Once And For All, J6 Is The Result Of Democrat, Big Govt, Federal/Local Capitol Police Failure.

Tucker Carlson is fake news. We have not learned any facts as Carlson has not provided any. He is putting out propaganda.
Lol. I don’t like Tucker but unless you can prove the videos he showed are fake, you need to wake the fuck up.
Again, what do you f*ing not u derstand about if those people had not attacked the Capital breaching police lines, no broken windows, no violence - none of it would have eve happened?!

Again, You are proving to be ignorant as f*

Democrats, Federal agencies, and fedetal / local law enforcement were tasked with preventing J6 - not letting tbe protestors ever get a chance to do what they did - THAT WAS THEIR JOB.

As I pointed out, it took 72 hours to put up 1.7 miles of security fencing around the WH.

Democrats, federal agencoes, and federal and local law enforcement spent MONTHS doing everything but putting up the secutity fencing

The security fencing is not some flimsy barriers that can be easily moved or torn down.

Had they done so - had they spent 72 hours or less putting up security fencing around the Capitol - protestors would not have been able to get anywhere close to the Capitol.

No one would have attacked the Capitol,
No one would have broken police lines
No one would have broken windows,
No one would have breached the Capitol
No one would have been escorted to tbe Senate.

It was the job of Democrats, federal agencies, and federal and local law enforcement to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

- NO!


Donald J. Trump summoned, incited and aimed a mob of rabid unthinking supporters to assault the Congress of the United States...

Thank you for that lovely, highly emitional, completely insubstantiated, TDS-suffering, OPINIONATED rant....but your EMOTIONS and FEELINGS have nothing ro do with tbe FACTS.

Unless you can produce direct evidence US AG Garland, his DOJ, the FBI, and the J6 Committee could not, your psychotic Trump-hating,'Nuh-Uh' is duly noted.
Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Pfft. Time to put on your big boy pants and take ownership of your radicals. You fed them a careful diet of of grievances, led them with lies, fertilized with bullshit and now want to point fingers everywhere else. Their actions are 100% on you (general you), you lost an election, attempted to steal it through violence, whine about fake political prisoners, and are completely incapable of accepting any responsibility.
Yep. It's called "plausible deniability". And here you are, on cue, denying. Shocking.


I - like the DOJ, FBI, & J6 Committee - have no direct evidence of Trump involvement.

BTW, YOU are the one who told tbe Capitol Police to open the doors for protestors. The fact that there is no evidence to prove this is direct evidence of your -plausible drniability'.

Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

The Party of "Personal Responsibility"

As long as the people responsible aren't them.

Pfft. Time to put on your big boy pants and take ownership of your radicals.

You're an ignorant f*tard.

1. Your childish insult / accusation is pathetic - they aren't 'my' radicals, dumbass.

2. Not once have I said the J6 protestors are NOT responsible for their own actions. They are.

I pointed out that the Democrats, federal agencies, federal / local law enforcement and Capitol Police FAILED TO DO THEIR JOB - PREVENT J6 AND PROTECT THE CAPITOL.

Had they done so there would not have been any J6 violence or Capitol breech.

I can admit all day long the protestors are responsible for their own actions, but not one of you ignorant f*tards can admit the Democrats, federal agencies, federal / local law enforcement and Capitol Police FAILED TO DO THEIR JOB - PREVENT J6 AND PROTECT THE CAPITOL.
You're way to stupid to translate, much less understand, my posts.

Go fuck your partisan self.

The surface plans failed but the deeper plan worked just the way they wanted it to.
They needed an emergency to suspend the ordinary rules for motions & go for the straight vote while providing cover so the RINOs that promised to stand for election integrity could side with the coup with MSM cover.
The motions of investigation some members were going to present wasn't going to be allowed at any cost so the fedsurrection was set in motion to provide an emergency situation color of law & the BS about saving our democracy.

It was a coup & the security failures were done on purpose.
Like that CPD officer said on video, they set the cops up along with the protestors.

Nobody believes that "insurrection" BS except the bed wetters & dim witted
See the thread "When Ideology Becomes Theology" for more information on looniness.
The Party of "Personal Responsibility"

As long as the people responsible aren't them.


Democrats, federal agencies, federal / local law enforcement, and Capitol Police were RESPONSIBLE for preventing J6 and protecting the Capitol, hypocriticsl f*tard.

Where is your acceptance of the fact they failed to do so?
Liberal f*tards seem to believe that only 1 statement can be true - either protestors are responsible for the violence on J6 OR democrats, federal agencies, federal / local law enforcemnent, and Capitol Police failed in their responsibility to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.

Apparently they are too stupid to see both can be and are true.

Democrats, federal agencies, federal / local law enforcement, and Capitol Police were RESPONSIBLE for preventing J6 and protecting the Capitol, hypocriticsl f*tard.

Where is your acceptance of the fact they failed to do so?
Let's see if I can remember one of the snips you guys use to defend guns...

Oh yeah

"The police aren't there to protect you."

Where is the responsibility of the TRUMPINISTA
for obeying the law?
For folling LE instruction?

In your mind the police are at fault for
Bank robberies

Because they weren't there to stop them.

As noted.
The party of "personal responsibility" as long as they're not responsible.
Liberal f*tards seem to believe that only 1 statement can be true - either protestors are responsible for the violence on J6 OR democrats, federal agencies, federal / local law enforcemnent, and Capitol Police failed in their responsibility to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.

Apparently they are too stupid to see both can be and are true.

Let's see if I can remember one of the snips you guys use to defend guns...

Oh yeah

"The police aren't there to protect you."

Where is the responsibility of the TRUMPINISTA
for obeying the law?
For folling LE instruction?

In your mind the police are at fault for
Bank robberies

Because they weren't there to stop them.

As noted.
The party of "personal responsibility" as long as they're not responsible.
That's a lot of bulkshit coming from the 'Defund the police' crowd & has very little, if anything, to do with this thread topic.

Again asshole, what don’t you understand about had the proper security protocols been followed this wouldn’t have happened?

Yes your honor, we robbed the bank, but they only had one guard on duty and my gang was able to easily overwhelm him. Had the bank hired sufficient security to protect the bank, we wouldn't have been successful. It's the bank's fault it was robbed. Their security was inadequate.
Liberal f*tards seem to believe that only 1 statement can be true - either protestors are responsible for the violence on J6 OR democrats, federal agencies, federal / local law enforcemnent, and Capitol Police failed in their responsibility to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.

Apparently they are too stupid to see both can be and are true.


Bullshit. Donald Trump and his supporters whipped up the mob and sent them to the Capitol to stop the certification. There were no Democrats or federal agencies involved other than members of the Trump Administration.

Apparently you're too stupid to admit the facts. We watched it all on TV.
Unless you can produce direct evidence US AG Garland, his DOJ, the FBI, and the J6 Committee could not, your psychotic Trump-hating,'Nuh-Uh' is duly noted.
What delusional world do you live in? Hundreds of people have been convicted, many on felony charges. Evidently some evidence was presented. Damn what a dumbass.

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