Once again the Jews outsmart the Arabs


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The secret weapon of the Jews is their intelligence(Not so secret to the more astute) from the time of their War for Independence we see time and again how they outmanuever and make Arabs look so ridiculous and inept.

I give Jehovah the credit. However there is a time in the future when the Jews get so full of themselves that God withdraws His favor except for a small remnant He protects from the soon to come AntiChrist.

Give God the glory before He takes His Glory away.
Yes, the smart jews have used the victimization card to exploit their hate to no end- being the "chosen" they are granted asylum from criminal action lest one be referred to as anti-semite - which like the term racist is over-used and absolutely a victimization card at play-
Yes, God says to love one another with death.
We are told how to live. We don't. Everything is to degree. And we compare whoever does not follow it even if the degrees are far apart. The real issue is the cost. And there is no utopia currently and none is on the horizon. We see the costs rise in the nations with social programs including us. And it is getting higher and higher. If you believe that the rich will cover all the expenses you are wrong. However we can change our currency. That may help a bit. But the elites that own it won't like it. And that would mean we would be a sovereign nation again and you want a globalist government.
The secret weapon of the Jews is their intelligence(Not so secret to the more astute) from the time of their War for Independence we see time and again how they outmanuever and make Arabs look so ridiculous and inept.

The Jews of Israel have a not-so secret weapon, and it's $4 billion a year (enough to pay for free healthcare for 1.4 million Americans). When densely-packed apartment buildings in Gaza City get blown to bit using bombs and missiles fired from aircraft manufactured in California and Texas, it's another reminder that Israel's ethnic cleansing is brought to you by America.

"MAY 14, 2021

End Military Support to Israel"​

Yes, God says to love one another with death.

The secret weapon of the Jews is their intelligence(Not so secret to the more astute) from the time of their War for Independence we see time and again how they outmanuever and make Arabs look so ridiculous and inept.

The Jews of Israel have a not-so secret weapon, and it's $4 billion a year (enough to pay for free healthcare for 1.4 million Americans). When densely-packed apartment buildings in Gaza City get blown to bit using bombs and missiles fired from aircraft manufactured in California and Texas, it's another reminder that Israel's ethnic cleansing is brought to you by America.

"MAY 14, 2021

End Military Support to Israel"​

This type of thread always makes the lefty Jew-haters break cover. LOL!

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