"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Our system must be more zealous about protecting civil rights than social conservatives are about violating them.
I thought liberals felt our prisons are overcrowded with non violent offenders?
Public officials violating the constitutionally protected civil rights of citizens deserves a response up to and including imprisonment every time. Last time I checked most of the non-violent offenders in jail violated statutory law, not the constitution.
Shuddup, fascist pig. Don't wrap the Christian Constitution in your filthy, lying rhetoric.
In fairness it seems to me that what the gays want in this issue is a marriage license.

I don't really see it being push to destroy Christianity.

BUT, that leaves the question of whether or not a person can be forced to go against their religious beliefs.

this whole issue should have been left up to the states. The SCOTUS has not right under the COTUS to make law, which clearly they have been doing for some time. There role, as I understand, is to rule on the consittutionality of law, not change the law to fit their opinion. Not to create laws out of sail cloth where no law exist.

Clearly when the court has made law they have made law badly. This is no different. Their ruling in gay marriage was a social statement it was not a ruling on the fact of law.

But it is what we have and until someone can change the COTUS to make this a states issue we are stuck with the decision.
The gays in question could have been married by anyone else. The insistence that people be removed from office and imprisoned for refusing to endorse the homo lobby is absolutely verification of their agenda, which includes closing churches and imprisoning Christians. They make no bones about it. Don't make the mistake of softsoaping and refusing to acknowledge the repeatedly stated purpose of pigs.
She's in jail for violating a court order, that's all. The so-called war on Christianity is a myth that empowers many of you to fight a battle you started losing the minute that the "moral majority" decided to put politics ahead of faith.
Don't correct me, fascist. I'm able to correctly analyze things regardless of your anti American, Christian hating nazi rhetoric. My sincerest thanks to God is that scum like you get what you are due.
Oh my, God's love is just flowing from you like the Jordan river this morning.Why would anyone want to join a club that would have someone like you for a member? All this anger from the right has done more to drive people away from Christianity than any other single factor.
Don't worry about it, fascist. That's not your problem.
You are correct in that at least. I am glad that the social conservatives are starting to lose their narrow-minded moralistic death grip on social policy in this country.
Our system must be more zealous about protecting civil rights than social conservatives are about violating them.
I thought liberals felt our prisons are overcrowded with non violent offenders?
Public officials violating the constitutionally protected civil rights of citizens deserves a response up to and including imprisonment every time. Last time I checked most of the non-violent offenders in jail violated statutory law, not the constitution.
Yet when our constitutional right to keep and bear arms comes up liberals seem to whine and make up their own definition.

She doesn't deserve jail for this. Impeach her. But jail? Come on.
They won't impeach her because that is a democratic process that requires a majority vote, and her constituents are 100 percent behind her. The judge addressed this when she was lodged. Activist judge, of course.
The gays in question could have been married by anyone else. The insistence that people be removed from office and imprisoned for refusing to endorse the homo lobby is absolutely verification of their agenda, which includes closing churches and imprisoning Christians. They make no bones about it. Don't make the mistake of softsoaping and refusing to acknowledge the repeatedly stated purpose of pigs.
She's in jail for violating a court order, that's all. The so-called war on Christianity is a myth that empowers many of you to fight a battle you started losing the minute that the "moral majority" decided to put politics ahead of faith.
Don't correct me, fascist. I'm able to correctly analyze things regardless of your anti American, Christian hating nazi rhetoric. My sincerest thanks to God is that scum like you get what you are due.
Oh my, God's love is just flowing from you like the Jordan river this morning.Why would anyone want to join a club that would have someone like you for a member? All this anger from the right has done more to drive people away from Christianity than any other single factor.
Don't worry about it, fascist. That's not your problem.
You are correct in that at least. I am glad that the social conservatives are starting to lose their narrow-minded moralistic death grip on social policy in this country.
If that was true you wouldn't be so hysterical, fascist.
Our system must be more zealous about protecting civil rights than social conservatives are about violating them.
I thought liberals felt our prisons are overcrowded with non violent offenders?
Public officials violating the constitutionally protected civil rights of citizens deserves a response up to and including imprisonment every time. Last time I checked most of the non-violent offenders in jail violated statutory law, not the constitution.
Yet when our constitutional right to keep and bear arms comes up liberals seem to whine and make up their own definition.

She doesn't deserve jail for this. Impeach her. But jail? Come on.
I do not generally support gun control issues so you will not get an argument out of me there. Conservatives often like to say that the law is the law and the law says she goes to jail until she complies with the court order or steps down.
So you maintain Obama should be in jail for ignoring the law and advising those under him to ignore it as well? When criminals are in charge, laws mean nothing and are often illegal.

Oh, Obama should be absolutely in jail for ignoring the law and refusing to prosecute the torturing Bu$h junta criminals and banking maffia (also for sponsoring terrorists, executing people without proces etc. etc.).

But he's the pretzeldent, not some nutty county clerk and he can ignore the law while you religious bigots can't.

I know, that's unfair and it sucks.

I guess you're only hope is to get Huckabee or Santorum in the oval office but your chances are........ well..not entirely zero but close.

She's in jail for violating a court order, that's all. The so-called war on Christianity is a myth that empowers many of you to fight a battle you started losing the minute that the "moral majority" decided to put politics ahead of faith.
Don't correct me, fascist. I'm able to correctly analyze things regardless of your anti American, Christian hating nazi rhetoric. My sincerest thanks to God is that scum like you get what you are due.
Oh my, God's love is just flowing from you like the Jordan river this morning.Why would anyone want to join a club that would have someone like you for a member? All this anger from the right has done more to drive people away from Christianity than any other single factor.
Don't worry about it, fascist. That's not your problem.
You are correct in that at least. I am glad that the social conservatives are starting to lose their narrow-minded moralistic death grip on social policy in this country.
If that was true you wouldn't be so hysterical, fascist.
It is true, you see it as a "War on Jesus" when it is really just popular opinion turning against your sick, sad cult of wrath. Remember wrath? It's one of the 7 deadly sins but you people see it as a virtue, a clear perversion of Christ's message.
At that time, every state in the union would decline to issue a marriage license to a gay couple. That's your conception of a "theocracy."

Eh no, at the time they refused to issue licences to gay couples because the supreme court hadn't ruled on the issue yet.

In a theocracy the supreme court would have interpreted the bible instead of the constitution.

Difficult concept, I know.

At that time, every state in the union would decline to issue a marriage license to a gay couple. That's your conception of a "theocracy."

Eh no, at the time they refused to issue licences to gay couples because the supreme court hadn't ruled on the issue yet.

In a theocracy the supreme court would have interpreted the bible instead of the constitution.

Difficult concept, I know.


In other words, exactly what I said. If the Supreme Court had ruled the other way would it then not be a theocracy? NO, you would be spouting the exact same nonsense.
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man.

Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law before he added: "But why should she when DOJ and other civil authorities don't follow federal law when they choose not to, i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) come to mind...or the abstract notion of 'sanctuary cities.' I always thought that sanctuary was the province of churches."

Madonna's Brother Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," he continued. "Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion? Or must we destroy her in order for her to betray her faith. No matter how we judge, it's truth. The rights we have all fought for, mean nothing, if we deny her hers."
"Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law..." and that kiddos is where the argument ends. She is her own jailer for refusing the religious accommodation that could be made for her and I'm perfectly happy with the fact that her fat ass is sitting in jail. Maybe she will learn this while there:

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man....

You Taliban wannabees can cite all the the "logic" you want but gay marriage is still legal and loony christian clerks won't be able to turn the country into a theocracy.

The "Taliban" here appear to be the gay activists who want to smash any opposition to their gay agenda.
Equality is not being the Taliban, standing in the way of it is...
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man....

You Taliban wannabees can cite all the the "logic" you want but gay marriage is still legal and loony christian clerks won't be able to turn the country into a theocracy.

The "Taliban" here appear to be the gay activists who want to smash any opposition to their gay agenda.
Tell me, what is the "gay agenda"
In this case it's being treated as equals by people who will never, ever, believe such a thing...
In other words, exactly what I said. If the Supreme Court had ruled the other way would it then not be a theocracy? NO, you would be spouting the exact same nonsense.

Eh no, if the supreme court had ruled the other way and used the bible as argumentation then you would have a theocracy.

But don't worry about it, gay marriage is legal and you don't live in a theocracy. That's all you need to know.

Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man....

You Taliban wannabees can cite all the the "logic" you want but gay marriage is still legal and loony christian clerks won't be able to turn the country into a theocracy.

The "Taliban" here appear to be the gay activists who want to smash any opposition to their gay agenda.
Just a reminder: The Taliban are a religious group that seeks to impose their narrow scriptural form of morality on secular society, the only difference between their social restrictions and those the christian right want is only a matter of degree.
Our system must be more zealous about protecting civil rights than social conservatives are about violating them.

You are not protecting Civil Rights by destroying the life of someone who has different views than you do.

Intolerance = Protection
Slavery = Freedom
Warm = Peace
In other words, exactly what I said. If the Supreme Court had ruled the other way would it then not be a theocracy? NO, you would be spouting the exact same nonsense.

Eh no, if the supreme court had ruled the other way and used the bible as argumentation then you would have a theocracy.

But don't worry about it, gay marriage is legal and you don't live in a theocracy. That's all you need to know.


Oh, we do live in a Theocracy. The Left has imposed a Secular State Religion, and forms mobs to destroy Infidels.

That's the world you have wrought.

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