One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed

Religion does not = reality
God exists sweetie. It's just more progressive denial of reality when you refuse to accept something so obvious.
Not saying youre wrong but where is the proof that god exists?
Well for starters....the fact that there is a galaxy, a planet, a sun, etc. that all work flawlessly to sustain life. To believe that it is all the result of some explosion is to suspend all rational thought. Think how massive and granular it all goes (right down to bees pollenating plant life which cannot move to "procreate" and wind assisting plant life which cannot move to "procreate"). All the result of a chance explosion? Something that perfectly architected?

Then there are the hundreds of thousands of people throughout history who had near death experiences and who can attest to heaven, God, etc.

Then there are historical artifacts which were uncovered and support what is reported in the Bible (such as the "bone box" and the "shroud of Turin"). When you put all of the evidence together it would take one suspending all rational thought to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Well, that or someone who was hurt and is bitter.

Photos of Bone Boxes from 'Jesus Family Tomb'
Actually, that is false...they do NOT work flawlessly, there are a lot of failures and oopsies in the Cosmos.
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

Nope, I don't, but she is already alive... although, the Bosnian Snipers may disagree.

However, a 3 week old fetus is not something I consider alive yet.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

Nope, I don't, but she is already alive... although, the Bosnian Snipers may disagree.

However, a 3 week old fetus is not something I consider alive yet.
Sperm Cells are living things. A '3 week old fetus' is factually alive.
Religion does not = reality
God exists sweetie. It's just more progressive denial of reality when you refuse to accept something so obvious.
Not saying youre wrong but where is the proof that god exists?
Well for starters....the fact that there is a galaxy, a planet, a sun, etc. that all work flawlessly to sustain life. To believe that it is all the result of some explosion is to suspend all rational thought. Think how massive and granular it all goes (right down to bees pollenating plant life which cannot move to "procreate" and wind assisting plant life which cannot move to "procreate"). All the result of a chance explosion? Something that perfectly architected?

Then there are the hundreds of thousands of people throughout history who had near death experiences and who can attest to heaven, God, etc.

Then there are historical artifacts which were uncovered and support what is reported in the Bible (such as the "bone box" and the "shroud of Turin"). When you put all of the evidence together it would take one suspending all rational thought to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Well, that or someone who was hurt and is bitter.

Photos of Bone Boxes from 'Jesus Family Tomb'
So you totally discount a non religious reason for the galaxy working? Are you saying that if the galaxy worked another way then life would never have formed?
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

Nope, I don't, but she is already alive... although, the Bosnian Snipers may disagree.

However, a 3 week old fetus is not something I consider alive yet.
Sperm Cells are living things. A '3 week old fetus' is factually alive.
As are skin cells, heart cells, brain cells, muscle cells, stomach cells, even cancer cells. They are all factually alive. Are they viable?
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.

Hitler would have better been aborted. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time to have kids.

Anyway, only an idiot would need to abort anyone, I don't much care about the outcome of this debate and will thus, abort myself. So long...
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.

Hitler would have better been aborted. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time to have kids.

Anyway, only an idiot would need to abort anyone, I don't much care about the outcome of this debate and will thus, abort myself. So long...
Hitler didn't prove to be trash until later in life, after he was born. People being capable of terrible things does not excuse killing a child before they've even impacted the world around them.

You're right, sometimes it IS better to wait to have kids. On the other hand, it's in no way the child's fault that the parents didn't wait, and said child shouldn't have to pay for it. Besides, adoption is an option that 'pro-murder' people tend to ignore. Murdering a child simply because you don't want it at all or yet is completely inexcusable when it can be put up for adoption.

Maybe it IS better to "abort" this mission, you have no chance in hell of winning against me, anyway.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.

Hitler would have better been aborted. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time to have kids.

Anyway, only an idiot would need to abort anyone, I don't much care about the outcome of this debate and will thus, abort myself. So long...
Hitler didn't prove to be trash until later in life, after he was born. People being capable of terrible things does not excuse killing a child before they've even impacted the world around them.

You're right, sometimes it IS better to wait to have kids. On the other hand, it's in no way the child's fault that the parents didn't wait, and said child shouldn't have to pay for it. Besides, adoption is an option that 'pro-murder' people tend to ignore. Murdering a child simply because you don't want it at all or yet is completely inexcusable when it can be put up for adoption.

Maybe it IS better to "abort" this mission, you have no chance in hell of winning against me, anyway.

Again, I don't think there is any basis to the claim that life begins at conception... so I don't consider offing someone less than 3 weeks any more significant than slamming a fly... It's not conscious yet. So in that sense (and only in that sense) it's no different to contraception.

And now I won't respond anymore, that is final.
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

Nope, I don't, but she is already alive... although, the Bosnian Snipers may disagree.

However, a 3 week old fetus is not something I consider alive yet.
Sperm Cells are living things. A '3 week old fetus' is factually alive.
As are skin cells, heart cells, brain cells, muscle cells, stomach cells, even cancer cells. They are all factually alive. Are they viable?
Difference being that none of those are human beings, they're cells that are part of a human, and will never develop into a living human. The fact that you can't tell the difference only shows me that you have a far advanced form of "head-jammed-up-rectum Syndrome". Take your trolling somewhere else, I have no business with such a grotesque creature, with no morals, ethics, or values. I keep you on ignore because I don't even consider you a human being, and you're not even here to debate.
Actually, that is false...they do NOT work flawlessly, there are a lot of failures and oopsies in the Cosmos.
That makes no sense at all. Just going back to plant life. They can't move yet they "eat" by photosynthesis - with sunlight and rain water coming to them. Flawless architecture top to bottom.
Religion does not = reality
God exists sweetie. It's just more progressive denial of reality when you refuse to accept something so obvious.
Which god or goddess?
The one who created you, my dear. The one who still loves you. The one who still adores you despite everything. That one.
Which one....there are the 100s in some places.
How many times can I clearly answer the exact same question. The one who created you. That's pretty clear.
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.

Hitler would have better been aborted. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time to have kids.

Anyway, only an idiot would need to abort anyone, I don't much care about the outcome of this debate and will thus, abort myself. So long...
Hitler didn't prove to be trash until later in life, after he was born. People being capable of terrible things does not excuse killing a child before they've even impacted the world around them.

You're right, sometimes it IS better to wait to have kids. On the other hand, it's in no way the child's fault that the parents didn't wait, and said child shouldn't have to pay for it. Besides, adoption is an option that 'pro-murder' people tend to ignore. Murdering a child simply because you don't want it at all or yet is completely inexcusable when it can be put up for adoption.

Maybe it IS better to "abort" this mission, you have no chance in hell of winning against me, anyway.

Again, I don't think there is any basis to the claim that life begins at conception... so I don't consider offing someone less than 3 weeks any more significant than slamming a fly... It's not conscious yet. So in that sense (and only in that sense) it's no different to contraception.

And now I won't respond anymore, that is final.
You don't seem to understand that one of the biggest differences between a 'fetus' and a fly is that that fly has no life to live in its future, and will never impact the lives of anyone, and it has no choice in the matter to start with. A 'fetus' DOES have a life to live, it will develop into a fully functional human being, and IS a human being in the first place. That is a child, a living child, and taking away its choice in whether it lives or dies and handing it to someone else is absolutely nonsensical. Is is FACTUALLY living, and you can offer absolutely no proof that is is not living.

Like I said, no chance in hell.
So you totally discount a non religious reason for the galaxy working? Are you saying that if the galaxy worked another way then life would never have formed?
I'm not saying that at all. No matter how God decided to create the galaxy he would have made life compatible with it (assuming that was His will of course). I'm simply saying with the volumes of evidence (not the least of which is the flawless architecture of the extraordinarily complex universe we operate in).
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.

Hitler would have better been aborted. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time to have kids.

Anyway, only an idiot would need to abort anyone, I don't much care about the outcome of this debate and will thus, abort myself. So long...
Hitler didn't prove to be trash until later in life, after he was born. People being capable of terrible things does not excuse killing a child before they've even impacted the world around them.

You're right, sometimes it IS better to wait to have kids. On the other hand, it's in no way the child's fault that the parents didn't wait, and said child shouldn't have to pay for it. Besides, adoption is an option that 'pro-murder' people tend to ignore. Murdering a child simply because you don't want it at all or yet is completely inexcusable when it can be put up for adoption.

Maybe it IS better to "abort" this mission, you have no chance in hell of winning against me, anyway.

Again, I don't think there is any basis to the claim that life begins at conception... so I don't consider offing someone less than 3 weeks any more significant than slamming a fly... It's not conscious yet. So in that sense (and only in that sense) it's no different to contraception.

And now I won't respond anymore, that is final.
You don't seem to understand that one of the biggest differences between a 'fetus' and a fly is that that fly has no life to live in its future, and will never impact the lives of anyone, and it has no choice in the matter to start with. A 'fetus' DOES have a life to live, it will develop into a fully functional human being, and IS a human being in the first place. That is a child, a living child, and taking away its choice in whether it lives or dies and handing it to someone else is absolutely nonsensical. Is is FACTUALLY living, and you can offer absolutely no proof that is is not living.

Like I said, no chance in hell.

Yes, and someone masturbates, those cells do not have a chance to live in future either. So what? I only value the living not "possible potential lives that can be produced at no cost".

Might want to cool down a bit is what I meant to say. Anyway, now I am gone... for real... for real.
So you totally discount a non religious reason for the galaxy working? Are you saying that if the galaxy worked another way then life would never have formed?
I'm not saying that at all. No matter how God decided to create the galaxy he would have made life compatible with it (assuming that was His will of course). I'm simply saying with the volumes of evidence (not the least of which is the flawless architecture of the extraordinarily complex universe we operate in).
In keeping with that logic regarding evidence, would you agree the original Hebrews were Black people according to the OT?
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.

Hitler would have better been aborted. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time to have kids.

Anyway, only an idiot would need to abort anyone, I don't much care about the outcome of this debate and will thus, abort myself. So long...
Hitler didn't prove to be trash until later in life, after he was born. People being capable of terrible things does not excuse killing a child before they've even impacted the world around them.

You're right, sometimes it IS better to wait to have kids. On the other hand, it's in no way the child's fault that the parents didn't wait, and said child shouldn't have to pay for it. Besides, adoption is an option that 'pro-murder' people tend to ignore. Murdering a child simply because you don't want it at all or yet is completely inexcusable when it can be put up for adoption.

Maybe it IS better to "abort" this mission, you have no chance in hell of winning against me, anyway.

Again, I don't think there is any basis to the claim that life begins at conception... so I don't consider offing someone less than 3 weeks any more significant than slamming a fly... It's not conscious yet. So in that sense (and only in that sense) it's no different to contraception.

And now I won't respond anymore, that is final.
You don't seem to understand that one of the biggest differences between a 'fetus' and a fly is that that fly has no life to live in its future, and will never impact the lives of anyone, and it has no choice in the matter to start with. A 'fetus' DOES have a life to live, it will develop into a fully functional human being, and IS a human being in the first place. That is a child, a living child, and taking away its choice in whether it lives or dies and handing it to someone else is absolutely nonsensical. Is is FACTUALLY living, and you can offer absolutely no proof that is is not living.

Like I said, no chance in hell.

Yes, and someone masturbates, those cells do not have a chance to live in future either. So what? I only value the living not "possible potential lives that can be produced at no cost".

Might want to cool down a bit is what I meant to say. Anyway, now I am gone... for real... for real.
On the other hand, when a woman is impregnated, the result WILL live a life of its own, and it is cut short, with no consent from the child, when an abortion is performed.

I'm completely calm, that will only change if you insult me. We seem to get along, so I highly doubt that will happen.
In keeping with that logic regarding evidence, would you agree the original Hebrews were Black people according to the OT?
If that's what it says - I would have no reason to doubt it unless someone provided me with something compelling to doubt it. That's the first time I've ever heard of that so I'm not qualified to speak about it. Unlike the U.S. Constitution (which I have extensively studied and genuinely consider myself a scholar on), I am not a Biblical scholar. Have read only a very moderate amount of the full text.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?

And now you see why trump is thought of as garbage

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