One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

Without a doubt, we are better off since we stopped listening to the Christian fanatics

Yeah, all of that thou shalt not steal, murder, lie, disrespect your parents, or cheat on your spouse, was holding this country back. And the love one another fanaticism is so out of line... :eusa_angel:

Do Christians really believe they are the only ones who do not do any of that?

No winger, in fact, we consider ourselves chief among sinners. The only difference is one asks our Father to forgive us our sins, and the others do not .

1 Tim. 1:15 "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief .“

I am a sinner, how about you? :eusa_angel:
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I doubt that JB agrees with me. I simply don't see why you feel that it's better that blacks rule over whites.

I don't see why you think its one or the other.

I never did. You'll have to ask rightwinger why he made his original statement.

It was you who said it. "I simply don't see why you feel it's better that black rule over whites." I don't see why you think it's one or the other.
I have said what I mean.

What is it to you?

No. You haven't said what you meant, unless you didn't mean anything at all. I don't buy that. You said that next time you won't make that mistake again and I would like to know what that meant. Were you saying that you thought Atheists weren't liars before?

Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.

What definition of atheist are you using? There are generally two that are quite different : not having any belief in a god and not believing any god is possible.

Whichever the case, saying that all atheists are dishonest is just silly, unless you mean in the same way all people are dishonest.
That is so asinine there is no point into going into any further response, ass hole.

That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.

Do we live in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites know their place? Last I looked, our government is still filled with mostly white men. I believe most of the wealthiest business owners are white men. I would venture to guess that most religious leaders in the country are white men.

Now, I can get behind the idea that there is somewhat of a double standard in our society whereby whites are looked at as needing to be more sensitive toward minorities than the other way around. However, the idea that non-whites run the country seems ludicrous, unless I am completely wrong about what people occupy the positions of power.
Yeah, all of that thou shalt not steal, murder, lie, disrespect your parents, or cheat on your spouse, was holding this country back. And the love one another fanaticism is so out of line... :eusa_angel:

Do Christians really believe they are the only ones who do not do any of that?

No winger, in fact, we consider ourselves chief among sinners. The only difference is one asks our Father to forgive us our sins, and the others do not .

1 Tim. 1:15 "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief .“

I am a sinner, how about you? :eusa_angel:

The rest of us ask for forgiveness from those we offended
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

Growing poverty
Third world status
Racial tensions
Infanticide (abortion)
Increased fear and tension
"Gay" "Marriage" (and similar acts of depravity)
Corrupt government
Out-of-control spending

The list could go on. We're covered with a social/societal cancer.

I don't know what the statistics are, but I'll buy growing poverty.
We are most certainly not a third world country. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
Racial tensions? I'm not sure why they would be worse now then when segregation and discrimination were still widely accepted in our government and society.
Abortion has been going on far longer than the past 50 years or so. I'll grant you the change of Roe v Wade.
I believe there is increased fear. However, a great deal of the reason behind that, IMO, is that people have access to far, far more information then they did in the past.
I don't consider gays marrying an act of depravity, and I'm curious what other acts you mean.
We are not a socialist country. Socialism was not created here after the time period in discussion.
Government has pretty much always been corrupt. One might argue that it is more corrupt now, and perhaps that is true. It certainly was not without corruption in the past. My sig line is an example of that, I think.
I'm with you on the spending, although I don't see how it has anything to do with the religious belief in the country.
is little question we were a country without morals prior to the mid sixties
Anti black, anti woman, anti gay. if you weren't white male and weren't welcome

That is so asinine there is no point into going into any further response, ass hole.

That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

Correction: White males with wealth called the shots.

Still do for the most part, but at least the blatant, quid-pro-quo corruption of the Westward Expansion during the 1800's is relegated to the history books - next step is Fair and Simple Tax Codes - that's where that kind of corruption is getting fed today.

With each passing generation the attorneys for more and more Americans of all colors and belief sets are discovering that the inferences to 'all' and 'people' that are found in The United States Constitution include 'all people', and the judges of today really do need to justify their decisions.

History isn't over, folks.... if one is an optimist, it's just getting started.

The segregationists also wrapped themselves in the Bible. It was a time of horror and inhumanity and you look back at it as "The good ole days"

pulled those particular years out of your dumb ass for no particular reason?

Compared to the period 1946 to 1964, yes, things are much worse.

WTF? You are sooooo obvious....


Yes, I pulled 1946 to 1964 out of my ass for specific reasons, retard. And that would start with THAT IS WHEN I THINK OUR ?NATION REACHED ITS CULTURAL ZEANETH.

The Great Generation still ran things, people were still mostly honest and shit heads like you wouldn't speak up with the derision you do because it would get your ass whooped, you fucking keyboard coward.

It is my opinion that the Civil Rights movement was the last culmination of a righteous surrender of dominance over a subjected people that is evidence of a better culture and mindset at the time. Today we have a civil rights INDUSTRY that manufactures fraudulent complaints and mass hysteria in order to extort out of court settlement money from their targets and could not possibly care less about the actual civil rights of everyone involved, such as members of the majority. Because it isn't about civil rights any more; it is about nothing but money.

Since 1964 EVERYTHING has become far more corrupted than it was then, everything good has been attacked and diminished.

But change is coming soon, real change. You fascists have over extended yourselves by quite abit with this administration. All that remains is to replace the corporate crony fascists of just one party, and we will see a restoration, a rebirth of this nation.

And we are almost there.


You watched waaay too much "Ozzie and Harriet" and never learned to distinguish fact from fiction. Don't hold your breath waiting for those rosy days of WASP domination to return. !946 - 1964 if anything were the years America opened it's eyes and started tearing down the "Whites Only" and "No Jews Allowed" signs that the real "fascists" thought would preserve their antebellum nightmare.
That is so asinine there is no point into going into any further response, ass hole.

That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.


When did that happen?

You consistently post hatred for blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, children, vets, handicapped, elderly.

But, to be fair, most RWs here hate all those people and worship those who harm them. You would have to hate them in order to vote Republican.
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

Growing poverty
Third world status
Racial tensions
Infanticide (abortion)
Increased fear and tension
"Gay" "Marriage" (and similar acts of depravity)
Corrupt government
Out-of-control spending

The list could go on. We're covered with a social/societal cancer.

Most of this is hooey and has more to do with preaching "god" than with being "godless".

Its just repulsive to read crap like what you fake christians preach.
No ya don't Lud. You simply profile those who stand behind their convictions.

You mistake doctrine for hate and run with it. The two are not synonymous. You'll never convince the Amish to install electric in their homes. And that's ok as long as they don't disconnect mine. So, why do you insist that Christians forgo what they believe to embrace what you believe, or else..
You don't get to determine what I believe. Labeling won't change that.
These were incremental improvements that took time to implement. Segregation displaced slavery, lynchings were stopped by 1064, and the civil rights movement was led by Christian clergy, jack ass.

The segregationists also wrapped themselves in the Bible. It was a time of horror and inhumanity and you look back at it as "The good ole days"

It was my generation that fought against segregation, and for civil rights. And made a difference.

Vandal, I certainly wouldn't announce your lack of protection, and wouldn't endorse it, especially if you have a family. Not in this day and age. Your behavior is reckless and puts any children you may have at risk. I would bet that unlocked doors aren't the norm in border towns, but if you think it's a good idea, then there is something else you may want to check. The pedophile roster in your area. < Another thing we had no need for in the good old days. :eusa_angel:
The fear mongering continues. I worked on a ranch in Douglas Arizona right on the border and the only time we feared for our lives was when the border patrol would come crashing through the fence on their 4X4's almost running over children and setting the horses off. The only behaviour that was reckless was that of the law enforcement.
No. You haven't said what you meant, unless you didn't mean anything at all. I don't buy that. You said that next time you won't make that mistake again and I would like to know what that meant. Were you saying that you thought Atheists weren't liars before?

Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.

What definition of atheist are you using? There are generally two that are quite different : not having any belief in a god and not believing any god is possible.

Whichever the case, saying that all atheists are dishonest is just silly, unless you mean in the same way all people are dishonest.

I have no data concerning the existence or nonexistence of any god(s) or any other supernatural entity, although I concede the possibility. However, I do not believe in the existence of Jehovah or the divinity of Jesus any more than I believe in Zeus or Hercules. Where do I fit in?
Vandal, I certainly wouldn't announce your lack of protection, and wouldn't endorse it, especially if you have a family. Not in this day and age. Your behavior is reckless and puts any children you may have at risk. I would bet that unlocked doors aren't the norm in border towns, but if you think it's a good idea, then there is something else you may want to check.
The pedophile roster in your area. < Another thing we had no need for in the good old days. :eusa_angel:


Pedophiles perverts and predators hunting among Monkey populations to slate their varying appetites is no more a new phenomenon than is straight, missionary-position sex.

The only difference between then and now is information and education.
Like the pedophile roster in your area. :thup:
I'm curious as to when, exactly, the USA rejected god. Considering every poll I've ever seen shows the vast majority of Americans say they believe in a god, that seems a strange claim.

So when did it happen and what is the evidence that it happened? Without that, the entire premise of the OP is without meaning.

The elite that lead our nation have done so, and this started in the late 60's with the 'God is Dead' movement.

Also, the atheists began to infiltrate our colleges and universities in a major way around then also. I have had several friends that were on faculty at Texas colleges that talked about that happening in Texas back in the late 70's and early 80's. The bias against committed Christians is very high in public higher education today and the shivs are always out.


Dude! Just because every day growing numbers of your friends, neighbors and countrymen are putting the ancient stories in to better perspective in light of new information doesn't mean that atheists have 'infiltrated' your world!


Or does it? :dunno:
Compared to the period 1946 to 1964, yes, things are much worse.

You mean back when republicans and democrats drank together and corporations paid their fair share of taxes?

Hell, yeah, and the distractions caused by artificial social liberalism is the cover the corporations have needed to get away with their pillaging of middle class America.

:eusa_think: Hmmmmmmm.....

'Social Liberalism' is such tiny percentage of the spending done over the last 80 years...

You sure it wasn't the public trough feeding-frenzy on security that history will record as Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex?
Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.

Personally, I have found Atheists just fool themselves. But that's just my take. So, I want to be sure I do understand you here. I don't want to come away with a false impression or assumption. All you were really saying was that you're not going to believe what Atheists say and vocally oppose them.

People take atheists way too seriously, like a restaurant that was giving discounts to people if they said grace prior to eating and they backed off when an atheist group told them that the discount was illegal.

They took the atheists as honest brokers and they should not have.

Atheists are kookeburger liars, nothing more than that, and one certainly shouldn't change policies or practices because atheists say that they should be changed.

First find a rational person to discuss it with, and that leaves out the atheist.

You're an angry man, aren't you Jim?

"Angry Christian"

Looks weird in print.
Damn! Now I learn that this nation started going to hell in a hand basket in the late 1960's, which is also when the nationwide communist witch hunt and "Red Menace" scare was coming to an end. I guess that means that when we stopped being scared to death that our next door neighbors were commies, we started being scared to death that our next door neighbors are atheists!

After this phase is over, perhaps we can all start being scared to death that our next door neighbors are illegal aliens.
Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.

What definition of atheist are you using? There are generally two that are quite different : not having any belief in a god and not believing any god is possible.

Whichever the case, saying that all atheists are dishonest is just silly, unless you mean in the same way all people are dishonest.

I have no data concerning the existence or nonexistence of any god(s) or any other supernatural entity, although I concede the possibility. However, I do not believe in the existence of Jehovah or the divinity of Jesus any more than I believe in Zeus or Hercules. Where do I fit in?

The first definition. Agnostic is often used in place of that definition of atheist.

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