Once And For All, J6 Is The Result Of Democrat, Big Govt, Federal/Local Capitol Police Failure.

So, your opinion is, those people were not responsible for their actions?

Are all snowflakes as f*ing stupid as you?

What do you NOT understand about the fact that Pelosi, Schumer, the DC Mayor, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and the Capitol Police failing to prevent J6 and failing to prote t the Capitol?

What do you NOT understand about the fact that if the above had spent 72 hours putting up the fencing instead of wasting months and money J6 woyld never have happened?

Is that too hard for your feeble partisan brain to comprehend?
Or the CHP would just remove the fence.
That would be a long drive for the California Highway Patrol. Erik Estrada says Hi.
Are all snowflakes as f*ing stupid as you?

What do you NOT understand about the fact that Pelosi, Schumer, the DC Mayor, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and the Capitol Police failing to prevent J6 and failing to prote t the Capitol?

What do you NOT understand about the fact that if the above had spent 72 hours putting up the fencing instead of wasting months and money J6 woyld never have happened?

Is that too hard for your feeble partisan brain to comprehend?
Are all right-wingnuts as F*ing stupid as you?
What do you not understand about individual people are responsible for their own breaches of law, breaches of the peace, violence carried out against the Capital of the United States.

Nothing those official did or didn't do, releases those wayward citizens (many who have admitted guilt, been shown on video) from being responsible for their own actions.

Is that too hard for your feeble partisan brain to comprehend?
Are all right-wingnuts as F*ing stupid as you?
What do you not understand about individual people are responsible for their own breaches of law, breaches of the peace, violence carried out against the Capital of the United States.

Nothing those official did or didn't do, releases those wayward citizens (many who have admitted guilt, been shown on video) from being responsible for their own actions.

Is that too hard for your feeble partisan brain to comprehend?
For being such a nothing burger, the Insurrection sure does have them triggered.
So the people don't care about it... its a political hammer only but no one cares...
Democrats / snowflakes always try to move on from their candals, treason, and crime by saying 'no one cares'.
Are all right-wingnuts as F*ing stupid as you?
What do you not understand about individual people are responsible for their own breaches of law, breaches of the peace, violence carried out against the Capital of the United States.

Nothing those official did or didn't do, releases those wayward citizens (many who have admitted guilt, been shown on video) from being responsible for their own actions.

Is that too hard for your feeble partisan brain to comprehend?
Again, what do you f*ing not u derstand about if there had been a fence up thete would have been no protestors on Capitol grounds, no broken windows, no violence - none of it would have eve happened?!

We know security fencing has successfully been used in the past.

We know MONTHS of recruiting, infiltrating, spying, scheming, planning, and executing cocamamie plans by tbe FBI, ATF, DHS, and others FAILED.

We know THEY failed.

We know they never even considered using the security fencing.

We know despite them failing to prevent J6 and failing to protect the Capitol:

Snowflakes are trying to claim they had nothing to do with the J6 violence - despite video showing the Capitol Police starting the violence without warning

Snowflakes claim they did NOT fail to protect the Capitol, despite Capitol Police being shown opening the doors and escorting protestors through the Capitol.

Securiry fencing had been used before without anyone ever trying to tear it down.

The 'what if's are humorous / conspiracy theory....
There is video of the CHP removing the fencing allowing people in. Did you not see that?

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