One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

A deckworker on the Titanic was asked if it was true that the ship was sinking (it was) and the deckworker replied, 'If she is sinking wouldn't the band stop playing?'

lol, and you are as stupid.

Proving that some things work right doesn't prove the car runs, idiot.

If all you can reply with is stupid Titanic stories..

Titanic is about to sink.
Passenger: How far are we from land?
Captain: Two miles...
Passenger: which direction?
Captain: Down
is little question we were a country without morals prior to the mid sixties
Anti black, anti woman, anti gay. if you weren't white male and weren't welcome

That is so asinine there is no point into going into any further response, ass hole.

That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.
That is so asinine there is no point into going into any further response, ass hole.

That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.

Another conservative showing why the OP is so fucking wrong
God like the US when the US citizens were killing Indians and the Mormons...He preferred the enslavement of Africans and the second class citizenship of females...

Moon, why on earth would you think God would approve of the things you mentioned?
Do you approve of everything your children do? Do you love them until the screw up, then hate them? Or do you love them through the good and the bad. If you can forgive your own children how much more does our Father in Heaven forgive us?
God likes, LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Man prefers the things you mentioned.
We have already covered the woman issue. God prefers that you treat women like you would treat Christ. God prefers that you treat men like you would Christ. Anything less and we break His heart. He still loves us, even though we grieve Him.
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Is there a reason you don't want to say what you meant?

I have said what I mean.

What is it to you?

No. You haven't said what you meant, unless you didn't mean anything at all. I don't buy that. You said that next time you won't make that mistake again and I would like to know what that meant. Were you saying that you thought Atheists weren't liars before?

Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.
That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.

Another conservative showing why the OP is so fucking wrong

That was not my statement. If you have an issue with him, discuss it with him.

Don't project your bullshit on to me.
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

Growing poverty
Third world status
Racial tensions
Infanticide (abortion)
Increased fear and tension
"Gay" "Marriage" (and similar acts of depravity)
Corrupt government
Out-of-control spending

The list could go on. We're covered with a social/societal cancer.
That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.

Another conservative showing why the OP is so fucking wrong

I doubt that JB agrees with me. I simply don't see why you feel that it's better that blacks rule over whites.
I have said what I mean.

What is it to you?

No. You haven't said what you meant, unless you didn't mean anything at all. I don't buy that. You said that next time you won't make that mistake again and I would like to know what that meant. Were you saying that you thought Atheists weren't liars before?

Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.

Personally, I have found Atheists just fool themselves. But that's just my take. So, I want to be sure I do understand you here. I don't want to come away with a false impression or assumption. All you were really saying was that you're not going to believe what Atheists say and vocally oppose them. You weren't suggesting some kind of action which would take away their ability to continue to tell their lies. Is that correct?
From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.

Another conservative showing why the OP is so fucking wrong

I doubt that JB agrees with me. I simply don't see why you feel that it's better that blacks rule over whites.

I don't see why you think its one or the other.
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

Growing poverty
Third world status
Racial tensions
Infanticide (abortion)
Increased fear and tension
"Gay" "Marriage" (and similar acts of depravity)
Corrupt government
Out-of-control spending

The list could go on. We're covered with a social/societal cancer.

None are related....

But gave it a good try
From my perspective that's better than living in a land where non-whites call the shots and whites "know their place." Frankly, America became great when whites were calling the shots. No ... I don't hate anyone of another race nor do I wish any harm upon them but there are no nations that I can think of that are run and operated by non-whites that are as advanced as the America of days-gone-by was. Currently, we're headed for 3rd-world status under the current leadership and conditions.

Another conservative showing why the OP is so fucking wrong

I doubt that JB agrees with me. I simply don't see why you feel that it's better that blacks rule over whites.

I don't exactly agree because you leave misimpressions with the simplicity of your statement which is still true in its basic essentials. Just as it is true that at one time Jews tested with lower IQs than average Anglos...because they had not yet assimilated so well into the Anglo culture and had resulting difficulties that cause lower results.

The problem that minorities have in the Third World has more to do with corporate cronyism in a neocolonial system than anything to do with their race.
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

Growing poverty
Third world status
Racial tensions
Infanticide (abortion)
Increased fear and tension
"Gay" "Marriage" (and similar acts of depravity)
Corrupt government
Out-of-control spending

The list could go on. We're covered with a social/societal cancer.

None are related....

They are totally related and your unwarranted assertion proves nothing, once again.

But gave it a good try

And you didn't...
No. You haven't said what you meant, unless you didn't mean anything at all. I don't buy that. You said that next time you won't make that mistake again and I would like to know what that meant. Were you saying that you thought Atheists weren't liars before?

Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.

Personally, I have found Atheists just fool themselves. But that's just my take. So, I want to be sure I do understand you here. I don't want to come away with a false impression or assumption. All you were really saying was that you're not going to believe what Atheists say and vocally oppose them.

People take atheists way too seriously, like a restaurant that was giving discounts to people if they said grace prior to eating and they backed off when an atheist group told them that the discount was illegal.

They took the atheists as honest brokers and they should not have.

Atheists are kookeburger liars, nothing more than that, and one certainly shouldn't change policies or practices because atheists say that they should be changed.

First find a rational person to discuss it with, and that leaves out the atheist.

You weren't suggesting some kind of action which would take away their ability to continue to tell their lies. Is that correct?

Dude, you are paranoid.
"And keep in mind, since you claim to be a prophet of God, if what you tell us doesn't happen, we have God's permission to kill you for lying about where you got your information. He is that sure about His prophets."

And may god bless YOU, too!

(sorry, but you guys are just too easy!)

That's because God guarantees His work. He knows what comes out of His prophets mouths is God inspired. Do you guarantee your work, prophet? If we are just that easy, then why did you stop prophesying instead of answering my questions? Why is it that I know who will invade Israel, and you don't? :eusa_angel:
Christians took atheists as being honest people before, as I once did.

Years of discussions with them have shown a change that indicates a complete void of any honesty remaining.

So just like I don't believe you when you say that you are not an atheist, I no longer trust them to simply shit straight.

Personally, I have found Atheists just fool themselves. But that's just my take. So, I want to be sure I do understand you here. I don't want to come away with a false impression or assumption. All you were really saying was that you're not going to believe what Atheists say and vocally oppose them.

People take atheists way too seriously, like a restaurant that was giving discounts to people if they said grace prior to eating and they backed off when an atheist group told them that the discount was illegal.

They took the atheists as honest brokers and they should not have.

Atheists are kookeburger liars, nothing more than that, and one certainly shouldn't change policies or practices because atheists say that they should be changed.

First find a rational person to discuss it with, and that leaves out the atheist.

You weren't suggesting some kind of action which would take away their ability to continue to tell their lies. Is that correct?

Dude, you are paranoid.

Paranoid? Probably. I have read quite a bit of history and I notice you didn't answer the question. Was I correct or was I not? It's a simple yes or no question.
I don't think the Spirit of Prophesy is what people think it is generally.

If you can say that you know Jesus is the Christ, you are, according to the scriptures, a Prophet for the Spirit of Christ is a testimony of Jesus Christ.
God like the US when the US citizens were killing Indians and the Mormons...He preferred the enslavement of Africans and the second class citizenship of females...

Moon, why on earth would you think God would approve of the things you mentioned?
Do you approve of everything your children do? Do you love them until the screw up, then hate them? Or do you love them through the good and the bad. If you can forgive your own children how much more does our Father in Heaven forgive us?
God likes, LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Man prefers the things you mentioned.
We have already covered the woman issue. God prefers that you treat women like you would treat Christ. God prefers that you treat men like you would Christ. Anything less and we break His heart. He still loves us, even though we grieve Him.

^^^Exactly what I.R. says^^^

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