One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed

I see the op point. But let's not say pro life ends at birth. I am pro life to the point that I say let's use tax dollars to help raise the unwanted chi!d. It cannot be well heck now you are born and are on your own.
I see the op point. But let's not say pro life ends at birth. I am pro life to the point that I say let's use tax dollars to help raise the unwanted chi!d. It cannot be well heck now you are born and are on your own.
Typically conservatives hate children that are not in the womb. its interesting to see one that understands there is a cost to raising children.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.

No, they won't.

You see, here's the thing. Women have always gotten abortions and always will.

Legalizing abortion was like ending prohibition. It didn't change society, society just became more honest about what it was.
Were there 3000 babies aborted per day in this nation when abortion was illegal? I think not.

Also, I am not only talking about a change of law, but a change in the human heart.

The widespread use of sonograms means there is no longer an excuse for ignorance. The fetus is a human being, from the very moment of conception.

The death of an unborn child means more than a death of a human life, it is also the death of the soul of its mother. If she is Catholic, she is automatically ex-communicated from the sacraments of the Church. If she does not repent her abortion, she will go to hell for her mortal sin.

And all politicians who support abortion, all judges and justices who enforce it into American law, and all who support them, will similarly end up in hell, unless they repent.

The real tragedy of abortion is not only the massive loss of life, but the massive loss of souls. Already, many millions of Americans are in hell because of abortion, including the Supreme Court Justices who voted for Roe v. Wade, unless they repented.
They surely like to fight maternity leave, FMLA, etc. The things working families benefit from. Other countries try to help new mothers.
Just let the losers abort themselves out of existence I say...
The OP ought o become a liberal. Then, he would be in favor of sex Ed in schools, free or affordable and available contraception and planned parenthood....all of which serve to reduce the number of abortions.

But...he's a religious nutbag who allows his freakish emotion to cloud his judgement.
America will not always be as it is now. One day, perhaps after a serious world-altering crisis, the nation will return to its Christian roots, and people will once again realize that we can't succeed as a people while alienated from the Creator of all.

And when that happens, everything that is happening in this era will be judged as the worst sort of villainy. The movies and TV shows produced in this era will be condemned as the trash they are, the ideas of this era will be condemned as evil, and the leaders who caused all of it to happen will be despised, as we now despise such historical figures as Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Americans of that future day will see us as wicked and depraved, and they will condemn us, as the world condemned the German people who went along with the Nazis, and did their bidding.

None of us alive may see that day, perhaps there will be a catastrophe or a war that kills most us before it happens. But it WILL happen. Because good always defeats evil. ALWAYS.
America will not always be as it is now. One day, perhaps after a serious world-altering crisis, the nation will return to its Christian roots, and people will once again realize that we can't succeed as a people while alienated from the Creator of all.

And when that happens, everything that is happening in this era will be judged as the worst sort of villainy. The movies and TV shows produced in this era will be condemned as the trash they are, the ideas of this era will be condemned as evil, and the leaders who caused all of it to happen will be despised, as we now despise such historical figures as Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Americans of that future day will see us as wicked and depraved, and they will condemn us, as the world condemned the German people who went along with the Nazis, and did their bidding.

None of us alive may see that day, perhaps there will be a catastrophe or a war that kills most us before it happens. But it WILL happen. Because good always defeats evil. ALWAYS.
Goodness. I certainly hope christianity dies out long before this day you hope for.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).
America will not always be as it is now. One day, perhaps after a serious world-altering crisis, the nation will return to its Christian roots, and people will once again realize that we can't succeed as a people while alienated from the Creator of all.

And when that happens, everything that is happening in this era will be judged as the worst sort of villainy. The movies and TV shows produced in this era will be condemned as the trash they are, the ideas of this era will be condemned as evil, and the leaders who caused all of it to happen will be despised, as we now despise such historical figures as Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Americans of that future day will see us as wicked and depraved, and they will condemn us, as the world condemned the German people who went along with the Nazis, and did their bidding.

None of us alive may see that day, perhaps there will be a catastrophe or a war that kills most us before it happens. But it WILL happen. Because good always defeats evil. ALWAYS.
Christian roots

The Text of the Constitution Does Not Say the United States Is a Christian Nation

If a Christian nation had been the intent of the founders, they would have put that in the Constitution, front and center. Yet the text of the Constitution contains no references to God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity. That document does not state that our country is an officially Christian nation.

5 Reasons America Is Not—And Has Never Been—A Christian Nation

Not only does the Constitution not give recognition or acknowledgment to Christianity, but it also includes Article VI, which bans “religious tests” for public office. Guaranteeing non-Christians the right to hold federal office seems antipodal to an officially Christian nation. The language found in Article VI sparked some controversy, and a minority faction that favored limiting public office to Christians (or at least to believers) protested. Luther Martin, a Maryland delegate, later reported that some felt it “would be at least decent to hold out some distinction between the professors of Christianity and downright infidelity or paganism.” But, as Martin noted, the article’s language was approved “by a great majority . . . without much debate.” The Christian nation argument just wasn’t persuasive.

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
Thomas Jefferson — in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).
I am talking about what happens AFTER the collapse of all we know. It may be in 100 years, or 1000 years, but there will be a new generation that returns to God and rejects everything this depraved era stands for. And it will be remembered that legalized abortion, in all nine months, for any reason, or no reason at all, was a big cause of the catastrophe.
Goodness. I certainly hope christianity dies out long before this day you hope for.
What a sad indictment on you, your character, and your intellect.

Incidentally, how many people here want to bet that the first time Asclepias' life is in real danger he cries out to God like a little girl? They all do... :lol:
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).
I am talking about what happens AFTER the collapse of all we know. It may be in 100 years, or 1000 years, but there will be a new generation that returns to God and rejects everything this depraved era stands for. And it will be remembered that legalized abortion, in all nine months, for any reason, or no reason at all, was a big cause of the catastrophe.
Ah! bad. Misunderstood. In that case - agree with you 100%.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
Yeah what's the big deal about killing babies?
America will not always be as it is now. One day, perhaps after a serious world-altering crisis, the nation will return to its Christian roots, and people will once again realize that we can't succeed as a people while alienated from the Creator of all.

And when that happens, everything that is happening in this era will be judged as the worst sort of villainy. The movies and TV shows produced in this era will be condemned as the trash they are, the ideas of this era will be condemned as evil, and the leaders who caused all of it to happen will be despised, as we now despise such historical figures as Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Americans of that future day will see us as wicked and depraved, and they will condemn us, as the world condemned the German people who went along with the Nazis, and did their bidding.

None of us alive may see that day, perhaps there will be a catastrophe or a war that kills most us before it happens. But it WILL happen. Because good always defeats evil. ALWAYS.
Christian roots

The Text of the Constitution Does Not Say the United States Is a Christian Nation

If a Christian nation had been the intent of the founders, they would have put that in the Constitution, front and center. Yet the text of the Constitution contains no references to God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity. That document does not state that our country is an officially Christian nation.

5 Reasons America Is Not—And Has Never Been—A Christian Nation

Not only does the Constitution not give recognition or acknowledgment to Christianity, but it also includes Article VI, which bans “religious tests” for public office. Guaranteeing non-Christians the right to hold federal office seems antipodal to an officially Christian nation. The language found in Article VI sparked some controversy, and a minority faction that favored limiting public office to Christians (or at least to believers) protested. Luther Martin, a Maryland delegate, later reported that some felt it “would be at least decent to hold out some distinction between the professors of Christianity and downright infidelity or paganism.” But, as Martin noted, the article’s language was approved “by a great majority . . . without much debate.” The Christian nation argument just wasn’t persuasive.

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
Thomas Jefferson — in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814
guno, I know full well the United States Constitution does not recognize Christianity as an official religion. You are stupid to even make the argument, as if I didn't know this basic fact.

However, the majority of citizens in this nation are Christian, but as this becomes less so over time, the strength and virtue of our nation declines. The reason we are having all these problems, the reason our choice is between Trump and Clinton, the reason our economy is in an eight year slump, the reason we are on the verge of a world war, is because we have angered God and he has withdrawn his blessings from us.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?

What a stupid fucking thing to say. Please tell us about this 100% full proof birth control. Or else You and every other male on the planet must keep their zipper up or just masturbate. And it sounds like you do too much of the latter already.

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