One American Muslim’s reflection on the 4th of July celebration

\Charging people with "crimes" they haven't committed is what makes someone into a martyr for their cause. Is that is what you are trying to accomplish here?

I'm just putting in my two cents, forgive me.

I was never very good at pretense or ignoring the elephant in the room.

How do you get past the violence advocated in the Koran, the abuse of women, anti-Semitism, and that 6 year old bride however nice or patriotic any given devout Muslim may be ?

So let's put what you are advocating into a slightly different context.

According to the standard that you are applying to all Muslims 100% of all white Americans alive today must be held accountable for the atrocities that occurred during the hundreds of years of slavery in this nation. They must also be held accountable for the genocide of the native American Indians too. All of the rapes, murders, torture, slaughter of women and children must be held against them simply because of being an American today.

According to you there is no way to "get past" the violent history of the USA no matter "however nice or patriotic any given" American might be.

Does that put this into perspective for you?

Yes, that helps me understand your objection but the supposition is false. The violent history of the past and the religious basis for those atrocities has been universally condemned and discredited by Americans in the present. There is no atrocities related to slavery or against native Americans sanctioned by the people alive today whereas In Islam such atrocities are not only being committed on a daily basis against the innocent, the official fundamental teaching based on the Koran to maim and kill is encouraged.

Lets say I was born and raised in the Catholic church. If at some point in my life I became aware of the atrocities of the past and realized they were based on teachings derived from scripture that is still being taught and encouraged to this day I would face a moral dilemma to either remain Catholic or rise out of that grave and become something else.

If I continued to remain Catholic wouldn't I be making a deliberate choice to disregard that knowledge and support the teachings that I know have been responsible for evil in the past, evil occurring to this day, and evil bound to happen in the future if such teaching is not extirpated by people of higher intelligence and integrity?

If you read the Koran it does sanction a barbaric method of controlling the population based on an extremely perverse view of human sexuality and life on earth.

How can you not see that there is no way to identify oneself as a Muslim without sharing the guilt of all the evil done in the name of Islam based on teaching that is actually there in the Koran that you can read for yourself that is derived from the teachings of a known pedophile, a violent megalomaniac, having auditory and visual hallucinations??
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\Charging people with "crimes" they haven't committed is what makes someone into a martyr for their cause. Is that is what you are trying to accomplish here?

I'm just putting in my two cents, forgive me.

I was never very good at pretense or ignoring the elephant in the room.

How do you get past the violence advocated in the Koran, the abuse of women, anti-Semitism, and that 6 year old bride however nice or patriotic any given devout Muslim may be ?

So let's put what you are advocating into a slightly different context.

According to the standard that you are applying to all Muslims 100% of all white Americans alive today must be held accountable for the atrocities that occurred during the hundreds of years of slavery in this nation. They must also be held accountable for the genocide of the native American Indians too. All of the rapes, murders, torture, slaughter of women and children must be held against them simply because of being an American today.

According to you there is no way to "get past" the violent history of the USA no matter "however nice or patriotic any given" American might be.

Does that put this into perspective for you?

Not even close, the Koran is STILL the Islamic Holy book as are Mohammad's sayings and they advocate violence nothing has changed, there has been no reformation of the Islamic faith. Islam teaches to oppress or kill ALL infidels. The ultimate goal for all Muslims of all branches is complete control of the earth all Government run by Islam and only one religion. Until that is accomplished they can lie to non Muslims to further their ends, they are commanded to rule the world. The two main ways that is to be accomplished is either by assimilation or war. THAT is Islam.
You are aware he advocates that Sharia law be the law of the United States? That he wants a Muslim flag to fly over the Country and he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters?
I am 100% American and 100% Muslim.

I have the same Constitutional rights and voting power as you Sarge.

Deal with it........ :cool:

That is his problem, he can't.

I don't care if he exercises his rights as an American. Go ahead ask him right now if he wants Sharia law to be the law of the US. Ask him now if he wants Islam to be the sole religion of the US.

I linked you to the threads, he advocates that Sharia law be the law of the land, sure he says by amending the Constitution but do you really want Sharia law as our law? His religion REQUIRES he work toward the Government being Islamic That's what he wants. Do you want to be forced to convert or die?

He already posted in other threads that is what he wants.

He wants the Country to be assimilated by Islam. He hopes it happens in HIS life time. Since they can not out breed us that fast how do you think he means for it to happen?
You are aware he advocates that Sharia law be the law of the United States? That he wants a Muslim flag to fly over the Country and he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters?
I am 100% American and 100% Muslim.

I have the same Constitutional rights and voting power as you Sarge.

Deal with it........ :cool:

That is his problem, he can't.

For God's sake READ this thread...
The vast majority of American muslims would totally agree with the OP of this thread.

But you would never know that for the daily barrage of negativity pouring out of the media concerning muslims..

Hmm, maybe you deserve the benefit of the doubt that you haven't heard that Muslims around the globe are killing and maiming people including their own on a daily basis in the name of Islam and openly waging war on Americans and Jews in particular inspired by the teachings from their own mosques??

yeah right.

I'm sure they are all just regular folks too who are just doctors, auto mechanics, school teachers, shop keepers, janitors, dentists, and of course the ubiquitous suicide bombers who only want everyone else dead.

^^ Gullible's Travels ^^

>> Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.”

But perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their &#8220;leftist dhimmi allies&#8221; cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the &#8220;Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times&#8221; narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and &#8220;proves&#8221; the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist! <<

-- All Terrorists Are Muslim --Except for the 94% that Aren't

Never ceases to amaze me that the same voices complaining legitimately about media bias are so quick to take that same bias and run with it when it suits the agenda. The critical eye is more selective than critical.

Much like, when an Eric Rudolph commits political terrorism against abortion clinics and lesbian bars because he sees abortion and homosexuality as immoral, that's a political act by a wacko and certainly not an act of Christianism, but when a band of hijackers drive planes into buildings as political terrorism because they see the US as imperialists, oh suddenly they become "Muslims".

Having it both ways: priceless.
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I'm just putting in my two cents, forgive me.

I was never very good at pretense or ignoring the elephant in the room.

How do you get past the violence advocated in the Koran, the abuse of women, anti-Semitism, and that 6 year old bride however nice or patriotic any given devout Muslim may be ?

So let's put what you are advocating into a slightly different context.

According to the standard that you are applying to all Muslims 100% of all white Americans alive today must be held accountable for the atrocities that occurred during the hundreds of years of slavery in this nation. They must also be held accountable for the genocide of the native American Indians too. All of the rapes, murders, torture, slaughter of women and children must be held against them simply because of being an American today.

According to you there is no way to "get past" the violent history of the USA no matter "however nice or patriotic any given" American might be.

Does that put this into perspective for you?

Yes, that helps me understand your objection but the supposition is false. The violent history of the past and the religious basis for those atrocities has been universally condemned and discredited by Americans in the present. There is no atrocities related to slavery or against native Americans sanctioned by the people alive today whereas In Islam such atrocities are not only being committed on a daily basis against the innocent, the official fundamental teaching based on the Koran to maim and kill is encouraged.

Lets say I was born and raised in the Catholic church. If at some point in my life I became aware of the atrocities of the past and realized they were based on teachings derived from scripture that is still being taught and encouraged to this day I would face a moral dilemma to either remain Catholic or rise out of that grave and become something else.

If I continued to remain Catholic wouldn't I be making a deliberate choice to disregard that knowledge and support the teachings that I know have been responsible for evil in the past, evil occurring to this day, and evil bound to happen in the future if such teaching is not extirpated by people of higher intelligence and integrity?

If you read the Koran it does sanction a barbaric method of controlling the population based on an extremely perverse view of human sexuality and life on earth.

How can you not see that there is no way to identify oneself as a Muslim without sharing the guilt of all the evil done in the name of Islam based on teaching that is actually there in the Koran that you can read for yourself that is derived from the teachings of a known pedophile, a violent megalomaniac, having auditory and visual hallucinations??

The God of your bible sanctions all kinds of barbarism (up to and including the heinous crucifixion of his own son) and has an "extremely perverse view of human sexuality" too. Then there are any number of instances of "auditory and visual hallucinations". Not to mention incest and polygamy and stoning of adulterers.

And yet you still believe in him which means that you share the guilt for the murder of who know how many millions of innocent women and children.

In essence you are no different to Sunniman according to your own standard.
Islamism is no bigger danger for US than the flu. It is a virus and can be easily dealt with comfort and prosperity of the west. It feeds off of poverty and hopelessness. Islam will fade like a drop of water on the sun, once it is in the west. TMost muslims in this country would run back crying if you did put them in an islamic state, for a week. They would run back to their sweet homes and automobiles west provided for them, that they would only be dreaming of if they were living in an inefficient, desperate, doomed to fail islamic state.
So let's put what you are advocating into a slightly different context.

According to the standard that you are applying to all Muslims 100% of all white Americans alive today must be held accountable for the atrocities that occurred during the hundreds of years of slavery in this nation. They must also be held accountable for the genocide of the native American Indians too. All of the rapes, murders, torture, slaughter of women and children must be held against them simply because of being an American today.

According to you there is no way to "get past" the violent history of the USA no matter "however nice or patriotic any given" American might be.

Does that put this into perspective for you?

Yes, that helps me understand your objection but the supposition is false. The violent history of the past and the religious basis for those atrocities has been universally condemned and discredited by Americans in the present. There is no atrocities related to slavery or against native Americans sanctioned by the people alive today whereas In Islam such atrocities are not only being committed on a daily basis against the innocent, the official fundamental teaching based on the Koran to maim and kill is encouraged.

Lets say I was born and raised in the Catholic church. If at some point in my life I became aware of the atrocities of the past and realized they were based on teachings derived from scripture that is still being taught and encouraged to this day I would face a moral dilemma to either remain Catholic or rise out of that grave and become something else.

If I continued to remain Catholic wouldn't I be making a deliberate choice to disregard that knowledge and support the teachings that I know have been responsible for evil in the past, evil occurring to this day, and evil bound to happen in the future if such teaching is not extirpated by people of higher intelligence and integrity?

If you read the Koran it does sanction a barbaric method of controlling the population based on an extremely perverse view of human sexuality and life on earth.

How can you not see that there is no way to identify oneself as a Muslim without sharing the guilt of all the evil done in the name of Islam based on teaching that is actually there in the Koran that you can read for yourself that is derived from the teachings of a known pedophile, a violent megalomaniac, having auditory and visual hallucinations??

The God of your bible sanctions all kinds of barbarism (up to and including the heinous crucifixion of his own son) and has an "extremely perverse view of human sexuality" too. Then there are any number of instances of "auditory and visual hallucinations". Not to mention incest and polygamy and stoning of adulterers.

And yet you still believe in him which means that you share the guilt for the murder of who know how many millions of innocent women and children.

In essence you are no different to Sunniman according to your own standard.

Just going to ignore the reality that Sunni man has called for Sharia law in this Country and argued for it for 18 pages. Gonna ignore he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters. That he advocates for a Muslim flag for the US.
So let's put what you are advocating into a slightly different context.

According to the standard that you are applying to all Muslims 100% of all white Americans alive today must be held accountable for the atrocities that occurred during the hundreds of years of slavery in this nation. They must also be held accountable for the genocide of the native American Indians too. All of the rapes, murders, torture, slaughter of women and children must be held against them simply because of being an American today.

According to you there is no way to "get past" the violent history of the USA no matter "however nice or patriotic any given" American might be.

Does that put this into perspective for you?

Yes, that helps me understand your objection but the supposition is false. The violent history of the past and the religious basis for those atrocities has been universally condemned and discredited by Americans in the present. There is no atrocities related to slavery or against native Americans sanctioned by the people alive today whereas In Islam such atrocities are not only being committed on a daily basis against the innocent, the official fundamental teaching based on the Koran to maim and kill is encouraged.

Lets say I was born and raised in the Catholic church. If at some point in my life I became aware of the atrocities of the past and realized they were based on teachings derived from scripture that is still being taught and encouraged to this day I would face a moral dilemma to either remain Catholic or rise out of that grave and become something else.

If I continued to remain Catholic wouldn't I be making a deliberate choice to disregard that knowledge and support the teachings that I know have been responsible for evil in the past, evil occurring to this day, and evil bound to happen in the future if such teaching is not extirpated by people of higher intelligence and integrity?

If you read the Koran it does sanction a barbaric method of controlling the population based on an extremely perverse view of human sexuality and life on earth.

How can you not see that there is no way to identify oneself as a Muslim without sharing the guilt of all the evil done in the name of Islam based on teaching that is actually there in the Koran that you can read for yourself that is derived from the teachings of a known pedophile, a violent megalomaniac, having auditory and visual hallucinations??

The God of your bible sanctions all kinds of barbarism (up to and including the heinous crucifixion of his own son) and has an "extremely perverse view of human sexuality" too. Then there are any number of instances of "auditory and visual hallucinations". Not to mention incest and polygamy and stoning of adulterers.

And yet you still believe in him which means that you share the guilt for the murder of who know how many millions of innocent women and children.

In essence you are no different to Sunniman according to your own standard.

The Six Raunchiest, Most Depraved Sex Acts from the Bible

>> The reference to women with tower-breasts has caused some confusion, though. Since we prefer a literal interpretation, we think Solomon's concubines had breasts that were three stories tall with look-out posts in the cleavage. Either way, the Bible is a bigger supporter of breasts than a push-up bra. If you don't like that, then you can be the one to explain to God why you chose to illustrate every book of the Bible except this one.

To Make it Even Weirder...

Here's a challenge: see if you can envision any possible metaphor for 5:4, "My beloved put his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him". <<
Yes, that helps me understand your objection but the supposition is false. The violent history of the past and the religious basis for those atrocities has been universally condemned and discredited by Americans in the present. There is no atrocities related to slavery or against native Americans sanctioned by the people alive today whereas In Islam such atrocities are not only being committed on a daily basis against the innocent, the official fundamental teaching based on the Koran to maim and kill is encouraged.

Lets say I was born and raised in the Catholic church. If at some point in my life I became aware of the atrocities of the past and realized they were based on teachings derived from scripture that is still being taught and encouraged to this day I would face a moral dilemma to either remain Catholic or rise out of that grave and become something else.

If I continued to remain Catholic wouldn't I be making a deliberate choice to disregard that knowledge and support the teachings that I know have been responsible for evil in the past, evil occurring to this day, and evil bound to happen in the future if such teaching is not extirpated by people of higher intelligence and integrity?

If you read the Koran it does sanction a barbaric method of controlling the population based on an extremely perverse view of human sexuality and life on earth.

How can you not see that there is no way to identify oneself as a Muslim without sharing the guilt of all the evil done in the name of Islam based on teaching that is actually there in the Koran that you can read for yourself that is derived from the teachings of a known pedophile, a violent megalomaniac, having auditory and visual hallucinations??

The God of your bible sanctions all kinds of barbarism (up to and including the heinous crucifixion of his own son) and has an "extremely perverse view of human sexuality" too. Then there are any number of instances of "auditory and visual hallucinations". Not to mention incest and polygamy and stoning of adulterers.

And yet you still believe in him which means that you share the guilt for the murder of who know how many millions of innocent women and children.

In essence you are no different to Sunniman according to your own standard.

Just going to ignore the reality that Sunni man has called for Sharia law in this Country and argued for it for 18 pages. Gonna ignore he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters. That he advocates for a Muslim flag for the US.

Please refrain from misconstruing my posts too.
The God of your bible sanctions all kinds of barbarism (up to and including the heinous crucifixion of his own son) and has an "extremely perverse view of human sexuality" too. Then there are any number of instances of "auditory and visual hallucinations". Not to mention incest and polygamy and stoning of adulterers.

And yet you still believe in him which means that you share the guilt for the murder of who know how many millions of innocent women and children.

In essence you are no different to Sunniman according to your own standard.

If I believed that God was responsible for unjust heinous acts or held a perverse view of human sexuality I would agree but you already know that I do not believe in any such being or the teachings of people who perpetuate such an ignorant and perverse view of God and scripture.

If I was professing to be a believer in any religion you would have made a point.
The God of your bible sanctions all kinds of barbarism (up to and including the heinous crucifixion of his own son) and has an "extremely perverse view of human sexuality" too. Then there are any number of instances of "auditory and visual hallucinations". Not to mention incest and polygamy and stoning of adulterers.

And yet you still believe in him which means that you share the guilt for the murder of who know how many millions of innocent women and children.

In essence you are no different to Sunniman according to your own standard.

Just going to ignore the reality that Sunni man has called for Sharia law in this Country and argued for it for 18 pages. Gonna ignore he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters. That he advocates for a Muslim flag for the US.

Please refrain from misconstruing my posts too.

You claimed I misquote or misconstrue what Sunni man said. I have LINKED you to the threads HE STARTED that absolutely prove what I said is accurate. And you just ignored it. And are still ignoring it.

So you think a 100 percent American can support Sharia law? You think a 100 percent American can ask for the US flag to be changed to a Muslim flag and brag that eventually not only will Sharia be the law of the land but Islam will be its religion?
Just going to ignore the reality that Sunni man has called for Sharia law in this Country and argued for it for 18 pages. Gonna ignore he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters. That he advocates for a Muslim flag for the US.

Please refrain from misconstruing my posts too.

You claimed I misquote or misconstrue what Sunni man said. I have LINKED you to the threads HE STARTED that absolutely prove what I said is accurate. And you just ignored it. And are still ignoring it.

So you think a 100 percent American can support Sharia law? You think a 100 percent American can ask for the US flag to be changed to a Muslim flag and brag that eventually not only will Sharia be the law of the land but Islam will be its religion?

Did you read the comments from Clayton and Sunniman? They too pointed out that you are misconstruing what is being posted. So no, I am not ignoring anything.
One theme I continually hear is, "Why don't the moderate muslims raise their voices and speak out".

So I start a thread about patriotic American muslims celebrating the 4th of July and talking about loving America and it's freedoms.

Yet the first post out of the gate starts by talking about a minor historical event that happened over 200 years ago. And ends with the words, "nothing much has changed since".

So it's no wonder most moderate muslims see it as futile to raise their hand and be counted.

Because their words will only be drowned out by the overwhelming sea of detractors and haters. :cool:

I will admit, I opened your thread, expecting to be totally repulsed by the OP. I assumed it would be a Muslim condemning America, the country, and our values. Not necessarily because of bias--which I do have to some degree--but because in these forums we've pretty much come to expect from most threads that there will be something mean-spirited and provocative in the OP.

What I got instead was a warm, friendly, uplifting post about your appreciation for America and the ideals and values that the country was founded upon. Yes indeed.. Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Atheist... everyone is guaranteed by the US Constitution a fair shake... the freedom to pursue happiness and the liberty to do so without obstruction.

I appreciate your post. I found it to be very refreshing. Thank you. I value you as an American citizen and it's quite obvious from your statements that you appreciate this country more than most of our citizens do. We need more like you here!

You are aware he advocates that Sharia law be the law of the United States? That he wants a Muslim flag to fly over the Country and he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters?

I guess I should play the "newbie" card and admit. I had no idea about all that. I'm still refreshed by the post in a generic sense but I'll have to do some looking around before I place any personal credit for it.

Thanks for the heads up.

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