One killed, one left critical in Seattle's 'no-cop' zone; police union chief laments lack of leadership

AND lets be clear Seattle is a Lilly white city of white people it's not a Chicago or Baltimore. It's mostly white people out protesting with BLM signs.

The birthplace of Nirvana and Jimi Hendrix. In Canada, we generally view Seattle as a "progressive", multicultural city. I lay no claim to any evidence or first hand knowledge of this.

It used to be, then hoards of Californians invaded and took over. Seattle is pretty much a suburb of San Francisco now full of freaks from California.
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.
This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.
This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.
I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...
I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Well, to be honest, one death is not an indicator of a trend. Although I'm surprised there haven't been more deaths in there. Give it time.

I think the more important metric is that the country is slowly sliding into the hands of the corrupt and morons.
We can fully expect the nation to turn sharply Communist when the Dems win the next election. Good bye 2nd (as is already the case in many places)
We have no doubt their goals and agendas.

30 years ago you could by 22 rifles from hardware stores. Today you need a Federal Firearms dealer and full criminal background check to buy one.
30 years ago you could mail order a shotgun
Today, you get 5,15,25 to life if you so much as show your gun improperly.
No, we are losing America....there is no doubt.
If I have an alternative, I'm leaving.
Yet you only want to blame the Democrats...
PLEASE NAME THE REPUBLICAN in charge in Seattle who abandoned the Constitution, Rule of Law, and citizens to stand with lawless anarchists and domestic terrorists...

Yeah, that's what I thought....


...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.
This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.
This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.
I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...
I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Well, to be honest, one death is not an indicator of a trend. Although I'm surprised there haven't been more deaths in there. Give it time.

I think the more important metric is that the country is slowly sliding into the hands of the corrupt and morons.
We can fully expect the nation to turn sharply Communist when the Dems win the next election. Good bye 2nd (as is already the case in many places)
We have no doubt their goals and agendas.

30 years ago you could by 22 rifles from hardware stores. Today you need a Federal Firearms dealer and full criminal background check to buy one.
30 years ago you could mail order a shotgun
Today, you get 5,15,25 to life if you so much as show your gun improperly.
No, we are losing America....there is no doubt.
If I have an alternative, I'm leaving.
Yet you only want to blame the Democrats...
PLEASE NAME THE REPUBLICAN in charge in Seattle who abandoned the Constitution, Rule of Law, and citizens to stand with lawless anarchists and domestic terrorists...

Yeah, that's what I thought....


That has not a damn thing to do with weapons, try again.
PLEASE NAME THE REPUBLICAN in charge in Seattle who abandoned the Constitution, Rule of Law, and citizens to stand with lawless anarchists and domestic terrorists...

Yeah, that's what I thought....

That has not a damn thing to do with weapons, try again.
'WEAPONS'?! I asked you to NAME THE REPUBLICAN in charge in Seattle who abandoned the Constitution, Rule of Law, and citizens to stand with lawless anarchists and domestic terrorists...

You FAILED to do so.

BTW, the Seattle citizen who was murdered in the lawlessness Chop Seattle govt-facilitated
'autonomous zone' would disagree with your rambling diatribe - they weren't STRANGLED to death.

Domestic terrorists are running around a liberal-run city that has banned guns carrying AR15s and other weapons and the Mayor/Police Chief refuse to enforce their own law.

...ANOTHER FAIL, snowflake.

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...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Murders and killing happens when there are cops at full force and in total control........and taxes are paid.
Responsible elected leaders do not refuse to do their jobs/keep their oaths of office and side with anarchists and domestic terrorists.

They do not abandon / betray the citizens who elected them, as Seattle officials are doing.

They do not surrender police precincts, the Constitution, and Rule of Law as Seattle officials have done.

What we are seeing is REAL life in the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat 'Utopia'.

When has the leaders of our communities never stopped selling us out? The rich elitist are cowards so are the cops and so are the citizens...It has nothing to do with Liberal Progressive Socialist, blah, blah, blah and more to do with a population that for years were subjugated to being passive and abused until finally someone had enough and changed the meme.
....but most crime/MURDERS happens in DEM/black areas--with Dems and blacks in charge--then they blame Republicans and WHitey!!!!!!!!
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.


I don't accept the conclusion that this is what happens in police-less areas. If all the world needed were police, we wouldn't have crime. Yet, certainly in Canada, the most costly police jurisdictions and police presence have the most crime (probably because of the plain clothed officers committing and encouraging it).

That said, police have a role in society. To what degree and at what expense is the question. I never shut down discussion about spending on any issue. I know how rackets (and unions) operate and they are found in any issue where money is involved.
Lawlessness results when officials abandon the Constitution and Rule of Law and when no one is willing to uphold / enforce them.

Welcome to Chop, the governor / mayor / police chief-supported lawless domestic terrorist-held failed Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat social(ist) experiment.

rule of law?

Where pray tell are you pulling those stats from? They are laughable.
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.


I don't accept the conclusion that this is what happens in police-less areas. If all the world needed were police, we wouldn't have crime. Yet, certainly in Canada, the most costly police jurisdictions and police presence have the most crime (probably because of the plain clothed officers committing and encouraging it).

That said, police have a role in society. To what degree and at what expense is the question. I never shut down discussion about spending on any issue. I know how rackets (and unions) operate and they are found in any issue where money is involved.
Lawlessness results when officials abandon the Constitution and Rule of Law and when no one is willing to uphold / enforce them.

Welcome to Chop, the governor / mayor / police chief-supported lawless domestic terrorist-held failed Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat social(ist) experiment.

rule of law?

..that's NOTHING compared to:
blacks [DEMS] commit murder at 4 times the rate
murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
commit hate crimes and rape at twice the rate
...the blacks [Dems ] commit crime WAY more than Republicans
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Murders and killing happens when there are cops at full force and in total control........and taxes are paid.

You should move to chaz you little troll.
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Murders and killing happens when there are cops at full force and in total control........and taxes are paid.

I'm wondering how much crime and murder are in that precinct at regular times. It's been more than 2 weeks. One injury and one murder during this time frame would seem to be remarkable.

235 shooting incidents last year. Total. So yes, 2 shootings in 3 weels sounds really low.
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Murders and killing happens when there are cops at full force and in total control........and taxes are paid.
I agree. One death sounds like a crime downturn for a major city. Hell, two people died at Woodstock.

Yeah, tell me how a drug overdose, and a tractor accident equate to what appears to be premeditated murder. Moron.
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Murders and killing happens when there are cops at full force and in total control........and taxes are paid.

I'm wondering how much crime and murder are in that precinct at regular times. It's been more than 2 weeks. One injury and one murder during this time frame would seem to be remarkable.

235 shooting incidents last year. Total. So yes, 2 shootings in 3 weels sounds really low.

But the dear mayor claimed it was a camp out and a summer of love event. Looks like she lied. Or do you condone premeditated murder?
Seattle let itself be taken over without process. There is even stop and frisk, a Wall, ID and detain, open carry. The Left and the Media call this “a festival”.

Imagine if a bunch of white guys in Eastern Washington did the exact same things to a town nobody cared about or raver heard of. The National Media would be out there standing on the outside while the pundits in New York expressed concern over the lawlessness occurring and how unconstitutional it is.
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.


I don't accept the conclusion that this is what happens in police-less areas. If all the world needed were police, we wouldn't have crime. Yet, certainly in Canada, the most costly police jurisdictions and police presence have the most crime (probably because of the plain clothed officers committing and encouraging it).

That said, police have a role in society. To what degree and at what expense is the question. I never shut down discussion about spending on any issue. I know how rackets (and unions) operate and they are found in any issue where money is involved.
Lawlessness results when officials abandon the Constitution and Rule of Law and when no one is willing to uphold / enforce them.

Welcome to Chop, the governor / mayor / police chief-supported lawless domestic terrorist-held failed Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat social(ist) experiment.

rule of law?

Failed use of 'whatabout-ism' in an attempt to distract from the Democrat govt official-facilitated lawless collapse of the failed Democrat-supported domestic terrorist imposed Utopia experiment in Seattle.

whataboutism? I'm just replying to your law & order statement.
This shooter in CHAZ is probably from the outside, unless you have evidence otherwise. Anybody can go in their, except police, which means nothing is hidden.
...on the behalf of the Governor, Mayor, City Council, and live chief.

This is what happens in lawless communities when their are no police to enforce the law and protect citizens.

This is what happens when Democrat politicians turn their backs on citizens and businesses to stand with anarchists / Soros-funded domestic terrorists.

I hope the citizens remember this when election time for their officials comes around...

I hope citizens join with CHOP reside t terrorists in 1 thing - refusing to pay city taxes that pay the salaries of the Mayor, city council, and MIA police chief.

Murders and killing happens when there are cops at full force and in total control........and taxes are paid.

I'm wondering how much crime and murder are in that precinct at regular times. It's been more than 2 weeks. One injury and one murder during this time frame would seem to be remarkable.

235 shooting incidents last year. Total. So yes, 2 shootings in 3 weels sounds really low.
Are you guys stupid or something?
Do you even know what area CHOP is? YOu can look it up on a map.
It is a tiny 6 block fragment that is mostly an open park. There was not 235 shootings in that tiny little area.
No wonder leftist think so much stupid shit
This shooter in CHAZ is probably from the outside, unless you have evidence otherwise.
You're the one making the claim that the shooter inside CHOP came from the outside, dumbass.


Right wingers have been claiming there were cop No-go zones all over the place for lots of years. How is this one different from all the others?
That was 100 million beaners ago and when we still had blacks under lock and key....You asked, I piss your pants.
Are you guys stupid or something?
Do you even know what area CHOP is? YOu can look it up on a map.
It is a tiny 6 block fragment that is mostly an open park. There was not 235 shootings in that tiny little area.
No wonder leftist think so much stupid shit
3 (THREE) BLOCK was reduced in exchange for heavy cement barriers...
whataboutism? I'm just replying to your law & order statement.
This shooter in CHAZ is probably from the outside, unless you have evidence otherwise. Anybody can go in their, except police, which means nothing is hidden.

You're saying anyone, including a group of white guys in maga hats can go in there?
Are you guys stupid or something?
Do you even know what area CHOP is? YOu can look it up on a map.
It is a tiny 6 block fragment that is mostly an open park. There was not 235 shootings in that tiny little area.
No wonder leftist think so much stupid shit

We realize this that the 235 shootings took place across the city, but this was one shooting with 2 victims over 12 days, in a major urban centre. That would be 7.3 shootings across the city during the same 12 day period, so one shooting incident in 12 days, in this area is not out of line.

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