One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

What's going on outside the Fox/ Breitbart bubble:
" This is the most reprehensible display of any president in history."
Trump was right.

One of the well known asshole spokesman for the Alt Left is calling for statues of Thomas Jefferson to come down next.

That just shows how bat shit crazy they are.

Trump is not right about anything. Not one thing. How do you think he got in this much trouble ON HIS VACATION?
Damn man... think..

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump said today that the Alt Left will be going after our Founding Fathers and that is exactly what is happening. Now they are going after Tomas Jefferson. I know you Moon Bats are uneducated but he is the one that wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Alt Left is batshit crazy. Destructive and crazy.

Next will be Washington. How about Hamilton? Just because the Negroes are putting on a Broadway play about him don't mean he will be immune from the hate of the Alt Left.

The people who you used to respect and listen to is calling Trump " a moral disgrace."
Of course ignoramuses like you love his buffoon act.
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
Trump off script is the real Trump... and it's the most repugnant behavior anyone has seen from any president..
Trump was right.

One of the well known asshole spokesman for the Alt Left is calling for statues of Thomas Jefferson to come down next.

That just shows how bat shit crazy they are.

Trump is not right about anything. Not one thing. How do you think he got in this much trouble ON HIS VACATION?
Damn man... think..

I wouldn't call the BS we've been seeing from democrats 'trouble'. lol

Look st this fraud trying to pretend trump didn't go from a shitstorm to a 5 alarm fire..
On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.

Uh....No. His response was superb and correct. It is the intolerant Left who hs the wrong response.

Trump said that it came from "Many sides" and he is 100% correct. Unlike you and the radical Left, I realize that whites AND blacks / the Right AND the Left can be racist. The vast majority of haters on the non-licensed side of the protests were intolerant radical leftist (if not paid) haters. Even neo-nazis have the right to protected free speech and demonstrations. That is a CONSTITUTIONAL right. BLM and Antifa have the same PEACEFUL demonstrations.

The US Constitution protects EVERYONE's right to voice their opinions and feelings. As long as it is not coupled to threats of violence etc.

The difference is the Alt-Right has not yet come out in mass to interfere with Alt-Left protests and cause problems.
But if the Alt-Left continues, I hope they do.

Racism and hatred are not patented by the right or Alt-right. The Left AND Alt-Left are equally hateful and violent.
That's why Fox' Charles Krauthammer called trump " a moral disgrace."
If the comrade pulled down his pants and took a dump on that podium, you'd make excuses for him.
Like anything he did would have satisfied you.

Actually, you nitwit, Trump could have won over millions of voters by just getting his fat ass over to Virginia and made a speech how such behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE within our country. Domestic terrorism MUST be stopped.

Instead, the sniveling clown had to be cajoled into reading a prepared speech........

Here's what the white supremacists stated after his FIRST little charade.

Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. When asked to condemn, he just [waled] out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.” -Andrew Anglin, Editor, Daily Stormer Today
When he somewhat did the right thing he looked like a hostage.
Now we saw the real unhinged Trump, the real Trump.. and most Americans are appalled.
That's what BLM is about .
Righties hate it when someone stands up for minority rights . They instantly vilify and slander that group.

I'm a "rightie" and I don't hate it. What I don't like is when anyone, be it a minority or majority becomes violent (like the Left is) and attempts to suppress the voice of the opposition (as the Left has repeatedly done).

So right off the bat you're proven wrong.
There's a reason why you're a loser, Reasonable.

Why did it take him two days to make that statement but about 6 minutes to bash the CEO of Merck?

The DOJ was weighing in, the situation was being investigated, and all the facts were being gathered. Unlike Obama, who like to rattle off opinions and judgments - often wrong - without facts, Trump waited until after he talked to Sessions, his US AG.

That's not the REAL issue here, though.

Liberal media rags raced to either attack Trump for not condemning the racist hate groups or tried to tie them to those groups. After Trump came out with the above, clear condemnation of these groups and their actions, Democrats were left being wrong in their reporting about Trump's refusal to condemn these groups and quickly changed the story to 'Trump Too Slow In Condemnation'.

In all honesty, which the left will never admit, this was another opportunity for the Left to attack Trump, deserved or not, and the Left is using EVERY opportunity to do so it gets. Much of the outcry against Trump is politically based, a continuance of the 'war' the Left has waged against Trump since even before the election.

President Trump made it clear:

"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. "To anyone who acted criminally in this weekend’s racist violence, you will be held fully accountable. Justice will be delivered..."

After this horrific event, Trump's words were actually an opportunity for the nation to come together as a whole to unify in condemnation of the KKK, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and any and all other racist / hate groups that do not represent this nation.

Instead of emphasizing Trump's words and helping to solidify that moment / opportunity, the media sought to target and attack Trump, seeking to further divide this nation rather than use it as a moment to unite it.

The CEO, IMO, also made the wrong decision. That is my decision - you don't have to agree with it. I disagree with Trump bashing him, though. He could have made a more professional statement, 'expressing his disappointment' in his decision rather than attacking him.

Three CEO's have now quit over this issue, and Elon Musk quit when Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord.

Nobody is willing to work with Trump because he's a Nazi sympathizer. Americans fought and died in WWII to end Nazis and white supremacy. You fools have elected one.
For ANYONE to work in this White House, they're tainted with the same disease that inflicts Trump. Maybe that's why several hundred government positions are still not filled 7 months in.
That's what BLM is about .
Righties hate it when someone stands up for minority rights . They instantly vilify and slander that group.

I'm a "rightie" and I don't hate it. What I don't like is when anyone, be it a minority or majority becomes violent (like the Left is) and attempts to suppress the voice of the opposition (as the Left has repeatedly done).

So right off the bat you're proven wrong.

The fallacy is that you imply these alt right groups are not violent . Which is false .
That's what BLM is about .
Righties hate it when someone stands up for minority rights . They instantly vilify and slander that group.

I'm a "rightie" and I don't hate it. What I don't like is when anyone, be it a minority or majority becomes violent (like the Left is) and attempts to suppress the voice of the opposition (as the Left has repeatedly done).

So right off the bat you're proven wrong.
" like the left is"
But cant call out the nazi brown shirts from c- vile and all over the country.
That's why Fox' Charles Krauthammer called trump " a moral disgrace."
If the comrade pulled down his pants and took a dump on that podium, you'd make excuses for him.

Krauthammer can say whatever he wants to say.

It is "possible" that Trump does have a few moral issues. Most humans do. Bill Clinton certainly did didn't he?

However, he continues to prove he is a man of his word and challenges the Establishment constantly and that is a great thing for America.

I would prefer Trumps brand of immorality over the Lefts flaming immorality all week long and twice on Sunday.
Trump didn't disavow the incident.
Trump disavowed the incident, but he didn't do it fast enough.
Trump again disavowed the incident, but he didn't do it loud enough.
Trump appeared on television three times disavowing, but he didn't name the groups.
Trump named the groups, but he didn't name each and every individual.

Finally, Screw you all. Suck it up this is what you get.
That's why conservative over at Fox Charles Krauthammer called your hero " a moral disgrace."
Trump didn't disavow the incident.
Trump disavowed the incident, but he didn't do it fast enough.
Trump again disavowed the incident, but he didn't do it loud enough.
Trump appeared on television three times disavowing, but he didn't name the groups.
Trump named the groups, but he didn't name each and every individual.

Finally, Screw you all. Suck it up this is what you get.
That's why conservative over at Fox Charles Krauthammer called your hero " a moral disgrace."

YOU are a moral disgrace.......get over it (oh, you did and you like being that way)
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
Trump off script is the real Trump... and it's the most repugnant behavior anyone has seen from any president..

His performance today was a disgrace to the office

But it is no surprise. We knew what he was and elected him anyway
That's why Fox' Charles Krauthammer called trump " a moral disgrace."
If the comrade pulled down his pants and took a dump on that podium, you'd make excuses for him.

Krauthammer can say whatever he wants to say.

It is "possible" that Trump does have a few moral issues. Most humans do. Bill Clinton certainly did didn't he?

However, he continues to prove he is a man of his word and challenges the Establishment constantly and that is a great thing for America.

I would prefer Trumps brand of immorality over the Lefts flaming immorality all week long and twice on Sunday.
You like he's a serial sex offender, loved to defraud small businessmen?
No one on the left today has that type of sordid reputation.
" a man of his word?"
How's that repeal and replacement of Obamacare on DAY ONE going?
Wall built yet?
Lowering pharmaceutical prices?
He has zero legislative achievements
He's been a complete failure. .
Trump didn't disavow the incident.
Trump disavowed the incident, but he didn't do it fast enough.
Trump again disavowed the incident, but he didn't do it loud enough.
Trump appeared on television three times disavowing, but he didn't name the groups.
Trump named the groups, but he didn't name each and every individual.

Finally, Screw you all. Suck it up this is what you get.
That's why conservative over at Fox Charles Krauthammer called your hero " a moral disgrace."

YOU are a moral disgrace.......get over it (oh, you did and you like being that way)
Did you finish grade school?
Yours was the weakest comment of the day.

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