Once And For All, J6 Is The Result Of Democrat, Big Govt, Federal/Local Capitol Police Failure.

Again, what do you f*ing not u derstand about if there had been a fence up thete would have been no protestors on Capitol grounds, no broken windows, no violence - none of it would have eve of it would have eve happened?

Again, what do you f*ing not u derstand about if those people had not attacked the Capital breaching police lines, no broken windows, no violence - none of it would have eve happened?!

How many government buildings have you attacked simply because they were not protected by a fence from you when you were pissed off about something real or imagined?

If herd stampede psychology is in play, the regular rules don't apply? I disagree!

“It’s the Democrats’ fault that conservatives stormed the Capitol and attacked police officers!”
The surface plans failed but the deeper plan worked just the way they wanted it to.
They needed an emergency to suspend the ordinary rules for motions & go for the straight vote while providing cover so the RINOs that promised to stand for election integrity could side with the coup with MSM cover.
The motions of investigation some members were going to present wasn't going to be allowed at any cost so the fedsurrection was set in motion to provide an emergency situation color of law & the BS about saving our democracy.

It was a coup & the security failures were done on purpose.
Like that CPD officer said on video, they set the cops up along with the protestors.

Nobody believes that "insurrection" BS except the bed wetters & dim witted

I have no idea what that word salad is supposed to mean, but you sure are triggered.

"Bed wetters" are the Trump Cult members who cry "witch hunt" every time someone goes to jail for doing what Trump told him to do. You remind me of my mother defending her favourite hockey player, Eddie Shack. Clear the track, here comes Shack, He knocks them down and he gives them a whack. Dirtiest player in the NHL. Every time Eddie was sent to the penalty box, my mother would say "Aw ref, he didn't mean to do it."

January 6th was an insurrection. Even the participants who helped organize it said that was their intention. To take over the government. They're all pleading guilty, or being found guilty. You cannot deny these facts, but you keep trying to make the rest of us believe your fairy stories.
Are all right-wingnuts as F*ing stupid as you?
What do you not understand about individual people are responsible for their own breaches of law, breaches of the peace, violence carried out against the Capital of the United States.

Nothing those official did or didn't do, releases those wayward citizens (many who have admitted guilt, been shown on video) from being responsible for their own actions.

Is that too hard for your feeble partisan brain to comprehend?
Are all lefturd mods stupid fucking troll assholes like you snowflake? What do you not understand about a deliberate act of ensuring that adequate security wasn’t present? Goaded on by FBI plants and other agitators. Funny you weren’t so upset when you assholes burned DC when Trump won. But your feeble little partisan brain can’t process that due your TDS.
Are all lefturd mods stupid fucking troll assholes like you snowflake? What do you not understand about a deliberate act of ensuring that adequate security wasn’t present? Goaded on by FBI plants and other agitators. Funny you weren’t so upset when you assholes burned DC when Trump won. But your feeble little partisan brain can’t process that due your TDS.
Yes your honor, I broke into the house and stole all their shit, but it is not my fault, the homeowner didn't have a deadbolt lock.
Again, what do you f*ing not u derstand about if those people had not attacked the Capital breaching police lines, no broken windows, no violence - none of it would have eve happened?!

How many government buildings have you attacked simply because they were not protected by a fence from you when you were pissed off about something real or imagined?

If herd stampede psychology is in play, the regular rules don't apply? I disagree!

Again asshole, what don’t you understand about had the proper security protocols been followed this wouldn’t have happened?
Yes your honor, I broke into the house and stole all their shit, but it is not my fault, the homeowner didn't have a deadbolt lock.
Whatever the hell you’re babbling about it has nothing to do with this. He didn’t “break in” anywhere. He was escorted around the building and let into every place they went. He didn’t steal anything either. Tell your counselor to up your meds.
How did Trump “incite a riot”? He didn’t. He stated to peacefully protest. Next lie...
Of course, of course.

Jan. 6th was just political brinksmanship. Trump was counting on police and security to shutdown his protestors with oppressive force, to further feed the Trumpster victim narrative. The DC establishment, however, wanted to embarrass Trump, so they decided to ropey-dope the response and let the Trump supporters drop trow on the national stage.
Of course, of course.

Jan. 6th was just political brinksmanship. Trump was counting on police and security to shutdown his protestors with oppressive force, to further feed the Trumpster victim narrative.

....except Trump asked Aneticans attending his speech to walk peacefully to the Capitol to support tbeir Republican Reps...

...except Trump NEVER told abyone to rngage in violence - just tve opposite.

You ignorant f*s continue to lie and parrot the lies you were fed.

You are claiming / insinuating things the DOJ & J6 Committee cold not / failed to prove.

....except Trump asked Aneticans attending his speech to walk peacefully to the Capitol to support tbeir Republican Reps...
Yep. It's called "plausible deniability". And here you are, on cue, denying. Shocking.
You are claiming / insinuating things the DOJ & J6 Committee cold not / failed to prove.
No, I'm not. I'm as offended by the response, and the political theater that followed, as I am by Trumpster idiocy.

I know it's incredibly hard for some of you to understand, but I think both of your "sides" suck ass. The only way America wins is if both Democrats and Republicans lose.
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Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!


Donald J. Trump summoned, incited and aimed a mob of rabid unthinking supporters to assault the Congress of the United States...

The right-wing Insurrection of January 6, 2021, was the fault of Donald J. Trump and his lieutenants and some of his family and his minions...

Although there is fault to be found with Pelosi and the Capitol Police for their failures in defense of the Capitol Building and Congress...

America has not lost sight of who summoned, incited and aimed that traitorous crowd, both explicitly and by proxy... vile, traitorous behavior...

Both the Lord God and History will lay the blame for the January 6, 2021 abrogation of a Peaceful Transfer of Power squarely at Trump's feet...

Where it belongs.
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Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

All of these federal agencies were under the control of Trump. That is his failure. When Stephen Miller discussed National Guard troops, they were talking about using them for crowd control not to defend the capitol. Neither Pelosi nor the sergeant at arms are responsible for security at the capitol. McConnell was the majority leader and he appointed the sergeant at arms in the Senate. There was absolutely no reason to expect this to happen. It was Trump who incited the crowd and his cabinet agreed with that assessment. That is why they resigned en masse.

You are the one engaging in propaganda.

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