One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

Trump in 1991: David Duke is a racist
Trump to Jake Tapper from CNN in 2016: I know nothing about David Duke.

And the Trumpies still support this type of lying..

On Chris Matthews Chris just showed both
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same

IN the case of antifa and the nazis, he is right on point. THe only difference is that there are vastly more of the far left and they often had the quiet support of local politicians.

Please tell me you didn't just say that

No difference between antifa and NAZIS?
There's a reason why people think you're an idiot, Wry Catcher. Just saying. :)

Those who call me an idiot or a morons, etc. bothers me not one bit. I understand your post and others like it are the product of a poorly educated, ignorant and biddable fool.

There is no substance to your post, and not even an attempt to write a rebuttal to any of my arguments. Not only do I not become angry with a post like yours, I find a post like your's pitiful.
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

LOL, what possible downside is there to condemn white supremacists?

For Trump there was one - you piss off a chunk of your constituency.

Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
Trump was right.

One of the well known asshole spokesman for the Alt Left is calling for statues of Thomas Jefferson to come down next.

That just shows how bat shit crazy they are.

Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
1. the MSM news is fake
2. history is being revised, Washington and Jefferson are being slimed as "slave owners" (Trump is right, save the statues, the new books are wrong)
3. He won the election, wait and see who "interfered" in the election...hint: not the Russkis
All 3 are lies but par for a trump supporter..
How does it feel to sell your soul to an unhinged pathological liar?

Keep drinking the alt-left Kool Ade. The MSM is totally fake-news, I saw revisionist history stories about the founding father's as "slave owners". An NSA manager on TV said he can prove who interfered in the 2016 election, and it wasn't Russia. So unless you have some type of proof that these are false, I'm not going to research for you.
My soul is fine thank you, and Trump is no more a liar than BO (we will all save $2,500 a year, etc.)
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same

IN the case of antifa and the nazis, he is right on point. THe only difference is that there are vastly more of the far left and they often had the quiet support of local politicians.

Please tell me you didn't just say that

No difference between antifa and NAZIS?

Look at them. Give them a country, and how do you think it would end up?

Oh, that's right, that's what you want, isn't it?
LMAO! He can't shake it. Fighting with the press.
"Before I make a statement I like to know the facts".
Really? Like when he knee-jerked on Twitter that Obama wire 'tapped' him?
Like when he said in 2011 that Obama was born in Kenya then he said in 2016 that he was born in America?

Trump's Lies (because he doesn't CARE about the facts)
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Fuck the vile media.
Without the free press, we're Russia. Oops. Trump's already working on that..

Your red baiting is noted and dismissed.

The media have squandered what ever credibility and/or respect they ever had.

That's a bald face lie. The sane respectable media is going thru a renaissance. Best work they've done in decades..
Covering a pathological liar is hard work.
Trump shure called this one right, didn't he? Another member of the Alt Left:

I wouldn't be bothered if we removed statues of slaver/child rapist #ThomasJefferson. Great intelligence doesn't excuse pedophilia.

FleurduMonde (@FleurduMonde) August 15, 2017
There's a reason why people think you're an idiot, Wry Catcher. Just saying. :)

Those who call me an idiot or a morons, etc. bothers me not one bit. I understand your post and others like it are the product of a poorly educated, ignorant and biddable fool.

There is no substance to your post, and not even an attempt to write a rebuttal to any of my arguments. Not only do I not become angry with a post like yours, I find a post like your's pitiful.
You'll survive a little truth and criticism, Wry Catcher. :itsok:
Trump was right.

One of the well known asshole spokesman for the Alt Left is calling for statues of Thomas Jefferson to come down next.

That just shows how bat shit crazy they are.

Trump is not right about anything. Not one thing. How do you think he got in this much trouble ON HIS VACATION?
Damn man... think..
Trump again, for the millionth time said what everyone else was thinking. Yes, we saw antifa attack the peaceful protesters. Thank you for saying so, Mr. President.
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?

Does this mean you are leaving ????

Please !!!!
"One has to really appreciate how 'terrible' Trump's response to the Nazi attack was"

"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. "To anyone who acted criminally in this weekend’s racist violence, you will be held fully accountable. Justice will be delivered..."

Yeah, just friggin' HORRIBLE... What a racist a$$hole...


Why did it take him two days to make that statement but about 6 minutes to bash the CEO of Merck?

I can't wait for your completely non-partisan, objective rationale for this.

How can you Nazi what is going on here?

WOW!! Two whole days!!!
We've been waiting years for barry and company to condemn antifa and the blm.

Why would you condem an anti police brutality group?
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
Trump was right.

One of the well known asshole spokesman for the Alt Left is calling for statues of Thomas Jefferson to come down next.

That just shows how bat shit crazy they are.

Trump is not right about anything. Not one thing. How do you think he got in this much trouble ON HIS VACATION?
Damn man... think..

I wouldn't call the BS we've been seeing from democrats 'trouble'. lol

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