One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
Yesterday you said denying global warming was going to finish Trump.

And the day before that it was transgender rights that was going to finish Trump.

And the day before that............... :cuckoo:

Shhhhh! Let him keep proclaiming that. As long as he does, we know nothing like it will happen.
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
There's a lot of willful ignorance with Trump. He's proud to not be a student of history, he's proud to be a nonreader.
I like my presidents to be readers.
Today was a dumpster fire for him and I'm sure Gen Kelly is cringing over it.
Like we thought anyone can control this lunatic.
it would help if you told us what you witnessed today.....
David Duke thanked the president for his comments today.
That's all you really need to know..

What else could he say that would get his allies in the press to give him more air time?
Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
You know, my roomie and I were just talking about this. Trump apparently doesn't realize the difference between Washington and Jefferson, who were actual U.S. presidents, and Robert E. Lee, who wasn't.
That does not matter, they were all slave owners

Again....Washington and Jefferson were presidents of this country. Lee was a traitor who tried to get the south to separate. Lee isn't even close to being in the same league as Washington and Jefferson.

Being president means that it was ok that they owned slaves?
That was back then. What are you trying to say?

I'm asking ABikerSailor to explain his reasoning.

Most wealthy people back then owned slaves. Shoot, if Trump was alive back then with all the wealth he has, you can bet he would have owned slaves as well. So, just because Washington and Jefferson owned slaves, and Lee owned slaves, does NOT make them equivalent.

Washington and Jefferson led this country through it's founding, and were each president of this nation. Lee was a traitor who tried to break this country up.

No, there is no equivalence.
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
There's a lot of willful ignorance with Trump. He's proud to not be a student of history, he's proud to be a nonreader.
I like my presidents to be readers.
Today was a dumpster fire for him and I'm sure Gen Kelly is cringing over it.
Like we thought anyone can control this lunatic.
it would help if you told us what you witnessed today.....
David Duke thanked the president for his comments today.
That's all you really need to know..

What else could he say that would get his allies in the press to give him more air time?
Trump has no time for the press and the public's right to know. Remember he has said during his first press conference," Don't believe anything you hear unless you hear it from me."
A guy who has a terrible relationship with the truth..
Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
1. the MSM news is fake
2. history is being revised, Washington and Jefferson are being slimed as "slave owners" (Trump is right, save the statues, the new books are wrong)
3. He won the election, wait and see who "interfered" in the election...hint: not the Russkis
Breaking News: The White House is " stunned" the prez went rogue.
In other words more unhinged than usual.
Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
1. the MSM news is fake
2. history is being revised, Washington and Jefferson are being slimed as "slave owners" (Trump is right, save the statues, the new books are wrong)
3. He won the election, wait and see who "interfered" in the election...hint: not the Russkis
All 3 are lies but par for a trump supporter..
How does it feel to sell your soul to an unhinged pathological liar?
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

LOL, what possible downside is there to condemn white supremacists?

For Trump there was one - you piss off a chunk of your constituency.
Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
1. the MSM news is fake
2. history is being revised, Washington and Jefferson are being slimed as "slave owners" (Trump is right, save the statues, the new books are wrong)
3. He won the election, wait and see who "interfered" in the election...hint: not the Russkis
The media made a big attempt to interfere with the election by constantly trying to derail voters from voting for Trump by running non stop stories like "no path to the white house..", "Clinton landslide..." over and over and over.

We can't erase history, but we can learn from it. We have laws. Tearing down statues are against the law. Arrest them!

Just think how bent out of shape the Alt Left would be if the road signs for MLK Jr Blvd were torn down all over this country.

They would go bat shit crazy, wouldn't they?
We were Gideon's army without Gideon. Today, we got our leader back!

the best part about the press conference was at the end when Trump brags about his winery in Charlottesville

by the way, when journalists say, "I don't understand what you're saying," they understand perfectly, but don't like it.
Trump lied

He does not have a winery in Charlottesville

His son does

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