One in five Americans has bought into Q-Kookery

Seems dr. Derp is this Q person’s number one fan. Obsessing about this letter day and night. Accusing others of being followers while none of these people mention this cult the derpster belongs to. Classic mental disease symptoms.
Seems dr. Derp is this Q person’s number one fan. Obsessing about this letter day and night. Accusing others of being followers while none of these people mention this cult the derpster belongs to. Classic mental disease symptoms.
Well whaddaya know. Another ^ charter member chimes in!
Seems dr. Derp is this Q person’s number one fan. Obsessing about this letter day and night. Accusing others of being followers while none of these people mention this cult the derpster belongs to. Classic mental disease symptoms.
Well whaddaya know. Another ^ charter member chimes in!
More projection from an uneducated, illiterate, uncultured swine. Remember, in another thread dr. Asswipe here thought it FUNNY that people in Portland were barricaded in a building by leftards and then those same leftards tried to commit mass murder by burning the building. Still seems YOU are the BlueAnon idiot here derpster.
And these 20%-ers are WAY over-represented in this forum! :lol:
It's unbelievable how many Americans are steeped in fantasy. Don't get me wrong. I love my vampires, from Lestat to Vampire Bill and Warlow, and I love my hobbits, faeries, and elves. But these creatures inhabit a fantasy world, and I don't believe that they actually exist.

That somewhere there is an evil god called Satan, who has worshipers who molest children is a fantasy. Q-anon is some form of mass psychosis. It's scary to think how many people believe in fairytales in 2021 C.E.
They're following this loser! :auiqs.jpg:

The thing is ,people ridicule Q followers who say the government is involved in sex slave trade. But over the past going on 5 years the news is filled with federal and local politicians getting caught in the sex slave trade. So if there may be a'' Q" out there. If there is more power to them.

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