Once the Republicans sweep Congress, will the cancel culture finally stop?

So are we back to saying it wasn't a riot and that Antifa and the FBI didn't cause all of this to make Trumpers look bad??

I wish you folks make your mind up........

View attachment 584945
I'm back to saying it was never intended to be a riot that you wish was true. Due to some individuals like Viking head guy, the Fake News bots like yourself continue to portray this wrong. Hence why nothing will happen to President Trump like you fantasize about. So, continue to keep being the carnival barker for your Fake News that continues throwing red meat. Do I have to repeat myself? It's becoming redundant now.
Reading posts, here, from radical right throughout 2020,
Saying Biden, in the basement, can’t compete.
Here are more predictions to look back on from 2025. While Biden remains in the White House. With his Veto, that he won’t need because republicans forgot how to write a bill.
Let's remember also that the GOP couldn't be bothered to even bring forward a party platform in 2020.

So this rigged democrat committee wants to lock these so called "insurrectionists" up?
What is the legal definition of insurrection?

insurrection n. : the act or an instance of revolting esp. violently against civil or political authority or against an established government. ;also.

so what tramp told you to do, he is no longer Potus, he's a loser. Also it was definitely planned.
Unless we elect a slew of "New Right" candidates, nothing will change. Republicans for the past ~20 years have been nothing more than speed bumps to the leftist agenda. They're too chicken shit to push back.
I noticed you are posting pics of people who didn't storm the Capitol...

You know, like this guy....

Oh look you showed some individuals who do not define the purpose for the peaceful protest that was intended. Now show me Viking head guy who had to be a crisis actor.
What is the legal definition of insurrection?

insurrection n. : the act or an instance of revolting esp. violently against civil or political authority or against an established government. ;also.

so what tramp told you to do, he is no longer Potus, he's a loser. Also it was definitely planned.
LOL dumb ass, you just proved my point dumb ass. Here is the actual insurrection... "the act or an instance of revolting esp. violently against CIVIL"

Thanks for posting the definition so I can show you a great example.
LOL dumb ass, you just proved my point dumb ass. Here is the actual insurrection... "the act or an instance of revolting esp. violently against CIVIL"

Thanks for posting the definition so I can show you a great example.
that's exactly what you did. violent insurrection.

You forgot the part:

violently against civil or political authority or against an established government.
I'm back to saying it was never intended to be a riot that you wish was true. Due to some individuals like Viking head guy, the Fake News bots like yourself continue to portray this wrong. Hence why nothing will happen to President Trump like you fantasize about. So, continue to keep being the carnival barker for your Fake News that continues throwing red meat. Do I have to repeat myself? It's becoming redundant now.
I already know nothing will happen to Trump....

However, I don't make 8888 posts on here talking about Trump going to jail like you dic suckers did about Obama, Clinton, etc.....

But as far as fake news....I am only repeating what Trump's own son said....


Why was Trump's own son acting like a little girl and begging his daddy to stop it?? Like you said, it wasn't even a riot or anything..in fact, it was an awesome patriotic thing...

And what's up with Laura and the other Fox guys texting Trump stuff like this??

Why did these folks think this glorious show of patriotism on January 6th was destroying everything he accomplished??
that's exactly what you did. violent insurrection.

You forgot the part: violently against civil or political authority or against an established government.
Are you too slow to comprehend why I made the word "civil" bold. Let me dumb it down for you. The police are categorized with this as "civil authority". Their police station was burned down while a city was going through unrest. All due to anarchy that was encouraged by insurrectionists.
Oh look you showed some individuals who do not define the purpose for the peaceful protest that was intended. Now show me Viking head guy who had to be a crisis actor.
Maybe the nuns were crisis actors too??

Do you understand how pathetic it makes you look to just call anyone who doesn't fit your delusion -- a crisis actor.....
Are you too slow to comprehend why I made the word "civil" bold. Let me dumb it down for you. The police are categorized with this as "civil authority". Their police station was burned down while a city was going through unrest. All due to anarchy that was encouraged by insurrectionists.
It was a violent insurrection that the right wing did on Jan 6th , 2021.
Maybe the nuns were crisis actors too??

Do you understand how pathetic it makes you look to just call anyone who doesn't fit your delusion -- a crisis actor.....
So you prefer to generalize some individuals like Viking head guy as a whole huh? I get it, you wont comprehend the different
It was a violent insurrection that the right wing did on Jan 6th , 2021.

Does she look violent to you? LMAO
So you prefer to generalize some individuals like Viking head guy as a whole huh? I get it, you wont comprehend the different


Does she look violent to you? LMAO
Look bro, I already know that 99% of your schtik is just saying shit just to be saying it -- even tho you don't believe it....because in your lame circles, just saying goofy shit for the sake of it, is cool....

But the fact remains.....

None of the folks who stormed the Capitol because they thought that was what Trump wanted -- are getting a single PENNY from him when it comes to their legal bills...

"Mr. President, you've been in charge of the law for four years," he added. "At the end of your four year time, the only ones locked up were men like me, and others like me, that have stood by the president the strongest."

Look bro, I already know that 99% of your schtik is just saying shit just to be saying it -- even tho you don't believe it....because in your lame circles, just saying goofy shit for the sake of it, is cool....

But the fact remains.....

None of the folks who stormed the Capitol because they thought that was what Trump wanted -- are getting a single PENNY from him when it comes to their legal bills...

"Mr. President, you've been in charge of the law for four years," he added. "At the end of your four year time, the only ones locked up were men like me, and others like me, that have stood by the president the strongest."

Yawn... deflecting the question yet again. Let me repeat myself because that is what it takes for Trump Haters to comprehend. Some individuals like Viking head guy does not define an "insurrection". You cannot generalize the whole crowd of being that, when majority were there to peacefully protest. Which they in fact did and are wasting time and tax payer money on this rigged committee.

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