One Look At What has Happened to The USA since We Rejected God Proves God is Real

No, it doesn't. We haven't even begun to understand the universe or human existence in general. That is not proof that it was created by some magical god.

Simply because the concept of a Creator surpasses your comprehension of Reality does not make the matter 'magical' in any way, dude.

Simply because science surpasses your comprehension of reality does not make the matter supernatural in any way, dude.

That would be true if it did, but where does science surpass my comprehension? I am not claiming science is magical, but you claim God is.

Either put forward the evidence for your claims and the reasoning that binds them together or do yourself a favor and stop looking like a fool and just STFU.

That is the same conclusion primitive people came to when they couldn't explain why volcanoes erupted or earthquakes happened or the sun rose and set every day. Oh, it must be God. Now that those things happen those gods are no longer worshipped and have been debunked for the myths they are.

So primitive people came up with fire, building with wood and stone and planting crops.

Oh, it must be wrong.

And yes, the polytheistic systems were debunked, BY THEISTS you nincompoop.


Just as theists will ultimately be debunked by rational people.

The theists were the ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle who developed the rationalism you claim. They came to their belief in a Creator and lost their belief in polytheism by using the rationalism they developed.

Now you say that the rational system they developed will debunk the concept of a Creator that they built with the rationalism they invented?

You are full of yourself.
There has never been any proof God is real.

Yes, there has been, and the ludicrousness of what you stated should be apparent to you.

You have read all of human history and know that in none ofit is there proof of God?

You are delusional.

There is no proof of "god."

Yes, there is and open minded rational people from Plato on down have known this.

Your lack of belief almost seals the question in favor of 'God exists' most certainly.
Please, one GISMYS around here is enough.

Not nearly enough! We need more men like GISMYS and JimBowie who "boldly" take a stand for the truth of God's Word and say look at the signs! They are all about us! Anyone who cannot see the truth after looking at that list JimBowie has on his OP - has got to be seriously determined not to face reality! He made an excellent point! I applaud him for it!

Which reminds me, Mr. Clean! You have yet to address it!

I must dissent. WE do not need another GIMYS. The guy is a fraud and is intentionally driving people away from any consideration of God or faith.
A fine statement but do you have any evidence God treats those "sinners" any differently then good Christians?

I'm going to the gay wedding my nephew soon. He's healthy, has a good job, and someone to love. Sounds to me like he's blessed.

God killed alot of babies in that flood. I don't think he is the one to judge

He didn't kill them but brought them home.

God has the right to do that since He made them in the first place.

The height of arrogance is to pass judgment on God, especially when you apparently cant even comprehend Him.

I call em as I see em. Murdering innocent babies, puppies and kittens is not acceptable in my book, even if you are a God
No, it doesn't. We haven't even begun to understand the universe or human existence in general. That is not proof that it was created by some magical god.

Simply because the concept of a Creator surpasses your comprehension of Reality does not make the matter 'magical' in any way, dude.

Simply because science surpasses your comprehension of reality does not make the matter supernatural in any way, dude.

That is the same conclusion primitive people came to when they couldn't explain why volcanoes erupted or earthquakes happened or the sun rose and set every day. Oh, it must be God. Now that those things happen those gods are no longer worshipped and have been debunked for the myths they are.

So primitive people came up with fire, building with wood and stone and planting crops.

Oh, it must be wrong.

And yes, the polytheistic systems were debunked, BY THEISTS you nincompoop.


Just as theists will ultimately be debunked by rational people.

You do realize that you are not the first person to suggest this, Dont Taz Me Bro. Yes, throughout history there have been people who considered themselves to be rational. Men who were quite brilliant of mind but used that God given gift of brilliance to oppose the truth of the Word of God which we see displayed in Jim Bowies OP, and furthermore, while these same men are now long gone from the earth, men such as Voltaire - the Bible is still with us today and men who believe in God continue to proclaim His Word. Add to this the matter of what became of some of their homes ( the rationalists ) which latter were used as printing press establishments for the printing of the bible to be distributed throughout the world! Did God have the last word in that matter? Yes. I believe He did. The problem with rational men, Dont Taz Me Bro, is not that they are un-intelligent - because indeed they are many times found to be of even higher intelligence than some who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. No it is not a matter of higher intelligence but rather a matter of understanding that there is absolutely nothing rational about faith.

You see faith does not depend upon our rational thinking mind but rather upon our heart believing upon God who spoke creation into existence! Whose ways are higher than our ways. Far higher. Yes. By His Spoken Word - God created all that is seen and everything that has been made. It was all created by Jesus Christ - the Living Word of God who became Flesh and dwelt among us. Now it has pleased God to frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent and to confound the wisdom of the wise and even to use such ordinary and common people such as myself to explain the mysteries of God in such a way that even a child could understand it. How is that possible when I have not nearly the education of a Voltaire? And yet? His arguements I can bring to nothing without the slightest of efforts. And you should know why that is also, Dont Taz Me Bro. It is because it is not me at all! It is the Holy Spirit that abides in me and has made His Home in earthen vessels according to the Holy Scriptures this was the plan of God in sending His Only Begotten Son to redeem us. He is our teacher, He is our Comforter, He is the one who puts the words in our mouth and what we shall speak before it is even spoken. Yes, it is all Him. To God be the Glory.

And with that I shall tell you one more thing so that you know who it is that man is striving against when he strives against a servant of the LORD who is only obeying God by posting such posts about who He is and what His Holy Word has said. It is against God that the rationalist strives. Not a man. Not a woman. Not even a child should God decide to speak through one to you or any other "rational person"... it is the Holy Spirit of God they are striving against, Dont Taz Me Bro. With that understood, what possible chance do you believe the "Rational man" shall have in striving against God Almighty and His Written Word?


* Here is it is in scripture, yes, what God had intended to do by making it impossible for one to argue with Him. I feel I should include this because truly I am not an intelligent person at all. I have no abilities, no real talents other than decorating and art with my hands but that talent I did not have prior to accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior so quite honestly I have not a thing I could boast about! Except for Jesus Christ and what He has done for me! I thank Jesus!

For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
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I am not going to spend a lot of time researching things...

On that we can agree.

I said I am not going to research things for you since you wont read them and you can do it yourself anyway.

But this is the kind of dishonesty and slander that you atheists have fallen to these days.

The old Bertrand Russell whose books I enjoyed for their thought provoking questions, the atheists like him are long gone now.

Now all we have are liars, frauds and bullshit flingers like you to discuss anything with.

I no longer waste my time with pigs like you.
God killed alot of babies in that flood. I don't think he is the one to judge

He didn't kill them but brought them home.

God has the right to do that since He made them in the first place.

The height of arrogance is to pass judgment on God, especially when you apparently cant even comprehend Him.

I call em as I see em. Murdering innocent babies, puppies and kittens is not acceptable in my book, even if you are a God

You cannot even comprehend God because you are an ignorant ass hole who couldn't give a shit less.

And you heap more stupidity on yourself by passing judgment on God, roflmao.

God did not kill them, He took them home, you stupid fuck.
What evidence is there that Carlsen is not following all of the Bible that has authority over him?
Are you saying he is. I'm sure he would be up on a few murder charges then.

IF he is Christian he is not obligated to follow OT commands
That's not what Jesus said. Read your bible.

and the progressive revelation that Christianity believes the Holy Ghost guides into led US to ban slavery, not atheists.
Actually it was christians using the bible as a reference for promoting slavery. Are you saying atheists during the time of slavery were promoting it?

We are the first faith to do so, so how is the earlier ignorance our fault when WE FIXED THE DAMNED PROBLEM?
See above.

You pat yourself on the back for ethical advances we have made that you borrowed through cultural assimilation, then use our past mistakes to refute us?
I point out inconsistencies and contradictions in your holy book and provide evidence that ALL christians pick and choose only certains aspects of it thus rendering it a moot point for morals and a deeply held belief system. Game over.
You cannot even comprehend God because you are an ignorant ass hole who couldn't give a shit less.

And you heap more stupidity on yourself by passing judgment on God, roflmao.

God did not kill them, He took them home, you stupid fuck.
By this logic then Hitler was being very godlike when he sent people to god's home. And you call others ignorant and stupid.
What evidence is there that Carlsen is not following all of the Bible that has authority over him?
Are you saying he is. I'm sure he would be up on a few murder charges then.

That made zero sense. Want to try again?

IF he is Christian he is not obligated to follow OT commands
That's not what Jesus said. Read your bible.

lol, you are going to school me on the Bible? Jesus fulfilled the OT law and did not change any of it for those who still chose to live under it.

So, yes, that was what Jesus said, you arrogant ass.

Actually it was christians using the bible as a reference for promoting slavery. Are you saying atheists during the time of slavery were promoting it?

Wow, I just stated that Christians were in error to continue with slavery but we came to realize it was wrong and put an end to it. So yes, Captain Obvious, some Christians did promote slavery and that does not contradict a damned thing I asserted.

And yes, some atheists did promote slavery, only now they call it 'socialism'.

We are the first faith to do so, so how is the earlier ignorance our fault when WE FIXED THE DAMNED PROBLEM?
See above.


You pat yourself on the back for ethical advances we have made that you borrowed through cultural assimilation, then use our past mistakes to refute us?
I point out inconsistencies and contradictions in your holy book and ...

No, you have not. You have only demonstrated that you have a poor understanding of the Bible and Christian theology.

provide evidence that ALL christians pick and choose only certains aspects of it thus rendering it a moot point for morals and a deeply held belief system. Game over.

lol, when anyone reads any book they will come away with different interpretations. That the church has managed to keep the vast majority of it in agreement on the most crucial dogmas is nothing less than a miracle.

Yeah, it is game over, dumbass and you lose.
You cannot even comprehend God because you are an ignorant ass hole who couldn't give a shit less.

And you heap more stupidity on yourself by passing judgment on God, roflmao.

God did not kill them, He took them home, you stupid fuck.
By this logic then Hitler was being very godlike when he sent people to god's home. And you call others ignorant and stupid.


You cannot follow the fact that God is very qualitatively different from Hitler?

God killed alot of babies in that flood. I don't think he is the one to judge

He didn't kill them but brought them home.

God has the right to do that since He made them in the first place.

The height of arrogance is to pass judgment on God, especially when you apparently cant even comprehend Him.

I call em as I see em. Murdering innocent babies, puppies and kittens is not acceptable in my book, even if you are a God

Unless you call it abortion, then you defend it till the end.
You cannot even comprehend God because you are an ignorant ass hole who couldn't give a shit less.

And you heap more stupidity on yourself by passing judgment on God, roflmao.

God did not kill them, He took them home, you stupid fuck.
By this logic then Hitler was being very godlike when he sent people to god's home. And you call others ignorant and stupid.


You cannot follow the fact that God is very qualitatively different from Hitler?
Both are mass murderers. But you only seem to praise one.
By this logic then Hitler was being very godlike when he sent people to god's home. And you call others ignorant and stupid.


You cannot follow the fact that God is very qualitatively different from Hitler?
Both are mass murderers. But you only seem to praise one.

Some things are wrong for some people to do but not others.

IT is wrong for me to break into a home and shoot to kill the home owner, but it is not wrong for him to shoot and kill me. The circumstances make the morality different.

When Hitler killed millions of people it was out of hatred for them.

When God killed millions of innocents it was because He didn't want them to be corrupted by an evil humanity and He has the omniscience and ability to fathom what could have happened to them. They are not dead, but living with Him.

Your lack of faith prevents you from seeing that, but surely you could at least grasp the concept and show that you are not a complete imbecile.
What evidence is there that Carlsen is not following all of the Bible that has authority over him?
Are you saying he is. I'm sure he would be up on a few murder charges then.

That made zero sense. Want to try again?
I stated no christian is following all of the bible. You stated in a roundabout way, how do I know Carlsen isn't. I stated if he is he would be up on murder charges because the bible states to kill anyone who works on the sabbath.
Exodus 35:2 ESV
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

lol, you are going to school me on the Bible?
Yes, I'm going to.

Jesus fulfilled the OT law and did not change any of it for those who still chose to live under it.

So, yes, that was what Jesus said, you arrogant ass.
He told evryone not to ignore the old testament. To follow it until the end of time.
For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. - (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV)

Quote: Originally Posted by Tuatara View Post
Actually it was christians using the bible as a reference for promoting slavery. Are you saying atheists during the time of slavery were promoting it?
Wow, I just stated that Christians were in error to continue with slavery but we came to realize it was wrong and put an end to it. So yes, Captain Obvious, some Christians did promote slavery and that does not contradict a damned thing I asserted.
And slavery is promoted in the bible. That is what I said.

And yes, some atheists did promote slavery, only now they call it 'socialism'.
Please provide evidence of one, just one atheist from that time period that promoted slavery. You obviously do not know what socialism means.

Quote: Originally Posted by Tuatara View Post
You pat yourself on the back for ethical advances we have made that you borrowed through cultural assimilation, then use our past mistakes to refute us?
I point out inconsistencies and contradictions in your holy book and ...
No, you have not. You have only demonstrated that you have a poor understanding of the Bible and Christian theology.
Are you saying there are no inconsistencies or contradictions in the bible? Please point out where I stated something wrong.

lol, when anyone reads any book they will come away with different interpretations. That the church has managed to keep the vast majority of it in agreement on the most crucial dogmas is nothing less than a miracle.
When you say the church, which church are you referring to? Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, 7th Day Adventists, Basilideans, Lutherans, Protestants, Baptists, Menonite ...etc. Actually different sects of christianity have been waring fighting with each other throughout history. People have been put to death for these disagreements.

Yeah, it is game over, dumbass and you lose.
How very christian of you.

You cannot follow the fact that God is very qualitatively different from Hitler?
Both are mass murderers. But you only seem to praise one.

Some things are wrong for some people to do but not others.

IT is wrong for me to break into a home and shoot to kill the home owner, but it is not wrong for him to shoot and kill me. The circumstances make the morality different.

When Hitler killed millions of people it was out of hatred for them.

When God killed millions of innocents it was because He didn't want them to be corrupted by an evil humanity and He has the omniscience and ability to fathom what could have happened to them. They are not dead, but living with Him.

Your lack of faith prevents you from seeing that, but surely you could at least grasp the concept and show that you are not a complete imbecile.
How do you know Hitler didn't believe those he killed had been corrupted by evil? You also state that "God killed millions of innocents". We here call that mass murder. Making excuses for that is like making excuses for Hitler yet worse. You keep saying the people God Killed are not dead so answer this again. Are the individuals Hitler killed dead or living with god? Also if your all powerful god has the omniscience and ability to fathom what could happen with individuals why can he not kill individuals that will become murders, rapists or any other evils?
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By this logic then Hitler was being very godlike when he sent people to god's home. And you call others ignorant and stupid.


You cannot follow the fact that God is very qualitatively different from Hitler?
Both are mass murderers. But you only seem to praise one.

God has paid for our lives with His blood. He holds the keys over life and death. He is the only person who has the right to determine when we die. He cannot murder, by definition, and by virtue of the keys He has. Everyone will die because the Lord declared it. Everyone will rise from the dead because did it first.
Are you saying he is. I'm sure he would be up on a few murder charges then.

That made zero sense. Want to try again?
I stated no christian is following all of the bible. You stated in a roundabout way, how do I know Carlsen isn't. I stated if he is he would be up on murder charges because the bible states to kill anyone who works on the sabbath.
Exodus 35:2 ESV
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

That command was given to a government of a nation of people. No individual was to go around killing anyone for not obeying the Sabath law, stupid.

Again, you demonstrate that you are absurdly ignorant of what you claim to know about, and you dont know anything more than atheist talking points that FAIL to be accurate.

lol, you are going to school me on the Bible?
Yes, I'm going to.

Not hardly.

He told evryone not to ignore the old testament. To follow it until the end of time.
He said that the OT was not going away, and it did not. But for a Christian it has no authority. I know that is a difficult concept for you to wrap your two brain cell around, but give it a try maybe.

And slavery is promoted in the bible. That is what I said.
You said it was promoted by Christians and simply ignored the fact that WE ENDED IT.

Please provide evidence of one, just one atheist from that time period that promoted slavery.

lol, most of the poeple engaged in the slave trade were godless men, and I dont have to give you a specific name of a single one to know that.

You obviously do not know what socialism means.

I think Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot would agree with my definition. And the people of those countries were reduced to slavery, whethere you care to acknowledge that or not.

Are you saying there are no inconsistencies or contradictions in the bible?

There is no significant contradiction in any of it, and it is amazing that atheists would assert it to be so.

Dont you frauds claim that it was all simply invented? That copyists corrupted Josephus' writings and slipped references to Christ in them?

Well, hell, make up your damned minds! IF it is made up then why should there be contradictions in it? And so what if there are?

Please point out where I stated something wrong.

lol, I have been, dullard.

lol, when anyone reads any book they will come away with different interpretations. That the church has managed to keep the vast majority of it in agreement on the most crucial dogmas is nothing less than a miracle.
When you say the church, which church are you referring to?
Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, 7th Day Adventists, Basilideans, Lutherans, Protestants, Baptists, Menonite ...etc.
Actually different sects of christianity have been waring fighting with each other throughout history. People have been put to death for these disagreements.

And they are all marginal sects. The catholic faiths are the vast majority of mankind, and the fringe elements are finally evaporating into the void they belong to.

Yeah, it is game over, dumbass and you lose.
How very christian of you.

lol, go fuck yourself.

I dont respect you, or love you and I could not care less if you burn in hell for all eternity.

I just hate to let this vapid stupidity that atheists keep spewing all over the internet to go unanswered.

Eat shit.
Both are mass murderers. But you only seem to praise one.

Some things are wrong for some people to do but not others.

IT is wrong for me to break into a home and shoot to kill the home owner, but it is not wrong for him to shoot and kill me. The circumstances make the morality different.

When Hitler killed millions of people it was out of hatred for them.

When God killed millions of innocents it was because He didn't want them to be corrupted by an evil humanity and He has the omniscience and ability to fathom what could have happened to them. They are not dead, but living with Him.

Your lack of faith prevents you from seeing that, but surely you could at least grasp the concept and show that you are not a complete imbecile.

How do you know Hitler didn't believe those he killed had been corrupted by evil?

Still stuck on stupid, I see. Hitler cannot make a morally justified decision to take lives because he is not God, is not omniscient and was not motivated by love as God is.

For the love of decency, you are just too fucking stupid.

You also state that "God killed millions of innocents". We here call that mass murder.

A human being cannot make such a decision while God can, and that you don't get it only demonstrates what a moron you are.

Making excuses for that is like making excuses for Hitler yet worse. You keep saying the people God Killed are not dead so answer this again. Are the individuals Hitler killed dead or living with god? Also if your all powerful god has the omniscience and ability to fathom what could happen with individuals why can he not kill individuals that will become murders, rapists or any other evils?

lol, you persist in being a moron.

Any simple reflection can answer these questions, but I don't have the time to waste on you right now.

But once again, while God can make some moral choices and men cannot make those same choices, it does not mean anything more than that God is exempt from some things because of the qualities He has as God, such as omniscience, omnipotence etc.

lol, what a retard

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