One more reason why the Tax Proposal is a GOP scam.....

The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.

IMHO Yes and no, the price point on the left end of the supply curve is determined by costs, at that point market supply equals zero (since suppliers in a normal market (outside of dumping) aren't going to supply a non-zero quantity at a loss) market equilibrium price is determined by both supply AND demand (dictated by marginal diminishing returns on both curves), so increasing costs of production (by adding things like taxes, regulation, labor price floors, etc..,) will shift the supply curve to the left and thus have a direct impact on the market equilibrium price point (i.e. where the supply and demand curves intersect).
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The middle class stock holders of the corporations are swimming in profits, excellent!! What exactly is your problem?

So, idiot WHY do we then need a tax break for corporations???...........LOL
/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Bullshit. If you believe that crap I got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in.

True story. I am sitting in business school listening to a visiting lecturer, Phd in Business working for Procter and Gamble. He holds up a can of Arid Extra Dry, yeah, it was a long time ago. So he asks, how do we determine how much we charge for this can of deodorant. So I, with my big economics background, reply with an answer talking about marginal cost curves and intersection points and he cuts me off laughing. No son, he says, it costs us nineteen cents to produce the can of deodorant. We charge WHAT WE CAN.

The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.
That's correct. It's called the FREE market.
Always remember, right wingers, that under the GOP plan, a Corporations that decides to move OVERSEAS, can deduct the expense from their tax burden....

While an individual who needs to relocate because his or her company mover to another state, CAN NO LONGER deduct the moving expenses.....

If you "think" that such is acceptable, THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOUR STUPIDITY.
What do you know about working for a company? You're too stupid to work. And, being you're a leftist traitor, you're too lazy to work.
The middle class stock holders of the corporations are swimming in profits, excellent!! What exactly is your problem?

So, idiot WHY do we then need a tax break for corporations???...........LOL
/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Bullshit. If you believe that crap I got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in.

True story. I am sitting in business school listening to a visiting lecturer, Phd in Business working for Procter and Gamble. He holds up a can of Arid Extra Dry, yeah, it was a long time ago. So he asks, how do we determine how much we charge for this can of deodorant. So I, with my big economics background, reply with an answer talking about marginal cost curves and intersection points and he cuts me off laughing. No son, he says, it costs us nineteen cents to produce the can of deodorant. We charge WHAT WE CAN.

The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.
That's correct. It's called the FREE market.
Depends on what you consider a FREE market, in my estimation we don't have one since government imposes all sorts of coercive mechanisms along with heavy favoritism (cronyism) that has nothing to do with compensating for externalities (market failures) or raising revenue to fund government operations pursuant to the general welfare (the good of every citizen) of society.

The result is a reduction in both consumer and supplier surplus and thus a poorer (and less free) society from what it would otherwise be.
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.

MORON, did you ever wonder in your half brain WHY these corporations threatening to go to Ireland do NOT want to become Irish corporations?
What a fucking dolt..........LOL

Corporations do not have to sit in the US and get fucked over by you greedy retards, they can and have packed up and moved out of the US which pisses off Dems' to no end.

You see here is the problem Nat can’t comprehend. Liberals tend to think if consumers had money to spend on cars, maybe that new flat screen tv, even a few cell phones, that those products HAVE to be manufactured in the United States. Even though consumers will always have a basic need to buy a product they are in need of, and support that business through their purchase, that business of Sony, or Ford, or Apple, is not in any way obligated to have that product built in the United States. GMC plants, for example, have closed their doors in states to the demise of workers, and moved elsewhere leaving the much needed supply of jobs behind. The same has happened to the steel industry. You see... Corporations KNOW consumers will always have a need for GMC trucks or steel to construct new bridges (for example), whether they establish their manufacturing plant here in the United States... in China ... or somewhere in Europe. That’s the reality of the business world, consumer spending does not necessarily equate to anything more than a few dealerships, and more exports to the U.S. if they so choose.

So what do democrats do? Subsidize - by giving manufacturers “taxpayer funded” incentives so they could please... oh please ... just build their manufacturing plants here in THIS country, because that’s the only way they really know how to lure businesses here. No wonder why the progressive democrats want higher taxes, because for all the added SPENDING they need to try and counter [bribe] the corporations need to find somewhere cheaper to establish themselves. Now take away those subsidies (besides liberals having a heart attack, over the thought of ending their big government addiction slush fund plan) and the democrats wouldn’t have the slightest economic clue as to how to bring businesses here. Just look at Obama’s ACA executive decision to supply pharmaceutical and insurance providers with subsidies for another example. In doing so, progressives believe they can get what they want from having big government control and finance (through taxpayer dollars) what they want .... they just can’t achieve anything without including and providing one.
The middle class stock holders of the corporations are swimming in profits, excellent!! What exactly is your problem?

So, idiot WHY do we then need a tax break for corporations???...........LOL
/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Bullshit. If you believe that crap I got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in.

True story. I am sitting in business school listening to a visiting lecturer, Phd in Business working for Procter and Gamble. He holds up a can of Arid Extra Dry, yeah, it was a long time ago. So he asks, how do we determine how much we charge for this can of deodorant. So I, with my big economics background, reply with an answer talking about marginal cost curves and intersection points and he cuts me off laughing. No son, he says, it costs us nineteen cents to produce the can of deodorant. We charge WHAT WE CAN.

The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.
That's correct. It's called the FREE market.
Depends on what you consider a FREE market, in my estimation we don't have one since government imposes all sorts of coercive mechanisms along with heavy favoritism (cronyism) that has nothing to do with compensating for externalities (market failures) or raising revenue to fund government operations pursuant to the general welfare (the good of every citizen) of society.

The result is a reduction in both consumer and supplier surplus and thus a poorer (and less free) society from what it would otherwise be.
I don't know that the company I work for is a result of cronyism or government interference. True, those things exist. But if you offer a quality product that is in demand, competition is what sustains the free market. The free market is alive and well where I live and work.
So, idiot WHY do we then need a tax break for corporations???...........LOL
/-----/ Corporations pass the cost of taxes and regulation on to the consumer you big Dope. Frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is. Maybe you want to pay more.

Bullshit. If you believe that crap I got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in.

True story. I am sitting in business school listening to a visiting lecturer, Phd in Business working for Procter and Gamble. He holds up a can of Arid Extra Dry, yeah, it was a long time ago. So he asks, how do we determine how much we charge for this can of deodorant. So I, with my big economics background, reply with an answer talking about marginal cost curves and intersection points and he cuts me off laughing. No son, he says, it costs us nineteen cents to produce the can of deodorant. We charge WHAT WE CAN.

The lesson, companies don't base their prices on costs. They base them on demand. They charge the highest price the market will bear.
That's correct. It's called the FREE market.
Depends on what you consider a FREE market, in my estimation we don't have one since government imposes all sorts of coercive mechanisms along with heavy favoritism (cronyism) that has nothing to do with compensating for externalities (market failures) or raising revenue to fund government operations pursuant to the general welfare (the good of every citizen) of society.

The result is a reduction in both consumer and supplier surplus and thus a poorer (and less free) society from what it would otherwise be.
I don't know that the company I work for is a result of cronyism or government interference. True, those things exist. But if you offer a quality product that is in demand, competition is what sustains the free market. The free market is alive and well where I live and work.

Let's assume that your company doesn't engage in cronyism at all, unfortunately it's likely that your companies competitors do or will if the opportunity presents itself, the ROI on buying legislative favoritism is just too good to pass up (why do you think there are so many lobbyists and why it's so lucrative?). That means your company is at a competitive disadvantage since its competitors are buying market favoritism while you are not, so even if your company offers a superior value proposition favoritism is going to tilt the market against you and best case scenario you'll be less successful than you would otherwise be.

Then there's the costs imposed on your company that stem from regulation and taxes, those cost are paid by somebody, either your company supplies less to the market than it would otherwise (if it simply eats all the costs) OR it has to charge more for what it produces (it passes some of all of the costs along to the consumer) which means lower demand (and lower supply), in either case it means a reduction in consumer and producer surplus i.e. less trade, less wealth created, both you and your customers end up poorer than you would in a market free of this unjustified government economic interventionism.
While an individual who needs to relocate because his or her company mover to another state, CAN NO LONGER deduct the moving expenses.....

That's awful!! After the tax bill passes, I'm sure Dems will gladly pass a new bill to make moving expenses deductible. Because Dems are all about people keeping more of their own money, eh comrade?

You may be correct.....Thanks for the vote of confidence that democrats will soon be back in power to pass that new bill....................LOL
What do you know about working for a company? You're too stupid to work. And, being you're a leftist traitor, you're too lazy to work.

You're funny......dumber than a bunch of spent matches, but funny anyway....LOL
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.

MORON, did you ever wonder in your half brain WHY these corporations threatening to go to Ireland do NOT want to become Irish corporations?
What a fucking dolt..........LOL

Corporations do not have to sit in the US and get fucked over by you greedy retards, they can and have packed up and moved out of the US which pisses off Dems' to no end.

You see here is the problem Nat can’t comprehend. Liberals tend to think if consumers had money to spend on cars, maybe that new flat screen tv, even a few cell phones, that those products HAVE to be manufactured in the United States. Even though consumers will always have a basic need to buy a product they are in need of, and support that business through their purchase, that business of Sony, or Ford, or Apple, is not in any way obligated to have that product built in the United States. GMC plants, for example, have closed their doors in states to the demise of workers, and moved elsewhere leaving the much needed supply of jobs behind. The same has happened to the steel industry. You see... Corporations KNOW consumers will always have a need for GMC trucks or steel to construct new bridges (for example), whether they establish their manufacturing plant here in the United States... in China ... or somewhere in Europe. That’s the reality of the business world, consumer spending does not necessarily equate to anything more than a few dealerships, and more exports to the U.S. if they so choose.

So what do democrats do? Subsidize - by giving manufacturers “taxpayer funded” incentives so they could please... oh please ... just build their manufacturing plants here in THIS country, because that’s the only way they really know how to lure businesses here. No wonder why the progressive democrats want higher taxes, because for all the added SPENDING they need to try and counter [bribe] the corporations need to find somewhere cheaper to establish themselves. Now take away those subsidies (besides liberals having a heart attack, over the thought of ending their big government addiction slush fund plan) and the democrats wouldn’t have the slightest economic clue as to how to bring businesses here. Just look at Obama’s ACA executive decision to supply pharmaceutical and insurance providers with subsidies for another example. In doing so, progressives believe they can get what they want from having big government control and finance (through taxpayer dollars) what they want .... they just can’t achieve anything without including and providing one.

Liberals #1 goal is to punish their enemies with taxes and jobs killing regulations even when that hurts the middle class. They don't care if decent paying middle class jobs are destroyed because most of those elitist liberal dicks are working government jobs or jobs not impacted by their economic insanity.

To fund the liberal cabal here's how that works...liberal politicians are supposed to represent the people in negotiations with public employee unions, instead they collude with the unions to screw over the people. The liberal politicians raise taxes and give the money to the public employee unions who return the favor by re-electing the liberal politicians and kick back some of the money to their campaign. This cycle repeats until the tax burden for public employee salaries, benefits, and pensions is billions of dollars in the red and unsustainable. In the case of California the public employee pension is over $300 billion in the red and they have been fishing around for a federal bail out, which means other states would have to foot the bill for California's corruption.
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?
If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Look, you eternal nitwit.....NONE of these huge companies are paying the high, stated tax anyway given the myriad of loopholes that they bribed congress to enact on their behalf......Want to stop these companies from relocating? Simple, just tell them that they can NO LONGER be labeled U.S. companies and that federal contracts (and US protection) are no longer available to them.
If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Look, you eternal nitwit.....NONE of these huge companies are paying the high, stated tax anyway given the myriad of loopholes that they bribed congress to enact on their behalf......Want to stop these companies from relocating? Simple, just tell them that they can NO LONGER be labeled U.S. companies and that federal contracts (and US protection) are no longer available to them.
/——/ that sounds like the old USSR. If you didn’t belong to the Commie Party you couldn’t get Government business, in fact you couldn’t even be in business
Great News. My company paid for my relocation. Happy now?

But will your "company" continue paying for your stay at the mental institution? LOL

If lowering taxes makes it cheaper for the corporation to stay where they are, as opposed to going to another State or nation that would be more expensive, what reason would that company have to leave? Do you have a clear answer for that Nat?

Come on, tell us what job is created by raising Federal taxes?

Employee salaries are a business expense. Say the corporation has a dollar in profit. If they want, they can spend that dollar on creating a new job. If not, well they can pay the tax on that dollar and keep the rest. The tax rate is thirty five percent. That means they can spend a dollar on a new job or keep sixty five cents. Now the tax rate is lowered. They can spend the dollar on a new job or they can keep eighty cents. The "opportunity cost" of creating a job instead of booking a profit INCREASES as the tax rate declines. Now, you want to tell me why corporations will create more jobs when the cost of doing so increases as the tax rate declines.

I mean this is some simple ass shit. Like the decline of our manufacturing base. Everyone wants to blame outsourcing, shifting jobs overseas. But it is not the "cause", it is just a symptom. The declining tax rate is the cause. In the early1950's the "effective corporate tax rate" was north of fifty percent. That means if a company saved a dollar by shifting production abroad they could only keep a little less than fifty cents. Now the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is closer to twenty percent. They save that dollar now they get to keep damn near eighty cents. Hell some companies, like say, GE, with an effective tax rate of less than three percent over the last decade, get to keep damn near the WHOLE DOLLAR. Now, it's one thing to close down a factory, layoff workers, implement a transpacific shipping arrangement, lose community and employee allegiance, and adopt a far flung supply chain to manage, if you only get to keep fifty cents on the dollar. It is quite another if you get to keep it all.

I mean I don't know where you people live, and I don't know where you work, but if you are looking it is damn easy to see the ramifications of this declining effective corporate tax rate. No companies invest in their people anymore, they attempt to steal them from somewhere else or they bitch and moan and look to the GOVERNMENT to fund their employees training, at say a community college. Sneak in to the backroom of your local Walmart. Check out the mops. Yeah, the damn mops. They are filled with grease, nasty as hell, because they can't even invest in a new mop-head. It's freakin comical. Companies look to cut corners at every turn, packaging sucks ass. The trucking fleets are comprised of dinosaurs that spew out toxic gases, break down constantly, and require an entire staff of mechanics to keep them going. Farmers don't own combines anymore, they RENT THEM.

In a nutshell, when corporate taxes are high companies are forced to look and plan for the long term. When they are low, they are encouraged to "cash out", to seek short term gains at the expense of long term growth. They are discouraged from investing in everything from people to mop-heads, and instead encouraged to take the money and run. Look the fawk around. It is precisely what is happening, precisely what has been happening, and cutting corporate tax rates further will only add gasoline to the fire that is already burning down this nation. Only a sheer fool would believe otherwise.
that sounds like the old USSR. If you didn’t belong to the Commie Party you couldn’t get Government business, in fact you couldn’t even be in business

Spin it any way your half brain wants (rather "cute" bringing up trump favorite country, Russia, btw)....If a company wants to exploit our highways, sea and airports and our vast consumer market, then they BETTER show some fidelity in chipping in their fair share of taxes to make all that infrastructure better and reward workers with better pay and benefits.
While an individual who needs to relocate because his or her company mover to another state, CAN NO LONGER deduct the moving expenses.....

That's awful!! After the tax bill passes, I'm sure Dems will gladly pass a new bill to make moving expenses deductible. Because Dems are all about people keeping more of their own money, eh comrade?

You may be correct.....Thanks for the vote of confidence that democrats will soon be back in power to pass that new bill....................LOL

Yes, you be sure to let me know the next time Dems feel like giving people back more of their own money.

I guess they could push such a bill now, I mean why wait until that magic day that they regain power?
They should show their enthusiasm for tax cuts today, don't you agree comrade?
I guess they could push such a bill now, I mean why wait until that magic day that they regain power?
They should show their enthusiasm for tax cuts today, don't you agree comrade?

Paraphrasing Napoleon, when your enemy is in the process of committing suicide, DO NOT interfere........LOL

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