One more reason why the Tax Proposal is a GOP scam.....

The GOP tax proposal is a sham, but not for the reason put forth by the OP.

The real reason it is a sham is that it is yet more Progressive Class Warfare pitting lower and middle middle classes against the upper middle class. It does not cut taxes across the board.

The other way it is a sham is that it actually increases the percentage of the population which pay no income taxes whatsoever. This stratification is not healthy for our society, and is a violation of individual rights.
Why are the poor paying for tax cuts for the rich?

They aren't.
Wasn't the house version increasing the bottom rate and lowering the top rate?
I think so, but the scam is really about "tax reform." Neither bill is really about reducing expenditures to lower taxes. They're really supply side cuts that increase deficits.
Yes, that is what the right wing keeps, downplaying. It is just income redistribution by any other name.
Pshhh. I don't know if you lean left, but anyone on the left pretending they give a fly F about debt is being disingenuous. Anyone on the left bringing up the Debt now is spitting in the wind, seriously. And if they are on the right or non-partisan and bringing up the debt, yeah, chances are we didn't vote for these assholes, so w/e. Taxation is theft anyway, right? :cranky:

Naturally the right gives lip service to it, they want to cut cut cut, mostly b/c they hate government meddling in their lives, not so much b/c they hate spending your money. They will find something to spend it on. . . .

We all know that.

At what percentage of taking your blood, sweat, and tears, at what percent of the government and the establishment seizing the property, does it become different than slavery? If slavery is 100% ownership of your production capacity, at what percent are you not a slave, 99%, 75%, or 50%?
When you Have to work for a living in an at-will employment State.

The left has that angle covered, too.
Your post is unclear.
Requiring a work ethic from the Age of Iron is a form of "wage slavery" in Any at-will employment State.

No, I understand that part.

Are you supportive of the lefts meddling in the free market, or are you criticizing it. You haven't made your position in that clear.

And how does that have anything to do with the state using physical violence to either confiscate your wages, or throw you in jail if you do not voluntarily surrender it over?

That is no different then what slave masters do. Slave masters used to house, cloth, feed, and give just enough medical and education to their slaves to make them productive. Now, the government leaves you with just enough money so you can do these things to remain productive for the ruling elites, and they all know this, to them there is no difference between left and right, they just want slaves to produce for the rulers, IOW, the slave masters . . . . .

THAT, is what taxation is.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax. It has been that way since before most of us were born.

Ah yes, but originally if you knew who and what they were delegated the power to tax, it might surprise you.

Likewise, you probably didn't know that the 16th was never meant to hit the middle class, or indeed most of America.

16th Amendment: IRS has no legal authority to tax your wages or salary
Nat isn't the brightest bulb, its funny watching idiots lobby to raise taxes on themselves.

How the fuck did we go on a topic of LOWERING corporate taxes to the above idiot "concluding" that we are trying to RAISE taxes???.......LOL
Er... most of those 13 million people would be voluntarily giving up their health insurance if the Obamacare Mandate is repealed as the Senate Proposes, as in they think health insurance isn't worth the cost yet the penalty is more expensive, it's called individual choice absent government coercion, you got something against that?

What EXACTLY happens when these 13 million people who opt to NOT have HC insurance get sick or have an accident (like falling into a coma)???

Do we say, :fuck you, you opted to not have insurance.....go die on a street corner"?
The fact is high corporate taxes is stealing money from the middle class retirement savings invested in these corporations, and giving it to government to dole out to the moochers and deadbeats.
When you Have to work for a living in an at-will employment State.

The left has that angle covered, too.
Your post is unclear.
Requiring a work ethic from the Age of Iron is a form of "wage slavery" in Any at-will employment State.

No, I understand that part.

Are you supportive of the lefts meddling in the free market, or are you criticizing it. You haven't made your position in that clear.

And how does that have anything to do with the state using physical violence to either confiscate your wages, or throw you in jail if you do not voluntarily surrender it over?

That is no different then what slave masters do. Slave masters used to house, cloth, feed, and give just enough medical and education to their slaves to make them productive. Now, the government leaves you with just enough money so you can do these things to remain productive for the ruling elites, and they all know this, to them there is no difference between left and right, they just want slaves to produce for the rulers, IOW, the slave masters . . . . .

THAT, is what taxation is.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax. It has been that way since before most of us were born.

Ah yes, but originally if you knew who and what they were delegated the power to tax, it might surprise you.

Likewise, you probably didn't know that the 16th was never meant to hit the middle class, or indeed most of America.

16th Amendment: IRS has no legal authority to tax your wages or salary
The right wing wants to lower taxes, not cut spending.
of the middle class who own the corporations

If your other half brain were working, you too would know that the above is bullshit.....Were it so, moron, you'd be talking SOCIALISM.....LOL
Lowering the corp rate would arguably be good for ALL of us, IF the tax cut was revenue neutral because it ended loopholes (a/k/a tax expenditures) for corporations, but that is not the case, AND the tax cut helps larger corporations more than small biz ... which of course harms the middle class at the expense of the 1% who own something like 95% of all equity/stocks.
Nat isn't the brightest bulb, its funny watching idiots lobby to raise taxes on themselves.

How the fuck did we go on a topic of LOWERING corporate taxes to the above idiot "concluding" that we are trying to RAISE taxes???.......LOL

Lib please do you deny that you tax and spend moochers don't want to raise taxes? Talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
The right wing doesn't want to cut spending, except for the poor.
Public and private pension funds, 401k's, have TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations its fact so suck it.

So, idiot, are you stating that giving corporations HUGE tax cuts will give more money to pension funds????

Are you so fucking dumb that you don;t realize the same? Have tax cuts to corporations been tried by Reagan and Bush? Why did we go into recessions AFTER these attempts?
Lowering the corp rate would arguably be good for ALL of us, IF the tax cut was revenue neutral because it ended loopholes (a/k/a tax expenditures) for corporations, but that is not the case, AND the tax cut helps larger corporations more than small biz ... which of course harms the middle class at the expense of the 1% who own something like 95% of all equity/stocks.

Which (the above) was my intent in the O/P....Notice that NOT ONE right winger addressed my question?
Nat isn't the brightest bulb, its funny watching idiots lobby to raise taxes on themselves.

How the fuck did we go on a topic of LOWERING corporate taxes to the above idiot "concluding" that we are trying to RAISE taxes???.......LOL

Lib please do you deny that you tax and spend moochers don't want to raise taxes? Talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
The right wing doesn't want to cut spending, except for the poor.

Goddamn, liberals and Dem's tax the fuck out of the poor don't deny it. Look at liberal Oregon's income tax on the poor its damn near 10%. You greedy bastards are taking from the poor every change you get. :eusa_hand:
Public and private pension funds, 401k's, have TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations its fact so suck it.

So, idiot, are you stating that giving corporations HUGE tax cuts will give more money to pension funds????

Are you so fucking dumb that you don;t realize the same? Have tax cuts to corporations been tried by Reagan and Bush? Why did we go into recessions AFTER these attempts?

Goddamn you are dumb, yes moron HELLO earth to natwit. If you own stock in a corporation and they have more money for dividends because the corporate tax rate was lowered HELLO.
Public and private pension funds, 401k's, have TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations its fact so suck it.

So, idiot, are you stating that giving corporations HUGE tax cuts will give more money to pension funds????

Are you so fucking dumb that you don;t realize the same? Have tax cuts to corporations been tried by Reagan and Bush? Why did we go into recessions AFTER these attempts?
It's simply dishonest and a disservice for the gop to label this "tax reform." It's a supply side cut when you figure in the estate tax. And it is not paid for by actual reform in eliminated tax expenditures.
The middle class stock holders of the corporations are swimming in profits, excellent!! What exactly is your problem?

So, idiot WHY do we then need a tax break for corporations???...........LOL
/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Nat isn't the brightest bulb, its funny watching idiots lobby to raise taxes on themselves.
Still haven't, ditched the drug war, right wingers?
/-----/ Say what???

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