One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed

One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed.

We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House.

All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered.

We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum.

All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are.

The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
The shame belongs solely to you and others on the right who seek to compel women to give birth against their will, in violation of the Constitution.
Did the right compel them to have intercourse as well?
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?

What exactly do you think is wrong with being adopted? I know Trumpsters aren't known for being particularly smart, or caring, but I am curious are to the motivations of this comment.
Where the fuck did these stupid abortion threads come from?


Church services being extremely boring has nothing to do with idiot hipsters deciding that God is not "cool" anymore.

Anyone who thinks matter can be created in this realm of existence is a certified idiot.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).

My, my...what an appalling lack of links the above post has... :rolleyes:
I've posted those links several dozen times and you know it. I'm tired of adding them because you progressives are uninformed and too lazy to do your own homework.

Uh huh, sure. Links (no Alex Jones) or you're a lying sack of shit.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).

My, my...what an appalling lack of links the above post has... :rolleyes:
I've posted those links several dozen times and you know it. I'm tired of adding them because you progressives are uninformed and too lazy to do your own homework.

Uh huh, sure. Links (no Alex Jones) or you're a lying sack of shit.
And if I add them - you will admit you are extremely ignorant about what is going on and a liar. Right? Deal?
Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.
Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.

Indeed, many would prefer our country more resemble the red or orange countries:

Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.
You left one out! Where progressives like you won't be quite so ignorant...

I know one thing - you will never see your progressive utopia where people have no rights or liberties, women are mere sex slaves to be used and abused for pleasure only, and murder is legal and encouraged. Good people (conservatives) will never let that happen.
Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.

Indeed, many would prefer our country more resemble the red or orange countries:

Awesome....progressives have turned us into Russia and China. Oppressive, women-hating regimes.
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).

My, my...what an appalling lack of links the above post has... :rolleyes:
I've posted those links several dozen times and you know it. I'm tired of adding them because you progressives are uninformed and too lazy to do your own homework.

Uh huh, sure. Links (no Alex Jones) or you're a lying sack of shit.
And if I add them - you will admit you are extremely ignorant about what is going on and a liar. Right? Deal?
Well that certainly shut Seawytch up fast! :lol:
One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed. We will take down their statues and paintings in the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the White House. All buildings, roads, and bridges named after them will be renamed after other people who were pro-life when it mattered. We will build museums to shame and vilify them, like the Nazis are shamed and vilified in the Holocaust Museum. All memory of them will be erased, except as the villains they are. The children in the schools will be taught to despise them.
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).

My, my...what an appalling lack of links the above post has... :rolleyes:
I've posted those links several dozen times and you know it. I'm tired of adding them because you progressives are uninformed and too lazy to do your own homework.

Uh huh, sure. Links (no Alex Jones) or you're a lying sack of shit.
And if I add them - you will admit you are extremely ignorant about what is going on and a liar. Right? Deal?

Why don't you try providing credible links and we shall see. I can't see you providing anything resembling credible when you're looking for something that says "Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4".

Ridiculous on its face.

As for age of consent laws...those have changed in the US since we've become more "progressive" as a country. Which direction have those laws gone?
I wouldn't count on it brother. Progressives have obliterated all morality and continue to take their side down darker and more evil roads. As we speak, they are trying to "normalize" pedophilia and their counterparts in Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4 (which to any sane, rational, moral person is just plain murder).

My, my...what an appalling lack of links the above post has... :rolleyes:
I've posted those links several dozen times and you know it. I'm tired of adding them because you progressives are uninformed and too lazy to do your own homework.

Uh huh, sure. Links (no Alex Jones) or you're a lying sack of shit.
And if I add them - you will admit you are extremely ignorant about what is going on and a liar. Right? Deal?

Why don't you try providing credible links and we shall see. I can't see you providing anything resembling credible when you're looking for something that says "Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4".

Ridiculous on its face.

As for age of consent laws...those have changed in the US since we've become more "progressive" as a country. Which direction have those laws gone?
So then what are you worried about then Seawytch? Agree to post that you are extremely ignorant about what is going on and that you are a liar.
Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.

Indeed, many would prefer our country more resemble the red or orange countries:

Awesome....progressives have turned us into Russia and China. Oppressive, women-hating regimes.

As opposed to notoriously woman-friendly countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, Egypt, Libya and Saudi Arabia?
Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.
You left one out! Where progressives like you won't be quite so ignorant...

I know one thing - you will never see your progressive utopia where people have no rights or liberties, women are mere sex slaves to be used and abused for pleasure only, and murder is legal and encouraged. Good people (conservatives) will never let that happen.

Pro-lifers are those who want to turn women into sex-slaves. You've got it precisely backwards.
Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.
You left one out! Where progressives like you won't be quite so ignorant...

I know one thing - you will never see your progressive utopia where people have no rights or liberties, women are mere sex slaves to be used and abused for pleasure only, and murder is legal and encouraged. Good people (conservatives) will never let that happen.

Pro-lifers are those who want to turn women into sex-slaves. You've got it precisely backwards.
Really? It was progressive Bill Clinton who not only humiliated his wife with endless affairs but who also sexually assaulted dozens of women - not conservative Ronald Reagan who adored and respected his wife (like a real man should).

It was progressive John F. Kennedy who humiliated his wife with endless affairs - not conservative Thomas Jefferson who adored and respected his wife.

It is progressives who promote the sexualization of women and promiscuity while mocking conservatives who push for morals and decency.
My, my...what an appalling lack of links the above post has... :rolleyes:
I've posted those links several dozen times and you know it. I'm tired of adding them because you progressives are uninformed and too lazy to do your own homework.

Uh huh, sure. Links (no Alex Jones) or you're a lying sack of shit.
And if I add them - you will admit you are extremely ignorant about what is going on and a liar. Right? Deal?

Why don't you try providing credible links and we shall see. I can't see you providing anything resembling credible when you're looking for something that says "Europe are trying to legalize "abortions" up to age 4".

Ridiculous on its face.

As for age of consent laws...those have changed in the US since we've become more "progressive" as a country. Which direction have those laws gone?
So then what are you worried about then Seawytch? Agree to post that you are extremely ignorant about what is going on and that you are a liar.

So you still don't have links? Why am I not surprised.
Maybe someday you'll have your Conservatopia where there are no taxes, everybody proudly carries a gun, and women who terminate their precious cargo are dealt with severely.
You left one out! Where progressives like you won't be quite so ignorant...

I know one thing - you will never see your progressive utopia where people have no rights or liberties, women are mere sex slaves to be used and abused for pleasure only, and murder is legal and encouraged. Good people (conservatives) will never let that happen.

Pro-lifers are those who want to turn women into sex-slaves. You've got it precisely backwards.
Really? It was progressive Bill Clinton who not only humiliated his wife with endless affairs but who also sexually assaulted dozens of women - not conservative Ronald Reagan who adored and respected his wife (like a real man should).

It was progressive John F. Kennedy who humiliated his wife with endless affairs - not conservative Thomas Jefferson who adored and respected his wife.

It is progressives who promote the sexualization of women and promiscuity while mocking conservatives who push for morals and decency.

Bwaaahahahaha!!! Where should I start?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic with Thomas Jefferson. Ever heard of Sally Hemmings? Doubt it. It was his slave that he knocked up.

Warren Harding? Yeah, that's a philandering Republican. But let's get modern...

Todd Akin says rape babies will take care of themselves
Dennis Hastert is a pedophile
New Gingrich had 3 wives, and cheated on 1 when she had cancer
Herman Cain groped his way up the Godfather's Pizza ladder
Mark Sanford's "Appalachian Trail" hike was eventful
John Ensign bangs a married staffer
Larry Craig solicited sex in a bathroom....but maybe that doesn't count because it was gay sex?
Mark Foley....shit, also a gay scandal
Rudy Giuliani, cheated on his wife -- hey, a hetero scandal! Oh, and he dressed up as a woman, too. Nevermind.

And Trump. Oh dear, Trump. When he's not dreaming of fucking his own daughter, he's swinging from immigrant-model-to-random-tart to-immigrant-model (usually during the marriage). And then, for sport, he grabs pussies.

But yes, PLEASE tell us about your "morals" and "decency".
Regardless, the discussion was about being pro life or pro choice, and how each position characterizes women.


The pro life position does not.

So tell us, which one more represents freedom for women?

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