"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.
They are attempting to make Christianity illegal. They seek to force ppl to renounce their faith, participate in sacrilege, and be imprisoned if they don't. Pigs hate Christianity. Liberty and godliness pose a huge threat to depraved criminals. Just ask nazis and Marxists.

In fairness it seems to me that what the gays want in this issue is a marriage license.

I don't really see it being push to destroy Christianity.

BUT, that leaves the question of whether or not a person can be forced to go against their religious beliefs.

this whole issue should have been left up to the states. The SCOTUS has not right under the COTUS to make law, which clearly they have been doing for some time. There role, as I understand, is to rule on the consittutionality of law, not change the law to fit their opinion. Not to create laws out of sail cloth where no law exist.

Clearly when the court has made law they have made law badly. This is no different. Their ruling in gay marriage was a social statement it was not a ruling on the fact of law.

But it is what we have and until someone can change the COTUS to make this a states issue we are stuck with the decision.
Clueless totally!! You couldn't be farther from the truth if the matter, personal liberty must be very confusing for you.

Not at all, comrade.

You're the confused one if you can't see the difference between personal liberty and official county business.

Why is Madonna's brother's opinion newsworthy? lol

He is openly gay, that is why.

And he makes sense.

Does being openly gay make his opinion matter more or the fact that he is Madonna's brother? If I was Ryan Gajewski and my boss told me to write an article about Madonna's brother's opinion I would find the nearest rafter and hang myself from it. Breaking news! lol
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They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.
They are attempting to make Christianity illegal. They seek to force ppl to renounce their faith, participate in sacrilege, and be imprisoned if they don't. Pigs hate Christianity. Liberty and godliness pose a huge threat to depraved criminals. Just ask nazis and Marxists.

In fairness it seems to me that what the gays want in this issue is a marriage license.

I don't really see it being push to destroy Christianity.

BUT, that leaves the question of whether or not a person can be forced to go against their religious beliefs.

this whole issue should have been left up to the states. The SCOTUS has not right under the COTUS to make law, which clearly they have been doing for some time. There role, as I understand, is to rule on the consittutionality of law, not change the law to fit their opinion. Not to create laws out of sail cloth where no law exist.

Clearly when the court has made law they have made law badly. This is no different. Their ruling in gay marriage was a social statement it was not a ruling on the fact of law.

But it is what we have and until someone can change the COTUS to make this a states issue we are stuck with the decision.
The gays in question could have been married by anyone else. The insistence that people be removed from office and imprisoned for refusing to endorse the homo lobby is absolutely verification of their agenda, which includes closing churches and imprisoning Christians. They make no bones about it. Don't make the mistake of softsoaping and refusing to acknowledge the repeatedly stated purpose of pigs.
Why is Madonna's brother's opinion newsworthy? lol

He is openly gay, that is why.

And he makes sense.

Does being openly gay make his opinion matter more or the fact that he is Madonna's brother? If I was Ryan Gajewski and my boss told me to write an article about Madonna's brother's opinion I would find the nearest rafter and hung myself from it. Breaking news! lol
Good. But irrelevant to this discussion, regardless how fascinating that is.
Clueless totally!! You couldn't be farther from the truth if the matter, personal liberty must be very confusing for you.

Not at all, comrade.

You're the confused one if you can't see the difference between personal liberty and official county business.

True. If she had allowed her underlings to attend to gay couples she would be free right now. But she ordered her entire staff not to. Many clerks in the country that oppose gay marriage simply pass the task off to a colleague, and the gay couples are not inconvenienced at all.
They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.
They are attempting to make Christianity illegal. They seek to force ppl to renounce their faith, participate in sacrilege, and be imprisoned if they don't. Pigs hate Christianity. Liberty and godliness pose a huge threat to depraved criminals. Just ask nazis and Marxists.

In fairness it seems to me that what the gays want in this issue is a marriage license.

I don't really see it being push to destroy Christianity.

BUT, that leaves the question of whether or not a person can be forced to go against their religious beliefs.

this whole issue should have been left up to the states. The SCOTUS has not right under the COTUS to make law, which clearly they have been doing for some time. There role, as I understand, is to rule on the consittutionality of law, not change the law to fit their opinion. Not to create laws out of sail cloth where no law exist.

Clearly when the court has made law they have made law badly. This is no different. Their ruling in gay marriage was a social statement it was not a ruling on the fact of law.

But it is what we have and until someone can change the COTUS to make this a states issue we are stuck with the decision.
The gays in question could have been married by anyone else. The insistence that people be removed from office and imprisoned for refusing to endorse the homo lobby is absolutely verification of their agenda, which includes closing churches and imprisoning Christians. They make no bones about it. Don't make the mistake of softsoaping and refusing to acknowledge the repeatedly stated purpose of pigs.
They could have stopped whining and driven miles away to another county right? And ******* in the 60's could have just stopped whining and sat at a table instead of at the counter. Right?
Our system must be more zealous about protecting civil rights than social conservatives are about violating them.

Our system must be more zealous about protecting civil rights

By ignoring hers?

She doesn't have any in this case, at least not in the manner you think she does.

You got it right!

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Had she done this, she could have asserted her right to “reasonable accommodations” of her religious beliefs. Issuing licenses to gays would consume an insignificant amount of her work schedule. Her county has a population of around 23,000. Many of these are children and only about 5% of the adult population is gay. I don't know what the marriage rate is for gays but I do know that not all gays want to get married. I doubt that even 100 gay couples would apply for marriage licenses each year so having another person perform this task would not be an undue burden. Further, as the supervisor in her office she had the right to assign job duties to her employees. Although gay couples had the right to obtain a marriage license, they had no right to have a specific employee provide this service.

The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible. The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

For the record, I spent a good part of my life defending employees against disciplinary actions and enforcing their rights, including “reasonable accommodations” for various conditions including handicaps and religious beliefs. I know what “reasonable accommodations” are and they do not include forcing a government agency to cease performing a statutory duty. Anyone who thinks that forcing gay couples to drive to another county to get a marriage license is a “reasonable accommodation” does not know the law.

There is no way in hell she is going to prevail in this matter. Not only are her actions illegal but if she were allowed allowed to continue her obviously illegal discriminatory practice she could literally bankrupt her county. There will be inevitable lawsuits for which there is no imaginable defense. I wouldn't be surprised if the gay lobby targeted the county for the purpose of filing such lawsuits.

There is no way in hell she is going to prevail in this matter which is a good thing. If she were allowed allowed to continue her obviously discriminatory practice she could literally bankrupt her county. There will be inevitable lawsuits for which there is no imaginable defense. I wouldn't be surprised if the gay lobby targeted the county for the purpose of filing such lawsuits.

To all her supporters: I challenge every one of you to show his/her true faith. She elects do disobey the law to keep her faith. I would respect her a lot more if she kept the law and sacrificed her job to maintain true to her beliefs. If she resigns her position I will send her a check for $1,000. No joke. How about you?
Why is Madonna's brother's opinion newsworthy? lol

He is openly gay, that is why.

And he makes sense.

Does being openly gay make his opinion matter more or the fact that he is Madonna's brother? If I was Ryan Gajewski and my boss told me to write an article about Madonna's brother's opinion I would find the nearest rafter and hung myself from it. Breaking news! lol
Good. But irrelevant to this discussion, regardless how fascinating that is.

Agreed...totally irrelevant. What does Toby Keith's sister have to say about this matter? Inquiring minds want to know!
They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.
They are attempting to make Christianity illegal. They seek to force ppl to renounce their faith, participate in sacrilege, and be imprisoned if they don't. Pigs hate Christianity. Liberty and godliness pose a huge threat to depraved criminals. Just ask nazis and Marxists.

In fairness it seems to me that what the gays want in this issue is a marriage license.

I don't really see it being push to destroy Christianity.

BUT, that leaves the question of whether or not a person can be forced to go against their religious beliefs.

this whole issue should have been left up to the states. The SCOTUS has not right under the COTUS to make law, which clearly they have been doing for some time. There role, as I understand, is to rule on the consittutionality of law, not change the law to fit their opinion. Not to create laws out of sail cloth where no law exist.

Clearly when the court has made law they have made law badly. This is no different. Their ruling in gay marriage was a social statement it was not a ruling on the fact of law.

But it is what we have and until someone can change the COTUS to make this a states issue we are stuck with the decision.
The gays in question could have been married by anyone else. The insistence that people be removed from office and imprisoned for refusing to endorse the homo lobby is absolutely verification of their agenda, which includes closing churches and imprisoning Christians. They make no bones about it. Don't make the mistake of softsoaping and refusing to acknowledge the repeatedly stated purpose of pigs.
She's in jail for violating a court order, that's all. The so-called war on Christianity is a myth that empowers many of you to fight a battle you started losing the minute that the "moral majority" decided to put politics ahead of faith.
SC doesnt write federal law. Davis is actually following Ky law. Also, the state of colorado isn't following federal law in regards to marijuana and no one is being held in contempt. It just shows how lawless this administration is.
They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.
They are attempting to make Christianity illegal. They seek to force ppl to renounce their faith, participate in sacrilege, and be imprisoned if they don't. Pigs hate Christianity. Liberty and godliness pose a huge threat to depraved criminals. Just ask nazis and Marxists.

In fairness it seems to me that what the gays want in this issue is a marriage license.

I don't really see it being push to destroy Christianity.

BUT, that leaves the question of whether or not a person can be forced to go against their religious beliefs.

this whole issue should have been left up to the states. The SCOTUS has not right under the COTUS to make law, which clearly they have been doing for some time. There role, as I understand, is to rule on the consittutionality of law, not change the law to fit their opinion. Not to create laws out of sail cloth where no law exist.

Clearly when the court has made law they have made law badly. This is no different. Their ruling in gay marriage was a social statement it was not a ruling on the fact of law.

But it is what we have and until someone can change the COTUS to make this a states issue we are stuck with the decision.
The gays in question could have been married by anyone else. The insistence that people be removed from office and imprisoned for refusing to endorse the homo lobby is absolutely verification of their agenda, which includes closing churches and imprisoning Christians. They make no bones about it. Don't make the mistake of softsoaping and refusing to acknowledge the repeatedly stated purpose of pigs.

She failed to 'endorse' the law of the land.
They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.

The world is full of people with horrible 'beliefs'.
They aren't sore winners they aren't winners at all. What the gay mafia wanted was for Davis to violate her beliefs and apologize for having them. Until that happens they lose.
They are attempting to make Christianity illegal. They seek to force ppl to renounce their faith, participate in sacrilege, and be imprisoned if they don't. Pigs hate Christianity. Liberty and godliness pose a huge threat to depraved criminals. Just ask nazis and Marxists.

Given her louche, Bristol Palinesque past, I think it entirely reasonable that the sincerity of her conversion be tested...

Roman style.

"Here, Kitty!"
SC doesnt write federal law. Davis is actually following Ky law. Also, the state of colorado isn't following federal law in regards to marijuana and no one is being held in contempt. It just shows how lawless this administration is.
Bullshit argument, if she was somehow ignorant of how zealously the government goes after public officials who violate the constitutionally protected civil rights of citizens she knows now.

The prohibition of marijuana is simply statutory law that has has become increasingly unpopular and clearly not working as intended. Choosing to disregard it on a state level violates no constitutional protection of anyone's rights.
SC doesnt write federal law. Davis is actually following Ky law. Also, the state of colorado isn't following federal law in regards to marijuana and no one is being held in contempt. It just shows how lawless this administration is.

Maybe you should file a lawsuit against the state of colorado......


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