn fit. It's not pretty.

On October 1, 2003, Richard Armitage told both Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FeraBI) that he "was the inadvertent leak.

Fitzgerald began investigations into the leak working from White House telephone records turned over to the FBI in October 2003.

Fitzgerald learned of Armitage's role in the leak "shortly after his appointment in 2003".

The whole investigation was a sham and a witch hunt designed to enrich Fitzgrerald.

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