One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed

I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

Nope, I don't, but she is already alive... although, the Bosnian Snipers may disagree.

However, a 3 week old fetus is not something I consider alive yet.
A 3 week old fetus from a liberal mother is not something that should be considered alive. This war is not going to be won by the side with the fewest soldiers.

Liberals and minorities should have a public service promotion to abort their children to the point where the women have so many they end up sterile.
The rights of citizens are all equally important, including the right to privacy, which you and other religious extremists seek to violate by compelling women to give birth against their will, increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
Nobody does astoundingly ignorant like C_Clayton_Jones. It is not a "privacy" issue. Ted Bundy wasn't afforded the "privacy" to murder women in his Beetle you idiot. Women have all the privacy they want - except when you progressive assholes insist that mentally disturbed men with extreme sexual deviance should be allowed to watch them shower and pee. But they do not have the right to murder.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).

My, my...what an appalling lack of links the above post has... :rolleyes:
I've posted those links several dozen times and you know it. I'm tired of adding them because you progressives are uninformed and too lazy to do your own homework.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
The shame belongs solely to you and others on the right who seek to compel women to give birth against their will, in violation of the Constitution.
...but it is entirely okay to MURDER the unborn...and that is not a violation of the Constitution in your small mind.

Nazi F**k.
It's a woman's issue. It's up to her and her conscience as to what she does with her pregnancy and body and none of your fucking business.
It's funny how you progressive assholes don't apply that same logic to women's right to privacy in public restrooms where you force them to shower and pee with mentally disturbed, sexually deviant men.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.

Unfortunately, this scenario will play out only after the destruction of our once great country.

Sad but true. The tpp, ttip and tisa will end everything. Citizen slaves will have no rights. None. Corporate the boss now and the only right now is corporate and no ones even talking about it. Abortion? Im against it it but right now?...doesnt fucking matter. Nothing matters but these "trade" deals.
Abortion is murder. Only a fool will dispute this. Sadly there are way too many fools duped into believing the lies of the elites and abortionists.

What does it say about a society that grants women the right of life or death of another?

The Left criticizes the State for executing a guilty heinous murderer, but has no problem with a woman murdering her child for convenience.

Get real.

Women have been ending unwanted pregnancies since ancient times.

That the One Percenters have stupid people upset about this just tells how gullible you are.
Irrelevant as all your posts are.

Abortion is murder and you support murder...Nazi F**K!
Last I checked abortion is legal and murder is a legal term applied to criminals.
It's a woman's issue. It's up to her and her conscience as to what she does with her pregnancy and body and none of your fucking business.
It's funny how you progressive assholes don't apply that same logic to women's right to privacy in public restrooms where you force them to shower and pee with mentally disturbed, sexually deviant men.

Beware ladies!

The P@triot might be lurking in your restroom trying to get a look at your goods.
Abortion is murder. Only a fool will dispute this. Sadly there are way too many fools duped into believing the lies of the elites and abortionists.

What does it say about a society that grants women the right of life or death of another?

The Left criticizes the State for executing a guilty heinous murderer, but has no problem with a woman murdering her child for convenience.

Get real.

Women have been ending unwanted pregnancies since ancient times.

That the One Percenters have stupid people upset about this just tells how gullible you are.
Irrelevant as all your posts are.

Abortion is murder and you support murder...Nazi F**K!
Last I checked abortion is legal and murder is a legal term applied to criminals.
Convenient isn't it?
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.

Its legal, get over it
Abortion is murder. Only a fool will dispute this. Sadly there are way too many fools duped into believing the lies of the elites and abortionists.

What does it say about a society that grants women the right of life or death of another?

The Left criticizes the State for executing a guilty heinous murderer, but has no problem with a woman murdering her child for convenience.

Get real.

Women have been ending unwanted pregnancies since ancient times.

That the One Percenters have stupid people upset about this just tells how gullible you are.
Irrelevant as all your posts are.

Abortion is murder and you support murder...Nazi F**K!
Last I checked abortion is legal and murder is a legal term applied to criminals.
Convenient isn't it?
Yes it is. Otherwise it would be murder wouldnt it?
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

As a settled, accepted fact of law an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, no rights are being "violated."
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

Nope, I don't, but she is already alive... although, the Bosnian Snipers may disagree.

However, a 3 week old fetus is not something I consider alive yet.
Sperm Cells are living things. A '3 week old fetus' is factually alive.
But not a person as a fact of law.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

As a settled, accepted fact of law an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, no rights are being "violated."
Wonder if you'd feel the same way if you were being aborted. You probably wouldn't be so cozy with murder, there, CCJ.
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

Nope, I don't, but she is already alive... although, the Bosnian Snipers may disagree.

However, a 3 week old fetus is not something I consider alive yet.
Sperm Cells are living things. A '3 week old fetus' is factually alive.
But not a person as a fact of law.
If you can prove it never develops into a fully functional human being, you may have a point there.
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
That's determined later in life, but the point abortions take place is at a time when those humans have had no impact on the world or anyone around them, and they aren't given a choice of whether or not they want to live their lives. Would you have been okay with being aborted? Nobody's lives would have been influenced by you, whether positive or negative. Any good you have done in your life would never have happened. I haven't even lived that long, and I know for a fact that I've made positive impacts on the lives of others, and I know I wouldn't have been okay with someone else deciding whether I should live or die.

Hitler would have better been aborted. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time to have kids.

Anyway, only an idiot would need to abort anyone, I don't much care about the outcome of this debate and will thus, abort myself. So long...
Hitler didn't prove to be trash until later in life, after he was born. People being capable of terrible things does not excuse killing a child before they've even impacted the world around them.

You're right, sometimes it IS better to wait to have kids. On the other hand, it's in no way the child's fault that the parents didn't wait, and said child shouldn't have to pay for it. Besides, adoption is an option that 'pro-murder' people tend to ignore. Murdering a child simply because you don't want it at all or yet is completely inexcusable when it can be put up for adoption.

Maybe it IS better to "abort" this mission, you have no chance in hell of winning against me, anyway.

Again, I don't think there is any basis to the claim that life begins at conception... so I don't consider offing someone less than 3 weeks any more significant than slamming a fly... It's not conscious yet. So in that sense (and only in that sense) it's no different to contraception.

And now I won't respond anymore, that is final.
You think killing an unborn baby is the same as killing a fly. That makes you a disgusting and evil individual. I will pray for your soul.
Christians must no longer consider lying a sin; an embryo/fetus is not a baby.

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