Once again the "fake News" gets it WRONG!! "Ryan to Leave Washington"!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Paul Ryan Sees His Wild Washington Journey Coming to An End

Paul Ryan Sees His Wild Washington Journey Coming to An End
Now based on this speculative story...

Ryan spoke as Politico and the Huffington Post published reports speculating that Ryan would make this term his last or even quit within weeks. Ryan took the job reluctantly, after former Speaker John Boehner of Ohio stepped aside abruptly in 2015.
Media outlets reported Paul Ryan is leaving Congress soon. But he says he’s staying - The Boston Globe

NOW for the FACTS!

House Speaker Paul Ryan says he's not leaving Congress anytime soon.

The Wisconsin Republican was asked Thursday about two published reports suggesting he might leave his job soon after the GOP passes a rewrite of the U.S. tax code.

Asked if he's quitting anytime soon, House Speaker Paul Ryan said, 'I'm not. No.'

And this is just one of hundreds of speculative stories that the MSM continues to run as "FACTS" thus influencing people that don't have time to read closely the truth!

When will most of Americans become as jaded and disbelieving as the growing numbers of Americans have become when it comes to the MSM biased REPORTING?

Poll: 46 percent think media make up stories about Trump
Poll: 46 percent think media make up stories about Trump

I simply as the majority of readers of this forum to honestly comprehend the magnitude of the BIASED MSM's efforts to SWAY your opinions and thus politicians' votes! Almost ALL the MSM is NOW biased, even Fox I admit is more biased towards the Truth then the rest of the MSM and as such they appear biased to most uninformed people. But Fox like a handful of others is presenting "Fair and balanced"
news and when it is an opinion they clearly state so...i.e. Hannity, et.al. as does Rush. We know they are biased commentators no question but the hypocritical MSM pretending they are presenting "NEWS"?
NOPE not for many of us!
Ryan knows his effectiveness as Speaker is now over and that the Dem tide will smash Congress next fall.

Time to get out while the getting out is good.

Might get a good gig at Fox.

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