One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

Compared to the period 1946 to 1964, yes, things are much worse.


Segregation, racism, discrimination, violations of privacy rights, search and seizure rights, due process and equal protection rights were still codified and commonplace in many jurisdictions during this time period; more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at anytime in this Nation's history, and the best America is yet to come as we become a more diverse, inclusive society where all citizens will realize their comprehensive civil liberties.

lol, you are hilarious to say that these minor improvements replace families built on solid marriages, a negative growth rate, the importation of a black market labor force, a government that recognizes no limits to its power, and the ideological indoctrination of our young adults at our public colleges.

But then that is how it always is with you Nazis; defend Hitler as a humanitarian when he is allied to Stalin, deny Stalins genocides and lie to cover up the most evil century of man kinds existence.

Minor improvements?

Not if you were black, female, gay or non-christian
Compared to the period 1946 to 1964, yes, things are much worse.

You mean back when republicans and democrats drank together and corporations paid their fair share of taxes?

They still do drink together. It's us they have divided, not each other. Where were the Obombs and the Billarys partying earlier this evening? I'm sure they would have invited you, but the real 1%'ers want you in bed early so you can get up and get to work in the morning. These vacations aren't cheap you know! The Bidens are on there 3rd one this month!
And corporations did pay their share of taxes, were generous in their communities, and hired and hired and hired people.

As for ancient stories, and a lack of Biblical understanding, I hope you're not calling God a f***** in your sig line. Because that would be really offensive to those who are religious and post here in the religious forum. Are you a mod in this forum? Did they also put a vegetarian in charge of the meat forum?
The Bible is the most authentic Book ever written. You can either dig up the truth, or read it in the Bible. Name some ancient Kings for me, and I'll look them up in the Bible, and we'll see if the ancient account of these people are true, Joe. Then there is the Biblical writing criteria that you shun, and the prophesy about the state of the Middle East......... ya monkey. :)

The "fucker" in my signature line is none other than Sentient Life itself. And The Word was God.

Proper perspective is understanding that NObody knows how we got here and NObody knows what awaits beyond death's door. NObody.
To claim otherwise is arrogance defined and a historically proven hinderance to truth.​

With regard to the unprovable questions that religion relies on for relevance, everybody has an equal right to be wrong.
^^ Understanding this is what makes me a capable moderator in any forum, especially this one.​
And it's "Monkey". With a capital 'M' for Sentience.

Calling me or anyone else a 'monkey' is just rude.
These were incremental improvements that took time to implement. Segregation displaced slavery, lynchings were stopped by 1064, and the civil rights movement was led by Christian clergy, jack ass.

The segregationists also wrapped themselves in the Bible. It was a time of horror and inhumanity and you look back at it as "The good ole days"

lol, can you fucking read? Where did I say they were merely 'acceptable, implying the rest were not?

lol, you libtards cant shit if you cant lie about it first.

pulled those particular years out of your dumb ass for no particular reason?

Compared to the period 1946 to 1964, yes, things are much worse.

WTF? You are sooooo obvious....


Yes, I pulled 1946 to 1964 out of my ass for specific reasons, retard. And that would start with THAT IS WHEN I THINK OUR ?NATION REACHED ITS CULTURAL ZEANETH.

The Great Generation still ran things, people were still mostly honest and shit heads like you wouldn't speak up with the derision you do because it would get your ass whooped, you fucking keyboard coward.

It is my opinion that the Civil Rights movement was the last culmination of a righteous surrender of dominance over a subjected people that is evidence of a better culture and mindset at the time. Today we have a civil rights INDUSTRY that manufactures fraudulent complaints and mass hysteria in order to extort out of court settlement money from their targets and could not possibly care less about the actual civil rights of everyone involved, such as members of the majority. Because it isn't about civil rights any more; it is about nothing but money.

Since 1964 EVERYTHING has become far more corrupted than it was then, everything good has been attacked and diminished.

But change is coming soon, real change. You fascists have over extended yourselves by quite abit with this administration. All that remains is to replace the corporate crony fascists of just one party, and we will see a restoration, a rebirth of this nation.

And we are almost there.


Segregation, racism, discrimination, violations of privacy rights, search and seizure rights, due process and equal protection rights were still codified and commonplace in many jurisdictions during this time period; more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at anytime in this Nation's history, and the best America is yet to come as we become a more diverse, inclusive society where all citizens will realize their comprehensive civil liberties.

lol, you are hilarious to say that these minor improvements replace families built on solid marriages, a negative growth rate, the importation of a black market labor force, a government that recognizes no limits to its power, and the ideological indoctrination of our young adults at our public colleges.

But then that is how it always is with you Nazis; defend Hitler as a humanitarian when he is allied to Stalin, deny Stalins genocides and lie to cover up the most evil century of man kinds existence.

Minor improvements?

Not if you were black, female, gay or non-christian

An increasing number of people in the black community believe things were better in 1964 than now, even though the Civil Rights act had a positive impact, other circumstances have diminished the quality of life for blacks.

VIDEO: Former NFL Linebacker: Democrat Party is Destroying Black Communities

50 Years After The Civil Rights Act, Integration Remains Elusive - Forbes

But that is all just proBush propaganda in your view, I guess, lol
You mean back when republicans and democrats drank together and corporations paid their fair share of taxes?

They still do drink together. It's us they have divided, not each other. Where were the Obombs and the Billarys partying earlier this evening? I'm sure they would have invited you, but the real 1%'ers want you in bed early so you can get up and get to work in the morning. These vacations aren't cheap you know! The Bidens are on there 3rd one this month!
And corporations did pay their share of taxes, were generous in their communities, and hired and hired and hired people.

As for ancient stories, and a lack of Biblical understanding, I hope you're not calling God a f***** in your sig line. Because that would be really offensive to those who are religious and post here in the religious forum. Are you a mod in this forum? Did they also put a vegetarian in charge of the meat forum?
The Bible is the most authentic Book ever written. You can either dig up the truth, or read it in the Bible. Name some ancient Kings for me, and I'll look them up in the Bible, and we'll see if the ancient account of these people are true, Joe. Then there is the Biblical writing criteria that you shun, and the prophesy about the state of the Middle East......... ya monkey. :)

The "fucker" in my signature line is none other than Sentient Life itself. And The Word was God.

Proper perspective is understanding that NObody knows how we got here and NObody knows what awaits beyond death's door. NObody.
To claim otherwise is arrogance defined and a historically proven hinderance to truth.​

With regard to the unprovable questions that religion relies on for relevance, everybody has an equal right to be wrong.
^^ Understanding this is what makes me a capable moderator in any forum, especially this one.​

You are overly impressed with your own ignorance. It really doesn't mean anything more than that you are just ignorant.
Your opinion of me is not the topic up for discussion, now is it?
is little question we were a country without morals prior to the mid sixties
Anti black, anti woman, anti gay. if you weren't white male and weren't welcome

That is so asinine there is no point into going into any further response, ass hole.

That is the Amerca you strive for. An America where white males called the shots and everyone else knew their place......or else

No, that is just another atheist lie.

I am quite happy that blacks have equality before the law.

Now if only they could get shed of you liars they might make even more progress.
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

A deckworker on the Titanic was asked if it was true that the ship was sinking (it was) and the deckworker replied, 'If she is sinking wouldn't the band stop playing?'

lol, and you are as stupid.

Proving that some things work right doesn't prove the car runs, idiot.
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

A deckworker on the Titanic was asked if it was true that the ship was sinking (it was) and the deckworker replied, 'If she is sinking wouldn't the band stop playing?'

lol, and you are as stupid.

Proving that some things work right doesn't prove the car runs, idiot.

Funny story

Has nothing to do with the thread...but funny
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

A deckworker on the Titanic was asked if it was true that the ship was sinking (it was) and the deckworker replied, 'If she is sinking wouldn't the band stop playing?'

lol, and you are as stupid.

Proving that some things work right doesn't prove the car runs, idiot.

Funny story

Has nothing to do with the thread...but funny

You see what it has to do with the thread. You are not that stupid, but what is puzzling is that you seem to think that your pretense to stupidity somehow proves anything?

That you are a fool perhaps or cant read, or maybe that you are too high to grind those gray cells?

What is your point?

I don't give a fuck if you are an atheist or just a dumbass.

Its like someone trying to defend the Death Camp revisionism, If you defend the revisionism, then you are as stupid as they are.

Is there a reason you don't want to say what you meant?

I have said what I mean.

What is it to you?

No. You haven't said what you meant, unless you didn't mean anything at all. I don't buy that. You said that next time you won't make that mistake again and I would like to know what that meant. Were you saying that you thought Atheists weren't liars before?

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