One more reason why the Tax Proposal is a GOP scam.....

What an intelligent contribution to a serious discussion ...

thought, i must admit, it was more than we expected from you.
I suggest you read , so that you have some modicum of an iota of a minute idea of what you're talking about.

Asshole, you're citing something from SEVEN years ago???.....LOL
LOL --- dumb ass.

You asked what loopholes were under consideration - I gave you five - thus, putting to the lie your claim that nobody was even addressing corporate loopholes. Your ignorance was palpable.

The cite is a tutorial on corporate loopholes (all of which still exist today) - a band-aid for your stupidity, if you will. It has nothing to do with the current tax proposal. It was there so you could see just exactly how stupid you sound.
/——/ Loophole is a made up term libs use to attack the wealthy and corporations. If it’s in the tax code then it’s was approved by Congress and it’s perfectly legal.
Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.
But, but, but the Right have been telling us that a consumption tax is the fairest of all taxes, they even renamed it "The Fair Tax." So since corporate taxes, as you pointed out, are de facto consumption taxes, then the fairest thing to do is replace all taxes with corporate taxes, then you won't even need a post card to do your taxes. What could be simpler????
/----/ What Righties? I never supported a Consumption tax, we have those now. They're called tolls, permits, licenses and access fees. I do support throwing out the Tax Code and having a FLAT TAX.

The flat tax is a stupid idea pushed by only people that would gain the most at the expense of the rest.
/——/ it’s only stupid for the politicians who use the current tax code to gain donations and kickbacks. The sales tax is a perfect flat tax and woks just great.
If it’s in the tax code then it’s was approved by Congress and it’s perfectly legal.

I'll say it again......
Congress folks are the whores and the wealthy donors are the pimps.

So, yeah, give the whores in congress a big enough corner to strut their fat asses, and they'll make ANYTHING the wealthy would ever want, legal.
If it’s in the tax code then it’s was approved by Congress and it’s perfectly legal.

I'll say it again......
Congress folks are the whores and the wealthy donors are the pimps.

So, yeah, give the whores in congress a big enough corner to strut their fat asses, and they'll make ANYTHING the wealthy would ever want, legal.
Yep --- you'll say it again - and again - and again .... and never offer any proof. It makes no more sense THIS time than it did that last 1143 times.
Do you know what happens when you lower the corporate tax? Corporations have more money. They can hire more people, they can innovate, they can do things that are impossible when they are shackled by regulations and government.

Apparently you don't do your own taxes, or you would know this.. When taxes are high, corporations reinvest money into expansion, hiring, production, and R&D, because all those things are deductible. When taxes are low, they pay taxes on the profit, and do not invest in those things.
Do you know what happens when you lower the corporate tax? Corporations have more money. They can hire more people, they can innovate, they can do things that are impossible when they are shackled by regulations and government.

Apparently you don't do your own taxes, or you would know this.. When taxes are high, corporations reinvest money into expansion, hiring, production, and R&D, because all those things are deductible. When taxes are low, they pay taxes on the profit, and do not invest in those things.
Seriously? You actually believe this?

If tax structure is a determining factor in expansion, R&D, etc., you got an idiot for a CEO. Fire him tomorrow morning !!!
Do you know what happens when you lower the corporate tax? Corporations have more money. They can hire more people, they can innovate, they can do things that are impossible when they are shackled by regulations and government.

Apparently you don't do your own taxes, or you would know this.. When taxes are high, corporations reinvest money into expansion, hiring, production, and R&D, because all those things are deductible. When taxes are low, they pay taxes on the profit, and do not invest in those things.
Seriously? You actually believe this?

If tax structure is a determining factor in expansion, R&D, etc., you got an idiot for a CEO. Fire him tomorrow morning !!!

So, corporations don't use tax avoidance planning in their business plans? I think, Spare, that you are not really up to speed on business planning. In fact, i use the same strategy. If I am going to invest in a $5,000 hearing aid, I am going to do it in a year in which I need more deductions, and certainly in a year before the GOP takes medical deductions away from me, which they are threatening to do next year.
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???

If you’re one of those white working-class voters who propelled Donald Trump into the presidency and gave Republicans total control of Washington, the GOP has a message for you: Sucker!

The GOP tax plan is moving forward. It's a big scam on Trump's base

As many experts are saying - it's the biggest tax scam in U.S. history. Trump supporters seem oblivious to just how harmful this would be to the poor and middle class.
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So you are bitching about something that doesnt even matter, then? :rolleyes:
Oh yea it matters because despite promises, they aren't getting rid of loopholes.
So instead of loopholes to go from 30% to 14%, the loopholes still exist. So you go from what? 14% to zero or 14% to getting money back?

Now that may be OK for the GOP base. They are used to being fuked over and have even learned to defend it.
Do you know what happens when you lower the corporate tax? Corporations have more money. They can hire more people, they can innovate, they can do things that are impossible when they are shackled by regulations and government.

Apparently you don't do your own taxes, or you would know this.. When taxes are high, corporations reinvest money into expansion, hiring, production, and R&D, because all those things are deductible. When taxes are low, they pay taxes on the profit, and do not invest in those things.
Seriously? You actually believe this?

If tax structure is a determining factor in expansion, R&D, etc., you got an idiot for a CEO. Fire him tomorrow morning !!!

So, corporations don't use tax avoidance planning in their business plans? I think, Spare, that you are not really up to speed on business planning. In fact, i use the same strategy. If I am going to invest in a $5,000 hearing aid, I am going to do it in a year in which I need more deductions, and certainly in a year before the GOP takes medical deductions away from me, which they are threatening to do next year.
Mmmmm .... not up to speed on business planning. Yep, that's me ... founder of three companies, a retired engineering manager, a former CEO, and a business consultant ... and I'm not up to speed on business planning.

Your example (hearing aid) ... you would go without being able to hear so that you could take advantage of taxes? Seriously? That kind of small scale thought process ensures that you miss opportunities, waiting for the stars to align. While you're waiting for a favorable tax environment, I'm building new factories and offices. While you don't have your hearing aid, I'm listening to Mozart in all his glory.

Taxes are nothing more than the cost of doing business ... figure them in, see if it's profitable, and move on.
Do you know what happens when you lower the corporate tax? Corporations have more money. They can hire more people, they can innovate, they can do things that are impossible when they are shackled by regulations and government.

Apparently you don't do your own taxes, or you would know this.. When taxes are high, corporations reinvest money into expansion, hiring, production, and R&D, because all those things are deductible. When taxes are low, they pay taxes on the profit, and do not invest in those things.
Seriously? You actually believe this?

If tax structure is a determining factor in expansion, R&D, etc., you got an idiot for a CEO. Fire him tomorrow morning !!!

So, corporations don't use tax avoidance planning in their business plans? I think, Spare, that you are not really up to speed on business planning. In fact, i use the same strategy. If I am going to invest in a $5,000 hearing aid, I am going to do it in a year in which I need more deductions, and certainly in a year before the GOP takes medical deductions away from me, which they are threatening to do next year.
Mmmmm .... not up to speed on business planning. Yep, that's me ... founder of three companies, a retired engineering manager, a former CEO, and a business consultant ... and I'm not up to speed on business planning.

Your example (hearing aid) ... you would go without being able to hear so that you could take advantage of taxes? Seriously? That kind of small scale thought process ensures that you miss opportunities, waiting for the stars to align. While you're waiting for a favorable tax environment, I'm building new factories and offices. While you don't have your hearing aid, I'm listening to Mozart in all his glory.

Taxes are nothing more than the cost of doing business ... figure them in, see if it's profitable, and move on.

Not buying any of your story, Spare. My degree is in management, and tax planning was a major part of my education. I'm also a ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant). I have a hearing aid, but it is becoming insufficient for my needs, so I will buy new ones, and you can bet your ass that I will do it while I still have a deduction for medical expenses.

Anyone who does not understand that you invest in deductible expenses in periods of high taxes, and pay taxes on profit realized in periods of low taxes, should not even be in the world of business....unless, of course, your name is Trump, and you have experts that handle this sort of thing for him so that he does not have to think about it.
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???
You are talking about large international mega-corporations. The vast majority of Americans do not work for such conglomerates. The highest rate a US firm can pay is 38%. The average is 28%. Did you ever wonder how many small and medium sized companies have to pay more than 28% to even out GE paying 0%? Quit concentrating on the multinationals and start thinking about those that actually create jobs and provide a job for Americans. A hint, for the most part it isn't Google.
Do you know what happens when you lower the corporate tax? Corporations have more money. They can hire more people, they can innovate, they can do things that are impossible when they are shackled by regulations and government.

Apparently you don't do your own taxes, or you would know this.. When taxes are high, corporations reinvest money into expansion, hiring, production, and R&D, because all those things are deductible. When taxes are low, they pay taxes on the profit, and do not invest in those things.

The smart ones offshore and outsource to the third world. What is amazing is republicans that want for Trumps campaign message are right back to sucking the rich man off. Weird? It is almost like they understand the truth but want to hurt the poor and middle class on purpose.
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Except, when a company pays a lower tax rate, that also means that leaves more of their own money to invest in themselves. Not every company simply walks in one day at the start with billions of dollars that they can simply afford to risk and spend on themselves. Risk means finding investors that will share in the idea of your product, but not every small company starting out is able to find that. You have to remember that the main driving force of a vibrant economy is in the creation and risk that begins with small business, with the ability of that business to be able to compete. That means as that business grows and takes on more “risk”, with more of their own money at their disposal, they can be able to afford to turn around and invest in themselves.

1) expansion to build another facility. Maybe now they can OWN another distribution center by having one built off that extra money they have at their disposal. Perhaps instead of paying a rental fee to store their product, they are now able to have one built that they now own.

2) As a company retains more of their own revenue, they can now afford to look into ways they can be more competitive. Now we are talking about advancements in technology, like robotics, that can help grow and increase their business’s efficiency in ways they could not previously afford to meet up with that higher demand while producing at a level that helps them to become more competitive. Robotics and higher technology means restructuring that shell of a facility to accommodate with the changes. Plans and newer construction, comes with the ability to afford the cost associated with attaining these higher more advanced pieces of equipment. Now obviously higher technology means you need to pay a higher wage, because your basic electrician is not going to have the necessary skill level in robotics that’s associated with troubleshooting and maintaining that particular piece of equipment, should the system go down. Higher skill levels and higher wages can also mean higher incentives, in drawing those kinds of employees to work in your plant as opposed to working at another facility.

3) Education. Maybe with more of your own money to spend you can invest in internships and reinbursement programs on help retain that higher skill level. Aircraft engineers is just one example comes to mind here, the testing of newer technology that comes out of the “research and development”.

4) That brings “research and development”, which is another cost that can benefit a business into becoming more competitive and efficient as it grows. This can be applied in several different ways depending on the scale and the kind of market you happen to be competing in.

This is just a very brief overview of how a smaller company can grow and build with more of their own money to be able to invest in themselves. You see there are several factors that come with allowing a small business to first be able to initially establish themselves in a market, then take on greater risk to invest in themselves to meet up with the demand as their business grows, while lower federal taxes will afford them the added ability to keep more of their own money to be able to expand and afford ways to be more cost efficient.
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Do you know what happens when you lower the corporate tax? Corporations have more money. They can hire more people, they can innovate, they can do things that are impossible when they are shackled by regulations and government.

Apparently you don't do your own taxes, or you would know this.. When taxes are high, corporations reinvest money into expansion, hiring, production, and R&D, because all those things are deductible. When taxes are low, they pay taxes on the profit, and do not invest in those things.
Seriously? You actually believe this?

If tax structure is a determining factor in expansion, R&D, etc., you got an idiot for a CEO. Fire him tomorrow morning !!!

So, corporations don't use tax avoidance planning in their business plans? I think, Spare, that you are not really up to speed on business planning. In fact, i use the same strategy. If I am going to invest in a $5,000 hearing aid, I am going to do it in a year in which I need more deductions, and certainly in a year before the GOP takes medical deductions away from me, which they are threatening to do next year.
Mmmmm .... not up to speed on business planning. Yep, that's me ... founder of three companies, a retired engineering manager, a former CEO, and a business consultant ... and I'm not up to speed on business planning.

Your example (hearing aid) ... you would go without being able to hear so that you could take advantage of taxes? Seriously? That kind of small scale thought process ensures that you miss opportunities, waiting for the stars to align. While you're waiting for a favorable tax environment, I'm building new factories and offices. While you don't have your hearing aid, I'm listening to Mozart in all his glory.

Taxes are nothing more than the cost of doing business ... figure them in, see if it's profitable, and move on.

Not buying any of your story, Spare. My degree is in management, and tax planning was a major part of my education. I'm also a ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant). I have a hearing aid, but it is becoming insufficient for my needs, so I will buy new ones, and you can bet your ass that I will do it while I still have a deduction for medical expenses.

Anyone who does not understand that you invest in deductible expenses in periods of high taxes, and pay taxes on profit realized in periods of low taxes, should not even be in the world of business....unless, of course, your name is Trump, and you have experts that handle this sort of thing for him so that he does not have to think about it.
As you wish .... the spoils go to the quick of daring, not to the slow of heart
If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Look, you eternal nitwit.....NONE of these huge companies are paying the high, stated tax anyway given the myriad of loopholes that they bribed congress to enact on their behalf......Want to stop these companies from relocating? Simple, just tell them that they can NO LONGER be labeled U.S. companies and that federal contracts (and US protection) are no longer available to them.

Yes we can so obviously see in our own nation’s history how that helped with our once vibrant steel industry back in the 1940s and 50s. Back when we were the supplier of 67% of the world's pig iron, and 72% of the steel, now we import more of our steel than we once had. Anything more you like to say towards that suggestion dumbass?
Quit concentrating on the multinationals and start thinking about those that actually create jobs and provide a job for Americans. A hint, for the most part it isn't Google.

Well, moron.....ask your fucking heroes in congress why the tax cut proposal is not named "TAX CUTS ONLY FOR THE U.S. SMALL BUSINESSES".....

Go on, ask Ryan and McConnell.
Quit concentrating on the multinationals and start thinking about those that actually create jobs and provide a job for Americans. A hint, for the most part it isn't Google.

Well, moron.....ask your fucking heroes in congress why the tax cut proposal is not named "TAX CUTS ONLY FOR THE U.S. SMALL BUSINESSES".....

Go on, ask Ryan and McConnell.
/----/ Sorry Bozo. You go ask the RINOs, they are more in your camp than mine.

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