Once A Fake..Always A Fake...Liz Warren Says Trump Won't Get "Handsy" With Her


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Jul 21, 2009
Liz Warren told a crowd that Trump won't be allowed to get handsy with her when she gets on that stage to debate him. Elizabeth Warren: Nobody Will Do A ‘Handsy Thing’ With Me On A Debate Stage


Liz Warren talking to one of her massive crowds.

First of all, she has to win the nomination to get on the stage with Trump, but secondly, what makes her think that just because she's a woman, Trump is interested in feeling her up in the first place.

See the video here:
Elizabeth Warren: Nobody Will Do A 'Handsy Thing' With Me Like With Hillary

This to me is like an ugly guy saying he hates homosexuals because he doesn't like them leering at him in the shower. It just seems so dishonest and fake to me beyond the fact that it is so laughably ridiculous.
She assumes that Trump is a sexual-predator, as was written in Hillary's delusional book "What Happened", which was a work of fiction by compulsive-liar, and former presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. What makes her think that Trump would be interested in feeling her up in the first place, considering the fact that he's married to one of the most beautiful women in the world. Jesus Christ lady, get real, and while you're at it, get over yourself!!!

But this is all these Democrats are about now....perpetuating complete lies and passing them off as supposedly solid campaigning tactics. This may work on the wonkish TDS idiots that believe every word that Trump critics utter against him, but most rational people won't buy it. It clearly illustrates that this fake Indian hasn't changed her stripes, and it's pretty clear that she cannot be expected to be honest about big issues as well as little white lies. Just another example of why Elizabeth Warren is unqualified because of her tendency to lie so blatantly.
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Trump is a germaphobe so I doubt if he's going to want to touch someone who has been sleeping in tee pees and bathing in creeks. Warren flatters herself to think anyone wants to touch her.
"Nobody's gonna get behind me and do a handsy thing" sounds more like she was talking about Biden...


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