Once again the FBI's attempt to target "White Supremacists" has failed.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
After a non-stop leaking blitz about the Texas Mall Shooter, the FBI has falsely painted a picture of a White Supremacist Racist attack. Local Texas police with all the current information available say that the shooter shot at random and picked his target because of the number of people. How many times does this have to happen before you idiots stop jumping at the bait?

There is a clearly PHOTO SHOPPED photo of this guy with the obvious fraud of PHOTO SHOPPED TATOOS....

Chris Wray is pulling another dePape like hate hoax here...
Sure sounds like it.

I didnt see it that way. I think the point is the whole white supremecy thing is NOT as common as its being made out to be. However, I can see politically why the Biden Admin would play it up to be so. When he can claim Trump is a white supremest or leans that way... the news media will try to link every incident.
Just like CharlottesVille

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