One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed

One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.

No, they won't.

You see, here's the thing. Women have always gotten abortions and always will.

Legalizing abortion was like ending prohibition. It didn't change society, society just became more honest about what it was.
Were there 3000 babies aborted per day in this nation when abortion was illegal? I think not.

Also, I am not only talking about a change of law, but a change in the human heart.

The widespread use of sonograms means there is no longer an excuse for ignorance. The fetus is a human being, from the very moment of conception.

The death of an unborn child means more than a death of a human life, it is also the death of the soul of its mother. If she is Catholic, she is automatically ex-communicated from the sacraments of the Church. If she does not repent her abortion, she will go to hell for her mortal sin.

And all politicians who support abortion, all judges and justices who enforce it into American law, and all who support them, will similarly end up in hell, unless they repent.

The real tragedy of abortion is not only the massive loss of life, but the massive loss of souls. Already, many millions of Americans are in hell because of abortion, including the Supreme Court Justices who voted for Roe v. Wade, unless they repented.

Damn I get tired of trying to explain the difference between a zygote, embryo, fetus and a baby. The right just isn't big on science.

And Catholics need to worry more about pedo priests than a woman's right to choose
The pedophile priests happened because the Catholic Church was corrupted by the evil of this world. But you will find the same among the Jews and Protestants, and the public schools. There is nothing unique about the Catholic Church, we just got hit harder because the plaintiff lawyers hit us for our deeper pockets, and the media hit us because they especially hate the Catholic Church above other churches.

Oh cry me a river. Please get off that cross. Somebody needs the wood.
Your stupidity no longer requires a response. I will now put you on ignore. Good bye.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
Abortion is the most important human rights issue this country has ever faced since slavery. Anyone who doesn't get that, there is something wrong with that person.

If I could, I would post videos and photographs of abortions so that you could see it for yourself. Unfortunately, this forum does not allow it.

One photograph of an aborted baby, which I saw when I was 12-years-old, was all it took to make me pro-life. I didn't need to hear an argument.
I don't want to be a doctor, thanks. With O-Care we now have free BC (better than free actually) and the number of abortions is down 40% already. Pro-choice is NOT pro-abortion, dupe. I really don't care about ignorant men's opinion...Separation of church and state in addition...The New BS GOP that keep this alive as a wedge issue is a disgrace.
No, they won't.

You see, here's the thing. Women have always gotten abortions and always will.

Legalizing abortion was like ending prohibition. It didn't change society, society just became more honest about what it was.
Were there 3000 babies aborted per day in this nation when abortion was illegal? I think not.

Also, I am not only talking about a change of law, but a change in the human heart.

The widespread use of sonograms means there is no longer an excuse for ignorance. The fetus is a human being, from the very moment of conception.

The death of an unborn child means more than a death of a human life, it is also the death of the soul of its mother. If she is Catholic, she is automatically ex-communicated from the sacraments of the Church. If she does not repent her abortion, she will go to hell for her mortal sin.

And all politicians who support abortion, all judges and justices who enforce it into American law, and all who support them, will similarly end up in hell, unless they repent.

The real tragedy of abortion is not only the massive loss of life, but the massive loss of souls. Already, many millions of Americans are in hell because of abortion, including the Supreme Court Justices who voted for Roe v. Wade, unless they repented.

Damn I get tired of trying to explain the difference between a zygote, embryo, fetus and a baby. The right just isn't big on science.

And Catholics need to worry more about pedo priests than a woman's right to choose
The pedophile priests happened because the Catholic Church was corrupted by the evil of this world. But you will find the same among the Jews and Protestants, and the public schools. There is nothing unique about the Catholic Church, we just got hit harder because the plaintiff lawyers hit us for our deeper pockets, and the media hit us because they especially hate the Catholic Church above other churches.

Oh cry me a river. Please get off that cross. Somebody needs the wood.
Your stupidity no longer requires a response. I will now put you on ignore. Good bye.
Good move.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
Abortion is the most important human rights issue this country has ever faced since slavery. Anyone who doesn't get that, there is something wrong with that person.

If I could, I would post videos and photographs of abortions so that you could see it for yourself. Unfortunately, this forum does not allow it.

One photograph of an aborted baby, which I saw when I was 12-years-old, was all it took to make me pro-life. I didn't need to hear an argument.
Shall we post pictures of blown up born children, of abused born children?
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.

Should I hold my breath on this one--LOL
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.

Unfortunately, this scenario will play out only after the destruction of our once great country.
Yes, it may be 100 years from now, or 1000 years from now. But one day, this nation will return to a life ethic. I believe that, because in my heart I know that ultimately, good always defeats evil.
You've just explained this coming election for President.
Not until there is an enormous change in public perception.

Liberal women and minority women should be encouraged to abort their children. Liberals and blacks shouldn't be having any children. Abort them all, die out already.
What you are saying is extremely wicked and for your own sake, you need to stop saying it now and never say it again.
But it is true. I was pro abortion then pro life. The behavior of the left and the violence of blacks was a gobsmack. We aren't going to gas them all. We aren't having massive wars. Convince them to kill themselves off and tell them it's there idea! Black people especially have gone from 14% of the population to 12% of the population. Abortion is working just the way Margaret Sanger said it would.

I know a very religious family. They are expecting their seventh child. All smart and well behaved.
Just as the liberals are now abolishing all memory of Christopher Columbus, Andrew Jackson, and the Confederacy, one day the pro-life movement will abolish the memory of liberals. We will take their paintings and statues and put them in the garbage dump, just as the Eastern Europeans did to the paintings and statues of the Communists after 1989. We will take their names off public schools, bridges, and roads, and we will rewrite the history books so that schoolchildren know them as the villains they are. We will build a Memorial to all the aborted children, and the politicians, judges and Supreme Court justices who supported this slaughter will be listed on a Wall of Shame.
Someone needs a tissue....and a safe space.
The Catholic Church stands for something, and ultimately will still be here in 1000 years long after all the Protestant churches are gone and all but forgotten. The evangelicals will be the last to disappear, but they will disappear, since they cling to false doctrines and heresies that are obviously false, even when explained to a child.
Don't think it's a coincidence that we now find ourselves on the verge of world war with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. We turned our backs on God when we legalized abortion in 1973, and when we legalized same-sex marriage a few years ago. God has a long history of condemning nations to destruction after they turn their back on him. World War I and World War II could be seen as examples of what happened to Europe because the Europeans turned their backs on God. When a certain percentage of the nation has turned to wickedness, evil things naturally follow, for evil men always lead their nation to destruction. Look at what Hitler did to Germany, look at what Stalin did to Russia, look at what Mao did to China. Hillary Clinton is just as evil and if we continue along this path, we will also be destroyed.
Look what Catholic Hitler did with the Vatican 's tacit approval.....
No, they won't.

You see, here's the thing. Women have always gotten abortions and always will.

Legalizing abortion was like ending prohibition. It didn't change society, society just became more honest about what it was.
Were there 3000 babies aborted per day in this nation when abortion was illegal? I think not.

Also, I am not only talking about a change of law, but a change in the human heart.

The widespread use of sonograms means there is no longer an excuse for ignorance. The fetus is a human being, from the very moment of conception.

The death of an unborn child means more than a death of a human life, it is also the death of the soul of its mother. If she is Catholic, she is automatically ex-communicated from the sacraments of the Church. If she does not repent her abortion, she will go to hell for her mortal sin.

And all politicians who support abortion, all judges and justices who enforce it into American law, and all who support them, will similarly end up in hell, unless they repent.

The real tragedy of abortion is not only the massive loss of life, but the massive loss of souls. Already, many millions of Americans are in hell because of abortion, including the Supreme Court Justices who voted for Roe v. Wade, unless they repented.

Damn I get tired of trying to explain the difference between a zygote, embryo, fetus and a baby. The right just isn't big on science.

And Catholics need to worry more about pedo priests than a woman's right to choose
The pedophile priests happened because the Catholic Church was corrupted by the evil of this world. But you will find the same among the Jews and Protestants, and the public schools. There is nothing unique about the Catholic Church, we just got hit harder because the plaintiff lawyers hit us for our deeper pockets, and the media hit us because they especially hate the Catholic Church above other churches.

Oh cry me a river. Please get off that cross. Somebody needs the wood.
Your stupidity no longer requires a response. I will now put you on ignore. Good bye.
Run away! Run away!
Not until there is an enormous change in public perception.

Liberal women and minority women should be encouraged to abort their children. Liberals and blacks shouldn't be having any children. Abort them all, die out already.
What you are saying is extremely wicked and for your own sake, you need to stop saying it now and never say it again.
But it is true. I was pro abortion then pro life. The behavior of the left and the violence of blacks was a gobsmack. We aren't going to gas them all. We aren't having massive wars. Convince them to kill themselves off and tell them it's there idea! Black people especially have gone from 14% of the population to 12% of the population. Abortion is working just the way Margaret Sanger said it would.

I know a very religious family. They are expecting their seventh child. All smart and well behaved.
On two occasions, I knew men who told me they were pro-life, but they were glad it was legal to keep down the number of blacks.

On both occasions, I lost a friend and gained an enemy.
Whats sad about it? what makes you think the demise of christianity is something to be sad over?
Because it's absurd. It's progressives doing what they always do - denying reality.
My life has been in danger many times and I have yet to call out to the invisible sky fairy.
Riiiiiiiiight. Look having unprotected promiscuous sex with homosexuals is risky behavior - but it's not exactly the same as your life being in immediate danger.
One day America will ... take down statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.
All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.
You are NUTS!
However, you have the USA liberty to openly enjoy your fantasies.
And if our nation is destroyed, it will be because God has judged us and found us wanting, just as he judged the world in Noah's time, and judged the city Sodom in Abraham's time, and judged Israel every time they turned their backs on him.
Which god or goddess is that, again?
There is only one sweetie. The fact that you don't even know that much explains a lot.

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