One more reason why the Tax Proposal is a GOP scam.....

/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Nat isn't the brightest bulb, its funny watching idiots lobby to raise taxes on themselves.
Still haven't, ditched the drug war, right wingers?
/-----/ Say what???
Just clueless and Causeless right wingers? The drug war cost (tax) money.
/----/ Oh. Thanks for the explanation. I disagree with your point but understand your post.
right wingers say that. There is no drug war clause in the Republican Doctrine.
How come the left wasn't worried about the deficit when they were constructing this monstrosity known as "Obamacare," that has now stagnated national economic growth?

I keep seeing posters from the left now concerned about tax cuts without corresponding program cuts, all concerned about, "deficits."



Here's a money saver, end the ACA, how about that for ya?
How come the left wasn't worried about the deficit when they were constructing this monstrosity known as "Obamacare," that has now stagnated national economic growth?

here you nitwit........learn something besides what Hannity tell you.....LOL

No, I understand that part.

Are you supportive of the lefts meddling in the free market, or are you criticizing it. You haven't made your position in that clear.

And how does that have anything to do with the state using physical violence to either confiscate your wages, or throw you in jail if you do not voluntarily surrender it over?

That is no different then what slave masters do. Slave masters used to house, cloth, feed, and give just enough medical and education to their slaves to make them productive. Now, the government leaves you with just enough money so you can do these things to remain productive for the ruling elites, and they all know this, to them there is no difference between left and right, they just want slaves to produce for the rulers, IOW, the slave masters . . . . .

THAT, is what taxation is.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax. It has been that way since before most of us were born.

Ah yes, but originally if you knew who and what they were delegated the power to tax, it might surprise you.

Likewise, you probably didn't know that the 16th was never meant to hit the middle class, or indeed most of America.

16th Amendment: IRS has no legal authority to tax your wages or salary
The right wing wants to lower taxes, not cut spending.
. . . sigh.

I'm afraid you are right friend.

Look on the bright side. It could be worse.

We could have them wanting to raise taxes and impose a massive new government mandate on the population.

. . . oh wait. . . . . .
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is what the left is advocating.

The right wing only has, lower taxes and nothing but repeal.
Here's a better idea; if you want to balance the budget, end the ACA.

Problem solved.

Then you can lower the taxes, (which are immoral), increase growth, and cut the deficit.

It's a win win all the way around. :rock:
No, I understand that part.

Are you supportive of the lefts meddling in the free market, or are you criticizing it. You haven't made your position in that clear.

And how does that have anything to do with the state using physical violence to either confiscate your wages, or throw you in jail if you do not voluntarily surrender it over?

That is no different then what slave masters do. Slave masters used to house, cloth, feed, and give just enough medical and education to their slaves to make them productive. Now, the government leaves you with just enough money so you can do these things to remain productive for the ruling elites, and they all know this, to them there is no difference between left and right, they just want slaves to produce for the rulers, IOW, the slave masters . . . . .

THAT, is what taxation is.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax. It has been that way since before most of us were born.

Ah yes, but originally if you knew who and what they were delegated the power to tax, it might surprise you.

Likewise, you probably didn't know that the 16th was never meant to hit the middle class, or indeed most of America.

16th Amendment: IRS has no legal authority to tax your wages or salary
The right wing wants to lower taxes, not cut spending.
. . . sigh.

I'm afraid you are right friend.

Look on the bright side. It could be worse.

We could have them wanting to raise taxes and impose a massive new government mandate on the population.

. . . oh wait. . . . . .
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is what the left is advocating.

The right wing only has, lower taxes and nothing but repeal.
/-----/ DemocRAT Senator Al Frankenstein makes two points about your post.
al franken.jpg
Then you can lower the taxes, (which are immoral), increase growth, and cut the deficit.

This idiot is trying to win the Nobel Prize in economics with the above.....What a fucking dolt.....Yeah, its really THAT "simple" no one else ever thought of that.......LOL)
How come the left wasn't worried about the deficit when they were constructing this monstrosity known as "Obamacare," that has now stagnated national economic growth?

here you nitwit........learn something besides what Hannity tell you.....LOL



Before government takes over health care, we have an average growth of. . .

wait for it, 3.1%

AFTER government gets heavily involved in healthcare, we have a median growth rate (leaving out the first year,) even if we are super generous, of around what, say 2.5%?

So do you just go around with your life's mission to prove me right, is that it?


Before government takes over health care, we have an average growth of. . .

wait for it, 3.1%

AFTER government gets heavily involved in healthcare, we have a median growth rate (leaving out the first year,) even if we are super generous, of around what, say 2.5%?

So do you just go around with your life's mission to prove me right, is that it?

IDIOT........What was the growth in GWB's last two years???
We had a recession, the auto industry going under.....unemployment benefits running out, a stock market plummeting, and TWO fucking unpaid wars whose bills were coming due.

Get a BRAIN, damn it.......LOL
Then you can lower the taxes, (which are immoral), increase growth, and cut the deficit.

This idiot is trying to win the Nobel Prize in economics with the above.....What a fucking dolt.....Yeah, its really THAT "simple" no one else ever thought of that.......LOL)

Jake, I know the truth hurts, time to deal with reality, sooner is better than later.

Before government takes over health care, we have an average growth of. . .

wait for it, 3.1%

AFTER government gets heavily involved in healthcare, we have a median growth rate (leaving out the first year,) even if we are super generous, of around what, say 2.5%?

So do you just go around with your life's mission to prove me right, is that it?

IDIOT........What was the growth in GWB's last two years???
We had a recession, the auto industry going under.....unemployment benefits running out, a stock market plummeting, and TWO fucking unpaid wars whose bills were coming due.

Get a BRAIN, damn it.......LOL
Winner winner, chicken dinner.

When are you partisans going to learn, it isn't the folks in either party, it is how much debt is laid on the nation, and the banks that control the economy.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and the bankers and corporations own both parties.

So now we are in agreement? We slash the military, end the ACA, and cut those taxes?

Terrific, never thought it would be so easy.
Last edited:
My company only pays 5 percent in taxes because we have excellent accountants who are able to read through the tax code and look for the advantages. Its time for the government to do without for awhile.

So, if the tax bill proposal becomes law, you would be paying FOUR times more than you're paying now......LOL

I won't be. I'll pass that along to you.
One more little "nugget"......

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

Yep, another royal screwing by the GOP and their bribers, of the middle class.
Enjoy the bending over, right wingers......LOL

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

That's terrible!!
In that case, I'm sure liberals will be happy to permanently extend those middle class cuts in a few years.
Because liberals are all about letting people keep more of their own money, eh comrade?
How come the left wasn't worried about the deficit when they were constructing this monstrosity known as "Obamacare," that has now stagnated national economic growth?

I keep seeing posters from the left now concerned about tax cuts without corresponding program cuts, all concerned about, "deficits."



Here's a money saver, end the ACA, how about that for ya?
Health reform promotes the general welfare. Cut the drug war, there is no drug war clause in the Republican Doctrine.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax. It has been that way since before most of us were born.

Ah yes, but originally if you knew who and what they were delegated the power to tax, it might surprise you.

Likewise, you probably didn't know that the 16th was never meant to hit the middle class, or indeed most of America.

16th Amendment: IRS has no legal authority to tax your wages or salary
The right wing wants to lower taxes, not cut spending.
. . . sigh.

I'm afraid you are right friend.

Look on the bright side. It could be worse.

We could have them wanting to raise taxes and impose a massive new government mandate on the population.

. . . oh wait. . . . . .
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is what the left is advocating.

The right wing only has, lower taxes and nothing but repeal.
Here's a better idea; if you want to balance the budget, end the ACA.

Problem solved.

Then you can lower the taxes, (which are immoral), increase growth, and cut the deficit.

It's a win win all the way around. :rock:
I would rather end our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to abolish our income tax.
One more little "nugget"......

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

Yep, another royal screwing by the GOP and their bribers, of the middle class.
Enjoy the bending over, right wingers......LOL

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

That's terrible!!
In that case, I'm sure liberals will be happy to permanently extend those middle class cuts in a few years.
Because liberals are all about letting people keep more of their own money, eh comrade?

The current proposal also changes the inflation index used for adjusting tax brackets. They want to use a different method that understates inflation. This means bracket creep and higher taxes for the middle class. In the end, it's higher taxes for everyone who pays income taxes, which most Truly Rich People do not pay.
Public and private pension funds, 401k's, have TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations its fact so suck it.

So, idiot, are you stating that giving corporations HUGE tax cuts will give more money to pension funds????

Are you so fucking dumb that you don;t realize the same? Have tax cuts to corporations been tried by Reagan and Bush? Why did we go into recessions AFTER these attempts?

Have tax cuts to corporations been tried by Reagan and Bush?

Reagan's 1986 tax reform cut the corporate tax rate.
Neither Bush cut the corporate rate.

Why did we go into recessions AFTER these attempts?

There is this thing called a business cycle. We'll go into a recession at some point,
whether taxes are cut, raised or remain the same.
One more little "nugget"......

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

Yep, another royal screwing by the GOP and their bribers, of the middle class.
Enjoy the bending over, right wingers......LOL

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

That's terrible!!
In that case, I'm sure liberals will be happy to permanently extend those middle class cuts in a few years.
Because liberals are all about letting people keep more of their own money, eh comrade?

The current proposal also changes the inflation index used for adjusting tax brackets. They want to use a different method that understates inflation. This means bracket creep and higher taxes for the middle class. In the end, it's higher taxes for everyone who pays income taxes, which most Truly Rich People do not pay.

The current proposal also changes the inflation index used for adjusting tax brackets.

House Republicans made a change in their tax bill Friday, changing the method for calculating inflation adjustments in the tax code.

The switch to using the so-called chained consumer price index instead of the regular consumer price index would now occur in 2018, instead of 2023. That change should reduce the size of the tax cuts, especially in future years.

Changes Made to Inflation Calculations in Tax Bill

Looks like that change was already in the works.

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