One American Muslim’s reflection on the 4th of July celebration

Here he is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am a 5th generation born American and a Vietnam era veteran.

And you are a total idiot. :cool: are a Muslim that means you just fell off the boat.....anyhow....welcome back....

right. anyone who wagers eternity on the faith that a delusional megalomaniac in his 50's who had sex with a 9 year old 'wife' was a prophet of God ain't very bright.

and of all the things possible in a free country where truth is valued and free speech protected you would promote barbarism, superstition, and subjugation to a lie?

What a patriot!!

5th generation? maybe your family won't be redeemed until the 7th generation... if ever.
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Here he is trying to appeal to patriotism and shared values as a recent arrival to a new country and instead of getting off his knees and getting as far away from a mosque as he possible can to celebrate his freedom and love for truth and protected rights he is here instead being an apologist for an irrational and superstitious barbaric religion begun by a violent psychotic pedophile.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am a 5th generation born American and a Vietnam era veteran.

And you are a total idiot. :cool:


Is that your way of admitting that everything else I said was the truth?
No soup for you. Since when did Muslims care about freedom of religion? Rhetorical question. I read about Muslims like Saladin, a wise man. I wish we all shared in that same wisdom. We ALL seem to be going off in a hateful and self destructive direction nowadays.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am a 5th generation born American and a Vietnam era veteran.

And you are a total idiot. :cool: are a Muslim that means you just fell off the boat.....anyhow....welcome back....

right. anyone who wagers eternity on the faith that a delusional megalomaniac in his 50's who had sex with a 9 year old 'wife' was a prophet of God ain't very bright.

and of all the things possible in a free country where truth is valued and free speech protected you would promote barbarism, superstition, and subjugation to a lie?

What a patriot!!

5th generation? maybe your family won't be redeemed until the 7th generation... if ever.

hey Hobgoblin? case you havent of the tenants of this Country is freedom of religion.....yea i know.....i was shocked too....
hey Hobgoblin? case you havent of the tenants of this Country is freedom of religion.....yea i know.....i was shocked too....

If you were shocked by that you must have really been jolted when you realized that that same tenant means that other people are free to reject and denounce your religion for the BS that it is..
hey Hobgoblin? case you havent of the tenants of this Country is freedom of religion.....yea i know.....i was shocked too....

If you were shocked by that you must have really been jolted when you realized that that same tenant means that other people are free to reject and denounce your religion for the BS that it is..

oh im shocked! what is my Religion?......
hey Hobgoblin? case you havent of the tenants of this Country is freedom of religion.....yea i know.....i was shocked too....

If you were shocked by that you must have really been jolted when you realized that that same tenant means that other people are free to reject and denounce your religion for the BS that it is..

oh im shocked! what is my Religion?......

do you think it matters?
hey Hobgoblin? case you havent of the tenants of this Country is freedom of religion.....yea i know.....i was shocked too....

If you were shocked by that you must have really been jolted when you realized that that same tenant means that other people are free to reject and denounce your religion for the BS that it is..
Hobgoblin, your mother is calling you.

She says to put down the computer and come eat your PB&J sandwich and milk lunch.

And then take your nap; or else you can't go outside and play with your little friends. :cool:
hey Hobgoblin? case you havent of the tenants of this Country is freedom of religion.....yea i know.....i was shocked too....

If you were shocked by that you must have really been jolted when you realized that that same tenant means that other people are free to reject and denounce your religion for the BS that it is..

Hobgoblin, your mother is calling you.

She says to put down the computer and come eat your PB&J sandwich and milk lunch.

And then take your nap; or else you can't go outside and play with your little friends. :cool: get to claim to be righteous and I get to expose you as a fraud and you get to call me hobgoblin, run away like a coward, and confirm everything I said.

Isn't freedom great!
If you were shocked by that you must have really been jolted when you realized that that same tenant means that other people are free to reject and denounce your religion for the BS that it is..

Hobgoblin, your mother is calling you.

She says to put down the computer and come eat your PB&J sandwich and milk lunch.

And then take your nap; or else you can't go outside and play with your little friends. :cool: get to claim to be righteous and I get to expose you as a fraud and you get to call me hobgoblin, run away like a coward, and confirm everything I said.

Isn't freedom great!

yea thats what exposed a guy who has said he is a Muslim ever since he has been here......and where did Sunni run too?
I was being kind.

Have you never researched anything about Mohammed and what he taught?

No, you were being deliberately provocative and demeaning.

I have read about all of the major religions including the both the good and the bad aspects.

If your purpose is to prove that you are more "enlightened" it is both pointless and self defeating to only focus on the negative. You are not going to convince anyone that they are "on the wrong path" by denigrating what they currently believe.

LOL... You have no idea what my purpose is. When a person brings charges against another and drags them before the judge they are not trying to save their soul, win a convert, or make friends.

Charging people with "crimes" they haven't committed is what makes someone into a martyr for their cause. Is that is what you are trying to accomplish here?
\Charging people with "crimes" they haven't committed is what makes someone into a martyr for their cause. Is that is what you are trying to accomplish here?

I'm just putting in my two cents, forgive me.

I was never very good at pretense or ignoring the elephant in the room.

How do you get past the violence advocated in the Koran, the abuse of women, anti-Semitism, and that 6 year old bride however nice or patriotic any given devout Muslim may be ?
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One theme I continually hear is, "Why don't the moderate muslims raise their voices and speak out".

So I start a thread about patriotic American muslims celebrating the 4th of July and talking about loving America and it's freedoms.

Yet the first post out of the gate starts by talking about a minor historical event that happened over 200 years ago. And ends with the words, "nothing much has changed since".

So it's no wonder most moderate muslims see it as futile to raise their hand and be counted.

Because their words will only be drowned out by the overwhelming sea of detractors and haters. :cool:

I will admit, I opened your thread, expecting to be totally repulsed by the OP. I assumed it would be a Muslim condemning America, the country, and our values. Not necessarily because of bias--which I do have to some degree--but because in these forums we've pretty much come to expect from most threads that there will be something mean-spirited and provocative in the OP.

What I got instead was a warm, friendly, uplifting post about your appreciation for America and the ideals and values that the country was founded upon. Yes indeed.. Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Atheist... everyone is guaranteed by the US Constitution a fair shake... the freedom to pursue happiness and the liberty to do so without obstruction.

I appreciate your post. I found it to be very refreshing. Thank you. I value you as an American citizen and it's quite obvious from your statements that you appreciate this country more than most of our citizens do. We need more like you here!
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One theme I continually hear is, "Why don't the moderate muslims raise their voices and speak out".

So I start a thread about patriotic American muslims celebrating the 4th of July and talking about loving America and it's freedoms.

Yet the first post out of the gate starts by talking about a minor historical event that happened over 200 years ago. And ends with the words, "nothing much has changed since".

So it's no wonder most moderate muslims see it as futile to raise their hand and be counted.

Because their words will only be drowned out by the overwhelming sea of detractors and haters. :cool:

I will admit, I opened your thread, expecting to be totally repulsed by the OP. I assumed it would be a Muslim condemning America, the country, and our values. Not necessarily because of bias--which I do have to some degree--but because in these forums we've pretty much come to expect from most threads that there will be something mean-spirited and provocative in the OP.

What I got instead was a warm, friendly, uplifting post about your appreciation for America and the ideals and values that the country was founded upon. Yes indeed.. Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Atheist... everyone is guaranteed by the US Constitution a fair shake... the freedom to pursue happiness and the liberty to do so without obstruction.

I appreciate your post. I found it to be very refreshing. Thank you. I value you as an American citizen and it's quite obvious from your statements that you appreciate this country more than most of our citizens do. We need more like you here!
Thank you Agent Tom for your generous words.

The vast majority of American muslims would totally agree with the OP of this thread.

But you would never know that for the daily barrage of negativity pouring out of the media concerning muslims.

We are doctors, auto mechanics, school teachers, shop keepers, janitors, dentists, and of course the ubiquitous taxi drives.

Our main concerns are the same as everyone else; keeping up with the house mortgage, paying for the kids orthodontic braces, keeping up with lawn work, and trying to decide whether to re-roof the house this year or wait till next spring.

Basically, just average American citizens who happen to be muslim and attend a mosque instead of a church.
The vast majority of American muslims would totally agree with the OP of this thread.

But you would never know that for the daily barrage of negativity pouring out of the media concerning muslims..

Hmm, maybe you deserve the benefit of the doubt that you haven't heard that Muslims around the globe are killing and maiming people including their own on a daily basis in the name of Islam and openly waging war on Americans and Jews in particular inspired by the teachings from their own mosques??

yeah right.

I'm sure they are all just regular folks too who are just doctors, auto mechanics, school teachers, shop keepers, janitors, dentists, and of course the ubiquitous suicide bombers who only want everyone else dead.
One theme I continually hear is, "Why don't the moderate muslims raise their voices and speak out".

So I start a thread about patriotic American muslims celebrating the 4th of July and talking about loving America and it's freedoms.

Yet the first post out of the gate starts by talking about a minor historical event that happened over 200 years ago. And ends with the words, "nothing much has changed since".

So it's no wonder most moderate muslims see it as futile to raise their hand and be counted.

Because their words will only be drowned out by the overwhelming sea of detractors and haters. :cool:

I will admit, I opened your thread, expecting to be totally repulsed by the OP. I assumed it would be a Muslim condemning America, the country, and our values. Not necessarily because of bias--which I do have to some degree--but because in these forums we've pretty much come to expect from most threads that there will be something mean-spirited and provocative in the OP.

What I got instead was a warm, friendly, uplifting post about your appreciation for America and the ideals and values that the country was founded upon. Yes indeed.. Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Atheist... everyone is guaranteed by the US Constitution a fair shake... the freedom to pursue happiness and the liberty to do so without obstruction.

I appreciate your post. I found it to be very refreshing. Thank you. I value you as an American citizen and it's quite obvious from your statements that you appreciate this country more than most of our citizens do. We need more like you here!

You are aware he advocates that Sharia law be the law of the United States? That he wants a Muslim flag to fly over the Country and he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters?
Also, they would like 50% of the population (men) to own the other 50% (women).

(Not sure this goes for all muslims, but this OP:er subscribes to that point of view)
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\Charging people with "crimes" they haven't committed is what makes someone into a martyr for their cause. Is that is what you are trying to accomplish here?

I'm just putting in my two cents, forgive me.

I was never very good at pretense or ignoring the elephant in the room.

How do you get past the violence advocated in the Koran, the abuse of women, anti-Semitism, and that 6 year old bride however nice or patriotic any given devout Muslim may be ?

So let's put what you are advocating into a slightly different context.

According to the standard that you are applying to all Muslims 100% of all white Americans alive today must be held accountable for the atrocities that occurred during the hundreds of years of slavery in this nation. They must also be held accountable for the genocide of the native American Indians too. All of the rapes, murders, torture, slaughter of women and children must be held against them simply because of being an American today.

According to you there is no way to "get past" the violent history of the USA no matter "however nice or patriotic any given" American might be.

Does that put this into perspective for you?
You are aware he advocates that Sharia law be the law of the United States? That he wants a Muslim flag to fly over the Country and he calls Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters?
I am 100% American and 100% Muslim.

I have the same Constitutional rights and voting power as you Sarge.

Deal with it........ :cool:

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