One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

"And keep in mind, since you claim to be a prophet of God, if what you tell us doesn't happen, we have God's permission to kill you for lying about where you got your information. He is that sure about His prophets."

And may god bless YOU, too!

(sorry, but you guys are just too easy!)

That's because God guarantees His work. He knows what comes out of His prophets mouths is God inspired. Do you guarantee your work, prophet? If we are just that easy, then why did you stop prophesying instead of answering my questions? Why is it that I know who will invade Israel, and you don't? :eusa_angel:

Here's a prophesy for you... As the information age continues to blow the minds of Monkeys and the world economy continues to grow in spite of the most recent drive to consolidate ownership of the worlds of resources in to the hands of the few, a browning America will find balance in spite of gerrymandered efforts and will once again begin to invest in infrastructure and education and the next 50 years are going to ROCK!!
Personally, I have found Atheists just fool themselves. But that's just my take. So, I want to be sure I do understand you here. I don't want to come away with a false impression or assumption. All you were really saying was that you're not going to believe what Atheists say and vocally oppose them.

People take atheists way too seriously, like a restaurant that was giving discounts to people if they said grace prior to eating and they backed off when an atheist group told them that the discount was illegal.

They took the atheists as honest brokers and they should not have.

Atheists are kookeburger liars, nothing more than that, and one certainly shouldn't change policies or practices because atheists say that they should be changed.

First find a rational person to discuss it with, and that leaves out the atheist.

You weren't suggesting some kind of action which would take away their ability to continue to tell their lies. Is that correct?

Dude, you are paranoid.

Paranoid? Probably. I have read quite a bit of history and I notice you didn't answer the question. Was I correct or was I not? It's a simple yes or no question.

No, dullard, you are not correct. I believe that a person, if atheist, has every right to express their beliefs on their own dime, time and resources.
"And keep in mind, since you claim to be a prophet of God, if what you tell us doesn't happen, we have God's permission to kill you for lying about where you got your information. He is that sure about His prophets."

And may god bless YOU, too!

(sorry, but you guys are just too easy!)

That's because God guarantees His work. He knows what comes out of His prophets mouths is God inspired. Do you guarantee your work, prophet? If we are just that easy, then why did you stop prophesying instead of answering my questions? Why is it that I know who will invade Israel, and you don't? :eusa_angel:

Here's a prophesy for you... As the information age continues to blow the minds of Monkeys and the world economy continues to grow in spite of the most recent drive to consolidate ownership of the worlds of resources in to the hands of the few, a browning America will find balance in spite of gerrymandered efforts and will once again begin to invest in infrastructure and education and the next 50 years are going to ROCK!!

then you awaken from your drug induced fantasy trip dream and realize that, no, you are still sleeping on your moms couch in the basement.
Damn! Now I learn that this nation started going to hell in a hand basket in the late 1960's, which is also when the nationwide communist witch hunt and "Red Menace" scare was coming to an end. I guess that means that when we stopped being scared to death that our next door neighbors were commies, we started being scared to death that our next door neighbors are atheists!

After this phase is over, perhaps we can all start being scared to death that our next door neighbors are illegal aliens.

For you to get scared to death, you would have to decolon your cranium first, methinks.

Ahj, don't worry, dude! ITs all well! Keep calm and continue spending you rmoney on shit you don't need, like a good consumer and don't worry about anything, like not being able to find a job, or communicable diseases, or people running the government into the ground through blatant theft and cronyism.

Keep Calm and keep a rockin bro!

roflmao, idjit
You mean back when republicans and democrats drank together and corporations paid their fair share of taxes?

Hell, yeah, and the distractions caused by artificial social liberalism is the cover the corporations have needed to get away with their pillaging of middle class America.

:eusa_think: Hmmmmmmm.....

'Social Liberalism' is such tiny percentage of the spending done over the last 80 years...

You sure it wasn't the public trough feeding-frenzy on security that history will record as Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex?

doofus, no one is watching the corporations steal money from the public treasure because they are too busy arguing about abortion, gun rights, gay marriage etc, controvercies that are entirely created by pushy leftwing idiotlogues.

I am sure they love idiots like you.
You're an angry, nasty man, aren't you Jim?

"Angry, nasty Christian"

Still weird.
What definition of atheist are you using? There are generally two that are quite different : not having any belief in a god and not believing any god is possible.

Whichever the case, saying that all atheists are dishonest is just silly, unless you mean in the same way all people are dishonest.

I have no data concerning the existence or nonexistence of any god(s) or any other supernatural entity, although I concede the possibility. However, I do not believe in the existence of Jehovah or the divinity of Jesus any more than I believe in Zeus or Hercules. Where do I fit in?

The first definition. Agnostic is often used in place of that definition of atheist.
The correct term would be agnostic atheist - you do not know for certain, but you believe there are no gods.
People take atheists way too seriously, like a restaurant that was giving discounts to people if they said grace prior to eating and they backed off when an atheist group told them that the discount was illegal.

They took the atheists as honest brokers and they should not have.

Atheists are kookeburger liars, nothing more than that, and one certainly shouldn't change policies or practices because atheists say that they should be changed.

First find a rational person to discuss it with, and that leaves out the atheist.

Dude, you are paranoid.

Paranoid? Probably. I have read quite a bit of history and I notice you didn't answer the question. Was I correct or was I not? It's a simple yes or no question.

No, dullard, you are not correct. I believe that a person, if atheist, has every right to express their beliefs on their own dime, time and resources.

Well, that would actually have made me correct but I'll chalk that up to you reading into what people say rather than what they say. It's nice to know you aren't imagining a world where only your point of view is allowed. I think everyone, not just atheists, have every right to express their beliefs on their own dime, time and resources. Everyone has equal access to the public forum. Everyone has the right to their own views, and to be able to express those views as loudly as they like.
Damn! Now I learn that this nation started going to hell in a hand basket in the late 1960's, which is also when the nationwide communist witch hunt and "Red Menace" scare was coming to an end. I guess that means that when we stopped being scared to death that our next door neighbors were commies, we started being scared to death that our next door neighbors are atheists!

After this phase is over, perhaps we can all start being scared to death that our next door neighbors are illegal aliens.

I think my next door neighbor might be a terrorist
Paranoid? Probably. I have read quite a bit of history and I notice you didn't answer the question. Was I correct or was I not? It's a simple yes or no question.

No, dullard, you are not correct. I believe that a person, if atheist, has every right to express their beliefs on their own dime, time and resources.

Well, that would actually have made me correct but I'll chalk that up to you reading into what people say rather than what they say. It's nice to know you aren't imagining a world where only your point of view is allowed. I think everyone, not just atheists, have every right to express their beliefs on their own dime, time and resources. Everyone has equal access to the public forum. Everyone has the right to their own views, and to be able to express those views as loudly as they like.

Lol, I mostly agree but must point out that atheists like Seelybooboo want to take away from me my right to state my religious beliefs and that is on the record.

If an atheist or theist teacher is asked by the class students what their religious beliefs are, that teacher has a Constitutional right to say what they are, but does not have the right to persuade the students that the beliefs are correct. It has to stop at 'Why do you believe X?'

That goes from expressing beliefs to proseletiyzing.
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God

What has happened since we "rejected God"

Civil Rights
Womens rights
Gay rights
Environmental protections

Freak'n heathens!

Growing poverty
Third world status
Racial tensions
Infanticide (abortion)
Increased fear and tension
"Gay" "Marriage" (and similar acts of depravity)
Corrupt government
Out-of-control spending

The list could go on. We're covered with a social/societal cancer.

Most of this is hooey and has more to do with preaching "god" than with being "godless".

Its just repulsive to read crap like what you fake christians preach.

And yet ... here you are. In the Religion and Ethics section reading what Christians have to say. If you are truly "repulsed" you wouldn't hang out here so much.
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Growing poverty
Third world status
Racial tensions
Infanticide (abortion)
Increased fear and tension
"Gay" "Marriage" (and similar acts of depravity)
Corrupt government
Out-of-control spending

The list could go on. We're covered with a social/societal cancer.

Most of this is hooey and has more to do with preaching "god" than with being "godless".

Its just repulsive to read crap like what you fake christians preach.

And yet ... here you are. In the Religion and Ethics section reading what Christians have to say. If you are truly "repulsed" you wouldn't hang out here to much.

he enjoys playing the troll and getting applause form the other atheist liars here.

What I would like to find is a place for all Christians to discuss things where Hitchens clone idiots are not allowed.
I'm curious as to when, exactly, the USA rejected god. Considering every poll I've ever seen shows the vast majority of Americans say they believe in a god, that seems a strange claim.

So when did it happen and what is the evidence that it happened? Without that, the entire premise of the OP is without meaning.

The elite that lead our nation have done so, and this started in the late 60's with the 'God is Dead' movement.

Also, the atheists began to infiltrate our colleges and universities in a major way around then also. I have had several friends that were on faculty at Texas colleges that talked about that happening in Texas back in the late 70's and early 80's. The bias against committed Christians is very high in public higher education today and the shivs are always out.


Dude! Just because every day growing numbers of your friends, neighbors and countrymen are putting the ancient stories in to better perspective in light of new information doesn't mean that atheists have 'infiltrated' your world!


Or does it? :dunno:

His faith....not so strong after all? :doubt:
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real
So when Iraqi Christians were forced to flee from their homes in Iraq, and to this day are still being beheaded by Islamic zealots because they were 'not devoted enough'? When Turkey's Christians were being massacred they weren't 'devoted enough to god'? Also obviously when the Jews of Europe suffered the holocaust by your logic they also 'weren't devoted enough'.

Turning away from absolute devotion to God and towards inclusiveness and religious tolerance is the best thing that ever happened to America, otherwise instead of living under the US constitution we would be living under the Christian State of Delaware and the Americas.

If people want to turn the clock back to the Salem witch trials and go around burning 'atheists' as witches, or back to the McCarthy era, both those times are over and done with.

When a church burns down, or an entire community of Christians is rounded up and massacred it isn't because 'God is angry with the gays/communists/atheists/IRS'.
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Curses From Mount Ebal

9 Then Moses and the Levitical priests said to all Israel, “Be silent, Israel, and listen! You have now become the people of the Lord your God. 10 Obey the Lord your God and follow his commands and decrees that I give you today.”

11 On the same day Moses commanded the people:

12 When you have crossed the Jordan, these tribes shall stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people: Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph and Benjamin. 13 And these tribes shall stand on Mount Ebal to pronounce curses: Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan and Naphtali.

14 The Levites shall recite to all the people of Israel in a loud voice:

15 “Cursed is anyone who makes an idol—a thing detestable to the Lord, the work of skilled hands—and sets it up in secret.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

16 “Cursed is anyone who dishonors their father or mother.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

17 “Cursed is anyone who moves their neighbor’s boundary stone.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

18 “Cursed is anyone who leads the blind astray on the road.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

19 “Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

20 “Cursed is anyone who sleeps with his father’s wife, for he dishonors his father’s bed.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

21 “Cursed is anyone who has sexual relations with any animal.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

22 “Cursed is anyone who sleeps with his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

23 “Cursed is anyone who sleeps with his mother-in-law.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

24 “Cursed is anyone who kills their neighbor secretly.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

25 “Cursed is anyone who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

26 “Cursed is anyone who does not uphold the words of this law by carrying them out.”

Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

Our families are broken by divorce more than half the time and hordes of fatherless children cause mayhem in our nation.

Children have no respect for their elders and live lives of destitution born of foolish choices.

We have diseases and mental disorders in such growing number that no matter how rich or popular a person is we see them choosing death over life over and over.

Our enemies mock us, run us out of their nations and dare us to return and promise to bring disaster to our own lands and we do little to stop them and it has no real effect.

Our people are cheated and lied to and our leaders pretend it is truthful and defend the liars and cheats because of bribes passed to them in the form of campaign contributions.

Our children vanish with each generation and alien cultures that flood our schools are proof of the promise that God will take from us what He gave us because we have chosen death over life, foolishness over wisdom and nihilism over faith.

The atheistic scum that infest this message board is proof of this faithlessness and idiocy, especially the ones that pose as believers and alienate everyone with their lies and posturing.

The next time we shall know better and will not make the same mistakes again.

Nothing you have said proves that a God exists.

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