One has to wonder if Trump’s health may be his ultimate downfall

1) He’s 71 years old

2) His diet is the ultimate fat man diet

3) His sheer stupidity makes him believe exercise is bad for you. (This is an actual thing Trump has said multiple times over the years).

All this is combined is a triple threat. A stroke or heart attack is inevitable if he doesn’t change course.

Trump is a Cheesburger away from a cardiac

He does not appear to be handling stress well
He runs circles around everyone who works with him, by their report.
That’s completely untrue.

Simple consider his meeting schedule, his travel itinerary, and his tweet times.

Health is largely determined by genetics.
Lol oh this is too good. His travel time huh? You do know where he travels to the most right? His golf courses. In fact, he has taken TRIPLE the vacation time Obama has at this point in his presidency. Look it up.

Oh and the tweeting. You are something else man lol. Yes you’re right. He spends a lot of time tweeting. You got me there. Of course most of that is him hurling insults like an 8th grade child so i can’t say I’m impressed.

Well then, you are perfectly happy in your delusions. Far be it from me to inject reality into them.
We both know everything I said is true.

Again, I will not interrupt the soft pleasures of your psychosis.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter


Here's fat boy stuffing his face with McDonald's. Notice the beverage.

Trump is on statins for his obesity.
Everybody who turns 35 is on a statin and please don't try to bullshit me by saying that's not true.

I'm into my 60s and have never taken a statin

The only proof we have that Trump is only taking a statin is from Trumps questionable physician who claimed Trump to be the healthiest President in history

If Trump submits to an independent evaluation, I will buy the results
Trump is on statins for his obesity.

Umm, statins have nothing to do with obesity.
It's for high cholesterol. I.e., fat boys.

Anyone can have high cholesterol.
Next thing you will be telling us is that obesity has no connection to high cholesterol. :lol:

That depends upon your genetics.
It also depends if you are fat boy who stuffs his face with Big Macs and fries.

He also likes to eat two desserts at dinner.

So, yeah. Tell me about genetics. :lol:
Hillary's fainting spells caused aid Donna Brazille to think about going with Hussein's brain damaged V.P. during the campaign and lefties worry about President Trump's health? Sometimes nothing on the left makes any sense.
Trump is on statins for his obesity.
Everybody who turns 35 is on a statin and please don't try to bullshit me by saying that's not true.

Quite a few doctors have been recommending them for everyone beginning in the mid 20s, because of the shit diet we eat. But then, not everyone develops atherosclerosis. Again, the genetics tell.
No doctor has ever recommended it to me. It's only for fat boys with high cholesterol.
I'm skinny with normal cholesterol and I don't know one person who is isn't taking one.
Trump is on statins for his obesity.
Everybody who turns 35 is on a statin and please don't try to bullshit me by saying that's not true.

Quite a few doctors have been recommending them for everyone beginning in the mid 20s, because of the shit diet we eat. But then, not everyone develops atherosclerosis. Again, the genetics tell.
No doctor has ever recommended it to me. It's only for fat boys with high cholesterol.
I'm skinny with normal cholesterol and I don't know one person who is isn't taking one.
I don't
My wife doesn't
None of my brothers or sisters do

My mom is 86 and doesn't take them

Someone is feeding you a line of shit
1) He’s 71 years old

2) His diet is the ultimate fat man diet

3) His sheer stupidity makes him believe exercise is bad for you. (This is an actual thing Trump has said multiple times over the years).

All this is combined is a triple threat. A stroke or heart attack is inevitable if he doesn’t change course.

How many "ultimate downfalls" have we had by now?

Seems like every time you come up with one, he comes back, stronger. Not tired of winning yet.
1) He’s 71 years old

2) His diet is the ultimate fat man diet

3) His sheer stupidity makes him believe exercise is bad for you. (This is an actual thing Trump has said multiple times over the years).

All this is combined is a triple threat. A stroke or heart attack is inevitable if he doesn’t change course.

How many "ultimate downfalls" have we had by now?

Seems like every time you come up with one, he comes back, stronger. Not tired of winning yet.

He doesn't look well

A paler shade of orange
1) He’s 71 years old

2) His diet is the ultimate fat man diet

3) His sheer stupidity makes him believe exercise is bad for you. (This is an actual thing Trump has said multiple times over the years).

All this is combined is a triple threat. A stroke or heart attack is inevitable if he doesn’t change course.

How many "ultimate downfalls" have we had by now?

Seems like every time you come up with one, he comes back, stronger. Not tired of winning yet.

He doesn't look well

A paler shade of orange

Are you projecting for your messiah again?

Of course, no post of yours is complete without the casual racism thrown in as well.
1) He’s 71 years old

2) His diet is the ultimate fat man diet

3) His sheer stupidity makes him believe exercise is bad for you. (This is an actual thing Trump has said multiple times over the years).

All this is combined is a triple threat. A stroke or heart attack is inevitable if he doesn’t change course.
Hillary was passing out at events and you worry about Trump's health?
Trump is on statins for his obesity.
Everybody who turns 35 is on a statin and please don't try to bullshit me by saying that's not true.

Quite a few doctors have been recommending them for everyone beginning in the mid 20s, because of the shit diet we eat. But then, not everyone develops atherosclerosis. Again, the genetics tell.
No doctor has ever recommended it to me. It's only for fat boys with high cholesterol.
I'm skinny with normal cholesterol and I don't know one person who is isn't taking one.
I don't
My wife doesn't
None of my brothers or sisters do

My mom is 86 and doesn't take them

Someone is feeding you a line of shit
Could very well be.
Perhaps there's a NYS perk for physicians.
1) He’s 71 years old

2) His diet is the ultimate fat man diet

3) His sheer stupidity makes him believe exercise is bad for you. (This is an actual thing Trump has said multiple times over the years).

All this is combined is a triple threat. A stroke or heart attack is inevitable if he doesn’t change course.

I'm just a bit younger than the fat clown, but I strongly believe that it will not be his diet or lack of exercise that will do him in....

What will eventually "kill" this guy is what he has privately known all his life......He will be told by sane Americans that he is a failure as a human being, a business charlatan, and an ignorant brain that never wanted to learn ....just bully others.

(Always remember the right on target Melania quip when asked if she would have married this clown if he were not rich......She responded that he would never have married her if she were not beautiful......SHALLOW superficial folks !!!)
1) He’s 71 years old

2) His diet is the ultimate fat man diet

3) His sheer stupidity makes him believe exercise is bad for you. (This is an actual thing Trump has said multiple times over the years).

All this is combined is a triple threat. A stroke or heart attack is inevitable if he doesn’t change course.

How many "ultimate downfalls" have we had by now?

Seems like every time you come up with one, he comes back, stronger. Not tired of winning yet.

He doesn't look well

A paler shade of orange

Are you projecting for your messiah again?

Of course, no post of yours is complete without the casual racism thrown in as well.

Hillary will dance on Fat Donnies grave

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