On What Planet Are Most Gas Prices Below $3/gal? Not In U. S. - Is Someone Lying About Prices?

Fracking was invented in 1947 and the first commercially successful application followed in 1949

You are talking about vertical fracking. Horizontal fracking was commercially viable in the early 2000s. That is what is triggering the current boom.
Horizontal directional drilling was invented in the 1930's before fracking in the 1940's. Boundaries & setbacks were the limiting factor.

That doesn't contradict what I said.
[This EIA report -- done during the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness.

Stopped reading here. Look man, if you want to argue with Republicans on their views, they are all over the board. Go to it. If you want to debate me, address my views.

It cracks me up when you libs talk about how you're smarter than Republicans because they are all black and white and you can see grey. We both know what a lie that is. Disagree with you on anything and that makes me a Republican. LOL, clueless.

It came directly from Valero - the company purchasing the oil.

If you wanna light into someone for making crap up - you better make sure they really made it up. Or you wind up looking pretty darn stupid and uniformed on the topic - a lot like .... well .... a lot like you look right now, dumbass.
[This EIA report -- done during the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness.

Stopped reading here. Look man, if you want to argue with Republicans on their views, they are all over the board. Go to it. If you want to debate me, address my views.

It cracks me up when you libs talk about how you're smarter than Republicans because they are all black and white and you can see grey. We both know what a lie that is. Disagree with you on anything and that makes me a Republican. LOL, clueless.

It came directly from Valero - the company purchasing the oil.

If you wanna light into someone for making crap up - you better make sure they really made it up. Or you wind up looking pretty darn stupid and uniformed on the topic - a lot like .... well .... a lot like you look right now, dumbass.

Reading is fundamental, sorry you never did learn. I said I stopped reading when he called me a Republican, I didn't address his point. If he wants to debate me, he has to debate my views not George Bush's views. There is in fact almost nothing I agree with George Bush on. That's what I said, then chastised him for his inability to see anything but Republican or Democrat. How did you not get that? Seriously, what is wrong with you?
This is an easy fact for every person to verify....no need for a link.

Most prices are ABOVE $3.00 not BELOW.

It would be under $2 if we didn't have high taxes and were not being forced to subsidize corn through mandated purchases.
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This is an easy fact for every person to verify....no need for a link.

Most prices are ABOVE $3.00 not BELOW.


Your name is not becoming, because you are clueless about economics. The average price paid is not the average price listed. Most people buy the most gas from the cheapest station, not the most expensive station that is jacking up the average price listed.
This is an easy fact for every person to verify....no need for a link.

Most prices are ABOVE $3.00 not BELOW.


Your name is not becoming, because you are clueless about economics. The average price paid is not the average price listed. Most people buy the most gas from the cheapest station, not the most expensive station that is jacking up the average price listed.

LOL, you're telling someone they don't know about economics when you get your information from ... lawyers ... Ones who consider you their bitch because you believe whatever crap they tell you. That's classic.

Gas prices are down despite Obama, not because of him. He's blocked domestic energy independence at every opportunity. He couldn't stop it, so now he's taking credit for it. Typical lying scum liberal. If you're wondering if by that I mean Obama or you, the answer is yes...
$2.85 SW Arkansas ..whoop whoop

So when gas hit $2.85 under W, admit you were hyperventilating with the rest of the liberals.

Nah did not really give a shit .. President has very little to do with the price of gas . But you guys & gals hyperventilat over ever little thing . + it makes Obama look good , lord knows we can't have that .
[This EIA report -- done during the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness.

Stopped reading here. Look man, if you want to argue with Republicans on their views, they are all over the board. Go to it. If you want to debate me, address my views.

It cracks me up when you libs talk about how you're smarter than Republicans because they are all black and white and you can see grey. We both know what a lie that is. Disagree with you on anything and that makes me a Republican. LOL, clueless.

It came directly from Valero - the company purchasing the oil.

If you wanna light into someone for making crap up - you better make sure they really made it up. Or you wind up looking pretty darn stupid and uniformed on the topic - a lot like .... well .... a lot like you look right now, dumbass.

Reading is fundamental, sorry you never did learn. I said I stopped reading when he called me a Republican, I didn't address his point. If he wants to debate me, he has to debate my views not George Bush's views. There is in fact almost nothing I agree with George Bush on. That's what I said, then chastised him for his inability to see anything but Republican or Democrat. How did you not get that? Seriously, what is wrong with you?

Possibly because no one brought up the name of any party except you. Which I pointed out a week ago and you still didn't get it. Seriously what is wrong with you?
We're under $3 in North Cackalackee now. Which is not a cheap gas state. I've bought a lot of gas in the last couple of weeks (multiple states), average price has been about $2.75.
$2.85 SW Arkansas ..whoop whoop

So when gas hit $2.85 under W, admit you were hyperventilating with the rest of the liberals.

Nah did not really give a shit .. President has very little to do with the price of gas . But you guys & gals hyperventilat over ever little thing . + it makes Obama look good , lord knows we can't have that .

I do? When was that? I've said all along that gas is dirt cheap in this country. I have never thought twice about filling my tank and driving wherever I want to go. I've always mocked liberals for being anti-energy, then hyperventilating over gas prices. The only one of us who took a position in this was you, Homey. "whoop whoop." The accusation you pulled out of your ass. Suddenly liberals are all crediting the anti-energy President for gas prices, like you did. Oh, but you don't think he had anything to do with it. He has driven prices up. They are coming down because of forces more powerful than him.
Pogo said:
the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness.
Possibly because no one brought up the name of any party except you. Which I pointed out a week ago and you still didn't get it. Seriously what is wrong with you?

That's the third grade word parsing you constantly engage. Calling W "the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness" isn't calling me a Republican. Right.

Name anything I agree with W on. I can think of one, and that comes with a down side that was more negative than the positive side.

Who would exalt Bush other than a Republican? The man was one of the worst Presidents in our county's history. I keep calling him a guy who never accomplished anything on his own, he lived on his father's wings getting cherry picked opportunities and had no grasp he was spending other people's money. He was a wet dream of liberal government growth. What you want, he got. Repeatedly.

So, any chance you're ready to leave the third grade? I'm guessing no.
Pogo said:
the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness.
Possibly because no one brought up the name of any party except you. Which I pointed out a week ago and you still didn't get it. Seriously what is wrong with you?

That's the third grade word parsing you constantly engage. Calling W "the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness" isn't calling me a Republican. Right.

Right. Now you got it.

Is that completely over your head? If so you might want to stop here.
Pogo said:
the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness.
Possibly because no one brought up the name of any party except you. Which I pointed out a week ago and you still didn't get it. Seriously what is wrong with you?

That's the third grade word parsing you constantly engage. Calling W "the Administration of Your Exalted Bushness" isn't calling me a Republican. Right.

Right. Now you got it.

Is that completely over your head? If so you might want to stop here.

Do I get that you were third grade word parsing? Yes. Here's a hint as to how you know I got it. I told you that you were third grade word parsing.

And no answer to the question, of course. You never do. You ask them and demand answers. Then you run and hide like a little girl when you get them.

You should look up what quoting versus paraphrasing means.

If I said you called me a "Republican." Your argument would have been correct.

I didn't say that, I said you called me a Republican, which is correct, you did.

Maybe you should take it in and discuss with your teacher, they can explain it to you.
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$2.85 SW Arkansas ..whoop whoop

So when gas hit $2.85 under W, admit you were hyperventilating with the rest of the liberals.

Nah did not really give a shit .. President has very little to do with the price of gas . But you guys & gals hyperventilat over ever little thing . + it makes Obama look good , lord knows we can't have that .

I do? When was that? I've said all along that gas is dirt cheap in this country. I have never thought twice about filling my tank and driving wherever I want to go. I've always mocked liberals for being anti-energy, then hyperventilating over gas prices. The only one of us who took a position in this was you, Homey. "whoop whoop." The accusation you pulled out of your ass. Suddenly liberals are all crediting the anti-energy President for gas prices, like you did. Oh, but you don't think he had anything to do with it. He has driven prices up. They are coming down because of forces more powerful than him.

Accusation .. Wtf are you talking about ?? Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices !! Whoop whoop !! Got your goat I see move along .

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