One more reason why the Tax Proposal is a GOP scam.....

Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

Why add new jobs which create 80 cents in profit when they could add jobs which only create 65 cents in profit?


Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

Why lay out a ton of capital that the IRS makes you depreciate over 10 years when you can rent and write off your entire outlay immediately?

Oh, wait, did I just ruin your point?
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???

I can name thousands. Look up S-Corps, LLC's and such. Not all corporations are large. In fact the vast majority are actually small businesses that cant take advantage of the tax breaks and loopholes that the large corps use.
I guess they could push such a bill now, I mean why wait until that magic day that they regain power?
They should show their enthusiasm for tax cuts today, don't you agree comrade?

Paraphrasing Napoleon, when your enemy is in the process of committing suicide, DO NOT interfere........LOL

If the Republicans are committing suicide, why not give the voters an incentive to vote for your Dem tax cuts?
Unless they really don't want to cut taxes?
Yeah, that's the better explanation.
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.
/----/I see you heavily cited your recent economics book How to Run a Kool Aid Stand Without Adult Supervision Sometimes. The Corporations you loathe so much make that money offshore and keep it there to avoid the 35% tax penalty for bringing it home. Part two I agree with. Since Corporation pass all overhead on to the consumer including taxes, they should get a break as well to benefit the middle class.
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money

That's weird!
Are you saying that while Obama was President, corporations had a reason to hold cash instead of investing?
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.

the Gop plans to run on this as Trump's big accomplishment, but anyone who does not base opinions on preconceived notions and partisan bs knows this is pig, and it's a cut giving the very rich YUUUGE breaks and workers ... crumbs, and in some cases higher taxes. It seems to me that the gop is cutting its own throat, but many gop congress critters are owned by the rich, just as dems have their SJW. Trump is toxic and this should not play well in suburban districts.
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money

That's weird!
Are you saying that while Obama was President, corporations had a reason to hold cash instead of investing?

ummm, Todd you're an idiot but I didn't realize you were asleep as well.
But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money

That's weird!
Are you saying that while Obama was President, corporations had a reason to hold cash instead of investing?

ummm, Todd you're an idiot but I didn't realize you were asleep as well.

Who could have slept through Obama's orgy of overregulation?
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.

the Gop plans to run on this as Trump's big accomplishment, but anyone who does not base opinions on preconceived notions and partisan bs knows this is pig, and it's a cut giving the very rich YUUUGE breaks and workers ... crumbs, and in some cases higher taxes. It seems to me that the gop is cutting its own throat, but many gop congress critters are owned by the rich, just as dems have their SJW. Trump is toxic and this should not play well in suburban districts.
/----/ "It seems to me that the gop is cutting its own throat," If you really believe that then why are you alerting the GOP to that factoid? Why don't you simply stand by and let it happen so the Dems can swoop in and save America from keeping more of their own money? NO, the real reason is that you Libtards know tax cuts benefit the economy and if it gets signed into law then your goose is cooked -- politically speaking.
I can name thousands. Look up S-Corps, LLC's and such. Not all corporations are large. In fact the vast majority are actually small businesses that cant take advantage of the tax breaks and loopholes that the large corps use.

Did I or did I not directly address LARGE corporations??? Yes or No?
If the Republicans are committing suicide, why not give the voters an incentive to vote for your Dem tax cuts?
Unless they really don't want to cut taxes?
Yeah, that's the better explanation.

You dance YOUR dance with your crooked party......and I'll abide with my assertion that the MINORITY party has no obligation to save the majority.
That's weird!
Are you saying that while Obama was President, corporations had a reason to hold cash instead of investing?

YES........exactly what they're doing with your orange clown's administration.
Do you have another "brilliant" question?
But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.

Currently large conglomerates are AWASH with money (negating the need for their cuts in taxes)........With the hefty profits, these companies are using the dollars to buy-back their shares, raising the worth of the company...OR, they are simply shifting the money to oversea banks to avoid the IRS.

Conversely, virtually every dollar given in tax cuts to the middle class, is quickly spent on goods and services (mostly within our borders....from going out to a restaurant or fixing up or modernizing one's kitchen) .....THAT stimulates the supply and demand dichotomy and not the hopes and wishes that CEOs and their boards will do the "right" thing.

the Gop plans to run on this as Trump's big accomplishment, but anyone who does not base opinions on preconceived notions and partisan bs knows this is pig, and it's a cut giving the very rich YUUUGE breaks and workers ... crumbs, and in some cases higher taxes. It seems to me that the gop is cutting its own throat, but many gop congress critters are owned by the rich, just as dems have their SJW. Trump is toxic and this should not play well in suburban districts.
/----/ "It seems to me that the gop is cutting its own throat," If you really believe that then why are you alerting the GOP to that factoid? Why don't you simply stand by and let it happen so the Dems can swoop in and save America from keeping more of their own money? NO, the real reason is that you Libtards know tax cuts benefit the economy and if it gets signed into law then your goose is cooked -- politically speaking.

Because I'm a small govt republican you idiot. I'd rather have the congress cut expenditures and lower rates on both corps and individuals as they said they'd go, but then .... went for another supply side debt buster.
the Gop plans to run on this as Trump's big accomplishment, but anyone who does not base opinions on preconceived notions and partisan bs knows this is pig, and it's a cut giving the very rich YUUUGE breaks and workers ... crumbs, and in some cases higher taxes. It seems to me that the gop is cutting its own throat, but many gop congress critters are owned by the rich, just as dems have their SJW. Trump is toxic and this should not play well in suburban districts.

The "best" way to summarize why this plan is a PIG, is the fact that the tax plan REVERTS the tax breaks for the middle class within a short term, while giving the tax breaks to corporations in PERPETUITY.
If the Republicans are committing suicide, why not give the voters an incentive to vote for your Dem tax cuts?
Unless they really don't want to cut taxes?
Yeah, that's the better explanation.

You dance YOUR dance with your crooked party......and I'll abide with my assertion that the MINORITY party has no obligation to save the majority.

Dems passing a popular tax cut would help the Republicans?
I can name thousands. Look up S-Corps, LLC's and such. Not all corporations are large. In fact the vast majority are actually small businesses that cant take advantage of the tax breaks and loopholes that the large corps use.

Did I or did I not directly address LARGE corporations??? Yes or No?

So only large corps benefit from the tax cuts?
I can name thousands. Look up S-Corps, LLC's and such. Not all corporations are large. In fact the vast majority are actually small businesses that cant take advantage of the tax breaks and loopholes that the large corps use.

Did I or did I not directly address LARGE corporations??? Yes or No?
By the way this was your question that I was responding to.

"No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes."

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