One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

He didn't kill them but brought them home.

God has the right to do that since He made them in the first place.

The height of arrogance is to pass judgment on God, especially when you apparently cant even comprehend Him.

I call em as I see em. Murdering innocent babies, puppies and kittens is not acceptable in my book, even if you are a God

Unless you call it abortion, then you defend it till the end.

I have an easier time defending aborting an embryo than murdering innocent children in a flood and killing the first born of Eqypt
I call em as I see em. Murdering innocent babies, puppies and kittens is not acceptable in my book, even if you are a God

Unless you call it abortion, then you defend it till the end.

I have an easier time defending aborting an embryo than murdering innocent children in a flood and killing the first born of Eqypt

Yeah, you kinda get a kick from trying to make God look bad, lol.

Does that salve your conscience? Do you even have one? I think the evidence for God far stronger.
Unless you call it abortion, then you defend it till the end.

I have an easier time defending aborting an embryo than murdering innocent children in a flood and killing the first born of Eqypt

Yeah, you kinda get a kick from trying to make God look bad, lol.

Does that salve your conscience? Do you even have one? I think the evidence for God far stronger.

I made him look bad?

I didn't destroy the earth...he did
I have an easier time defending aborting an embryo than murdering innocent children in a flood and killing the first born of Eqypt

Yeah, you kinda get a kick from trying to make God look bad, lol.

Does that salve your conscience? Do you even have one? I think the evidence for God far stronger.

I made him look bad?

I didn't destroy the earth...he did

That's strange...I am sitting on the Earth.

What are you sitting on?


Our families are broken by divorce more than half the time and hordes of fatherless children cause mayhem in our nation.

Children have no respect for their elders and live lives of destitution born of foolish choices.

We have diseases and mental disorders in such growing number that no matter how rich or popular a person is we see them choosing death over life over and over.

Our enemies mock us, run us out of their nations and dare us to return and promise to bring disaster to our own lands and we do little to stop them and it has no real effect.

Our people are cheated and lied to and our leaders pretend it is truthful and defend the liars and cheats because of bribes passed to them in the form of campaign contributions.

Our children vanish with each generation and alien cultures that flood our schools are proof of the promise that God will take from us what He gave us because we have chosen death over life, foolishness over wisdom and nihilism over faith.

The atheistic scum that infest this message board is proof of this faithlessness and idiocy, especially the ones that pose as believers and alienate everyone with their lies and posturing.

The next time we shall know better and will not make the same mistakes again.


Wow, the idiots are all out in force now.

I think if you, Jake the Fake Starkey and GYSMYS got into a debate the internet would collapse into an arrogance singularity, lol.

Pastor, your congregation chucked you out for arrogance, and yet you wish to make this your parish? :lol: Step off.
Yeah, you kinda get a kick from trying to make God look bad, lol.

Does that salve your conscience? Do you even have one? I think the evidence for God far stronger.

I made him look bad?

I didn't destroy the earth...he did

That's strange...I am sitting on the Earth.

What are you sitting on?


Only all the plants, animals, the ecology with the exception of a small boat

It is genocide on an unheard of scale. Abortion pales by comparison
Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you the american right-wing christian, full of God's love and the teachings of Jesus.

the ludicrousness of what you stated
dumbass-libtard rates
you nincompoop
the idiots are all out in force now
you are a trip
do yourself a favor and stop looking like a fool and just STFU
You are full of yourself
you are an ignorant ass hole
I no longer waste my time with pigs like you
you stupid fuck
you arrogant ass
go fuck yourself.

I dont respect you, or love you and I could not care less if you burn in hell for all eternity.

I just hate to let this vapid stupidity that atheists keep spewing all over the internet to go unanswered.

Eat shit.
Still stuck on stupid, I see
you are just too fucking stupid
what a moron you are
you persist in being a moron
what a retard

Kind of speaks for itself.
Please, one GISMYS around here is enough.

Not nearly enough! We need more men like GISMYS and JimBowie who "boldly" take a stand for the truth of God's Word and say look at the signs! They are all about us! Anyone who cannot see the truth after looking at that list JimBowie has on his OP - has got to be seriously determined not to face reality! He made an excellent point! I applaud him for it!

Which reminds me, Mr. Clean! You have yet to address it!

Jeri, the actions of the list have been around in one form or another for thousands of years.

The leadership of the fundamentalist, evangelical, and Pentecostal sects have proven to be corrupt similarly to the priest of Ba'al: they do it for gold and their prestige, not for the Glory of God. Witness JimBowie. Not a shred of Christian charity in him.
Jesus should send Mike and Gabe to slap the so-called Christians here about the ears and heads.
I made him look bad?

I didn't destroy the earth...he did

That's strange...I am sitting on the Earth.

What are you sitting on?


Only all the plants, animals, the ecology with the exception of a small boat

Wow, you must have a much bigger ASS than I thought possible.

It is genocide on an unheard of scale. Abortion pales by comparison

IT wasn't genocide since it was a justifiable homicide by the only perfect judge.
Jim, you don't know God, and He will reject you.

I bet your congregation threw you to the curb, and that is why you are hissy fitting.
Please, one GISMYS around here is enough.

Not nearly enough! We need more men like GISMYS and JimBowie who "boldly" take a stand for the truth of God's Word and say look at the signs! They are all about us! Anyone who cannot see the truth after looking at that list JimBowie has on his OP - has got to be seriously determined not to face reality! He made an excellent point! I applaud him for it!

Which reminds me, Mr. Clean! You have yet to address it!

There is no 'god,' nor any 'word' – it's all a creation of man, in essence you're advocating worshiping man.

The OP, this post, and others like it represent the arrogance common to theists in general and Christians in particular, your belief that you 'speak' for a 'deity,' that you possess some 'moral authority' to condemn others whom you perceive as 'sinful,' and the weakness of intellect to actually believe the nonsense posted in the OP is 'proof' of your deity.

The sins of arrogance and pride are most often committed by Christians, and in conflict with their dogma, Christians make no effort to stop committing those sins.
You cannot even comprehend God because you are an ignorant ass hole who couldn't give a shit less.

And you heap more stupidity on yourself by passing judgment on God, roflmao.

God did not kill them, He took them home, you stupid fuck.

Why do we lock up murderers then? Aren't they just sending their victims home?
please, one gismys around here is enough.

not nearly enough! We need more men like gismys and jimbowie who "boldly" take a stand for the truth of god's word and say look at the signs! They are all about us! Anyone who cannot see the truth after looking at that list jimbowie has on his op - has got to be seriously determined not to face reality! He made an excellent point! I applaud him for it!

Which reminds me, mr. Clean! You have yet to address it!

there is no 'god,' nor any 'word' – it's all a creation of man, in essence you're advocating worshiping man.

The op, this post, and others like it represent the arrogance common to theists in general and christians in particular, your belief that you 'speak' for a 'deity,' that you possess some 'moral authority' to condemn others whom you perceive as 'sinful,' and the weakness of intellect to actually believe the nonsense posted in the op is 'proof' of your deity.

The sins of arrogance and pride are most often committed by christians, and in conflict with their dogma, christians make no effort to stop committing those sins.

ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!!!
Boy you really make this country sound like it is in a horrible state. Sorry, I look around and don't see the glass as half empty.

The question really is, as bad as things are today, are they worse than they were in the past? I think the answer is a resounding NO. Many people yearn for a past that never existed.

alang, I'm sure the answer is a resounding yes. Not only are things worse, but the decline is full speed ahead.
I grew up in a house with no locks. In a town with no locks. I played Candy Land, and watched Father Knows Best, and played hide and seek at the park in the dark.

Now there are no fathers, our kids watch 2 Men and a Lesbian, they play Strangers and Dangers instead of Shoots and Ladders, parents don't dare let their children go unchaperoned to the park or in their own fenced in yard at any hour, and just try not locking up everything you own.
The glass is damn near empty.
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Poor Ram. I prescribe one Shirley Temple movie, Two Andy Hardy movies, and a double root beer float....

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God like the US when the US citizens were killing Indians and the Mormons...He preferred the enslavement of Africans and the second class citizenship of females...
One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

No one has 'rejected “god,”' particularly since 'god' doesn't exist as perceived by theists.

And most of the problems this country is currently dealing with is a consequence of the bane of the social right and partisan Christian fundamentalists seeking to codify their subjective religious dogma into secular law, in violation of the First Amendment.

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