Once again bullying was the root cause

She did more than turn him down. She embarrassed him in class.
What do you suggest she should have done to impress upon him that she was not interested and wanted his attempts to cease? She only embarrassed him according to the report after he wouldn't take no for an answer for 4 months.

People don't get what they want all of the time, that does not excuse ANY form of retaliation for being rejected, let alone executing the person who rejected him as well as taking out every who laughed (presumably).
I am suggesting that as the victim of her humiliation, he should have beat her to a bloody pulp.
I think we need to teach our kids how to be kind and caring towards other people.

We as an society spawn kids that don't understand how to be human beings far to often.

The BIGGEST problem in society is when MEN rule. Men want to fight, destroy, break heads, not sit down and talk about how best to deal with things.

Have women running everything then ? No thanks.
Mass shooters usually kill themselves negating the need for a trial. Secondarily, they plead guilty and raise no defenses.

But the point is, some of them WERE taken alive.

James Holmes (mass murderer) - Wikipedia

James Holmes never raised this defense, even though he did put his mental state on trial, he never claimed the drugs made him do it.

Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia

Loughner was not only not taking drugs, they had to force feed him drugs to get him to a level were he was competent to stand trial. When he was, he realized how nuts he was and took a guilty plea.

Dylann Roof - Wikipedia

Dylann Roof faced the death penalty on both the state and federal level,and never once tried to blame medications he was taking for his racist rampage.

Not one mass shooter who has been taken into custody has asserted that they were going to be perfectly fine, until those mean old drugs made them do it.

It would seem to be a pretty good defense if it has any scientific validity

The Criminal Defense of Intoxication Overview :: Justia

It depends if the intoxication was voluntary or involuntary.

Was the defendant "tricked" into consuming the intoxicant, or did he take it voluntary?

From the link:

"The Criminal Defense of Intoxication
Intoxication is a defense available to criminal defendants on the basis that, because of the intoxication, the defendant did not understand the nature of his or her actions or know what he or she was doing. The intoxication defense applies in very limited circumstances and typically depends on whether the intoxication was voluntary or involuntary and what level of intent is required by the criminal charge."
You have an agenda, it is not to solve this problem, it is to get rid of guns, that is clear to me.

Well, um, yeah. These kids were killed with guns, not pills. Duh!

You do know that CCHR is a front for the Church of Scientology, don't you?

Citizens Commission on Human Rights - Wikipedia

FDA placed the "Black Box" warning on these for a reason. Is the FDA a front for Scientology?

People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

Is Oxford University a front organization for Scientology?

"An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs."

Is Psychology Today a front group for Scientology?

Newtown Shootings: A Caution About Violence and SSRIs

"But more relevant to the discussion, is that these very drugs we hope can treat mental illness are at the same time drugs that cause violent behavior including suicide and aggression toward others. In fact, SSRI’s are the leading drugs in a recent list compiled of the Top Ten Drugs that cause violent behavior.

It’s been well known that adolescents and young people have an increased risk of suicide when they begin to take SSRIs. But what we may forget is that suicide is an impulsive behavior that is turned against oneself. But impulses, particularly violent ones, can be turned against others."
I think we need to teach our kids how to be kind and caring towards other people.

We as an society spawn kids that don't understand how to be human beings far to often.

The BIGGEST problem in society is when MEN rule. Men want to fight, destroy, break heads, not sit down and talk about how best to deal with things.

Have women running everything then ? No thanks.

And why not?

Because you'd feel your masculinity at risk?
Because you want to be on top, rather than underneath?
I think we need to teach our kids how to be kind and caring towards other people.

We as an society spawn kids that don't understand how to be human beings far to often.

The BIGGEST problem in society is when MEN rule. Men want to fight, destroy, break heads, not sit down and talk about how best to deal with things.

Have women running everything then ? No thanks.

And why not?

Because you'd feel your masculinity at risk?
Because you want to be on top, rather than underneath?

You want them running EVERYTHING ?
I'll take a more shared approach thank you very much.
But the nation will hold vigils and marches denouncing assault rifles, semi-auto pistols, all guns, Dimocrat politicians will make speeches and write new gun laws and proclaim the NRA a terrorist group.

But there won't be marches or speeches denouncing the root cause of why a fellow student goes off the deep end.

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

  • A student who survived the Texas school shooting on Friday has spoken out about the accused gunman, saying that he was 'emotionally bullied' by his classmates and coaches.

    Dustin Severin, an 11th-grade student at Santa Fe High School, told KRIV that the suspected shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtiz, was constantly teased at school, but that he believed it never escalated into anything physical.

    "I know he's picked on by coaches and other students. He didn't really talk to anyone," he told the station. "My friends from the football team told me that coaches said he smelled, like, right in front of his face. And other kids would look at him and laugh at him ... nothing like physical but they still emotionally bullied him."

    "I never thought he would just snap and shoot up the school," Severin added. "He didn't seem like he was a hateful person."
So, is bullying new? Why shootings now? How did you manage to pinch off that lame OP, without addressing these things at all?
But the nation will hold vigils and marches denouncing assault rifles, semi-auto pistols, all guns, Dimocrat politicians will make speeches and write new gun laws and proclaim the NRA a terrorist group.

But there won't be marches or speeches denouncing the root cause of why a fellow student goes off the deep end.

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

  • A student who survived the Texas school shooting on Friday has spoken out about the accused gunman, saying that he was 'emotionally bullied' by his classmates and coaches.

    Dustin Severin, an 11th-grade student at Santa Fe High School, told KRIV that the suspected shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtiz, was constantly teased at school, but that he believed it never escalated into anything physical.

    "I know he's picked on by coaches and other students. He didn't really talk to anyone," he told the station. "My friends from the football team told me that coaches said he smelled, like, right in front of his face. And other kids would look at him and laugh at him ... nothing like physical but they still emotionally bullied him."

    "I never thought he would just snap and shoot up the school," Severin added. "He didn't seem like he was a hateful person."
So, is bullying new? Why shootings now? How did you manage to pinch off that lame OP, without addressing these things at all?

Gun's aren't new. Why shootings now? The semi auto rifle has been around for over a hundred years, so why in the past 30 years? What has changed?


We've been medicating our teens with a new class of antidepressants (EIGHT MILLION TIMES A DAY), that turns a few into monsters.

What do I win?
But the nation will hold vigils and marches denouncing assault rifles, semi-auto pistols, all guns, Dimocrat politicians will make speeches and write new gun laws and proclaim the NRA a terrorist group.

But there won't be marches or speeches denouncing the root cause of why a fellow student goes off the deep end.

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

  • A student who survived the Texas school shooting on Friday has spoken out about the accused gunman, saying that he was 'emotionally bullied' by his classmates and coaches.

    Dustin Severin, an 11th-grade student at Santa Fe High School, told KRIV that the suspected shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtiz, was constantly teased at school, but that he believed it never escalated into anything physical.

    "I know he's picked on by coaches and other students. He didn't really talk to anyone," he told the station. "My friends from the football team told me that coaches said he smelled, like, right in front of his face. And other kids would look at him and laugh at him ... nothing like physical but they still emotionally bullied him."

    "I never thought he would just snap and shoot up the school," Severin added. "He didn't seem like he was a hateful person."

One of the girls killed publicly humiliated the shooter. Reported she stood up in class and outed the kid for pursuing her romantically, I guess the shooter, in his mind, got the last laugh

But the nation will hold vigils and marches denouncing assault rifles, semi-auto pistols, all guns, Dimocrat politicians will make speeches and write new gun laws and proclaim the NRA a terrorist group.

But there won't be marches or speeches denouncing the root cause of why a fellow student goes off the deep end.

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

  • A student who survived the Texas school shooting on Friday has spoken out about the accused gunman, saying that he was 'emotionally bullied' by his classmates and coaches.

    Dustin Severin, an 11th-grade student at Santa Fe High School, told KRIV that the suspected shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtiz, was constantly teased at school, but that he believed it never escalated into anything physical.

    "I know he's picked on by coaches and other students. He didn't really talk to anyone," he told the station. "My friends from the football team told me that coaches said he smelled, like, right in front of his face. And other kids would look at him and laugh at him ... nothing like physical but they still emotionally bullied him."

    "I never thought he would just snap and shoot up the school," Severin added. "He didn't seem like he was a hateful person."
So, is bullying new? Why shootings now? How did you manage to pinch off that lame OP, without addressing these things at all?

Gun's aren't new. Why shootings now? The semi auto rifle has been around for over a hundred years, so why in the past 30 years? What has changed?


We've been medicating our teens with a new class of antidepressants (EIGHT MILLION TIMES A DAY), that turns a few into monsters.

What do I win?
You win nothing, unless you can show something more than correlation.
It's a matter of degree. The bullying today writes a new chapter on viciousness.

What a generation of pussies and cowards we have raised.

When I was young, as I said before, bullying necessarily involved physical violence of credible threats thereof. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.“

How did we get from there to now, when mere insults are deemed to constitute “bullying”?

No “…new chapter on viciousness” here. Just a new chapter on weakness and cowardice.

And there you have it. The right wingers actually WANT BULLYING because they think it turns people into men or some bullshit like that.
Wow, that is NOT what he said. No wonder the left is so fucked in the head.
But the nation will hold vigils and marches denouncing assault rifles, semi-auto pistols, all guns, Dimocrat politicians will make speeches and write new gun laws and proclaim the NRA a terrorist group.

But there won't be marches or speeches denouncing the root cause of why a fellow student goes off the deep end.

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches 'emotionally bullied' suspected shooter

  • A student who survived the Texas school shooting on Friday has spoken out about the accused gunman, saying that he was 'emotionally bullied' by his classmates and coaches.

    Dustin Severin, an 11th-grade student at Santa Fe High School, told KRIV that the suspected shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtiz, was constantly teased at school, but that he believed it never escalated into anything physical.

    "I know he's picked on by coaches and other students. He didn't really talk to anyone," he told the station. "My friends from the football team told me that coaches said he smelled, like, right in front of his face. And other kids would look at him and laugh at him ... nothing like physical but they still emotionally bullied him."

    "I never thought he would just snap and shoot up the school," Severin added. "He didn't seem like he was a hateful person."
So, is bullying new? Why shootings now? How did you manage to pinch off that lame OP, without addressing these things at all?

Gun's aren't new. Why shootings now? The semi auto rifle has been around for over a hundred years, so why in the past 30 years? What has changed?


We've been medicating our teens with a new class of antidepressants (EIGHT MILLION TIMES A DAY), that turns a few into monsters.

What do I win?
You win nothing, unless you can show something more than correlation.

You were asking FOR correlation you twit.

So, per your question then. What else changed in the past 30 years? huh. I AIN'T GUNS!

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