One more reason why the Tax Proposal is a GOP scam.....

Public and private pension funds, 401k's, have TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations its fact so suck it.

So, idiot, are you stating that giving corporations HUGE tax cuts will give more money to pension funds????

Are you so fucking dumb that you don;t realize the same? Have tax cuts to corporations been tried by Reagan and Bush? Why did we go into recessions AFTER these attempts?

Have tax cuts to corporations been tried by Reagan and Bush?

Reagan's 1986 tax reform cut the corporate tax rate.
Neither Bush cut the corporate rate.

Why did we go into recessions AFTER these attempts?

There is this thing called a business cycle. We'll go into a recession at some point,
whether taxes are cut, raised or remain the same.

And there is third thing called "Regulation" and a fourth thing called "Spending".
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???

Actually there are corporations who pay the maximum. They tend to be industries that are not capital intensive. If you want business tax reform then it is simple. You take away business tax deductions and lower the rate. Yet you are right in that no business deductions are being taken away. Instead tax breaks that give these capital intensive industries their lower rates are being retained which means their taxes will go even lower.
So you are bitching about something that doesnt even matter, then? :rolleyes:

It matters because deductions are being taken away from individuals to pay for business tax cuts. If this was a business you might call it embezzlement. Alkso the so-called individual tax cuts will be phased out while the business tax cuts will be made permanent.
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: :rolleyes:

Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate.
Reps: We will raise taxes on the middle class to get the money
Corporations: You had better do it.
Reps: Yes sir.
Corporations: Bend over so we can keep fucking the American people.

I actually don't disagree with cutting the corporate rate. However tax breaks businesses use should be ended to lower the rates not cut deductions for the middle class.
JUST DISCOVERED: The Senate tax bill includes a tax break for private aircraft. Can you believe this? Not a joke
If this tax plan (the senate version) goes through, THIRTEEN MILLION people will lose health care coverage....Any guesses by you right wingers on how these folks will vote in 2018 and 2020?...................LOL

Same as they voted in 2016 you people have the deadbeat vote sewed up, you lost anyway.

Voters overwhelmingly disagree with Republicans' handling of healthcare. The Democrats recently won a Oklahoma state Senate seat that Trump got nearly 2/3rds of the vote in 2016.
If this tax plan (the senate version) goes through, THIRTEEN MILLION people will lose health care coverage....Any guesses by you right wingers on how these folks will vote in 2018 and 2020?...................LOL

Er... most of those 13 million people would be voluntarily giving up their health insurance if the Obamacare Mandate is repealed as the Senate Proposes, as in they think health insurance isn't worth the cost yet the penalty is more expensive, it's called individual choice absent government coercion, you got something against that?

According to the CBO report:
"Those effects would occur mainly because healthier people would be less likely to obtain insurance and because, especially in the nongroup market, the resulting increases in premiums would cause more people to not purchase insurance."

In other words, they're not "losing" anything, they're choosing not to buy a product they don't want to buy.

I suppose that you read that healthcare premiums will go up 10%. Many people will have no choice because they will be unable to afford it.
How come the left wasn't worried about the deficit when they were constructing this monstrosity known as "Obamacare," that has now stagnated national economic growth?

here you nitwit........learn something besides what Hannity tell you.....LOL



Before government takes over health care, we have an average growth of. . .

wait for it, 3.1%

AFTER government gets heavily involved in healthcare, we have a median growth rate (leaving out the first year,) even if we are super generous, of around what, say 2.5%?

So do you just go around with your life's mission to prove me right, is that it?


Healthcare will still be a problem with or without the ACA. healthcare costs were spiraling out of control. I actually think the idea of having a portable insurance policy that you can have no matter where you go would help the economy. When people lose their health insurance that means they will wait until they are much sicker and go to the emergency room because they cannot pay. Those increased costs will either be passed on or hospitals will close.
Voters overwhelmingly disagree with Republicans' handling of healthcare. The Democrats recently won a Oklahoma state Senate seat that Trump got nearly 2/3rds of the vote in 2016.

Lost that state senate seat to a gay woman, no less......LOL
The middle class stock holders of the corporations are swimming in profits, excellent!! What exactly is your problem?

So, idiot WHY do we then need a tax break for corporations???...........LOL
/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Bullshit. If you believe that crap I got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in.

True story. I am sitting in business school listening to a visiting lecturer, Phd in Business working for Procter and Gamble. He holds up a can of Arid Extra Dry, yeah, it was a long time ago. So he asks, how do we determine how much we charge for this can of deodorant. So I, with my big economics background, reply with an answer talking about marginal cost curves and intersection points and he cuts me off laughing. No son, he says, it costs us nineteen cents to produce the can of deodorant. We charge WHAT WE CAN.

The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.
The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.

You're way too logical for right wingers on here.....Most of their education comes from listening to Fox and Friends......
The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.

You're way too logical for right wingers on here.....Most of their education comes from listening to Fox and Friends......

The basis of this tax reform package is the Bible, specifically Proverbs 10:15

The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.

It is all about fortifying that city and increasing that destruction. Prime example.

What is the best way out of poverty? It is education, plain and simple. Most graduate students have the vast majority of their tuition covered by the university. Universities need high quality graduate students to assist in their vital research and they are willing to cover the cost of tuition to get them. This tax reform proposal TAXES that tuition paid by the university. So, under this proposal the only people that will be able to attend graduate school at a private university like say, Harvard, Duke, or Stanford, will be the wealthy. What graduate student can afford to pay the taxes on a fifty or sixty thousand dollar tuition grant?

Already, in this country, a student from a family in the bottom quintile of income and in the highest quintile of SAT scores has the same chance of attending a four year university as a student from the top quintile of income with the lowest quintile of SAT scores. That is FUBARED. And worse, it is dragging this country down. In China, in India, students with the highest test scores get to attend college regardless of income. That in contrast to the above is precisely why we are continually losing ground against them. This tax proposal will only make matters worse. Time to wake the hell up America.
If this tax plan (the senate version) goes through, THIRTEEN MILLION people will lose health care coverage....Any guesses by you right wingers on how these folks will vote in 2018 and 2020?...................LOL

Er... most of those 13 million people would be voluntarily giving up their health insurance if the Obamacare Mandate is repealed as the Senate Proposes, as in they think health insurance isn't worth the cost yet the penalty is more expensive, it's called individual choice absent government coercion, you got something against that?

According to the CBO report:
"Those effects would occur mainly because healthier people would be less likely to obtain insurance and because, especially in the nongroup market, the resulting increases in premiums would cause more people to not purchase insurance."

In other words, they're not "losing" anything, they're choosing not to buy a product they don't want to buy.

I suppose that you read that healthcare premiums will go up 10%. Many people will have no choice because they will be unable to afford it.

Many people already can't afford it yet they have no choice because the penalty is even less affordable for them. So you want to keep holding a gun to their heads and force them to buy something they don't want and can't afford?

If Obamacare is so great how come we have to force people who don't want it to buy it?
The middle class stock holders of the corporations are swimming in profits, excellent!! What exactly is your problem?

So, idiot WHY do we then need a tax break for corporations???...........LOL
/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Bullshit. If you believe that crap I got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in.

True story. I am sitting in business school listening to a visiting lecturer, Phd in Business working for Procter and Gamble. He holds up a can of Arid Extra Dry, yeah, it was a long time ago. So he asks, how do we determine how much we charge for this can of deodorant. So I, with my big economics background, reply with an answer talking about marginal cost curves and intersection points and he cuts me off laughing. No son, he says, it costs us nineteen cents to produce the can of deodorant. We charge WHAT WE CAN.

The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.
1.) I worked for P&G for 6 years. What he said is 100% true.
2.) All companies charge what the market will bear. A Rolex costs maybe a few hundred dollars to make but they can get $5,000 for a Submariner because people will pay it.
3.) In business, overhead or overhead expense refers to an ongoing expense of operating a business. ... Overhead expenses include accounting fees, advertising, insurance, interest, legal fees, labor burden, rent, repairs, supplies, taxes, telephone bills, travel expenditures, and utilities. These costs, both fixed and flexible, are factored into the wholesale and retail costs.
Overhead (business) - Wikipedia
Always remember, right wingers, that under the GOP plan, a Corporations that decides to move OVERSEAS, can deduct the expense from their tax burden....

While an individual who needs to relocate because his or her company mover to another state, CAN NO LONGER deduct the moving expenses.....

If you "think" that such is acceptable, THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOUR STUPIDITY.
Always remember, right wingers, that under the GOP plan, a Corporations that decides to move OVERSEAS, can deduct the expense from their tax burden....

While an individual who needs to relocate because his or her company mover to another state, CAN NO LONGER deduct the moving expenses.....

If you "think" that such is acceptable, THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOUR STUPIDITY.
/-----/ Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: :rolleyes:

You’re better off asking what job was specifically created as a direct result of Democrats in Washington raising taxes. They’re so driven by what their liberal ideologues say in Washington, their minds can’t think that far ahead to answer.
Always remember, right wingers, that under the GOP plan, a Corporations that decides to move OVERSEAS, can deduct the expense from their tax burden....

While an individual who needs to relocate because his or her company mover to another state, CAN NO LONGER deduct the moving expenses.....

If you "think" that such is acceptable, THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOUR STUPIDITY.

While an individual who needs to relocate because his or her company mover to another state, CAN NO LONGER deduct the moving expenses.....

That's awful!! After the tax bill passes, I'm sure Dems will gladly pass a new bill to make moving expenses deductible. Because Dems are all about people keeping more of their own money, eh comrade?

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