One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

You know, my roomie and I were just talking about this. Trump apparently doesn't realize the difference between Washington and Jefferson, who were actual U.S. presidents, and Robert E. Lee, who wasn't.
On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.

Like anything he did would have satisfied you.

It's would be like asking PETA to pick their favorite Fried Chicken Recipe.
Right and you on the flip side will defend him regardless of what he says or does.

No, I won't. I don't like his lack of movement on tax reform, and if he decides to keep up with the AGW treaties and stuff, I'll call him out on it.

As for his proxies, Sessions can go hang when it comes to Asset forfeiture and keeping federal pot laws.

When we get hard numbers for deportations 2017, if they are not up big time, I'll be very pissed.

They down from 2016 bigly. And they're down HUGELY from Obama's first year in office.

Yeah, that sounds like bullshit.

Word I hear is that ICE is a force that is reinvigorated with a President who actually supports their mission.
LMAO! He can't shake it. Fighting with the press.
"Before I make a statement I like to know the facts".
Really? Like when he knee-jerked on Twitter that Obama wire 'tapped' him?
Like when he said in 2011 that Obama was born in Kenya then he said in 2016 that he was born in America?

Trump's Lies (because he doesn't CARE about the facts)
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Fuck the vile media.
And someone was stupid enough to give this a " winner" rating.
This just shows these Trump whores don't ever want to learn anything or be informed. They blindly accept what their fuhrer tells them.

Projection kid.

Here's the truth....BOTH sides are wrong. BUT at least they are out expressing what they their own peril they do this.

You? Here you sit pounding at your keyboard furiously spewing your own self justified the safety of your own little apartment.
The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Last night, VICE News did their whole report on what happened over the weekend. On one of their segments when they were covering the protest at the statue, there were a bunch of white supremacists with shields, helmets and bats that were being led by a big biker looking dude. He sat there and chanted for about 30 seconds, got them to start chanting with him, and then he led the group of white supremacists in an attack on the antifa protesters. No, they weren't all peaceful.

It's a half hour segment. Here, watch it for yourself. Pay special attention to what the white supremacists are saying about this country.

Watch VICE News Tonight's full episode "Charlottesville: Race and Terror"
They're showing clips of it on CNN right now.
These hate mongers are crazy and their ranks are growing.
I personally think that liberals are more dangerous. White Supremacy is wrong, but it is a small faction of our population. Liberals, who many do not want to work for what they get is more dangerous to the values of our country. Were you a Hillary or Sanders supporter?
Why did it take him two days to make that statement but about 6 minutes to bash the CEO of Merck?

The DOJ was weighing in, the situation was being investigated, and all the facts were being gathered. Unlike Obama, who like to rattle off opinions and judgments - often wrong - without facts, Trump waited until after he talked to Sessions, his US AG.

That's not the REAL issue here, though.

Liberal media rags raced to either attack Trump for not condemning the racist hate groups or tried to tie them to those groups. After Trump came out with the above, clear condemnation of these groups and their actions, Democrats were left being wrong in their reporting about Trump's refusal to condemn these groups and quickly changed the story to 'Trump Too Slow In Condemnation'.

In all honesty, which the left will never admit, this was another opportunity for the Left to attack Trump, deserved or not, and the Left is using EVERY opportunity to do so it gets. Much of the outcry against Trump is politically based, a continuance of the 'war' the Left has waged against Trump since even before the election.

President Trump made it clear:

"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. "To anyone who acted criminally in this weekend’s racist violence, you will be held fully accountable. Justice will be delivered..."

After this horrific event, Trump's words were actually an opportunity for the nation to come together as a whole to unify in condemnation of the KKK, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and any and all other racist / hate groups that do not represent this nation.

Instead of emphasizing Trump's words and helping to solidify that moment / opportunity, the media sought to target and attack Trump, seeking to further divide this nation rather than use it as a moment to unite it.

The CEO, IMO, also made the wrong decision. That is my decision - you don't have to agree with it. I disagree with Trump bashing him, though. He could have made a more professional statement, 'expressing his disappointment' in his decision rather than attacking him.

Three CEO's have now quit over this issue, and Elon Musk quit when Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord.

Nobody is willing to work with Trump because he's a Nazi sympathizer. Americans fought and died in WWII to end Nazis and white supremacy. You fools have elected one.

You are equating wanting to send Pedro HOME, to putting people in ovens.

You have gone bat shit crazy.
Ah... the NYT. You people never learn. smh

I'll ask you, as I've asked a number of others who claim the MSM is biased and not credible. What source(s) do you consult to for you daily news? No one has ever responded to this simple question.

It's certainly not an opinion piece from a liberal rag. lol
Another coward who won't answer the question.
Do you honestly think anyone here should think you're capable of having rational thought? lol

You've proven yourself to be nothing more than another village idiot, Wry Catcher. It's why people don't waste their time with you.
It's also why you leftist have a bad habit of changing your names here.

deanrd and ScienceRocks are two good examples.
Like anything he did would have satisfied you.

It's would be like asking PETA to pick their favorite Fried Chicken Recipe.
Right and you on the flip side will defend him regardless of what he says or does.

No, I won't. I don't like his lack of movement on tax reform, and if he decides to keep up with the AGW treaties and stuff, I'll call him out on it.

As for his proxies, Sessions can go hang when it comes to Asset forfeiture and keeping federal pot laws.

When we get hard numbers for deportations 2017, if they are not up big time, I'll be very pissed.

They down from 2016 bigly. And they're down HUGELY from Obama's first year in office.

Yeah, that sounds like bullshit.

Word I hear is that ICE is a force that is reinvigorated with a President who actually supports their mission.

What??? Lies from a lefty??? Can't be so can it?
You know, my roomie and I were just talking about this. Trump apparently doesn't realize the difference between Washington and Jefferson, who were actual U.S. presidents, and Robert E. Lee, who wasn't.
That does not matter, they were all slave owners
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
There is no America, it's all a figment of your imagination. Or the DTs.........
It was stupid. So?
Well they calling him an idiot comes down to the image he puts out there socially.
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

No, the idiot was in the White House just prior to Trump. He was the one who opened is idiot mouth immediately and said things wrong, stupid, and divisive.

What is the point you are trying to make? You seem to be all over the place.
Not gonna explain that here. Stupid is not always a negative thing. You agree?
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?

Jackson, Lee, all the Confederates were welcomed back into the Union, by those who paid the price for defeating them.

What moral authority do you have that is greater than theirs, on this issue?
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same

IN the case of antifa and the nazis, he is right on point. THe only difference is that there are vastly more of the far left and they often had the quiet support of local politicians.

Trump will win in 2020 and the left's whining will continue. Trump is correct about Washington and Jefferson's statues will be coming down. Doesn't anyone remember the re-written history books that just says they were "slave owners". The Alt-Left's attacks on the peaceful protesters was the problem. Many being called nazis and KKK members were simply protesting the removal of history. The US has a history, it can't be changed. If some people play the "race card" that's their self-image problem. I hat nazis and KKK members, but if they are peaceful they are simply idiots. Whoever does violence is a terrorist.
Trump will be fine in 2020, and the GOP will be fine in 2018 irrespective of the polls.
You know, my roomie and I were just talking about this. Trump apparently doesn't realize the difference between Washington and Jefferson, who were actual U.S. presidents, and Robert E. Lee, who wasn't.
That does not matter, they were all slave owners

Again....Washington and Jefferson were presidents of this country. Lee was a traitor who tried to get the south to separate. Lee isn't even close to being in the same league as Washington and Jefferson.
Like I said earlier, those who cover their faces are acting against the country's law or God's Law. And they are doing wrong.

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