One America News Looses Last Major American Television Platform After Being Dropped By Verizon.

I've never watched this network though I have heard of it. In fairness, if the far right is denied access to air transmission, how is crazy far-left MSNBC still on the air?

I am willing to wager that in China and Russia if citizens could watch and understand MSNBC they'd say "those people are crazy". They certainly represent the most unreasonable and dishonest of the left.
What is really sad is that just like China and Russia we are being told what we can watch and what we cannot. And what can be said and not said. We are no longer a free nation. And it is going to get much much worse...
Wisconsin Probe Found, "Absolutely No" Election Fraud.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin judge said Thursday that a Republican-ordered, taxpayer-funded investigation into the 2020 election found “absolutely no evidence of election fraud,” but did reveal contempt for the state’s open records law by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and a former state Supreme Court justice he hired.

Dane County Circuit Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn awarded about $98,000 in attorneys’ fees to the liberal watchdog group American Oversight, bringing an end in circuit court to one of four lawsuits the group filed. Vos’s attorney, Ron Stadler, said he was recommending that Vos appeal the ruling.

The fees will be paid by taxpayers, which is why the judge said she was not also awarding additional punitive damages against Vos. Costs to taxpayers for the investigation, including ongoing legal fees, have exceeded $1 million.

One of the host of problem OAN and Reich Wing Propaganda sites have is amazingly simple. No Proof of a damn thing. When Verizon and DirectTV cut OAN from their lineup, it was because few people believe that lie about Election Fraud/Rigged Election. Viewship drives the market for major Television Platforms. As viewship drops, market share drops. As market share drops, decision are made. Verizon made their decision based on market share. Good for them.
I've never watched this network though I have heard of it. In fairness, if the far right is denied access to air transmission, how is crazy far-left MSNBC still on the air?

I am willing to wager that in China and Russia if citizens could watch and understand MSNBC they'd say "those people are crazy". They certainly represent the most unreasonable and dishonest of the left.
Oan and MSNBC were never on the same playing field.

Now go brush your mustache.
Verizon Has Announced That It Will No Longer Carry One America News (OAN) At The End of This Month (July), Dealing A Major Blow To The Far-Right Network That Become A Hotbed of Disinformation.

This means that Traitor Propaganda Network has lost its last major American Television Platform, DirectTV dropped OAN in April of this year.

Maybe that shit show can find a way to broadcast on the Home Shopping Network.
You mean a network that can't seem to stop lying (see: Alex Jones) got deplatformed?!?

Magaturds see this as an attack on free speech. Normal people know it's capitalism regulating itself, and it's a beautiful thing. Magaturds love capitalism, remember?
This is the best he's got!

That's the American "education" system for ya, folks.

No, that is what you people like to call, "The Free Market", deciding that carrying a losing network means revenue loss.

Television Programing is based on Market Share. Phony Owny was NOT getting a good share of the Market. Low rating equals low Market Share equal Phony Owny being dropped.

Market Share for MAGA Turd Heads is nowhere as big as their delusions would tell them. Take look at the much advertised Bedminster Golf Turny and Ivana grave site in Jersey. They were selling ticket for one fucking dollar. Tiger Woods turned down a chance to play in Saudi Blood Money backed event, he was offered between $700,000,000 and $800,000,000 to just show up and play.

Phony Owny is losing market share because of low viewership.

I'm loving it.
No, that is what you people like to call, "The Free Market", deciding that carrying a losing network means revenue loss.

Television Programing is based on Market Share. Phony Owny was NOT getting a good share of the Market. Low rating equals low Market Share equal Phony Owny being dropped.

Market Share for MAGA Turd Heads is nowhere as big as their delusions would tell them. Take look at the much advertised Bedminster Golf Turny and Ivana grave site in Jersey. They were selling ticket for one fucking dollar. Tiger Woods turned down a chance to play in Saudi Blood Money backed event, he was offered between $700,000,000 and $800,000,000 to just show up and play.

Phony Owny is losing market share because of low viewership.

I'm loving it.
Lefty trolls don't understand that they are denigrating all media broadcasts. Once people lose faith in their credibility, they start relying on rumors and alleged conspiracies. Isn't it better to prove a conspiracy theory wrong than to try to silence it?
Lefty trolls don't understand that they are denigrating all media broadcasts. Once people lose faith in their credibility, they start relying on rumors and alleged conspiracies. Isn't it better to prove a conspiracy theory wrong than to try to silence it?
When did you ever meet a leftist who was intelligent enough to figure that out? They are content to be narcissistic children who are nothing but TV speakers on full volume.

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