One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

Children have no respect for their elders
Gee, that bellyache has a familiar ring! For millennia every generation says the new generation is going to hell in a hand basket. :rofl::lmao:

Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parent, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.
- Socrates

Societies go up and down in the cultural degeneracy. Some are strong, while others are weak. You can find people complaining about everything imaginable throughout history but that doesn't mean the complaints were imagined or illegit, retard.

What I posted is literally true and it is obvious to anyone with a sliver of honesty, which leaves your lying ass out.
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Look around. Look in the mirror. Look at the complexities of the universe. Everything testifies that there is a God.

His hand is all over history if you are watching

Looking at the complexities of the universe simply shows us how little we understand.

Not to mention complexity is simply a human concept, and in terms of relativity the Universe might not be complex at all but very, very simple.

Yeah, because we all know that there is no difference in complexity between a human cell and a piece of chalk.

lol, do you libtards have the slightest clue of how stupid this shit makes you look?
There has never been any proof God is real.

Look around. Look in the mirror. Look at the complexities of the universe. Everything testifies that there is a God.

His hand is all over history if you are watching

Looking at the complexities of the universe simply shows us how little we understand.

What a pile of horse shit.

'OOOOOO, look at how smart I am cause I think that complexity is merely a shallow reflection of my brains inability to blah blah blah'

Please, I hope this is the best your morons can do any more. Russell could have responded fifty fucking different ways already.

God He will not bless us when we kill babys in abortion

What? Your God holds the record for most consecutive abortions, which he performed by drowning the mother.

another libtard lie.
Are you saying no pregnant women died in the flood, or that there were no pregnant women at all when the flood occurred? :cuckoo:

Is that what I said, you fucking liar?
Those are the only possibilities for what I posted earlier to be a "libtard lie." Do you have another possibility???
God He will not bless us when we kill babys in abortion

What? Your God holds the record for most consecutive abortions, which he performed by drowning the mother.

Are you saying no pregnant women died in the flood, or that there were no pregnant women at all when the flood occurred? :cuckoo:

Is that what I said, you fucking liar?
Those are the only possibilities for what I posted earlier to be a "libtard lie." Do you have another possibility???

There are a dozen other possibilities, but only one was what I stated.
Boy you really make this country sound like it is in a horrible state. Sorry, I look around and don't see the glass as half empty.

The question really is, as bad as things are today, are they worse than they were in the past? I think the answer is a resounding NO. Many people yearn for a past that never existed.

alang, I'm sure the answer is a resounding yes. Not only are things worse, but the decline is full speed ahead.
I grew up in a house with no locks. In a town with no locks. I played Candy Land, and watched Father Knows Best, and played hide and seek at the park in the dark.

Now there are no fathers, our kids watch 2 Men and a Lesbian, they play Strangers and Dangers instead of Shoots and Ladders, parents don't dare let their children go unchaperoned to the park or in their own fenced in yard at any hour, and just try not locking up everything you own.
The glass is damn near empty.

And this would be an example of the fear, hate, and ignorance of the reactionary religious right.

I fear no one, hate no one, and ignorance has nothing to to do with it.
To prove that, drop your 7 yr. old off at the park for the day, leave you keys in your car as you shop in the mall, watch some Bait Car on TV. Unlock your doors, open up some windows, leave the porch light on, and turn in for the night. Then watch my "ignorance" turn into your nightmare.....
Sweet dreams. :lol:
Those 18 years were some of our worst

Rampant terrorism

another libtard lie.

Did you miss the civil rights movement? Lynchings? Firebombings? Abuse of citizens by their local government? Segregation?

All done by your "god loving" society of 1946-64

Seems to me that the evils of those who didn't love God would encourage the prudent to love God and not be like them. Doesn't make sense to use the previous generation's bad behavior because of their lack of love for God as an excuse to not love God and act the same.
Boy you really make this country sound like it is in a horrible state. Sorry, I look around and don't see the glass as half empty.

The question really is, as bad as things are today, are they worse than they were in the past? I think the answer is a resounding NO. Many people yearn for a past that never existed.

alang, I'm sure the answer is a resounding yes. Not only are things worse, but the decline is full speed ahead.
I grew up in a house with no locks. In a town with no locks. I played Candy Land, and watched Father Knows Best, and played hide and seek at the park in the dark.

Now there are no fathers, our kids watch 2 Men and a Lesbian, they play Strangers and Dangers instead of Shoots and Ladders, parents don't dare let their children go unchaperoned to the park or in their own fenced in yard at any hour, and just try not locking up everything you own.
The glass is damn near empty.

For every anecdote that says things are declining I'm sure I can find one that shows things are getting better. Anecdotes mean little, I'd like to see some statistics if you have them.

Assuming what you say is correct, it means the world you inherited was great while the world your children inherited was bad. Are you and your generation the cause?

Wow. I just looked for a link that compares then and now. Clicked on one, and as I was scrolling down I saw something I recognized very well.
There is a picture of Bennett Ave. Cripple Creek, Co.! The closest building on the right was mine. The cars were a lot newer when I lived there, but my children played there, knew every shop owner, went from store to store, ice skated in the park, and ran all over the place.

There was about a 0% crime rate in Cripple. There were 2 old police men whose biggest concern was finding "Gold Dust" whenever he would wander away from the old folks home. My little shop, and all the others are gone. Bennett Ave. is now one big casino. A task force has replaced the two policemen. Crime went through the roof. Murders happen now. One woman had her throat slit with a box cutter. A child was beaten to death and buried in a shallow grave in the neighboring town of Victor.
Yeah, we've come a long way.....

America 1950 vs. America 2012
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Those 18 years were some of our worst

Rampant terrorism

another libtard lie.

Did you miss the civil rights movement? Lynchings? Firebombings? Abuse of citizens by their local government? Segregation?

All done by your "god loving" society of 1946-64

These were incremental improvements that took time to implement. Segregation displaced slavery, lynchings were stopped by 1064, and the civil rights movement was led by Christian clergy, jack ass.
alang, I'm sure the answer is a resounding yes. Not only are things worse, but the decline is full speed ahead.
I grew up in a house with no locks. In a town with no locks. I played Candy Land, and watched Father Knows Best, and played hide and seek at the park in the dark.

Now there are no fathers, our kids watch 2 Men and a Lesbian, they play Strangers and Dangers instead of Shoots and Ladders, parents don't dare let their children go unchaperoned to the park or in their own fenced in yard at any hour, and just try not locking up everything you own.
The glass is damn near empty.

For every anecdote that says things are declining I'm sure I can find one that shows things are getting better. Anecdotes mean little, I'd like to see some statistics if you have them.

Assuming what you say is correct, it means the world you inherited was great while the world your children inherited was bad. Are you and your generation the cause?

Wow. I just looked for a link that compares then and now. Clicked on one, and as I was scrolling down I saw something I recognized very well.
There is a picture of Bennett Ave. Cripple Creek, Co.! The closest building on the right was mine. The cars were a lot newer when I lived there, but my children played there, knew every shop owner, went from store to store, ice skated in the park, and ran all over the place.

There was about a 0% crime rate in Cripple. There were 2 old police men whose biggest concern was finding "Gold Dust" whenever he would wander away from the old folks home. My little shop, and all the others are gone. Bennett Ave. is now one big casino. A task force has replaced the two policemen. Crime went through the roof. Murders happen now. One woman had her throat slit with a box cutter. A child was beaten to death and buried in a shallow grave in the neighboring town of Victor.
Yeah, we've come a long way.....

America 1950 vs. America 2012

Yeah, but libtbards like rightwinger and alanduh still think things are better because now they can legally prey on college sophomores of the same sex.

another libtard lie.

Did you miss the civil rights movement? Lynchings? Firebombings? Abuse of citizens by their local government? Segregation?

All done by your "god loving" society of 1946-64

These were incremental improvements that took time to implement. Segregation displaced slavery, lynchings were stopped by 1064, and the civil rights movement was led by Christian clergy, jack ass.

The segregationists also wrapped themselves in the Bible. It was a time of horror and inhumanity and you look back at it as "The good ole days"
I'm curious as to when, exactly, the USA rejected god. Considering every poll I've ever seen shows the vast majority of Americans say they believe in a god, that seems a strange claim.

So when did it happen and what is the evidence that it happened? Without that, the entire premise of the OP is without meaning.
alang, I'm sure the answer is a resounding yes. Not only are things worse, but the decline is full speed ahead.
I grew up in a house with no locks. In a town with no locks. I played Candy Land, and watched Father Knows Best, and played hide and seek at the park in the dark.

Now there are no fathers, our kids watch 2 Men and a Lesbian, they play Strangers and Dangers instead of Shoots and Ladders, parents don't dare let their children go unchaperoned to the park or in their own fenced in yard at any hour, and just try not locking up everything you own.
The glass is damn near empty.

And this would be an example of the fear, hate, and ignorance of the reactionary religious right.

I fear no one, hate no one, and ignorance has nothing to to do with it.
To prove that, drop your 7 yr. old off at the park for the day, leave you keys in your car as you shop in the mall, watch some Bait Car on TV. Unlock your doors, open up some windows, leave the porch light on, and turn in for the night. Then watch my "ignorance" turn into your nightmare.....
Sweet dreams. :lol:

I have not locked my house doors since I moved to Southern AZ in 2010. Oh, and BTW, I am only 40 miles north of the Mexican border. I also serve on the Sheriff's Auxiliary in a patrol car....without being armed. Sometimes I am so frightened that I can't go to sleep for over 10 minutes after I go to bed.
Did you miss the civil rights movement? Lynchings? Firebombings? Abuse of citizens by their local government? Segregation?

All done by your "god loving" society of 1946-64

These were incremental improvements that took time to implement. Segregation displaced slavery, lynchings were stopped by 1064, and the civil rights movement was led by Christian clergy, jack ass.

The segregationists also wrapped themselves in the Bible. It was a time of horror and inhumanity and you look back at it as "The good ole days"

The city of New Orleans permanently closed every public swimming pool in the city, rather than desegregate them.
Did you miss the civil rights movement? Lynchings? Firebombings? Abuse of citizens by their local government? Segregation?

All done by your "god loving" society of 1946-64

These were incremental improvements that took time to implement. Segregation displaced slavery, lynchings were stopped by 1064, and the civil rights movement was led by Christian clergy, jack ass.

The segregationists also wrapped themselves in the Bible. It was a time of horror and inhumanity and you look back at it as "The good ole days"

It was my generation that fought against segregation, and for civil rights. And made a difference.

Vandal, I certainly wouldn't announce your lack of protection, and wouldn't endorse it, especially if you have a family. Not in this day and age. Your behavior is reckless and puts any children you may have at risk. I would bet that unlocked doors aren't the norm in border towns, but if you think it's a good idea, then there is something else you may want to check. The pedophile roster in your area. < Another thing we had no need for in the good old days. :eusa_angel:

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