One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed

Hahahaha....Conservatives are trying to elect into the highest office one of the most immoral men in America.
At the exact same time progressives are attempting to elect into the highest office the most immoral American ever.
God and Satan are ancient enemies, and have been in a struggle that have lasted millennia. Some serve God, and some serve Satan. But here's a warning to those of you who serve Satan: God is a lot more powerful than Satan. God is the Creator of the universe, and Satan is but one of his creations. So it is not an even match. God's side will ALWAYS WIN in the end. Those of you who believe in modern liberalism are followers of the latest false ideas created by Satan. Everything you believe in is a lie. Your tactics prove you are on the wrong side, because you lie, you steal, and you cheat. You have decided that all of God's rules about human sexuality do not bind you, and you have created chaos with your disobedience. Abortion is the ultimate evil you have created out of your disobedience, a necessary result of your refusal to abide by God's laws regarding human sexuality. What you have wrought is death on a scale that nearly matches the Nazis and will one day match the Communists if it keeps up. You are marching towards your own personal destruction, and you are marching this nation to an ultimate destruction that will make the world flood look tame in comparison.
Damn I get tired of trying to explain the difference between a zygote, embryo, fetus and a baby. The right just isn't big on science.
That is fall down hilarious coming from the side that rejects all science and denies all reality... :lol:
How's this election working out for you?
Not well. We have one immoral progressive (Donald Trump) and one extremely immoral progressive (Hitlery Clinton). It just illustrates how unhinged your side of the aisle has become.
Damn I get tired of trying to explain the difference between a zygote, embryo, fetus and a baby. The right just isn't big on science.
That is fall down hilarious coming from the side that rejects all science and denies all reality... :lol:
How's this election working out for you?
Not well. We have one immoral progressive (Donald Trump) and one extremely immoral progressive (Hitlery Clinton). It just illustrates how unhinged your side of the aisle has become.
That's are blaming us for
The Catholic Church stands for something, and ultimately will still be here in 1000 years long after all the Protestant churches are gone and all but forgotten. The evangelicals will be the last to disappear, but they will disappear, since they cling to false doctrines and heresies that are obviously false, even when explained to a child.
Easy now chief....the Protestant church is far superior to the Catholic church. It was founded explicitly due to how severely corrupt and evil the Catholic was. Sadly, that tradition continues to this day with Catholic priests molesting young boys and the Catholic church covering it up.
That's are blaming us for
Well....he comes from your side of the aisle and it is your side of the aisle which is comprised of the immoral and unethical dirt-bags that show up to vote in Republican primaries, so who would you blame?
The Catholic Church stands for something, and ultimately will still be here in 1000 years long after all the Protestant churches are gone and all but forgotten. The evangelicals will be the last to disappear, but they will disappear, since they cling to false doctrines and heresies that are obviously false, even when explained to a child.

Ahaha typical of religious fuckups saying other variances and religions are wrong except for them.
The Catholic Church stands for something, and ultimately will still be here in 1000 years long after all the Protestant churches are gone and all but forgotten. The evangelicals will be the last to disappear, but they will disappear, since they cling to false doctrines and heresies that are obviously false, even when explained to a child.
Ahaha typical of religious fuckups saying other variances and religions are wrong except for them.
So typical of disgusting progressives - using that to deny reality and doing so with immature vulgar language.
One of the easiest thing a human being can do is prevent pregnancy. To murder an unborn child for convenience, is heinous and evil. Either we as a nation protect and value life or we don't.

Let me are a white male over the age of 50, right?

Ha! Nailed it.
Let me guess you are a brain washed millennial.

Nope. Just a grown woman who would like men to keep their dicks inside their trousers when they start preaching about how abortion is wrong. Takes two to tango, Bozo
The Catholic Church stands for something, and ultimately will still be here in 1000 years long after all the Protestant churches are gone and all but forgotten. The evangelicals will be the last to disappear, but they will disappear, since they cling to false doctrines and heresies that are obviously false, even when explained to a child.
Ahaha typical of religious fuckups saying other variances and religions are wrong except for them.
So typical of disgusting progressives - using that to deny reality and doing so with immature vulgar language.

Religion does not = reality
Nope. Just a grown woman who would like men to keep their dicks inside their trousers when they start preaching about how abortion is wrong. Takes two to tango, Bozo
Yeah. And neither one has the right to take a life because they "tango'd".

By the way're about the furtherest thing I've seen from a "grown woman". You're a lost and angry juvenile. You certainly speak like one.
Religion does not = reality
God exists sweetie. It's just more progressive denial of reality when you refuse to accept something so obvious.
Not saying youre wrong but where is the proof that god exists?
Well for starters....the fact that there is a galaxy, a planet, a sun, etc. that all work flawlessly to sustain life. To believe that it is all the result of some explosion is to suspend all rational thought. Think how massive and granular it all goes (right down to bees pollenating plant life which cannot move to "procreate" and wind assisting plant life which cannot move to "procreate"). All the result of a chance explosion? Something that perfectly architected?

Then there are the hundreds of thousands of people throughout history who had near death experiences and who can attest to heaven, God, etc.

Then there are historical artifacts which were uncovered and support what is reported in the Bible (such as the "bone box" and the "shroud of Turin"). When you put all of the evidence together it would take one suspending all rational thought to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Well, that or someone who was hurt and is bitter.

Photos of Bone Boxes from 'Jesus Family Tomb'
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.
In what kind of a person's mind is abortion this important of an issue?

Just wondering, I am pro-choice, but a person who feels this strongly about the issue clearly has some major issues. I am sorry to say this but if you find yourself in a position where you need an abortion, you are a colossal failure... almost makes me wish you were aborted... or at least adopted. I highly recommend getting a life ASAP, as otherwise it doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
I didn't realize you're okay with murder. You do realize humans are having their rights infringed upon, and their lives cut short because people are seemingly okay with this? Do you not understand how many human beings are dying as a result of abortions? Not only are you seemingly okay with these things, but you also seem to have some sort of irrational hatred for anyone who has a problem with the aforementioned things.

I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough.

Some people are possibly better aborted...
I have no problem with abortion provided it's done early enough. Some people are possibly better aborted...
The "logic" there frightens me. There is absolutely no question that the world would be a better place without Hillary Clinton. Does that mean in your mind that society has the green light to take her out?

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