On what major issues do you support Bernie Sanders?

I don't know what a 'typical leftist' is but I don't recall wanting to punish anyone or send anyone to a reeducation camps. I guess you like making stuff up. Typical right-winger?
As for Stalin, millions starved while he was in power but he didn't kill them, he just didn't provide them what they needed to live. He withheld food, the Right would withhold healthcare. Stalin would be so proud.

Taking the farm produce from the Kulaks and then not letting them have any of it to eat is not 'withholding' anything, doofus. That is theft with murderous intent.

The Soviet Unions old archives attest to at least 770,000 direct executions, and millions died under state care in the Gulag system of prisons, which amounts to an execution. And these are just the ones counted.

Excess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia
I admire his drive given his age and physical frailty. And he isn't a changeling, he is who he is. I don't agree with any of his policies since they are all about greatly increasing the power of government and greatly increasing everyone's taxes to pay for free healthcare, free college, etc.

Sanders is not a commun ist, he is a Marxist who believes that democracy is a more effective form of government.

But note that he will defend Castro, Maduro and Chavez, but cant find a single decent thing to say about Trump.

Think about it.
The only action I've seen Bernie take that I approved of was around 10 years ago when he was ripping Ben Bernanke a new ass on the Senate floor for "loaning" trillions of our dollars to foreign banks during the financial crisis.
The only action I've seen Bernie take that I approved of was around 10 years ago when he was ripping Ben Bernanke a new ass on the Senate floor for "loaning" trillions of our dollars to foreign banks during the financial crisis.
I do give Sanders that much; he is one of the few mostly honest politicians in DC. Her reminds me a lot of Ron Paul in that respect, and I have read they were friends.

My problem with Sanders is that he is an ideologue, and I do not vote for ideologues, if I can avoid it.
The only action I've seen Bernie take that I approved of was around 10 years ago when he was ripping Ben Bernanke a new ass on the Senate floor for "loaning" trillions of our dollars to foreign banks during the financial crisis.
I do give Sanders that much; he is one of the few mostly honest politicians in DC. Her reminds me a lot of Ron Paul in that respect, and I have read they were friends.

My problem with Sanders is that he is an ideologue, and I do not vote for ideologues, if I can avoid it.

Agreed. However one positive act does not outweigh the fact that he's a commie and will never get my vote.
I do give Sanders that much; he is one of the few mostly honest politicians in DC. He reminds me a lot of Ron Paul in that respect, and I have read they were friends.
My problem with Sanders is that he is an ideologue, and I do not vote for ideologues, if I can avoid it.
Agreed. However one positive act does not outweigh the fact that he's a commie and will never get my vote.
But Sanders personal honesty and commitment to his principles is why the DNC is so afraid of him, not that he is a Marxist.
What do you like about his single payer plan?
The one he refuses to answer as to how it could be paid for?
Estimated cost is $30 Trillion, and estimates like this are notoriously understated significantly. Another independent source said it will be closer to $40 Trillion.
Or do you simply like the IDEA of single payer?
I can't honestly say I know Bernie's plan and I doubt it would matter since it wouldn't survive it's first brush with Congress.

The idea of single payer is what I like. I think every US citizen is entitled to a basic level of healthcare and single payer is the most obvious way to get there, IMHO. When I walk into my Doc's office the number of admin staff dwarfs the number of medical staff. That seems absurd to me and I'm not alone:
  • A new study published in the journal PLOS Medicine found that a single-payer healthcare system would save more money on U.S. healthcare costs over time than competing systems.
  • Researchers looked at 22 economic analyses of national and state-level single-payer proposals made over the past 30 years.
  • They found 19 of the 22 reviews predicted this kind of system would result in net healthcare cost savings in as soon as the first year of existence.
  • The researchers also found that all of the examined single-payer proposals would save money by year 10.


You mean as a "right"?

Nope. You don't have that "right". Nope, you don't have right to other people labor or property neither.

Nope, it's not federal government responsibility or enumerated power to provide you with it.
You're entitled to your opinion but don't think for a second it is any more than that.

As opposed to what, you feelings?
My values and my opinions. As valid as anyone's.

Valid? Uhmmm... NO.

Let's see... Your opinion is that US citizens are "entitled" to other people labor and property, and you want to use government to enforce that entitlement. You don't see how insane that is? Your "opinion" has no constitutional support, and you acknowledged it when you said that "wouldn't survive it's first brush with Congress". Regardless, you "feel" that health care is a "right", and since you can't prove it is, you want to use government force, also unconstitutional, to get it.

Also, no private business have people that are unnecessary to function. If your doctor office have more administrative stuff than medical stuff, why do you think that is? Is it because he likes it, or because bureaucracy and regulations requires him to have it? Now imagine giving control of the health care to government, how bureaucracy would look like then?

No, you don't have right to other people labor and property, just because you "feel" you do, not constitutionally, and not morally. Since you think you do, you are a socialist, and that's as disgusting as being a Nazi. Well, they were socialists too.
When Bernie loses and he will, the only good that will emerge is that like Hillary and hopefully Joe and Liz, they'll all stick with what they know and get the hell off the national stage for good. I hope this is the ERA WHERE DEMOCRATS SAY GOOD BYE TO THESE OLD GEEZERS AND START TO LOOK FOR AND SUPPORT NEW VOICES WITH BETTER IDEAS AND BETTER WAYS TO CONVEY THEIR MESSAGES.
Yeah, promising "free shit" isn't working anymore.

I got it. We’ll just let sick people die. Thin out the herd and keep it pure.
Right, Adolph?

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Strawman much?

Since I have yet to hear a Republican health care plan, I assume you assholes would rather poor people die than get the care they need.

This is not fucking FREE SHIT. This is peoples lives.

Not that you fucking care if poor people live or die.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When Bernie loses and he will, the only good that will emerge is that like Hillary and hopefully Joe and Liz, they'll all stick with what they know and get the hell off the national stage for good. I hope this is the ERA WHERE DEMOCRATS SAY GOOD BYE TO THESE OLD GEEZERS AND START TO LOOK FOR AND SUPPORT NEW VOICES WITH BETTER IDEAS AND BETTER WAYS TO CONVEY THEIR MESSAGES.
Yeah, promising "free shit" isn't working anymore.

I got it. We’ll just let sick people die. Thin out the herd and keep it pure.
Right, Adolph?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We're not letting sick people die.

And if you desire to chop your dick off, do it on your own expense, faggot.

Not a faggot, shit for brains. Get your facts straight.

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I can't honestly say I know Bernie's plan and I doubt it would matter since it wouldn't survive it's first brush with Congress.

The idea of single payer is what I like. I think every US citizen is entitled to a basic level of healthcare and single payer is the most obvious way to get there, IMHO. When I walk into my Doc's office the number of admin staff dwarfs the number of medical staff. That seems absurd to me and I'm not alone:
  • A new study published in the journal PLOS Medicine found that a single-payer healthcare system would save more money on U.S. healthcare costs over time than competing systems.
  • Researchers looked at 22 economic analyses of national and state-level single-payer proposals made over the past 30 years.
  • They found 19 of the 22 reviews predicted this kind of system would result in net healthcare cost savings in as soon as the first year of existence.
  • The researchers also found that all of the examined single-payer proposals would save money by year 10.


You mean as a "right"?

Nope. You don't have that "right". Nope, you don't have right to other people labor or property neither.

Nope, it's not federal government responsibility or enumerated power to provide you with it.
You're entitled to your opinion but don't think for a second it is any more than that.

As opposed to what, you feelings?
My values and my opinions. As valid as anyone's.

Valid? Uhmmm... NO.

Let's see... Your opinion is that US citizens are "entitled" to other people labor and property, and you want to use government to enforce that entitlement. You don't see how insane that is? Your "opinion" has no constitutional support, and you acknowledged it when you said that "wouldn't survive it's first brush with Congress". Regardless, you "feel" that health care is a "right", and since you can't prove it is, you want to use government force, also unconstitutional, to get it.

Also, no private business have people that are unnecessary to function. If your doctor office have more administrative stuff than medical stuff, why do you think that is? Is it because he likes it, or because bureaucracy and regulations requires him to have it? Now imagine giving control of the health care to government, how bureaucracy would look like then?

No, you don't have right to other people labor and property, just because you "feel" you do, not constitutionally, and not morally. Since you think you do, you are a socialist, and that's as disgusting as being a Nazi. Well, they were socialists too.
You need a better understanding of laws and politics. Every tax, tariff, or fee that the gov't imposes they do because the Constitution allows it. If I want my tax dollars (and yours too of course) to go to a particular goal, be it an aircraft carrier or health care for all, that is how I'll vote. If enough people agree with me, it will happen.
When Bernie loses and he will, the only good that will emerge is that like Hillary and hopefully Joe and Liz, they'll all stick with what they know and get the hell off the national stage for good. I hope this is the ERA WHERE DEMOCRATS SAY GOOD BYE TO THESE OLD GEEZERS AND START TO LOOK FOR AND SUPPORT NEW VOICES WITH BETTER IDEAS AND BETTER WAYS TO CONVEY THEIR MESSAGES.
Yeah, promising "free shit" isn't working anymore.

I got it. We’ll just let sick people die. Thin out the herd and keep it pure.
Right, Adolph?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Strawman much?

Since I have yet to hear a Republican health care plan, I assume you assholes would rather poor people die than get the care they need.

This is not fucking FREE SHIT. This is peoples lives.

Not that you fucking care if poor people live or die.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It doesn't matter if they have health care plan, or not, I don't want government involved into Health care at all, not beyond the care for veterans and retirees. It's not federal government responsibility, they should get out health care completely, and let states deal with it the way it suits them the best.

You mean as a "right"?

Nope. You don't have that "right". Nope, you don't have right to other people labor or property neither.

Nope, it's not federal government responsibility or enumerated power to provide you with it.
You're entitled to your opinion but don't think for a second it is any more than that.

As opposed to what, you feelings?
My values and my opinions. As valid as anyone's.

Valid? Uhmmm... NO.

Let's see... Your opinion is that US citizens are "entitled" to other people labor and property, and you want to use government to enforce that entitlement. You don't see how insane that is? Your "opinion" has no constitutional support, and you acknowledged it when you said that "wouldn't survive it's first brush with Congress". Regardless, you "feel" that health care is a "right", and since you can't prove it is, you want to use government force, also unconstitutional, to get it.

Also, no private business have people that are unnecessary to function. If your doctor office have more administrative stuff than medical stuff, why do you think that is? Is it because he likes it, or because bureaucracy and regulations requires him to have it? Now imagine giving control of the health care to government, how bureaucracy would look like then?

No, you don't have right to other people labor and property, just because you "feel" you do, not constitutionally, and not morally. Since you think you do, you are a socialist, and that's as disgusting as being a Nazi. Well, they were socialists too.
You need a better understanding of laws and politics. Every tax, tariff, or fee that the gov't imposes they do because the Constitution allows it. If I want my tax dollars (and yours too of course) to go to a particular goal, be it an aircraft carrier or health care for all, that is how I'll vote. If enough people agree with me, it will happen.

Constitutionally, not.

Common defense is constitutional responsibility of federal government.

Health care is not.
Other than that he hates Trump, but why???
I honestly cannot think of a single Sanders policy I like.

But as others have said, he sticks to his principles no matter what the cost. In that way, he reminds me of Ron Paul. Neither one of them ever got anything accomplished, but they remained pure to the end.

We need purists on each end of the spectrum to keep us from being pulled entirely in one direction or the other.

The Ron Pauls and the Bernie Sanders make us think about ideas we otherwise would not have. But most importantly, they make us see problems we otherwise would have missed.
Other than that he hates Trump, but why???
I honestly cannot think of a single Sanders policy I like.

But as others have said, he sticks to his principles no matter what the cost. In that way, he reminds me of Ron Paul. Neither one of them ever got anything accomplished, but they remained pure to the end.

We need purists on each end of the spectrum to keep us from being pulled entirely in one direction or the other.

The Ron Pauls and the Bernie Sanders make us think about ideas we otherwise would not have. But most importantly, they make us see problems we otherwise would have missed.

Well, you can't really compare Paul with Sanders, since Paul is constitutionalist.

The correct comparison would be with another socialist, Stalin, or Hitler perhaps. They also followed their principles, and just as Sanders, when they got in power, they used government power to enforce those principles. Ron Paul is completely opposite of that.
Other than that he hates Trump, but why???
I honestly cannot think of a single Sanders policy I like.

But as others have said, he sticks to his principles no matter what the cost. In that way, he reminds me of Ron Paul. Neither one of them ever got anything accomplished, but they remained pure to the end.

We need purists on each end of the spectrum to keep us from being pulled entirely in one direction or the other.

The Ron Pauls and the Bernie Sanders make us think about ideas we otherwise would not have. But most importantly, they make us see problems we otherwise would have missed.

Well, you can't really compare Paul with Sanders, since Paul is constitutionalist.

The correct comparison would be with another socialist, Stalin, or Hitler perhaps. They also followed their principles, and just as Sanders, when they got in power, they used government power to enforce those principles. Ron Paul is completely opposite of that.
Exactly my point. They are polar opposites.

And neither one has ever achieved anything except to make us all think.
You're entitled to your opinion but don't think for a second it is any more than that.
As opposed to what, you feelings?
My values and my opinions. As valid as anyone's.
Dude, honestly, do you even believe that Objective Truth is real?
There are objective truths in science, math, economics, etc. Opinions and values are not objective truths. I doubt there are many truths in politics.

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