One American Muslim’s reflection on the 4th of July celebration

All Muslims are guilty of perpetuating misogyny because they condone the behavior and teaching of a psychotic pedophile even if any given Muslim is not a misogynist.

What then?

Could you become any one of those 'believers' and respect yourself however "nice" any given one may be?

This is not about me and my beliefs or lack thereof. This is about Sunniman's right not be unfairly judged because he belongs to a specific religion. In essence you are discriminating based upon creed. Anyone who claims to be an adherent to an absolute "Truth" would know better than to judge someone based upon a premise this facile.

Of course what you believe or don't believe is relevant since you are asking me to show unwarranted respect for someone who maintains beliefs that I know you could not respect in yourself.

And what is unfair about being held accountable for perpetuating the evil done in the name of whatever religion by supporting it?

Was Mohammed not a psychotic pedophile? Are those who submit to a religion who holds someone like that in the highest esteem not guilty of perpetuating whatever evil results, even if they distance themselves and leave the very nasty stuff demanded by their religion to those more barbaric?

Unfairly judged my ass.

You are substituting your personal distaste for Islam in place of logic and reason. In essence you are asking me blame you for all of the atrocities in the bible. You expect me to hold you personally accountable for the wholesale slaughter of innocent children in the great flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and all of Egypt just for starters.

Your mind immediately started justifying all of those heinous acts as soon as you read that statement. And it will continue to do so no matter how many more examples are provided because like all Believers you have to do this in order to reconcile the actual text with your beliefs. Granted your process is somewhat more sophisticated but in essence it is the same as everyone else's when it comes to the parts of your religion that are less than palatable.

Sunniman is no different in this respect than you and all of the other Believers. That he deserves to be vilified simply because his religion differs from yours is ludicrous.

Everyone, including you, is innocent until proven guilty. That principle supercedes all religions.
Unfairly judged my ass.

You are substituting your personal distaste for Islam in place of logic and reason. In essence you are asking me blame you for all of the atrocities in the bible. You expect me to hold you personally accountable for the wholesale slaughter of innocent children in the great flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and all of Egypt just for starters. .

You are wrong. My personal distaste for Islam is based on logic and reason. And yes, If I was guilty of perpetuating the lie that scripture, including the law of God, was intended to be interpreted and applied literally I would be guilty of the sin of it all, every consequent evil, past , present and future.

Your mind immediately started justifying all of those heinous acts as soon as you read that statement. And it will continue to do so no matter how many more examples are provided because like all Believers you have to do this in order to reconcile the actual text with your beliefs. Granted your process is somewhat more sophisticated but in essence it is the same as everyone else's when it comes to the parts of your religion that are less than palatable..

There is no such thing as a heinous act of a God that according to a literal interpretation of scripture does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. You might as well accuse me for the death and suffering of everyone who ever died in a natural disaster.

Sunniman is no different in this respect than you and all of the other Believers. That he deserves to be vilified simply because his religion differs from yours is ludicrous..

If I said he deserved to be vilified because his beliefs simply differ from mine it would be ludicrous. But I said no such thing.

Here he is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.

If he had no choice he would not be guilty of sin, but what is his excuse in this country?

It took me all of about three seconds to jump at the chance to exercise my right to self determination and remove myself completely from the religion I was exposed to as a child, simply based on a love for truth and I was only 12 years old and never looked back.

A person has to choose evil deliberately to be a grown adult on their knees 5 times a day when there is nothing in heaven or on earth, no law or threat of violence compelling such degrading behavior.

Everyone, including you, is innocent until proven guilty. That principle supercedes all religions.

What proof do you require to know absolutely that anyone who venerates and follows the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile is guilty or perpetuating the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile and any consequent evil done in his name, even if they are nice and never personally lifted a finger against anyone?
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Thanks for your efforts to voice your views.

However, a lone voice among so many is not exactly the general opinion of Muslims.

Nice try.
This thread is only about American muslims.

Who are overwhelmingly patriotic and happy to live in the U.S.

But you would never know that because the media doesn't think that information is news worthy. :cool:

Oh please climb down off your cross... :dev3:
Unfairly judged my ass.

You are substituting your personal distaste for Islam in place of logic and reason. In essence you are asking me blame you for all of the atrocities in the bible. You expect me to hold you personally accountable for the wholesale slaughter of innocent children in the great flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and all of Egypt just for starters. .

You are wrong. My personal distaste for Islam is based on logic and reason. And yes, If I was guilty of perpetuating the lie that scripture, including the law of God, was intended to be interpreted and applied literally I would be guilty of the sin of it all, every consequent evil, past , present and future.

There is no such thing as a heinous act of a God that according to a literal interpretation of scripture does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. You might as well accuse me for the death and suffering of everyone who ever died in a natural disaster.

Sunniman is no different in this respect than you and all of the other Believers. That he deserves to be vilified simply because his religion differs from yours is ludicrous..

If I said he deserved to be vilified because his beliefs simply differ from mine it would be ludicrous. But I said no such thing.

Here is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.

If he had no choice he would not be guilty of sin, but what is his excuse in this country?

It took me all of about three seconds to jump at the chance to exercise my right to self determination and remove myself completely from the religion I was exposed to as a child, simply based on a love for truth and I was only 12 years old and never looked back.

A person has to choose evil deliberately to be a grown adult on their knees 5 times a day when there is nothing in heaven or on earth, no law or threat of violence compelling such degrading behavior.

Everyone, including you, is innocent until proven guilty. That principle supercedes all religions.

What proof do you require to know absolutely that anyone who venerates and follows the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile is guilty or perpetuating the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile and any consequent evil done in his name, even if they are nice and never personally lifted a finger against anyone?

The proof of your irrationality is in the words you choose to use to describe Sunniman's religion.
You are substituting your personal distaste for Islam in place of logic and reason. In essence you are asking me blame you for all of the atrocities in the bible. You expect me to hold you personally accountable for the wholesale slaughter of innocent children in the great flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and all of Egypt just for starters. .

You are wrong. My personal distaste for Islam is based on logic and reason. And yes, If I was guilty of perpetuating the lie that scripture, including the law of God, was intended to be interpreted and applied literally I would be guilty of the sin of it all, every consequent evil, past , present and future.

There is no such thing as a heinous act of a God that according to a literal interpretation of scripture does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. You might as well accuse me for the death and suffering of everyone who ever died in a natural disaster.

If I said he deserved to be vilified because his beliefs simply differ from mine it would be ludicrous. But I said no such thing.

Here is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.

If he had no choice he would not be guilty of sin, but what is his excuse in this country?

It took me all of about three seconds to jump at the chance to exercise my right to self determination and remove myself completely from the religion I was exposed to as a child, simply based on a love for truth and I was only 12 years old and never looked back.

A person has to choose evil deliberately to be a grown adult on their knees 5 times a day when there is nothing in heaven or on earth, no law or threat of violence compelling such degrading behavior.

Everyone, including you, is innocent until proven guilty. That principle supercedes all religions.

What proof do you require to know absolutely that anyone who venerates and follows the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile is guilty or perpetuating the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile and any consequent evil done in his name, even if they are nice and never personally lifted a finger against anyone?

The proof of your irrationality is in the words you choose to use to describe Sunniman's religion.

I was being kind.

Have you never researched anything about Mohammed and what he taught?
Here he is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am a 5th generation born American and a Vietnam era veteran.

And you are a total idiot. :cool:
You are wrong. My personal distaste for Islam is based on logic and reason. And yes, If I was guilty of perpetuating the lie that scripture, including the law of God, was intended to be interpreted and applied literally I would be guilty of the sin of it all, every consequent evil, past , present and future.

There is no such thing as a heinous act of a God that according to a literal interpretation of scripture does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. You might as well accuse me for the death and suffering of everyone who ever died in a natural disaster.

If I said he deserved to be vilified because his beliefs simply differ from mine it would be ludicrous. But I said no such thing.

Here is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.

If he had no choice he would not be guilty of sin, but what is his excuse in this country?

It took me all of about three seconds to jump at the chance to exercise my right to self determination and remove myself completely from the religion I was exposed to as a child, simply based on a love for truth and I was only 12 years old and never looked back.

A person has to choose evil deliberately to be a grown adult on their knees 5 times a day when there is nothing in heaven or on earth, no law or threat of violence compelling such degrading behavior.

What proof do you require to know absolutely that anyone who venerates and follows the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile is guilty or perpetuating the deranged teachings of a psychotic pedophile and any consequent evil done in his name, even if they are nice and never personally lifted a finger against anyone?

The proof of your irrationality is in the words you choose to use to describe Sunniman's religion.

I was being kind.

Have you never researched anything about Mohammed and what he taught?

No, you were being deliberately provocative and demeaning.

I have read about all of the major religions including the both the good and the bad aspects.

If your purpose is to prove that you are more "enlightened" it is both pointless and self defeating to only focus on the negative. You are not going to convince anyone that they are "on the wrong path" by denigrating what they currently believe.
No soup for YOU! What peeved this Democratically elected country off so much was an unreasonable and irrational attack by religious extremist on 9/11. They weren't JEWS. OR CHRISTIANS. They where Muslims. Muslim countries, and the religion itself, barley tolerates other religions or open debates, period. So, when and If Islam learns tolerance we may have a valid topic here.
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The proof of your irrationality is in the words you choose to use to describe Sunniman's religion.

I was being kind.

Have you never researched anything about Mohammed and what he taught?

No, you were being deliberately provocative and demeaning.

I have read about all of the major religions including the both the good and the bad aspects.

If your purpose is to prove that you are more "enlightened" it is both pointless and self defeating to only focus on the negative. You are not going to convince anyone that they are "on the wrong path" by denigrating what they currently believe.

LOL... You have no idea what my purpose is. When a person brings charges against another and drags them before the judge they are not trying to save their soul, win a convert, or make friends.
I wonder what happened to that imam claiming having sexual intercourse to your wife in the first 2 hours of her death was ok in islam...
What I have observed is that you have a habit of misconstruing what Sunniman actually posts. Not sure if that is because of the way he posts or the way you are reading them. Either way it doesn't matter since nothing is going to change your opinion of him. For the record I respect your service to this nation too.

So you deny he created a thread to redesign the US flag to a Muslim flag? You deny he advocates sharia law in the US? Really? Did I misconstrue those events?

How about the fact he supports Hezbollah and Hamas and calls terror organizations freedom fighters? I make that up too?

I am going by both the posts or yours and Sunniman that I have seen to date. In those posts I have seen you misconstrue what he actually posted. The pattern was repeated so it wasn't just an isolated instance.

Furthermore I have observed Sunniman's interactions with other posters too. His demeanor remains consistent even in spite of the taunts and in some cases blatant insults. There have been posts demanding that he renounce his faith and condemn it's founder. How would you react if someone demanded the same of you?

You swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and part of that oath is to support Sunniman's right to his religious beliefs. So irrespective of whether or not you agree with them you took an oath to defend them. Do you still stand by that oath?

He OPENLY advocates for sharia law. he openly advocates that the US flag be changed to a Muslim flag. He openly calls those people attacking Israel freedom fighters. Once again I did not make these facts up. Ask him. And if he lies I will go back and find the threads.
So you deny he created a thread to redesign the US flag to a Muslim flag? You deny he advocates sharia law in the US? Really? Did I misconstrue those events?

How about the fact he supports Hezbollah and Hamas and calls terror organizations freedom fighters? I make that up too?

I am going by both the posts or yours and Sunniman that I have seen to date. In those posts I have seen you misconstrue what he actually posted. The pattern was repeated so it wasn't just an isolated instance.

Furthermore I have observed Sunniman's interactions with other posters too. His demeanor remains consistent even in spite of the taunts and in some cases blatant insults. There have been posts demanding that he renounce his faith and condemn it's founder. How would you react if someone demanded the same of you?

You swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and part of that oath is to support Sunniman's right to his religious beliefs. So irrespective of whether or not you agree with them you took an oath to defend them. Do you still stand by that oath?

He OPENLY advocates for sharia law. he openly advocates that the US flag be changed to a Muslim flag. He openly calls those people attacking Israel freedom fighters. Once again I did not make these facts up. Ask him. And if he lies I will go back and find the threads.

Yes, and you and others keep falling for it every time.
Here is Sunni man openly calling for Islam to run the US and to use sharia law.

Still think I am making shit up?
You do realize it was a joke thread??

Seriously sarge, you are wound up way too tight. :cuckoo:

Calling terrorists freedom fighters is a joke? Calling for an amendment to allow sharia law is a joke? Calling for our flag to be turned into a Muslim flag is a joke? You started all 3 threads and none of them are in Humor.
Here he is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am a 5th generation born American and a Vietnam era veteran.

And you are a total idiot. :cool: are a Muslim that means you just fell off the boat.....anyhow....welcome back....

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