One killed, 14 injured in Minnesota Bar Shootout.

RT, Russia Times, is a mouth piece for the Kremlin. The goal of RT is to harm America and America's allies.

There might be a little truth in the article and a whole lot of falsehood.
That was Putin's goal when he had his trolls flood the internet with pro Trump propaganda and disinformation in 2016.

Mission accomplished.

Gun violence continues to escalates in America. Details to follow later today.
A political grudge?
You see now, if everyone had a gun it never would have happened. The problem is that there are not enough guns in the US to stop shootings. :Boom2:
dude, violence in general is off the charts. let's not focus on guns but rather why people need to be so violent these days.
Are you saying that you do not know why people need to be so violent? Are you joking? The point here is that they do need to be so violent and the gun is the best way to express it. So, what do you want to focus on now - violence, the need for violence, or guns?
RT, Russia Times, is a mouth piece for the Kremlin. The goal of RT is to harm America and America's allies.

There might be a little truth in the article and a whole lot of falsehood.
That was Putin's goal when he had his trolls flood the internet with pro Trump propaganda and disinformation in 2016.

Mission accomplished.

I see, so ...... one killed, 14 injured in Minnesota bar shootout is part of Russia's plan to harm America and its allies? Golly! I'm sure Putin is responsible for your lack of intelligence & poor education too.​

Very Sad. RIP.

RT, Russia Times, is a mouth piece for the Kremlin. The goal of RT is to harm America and America's allies.

There might be a little truth in the article and a whole lot of falsehood.
:omg: Dear god, you fucking retard, what a fucking retard, "yeah" RT just made it all up, you fucking fascists are literally impossibly fucking stupid, my cat could out think you, you just cannot help yourselves you are so fucking stupid....
Are you saying that you do not know why people need to be so violent? Are you joking? The point here is that they do need to be so violent and the gun is the best way to express it. So, what do you want to focus on now - violence, the need for violence, or guns?
OK boomer.
Are you saying that you do not know why people need to be so violent? Are you joking? The point here is that they do need to be so violent and the gun is the best way to express it. So, what do you want to focus on now - violence, the need for violence, or guns?
OK boomer.
With that as your very best response, it is obvious that you are incapable of focusing on any of those subjects in order to stop gun violence. Bang-bang! :26:

Gun violence continues to escalates in America. Details to follow later today.
A political grudge?

Give them more guns. Let em blow the snot out of everyone.
Who cares about gun nuts.
Republican sh*tholes are just as bad as the Democrat ones.
While both parties are crime gangs, it's kind of like the Italian fascists vs the Nazis.

The Nazis (aka Democrats) are infinitely more deranged and dangerous.
While both parties are crime gangs, it's kind of like the Italian fascists vs the Nazis.

The Nazis (aka Democrats) are infinitely more deranged and dangerous.
Well sure, I can agree with that ... but that's only today. The Nazis (aka Republicans during Bush Baby Juniors regime) were infinitely more deranged and dangerous. I am sorry to tell you this but the Republican and Democratic parties are two halves of the same derange & danger.
Well sure, I can agree with that ... but that's only today. The Nazis (aka Republicans during Bush Baby Juniors regime) were infinitely more deranged and dangerous. I am sorry to tell you this but the Republican and Democratic parties are two halves of the same derange & danger.
I can't disagree; the Bush II-era Republican elite were extremely dangerous to be sure.

And war criminal Obama continued these horrendous policies.

Both parties are INCREDIBLY dangerous, but Democrats are an immediate existential threat.

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