One More Time....When Was America Great And When Did It Stop?

It probably stopped latest around the 60s when we decided to let in endless waves of invaders.

This right here. That's also around the time we started normalizing degeneracy and letting black people get all uppity.
Both of which are good things... ya know... Liberty

Degeneracy is a good thing?
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
gay pride yay.jpg

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
black violence.jpg
Back in the '50s!*

*Minus the 90% tax brackets and high union wages of course.
America stopped being great the day the slimy rapist Willy Jeff Clinturd and his hideous wife walked into our White House.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
Do you honestly think that your statement was not racist?
Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions.

I think that's the main point. MAGA was never a concept of American greatness; it was meant to target Trump's base's sentiments, and their fear of loss of "greatness". In order to figure out what MAGA meant best look at how it was "understood" (let's be charitable) by Trump's White base in light of the very recent past in 2016.

Remember the irate howls when Michelle proclaimed she was never as proud of America as she was the day her husband was elected President? As a pretty direct rejoinder, Trump's White base elected to MAGA. That invokes two wildly different concepts of greatness - two wildly different concepts of America, really - with the American Birth Defect sitting right in the middle, gloating over the conflagration.
I agree, however it is being way overthought and over analyzed. I’d bet the farm that Trump didn’t think all these angles through. It’s just a simple slogan. We should let it just be that
It probably stopped latest around the 60s when we decided to let in endless waves of invaders.

This right here. That's also around the time we started normalizing degeneracy and letting black people get all uppity.
Both of which are good things... ya know... Liberty

Degeneracy is a good thing?
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
and even when you get to have your masturbatory fantasy of having all non-whites removed from this country -- there are women, gays, handicapped, children, etc -- who still would oppose your fantasy of America being great in the 1800's, 1920's etc

The problem with bitch ass people like you is that -- America is not yours, it is fuck what you whining about
there are women, gays, handicapped, children, etc -- who still would oppose your fantasy of America being great in the 1800's, 1920's etc
libtards always bring up the past when it was Democrats who were being racist and women abusers , yet when you approach them on those subjects, they deny, deny, deny that it was Democrats doing such dirty deeds. Libturds are such stupid people.
And idiots like you always pretend to not know the difference between conservative and liberal because they know they were on the wrong side of history then...

And how do I know this? because those same conservatives are on the wrong side of history now, making the same arguments their racist idols were making then....
Ah yes, the infamous liberal switch. Deny, den, deny. Always cant cope with the Democrat lies....
All you have to do is tell me what William F Buckley, Goldwater, etc said about civil rights?

In fact, there is a reason folks like you don't like to talk about conservatism in the age of the civil rights movement, because too many of the conservatives that you folks may praise or worship -- WERE NOT IN FAVOR of civil fact, every emancipation effort made by historically oppressed groups were opposed by conservatives....

You see, you folks would have more credit if you would bring up people like, let's say a Hamilton Fish, but most of you folks have no idea who he is because he didn't fit the role of conservative as you think of it fact, Hamilton Fish would be looked at as a liberal -- since he is the one who helped pushed thru anti-lynching legislation.

But then again, maybe he did fit the role of conservative...because the thing about Fish that some conservatives do give him props for was his anti-communist rhetoric and especially for that Fish committee that was basically a defense of antisemitism or the Nazi regime...unless you think publishing the debunked Protocols of the Elders of Zion from his Congressional office, conservative
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This right here. That's also around the time we started normalizing degeneracy and letting black people get all uppity.
Both of which are good things... ya know... Liberty

Degeneracy is a good thing?
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
We have made many mistakes during Americas history. most of them when we gave to much power to the ruling political power, and allowed them to shut down those voicing other views. we should be working for the many, looking for solutions that best support us all. not an easy task, we lack the honesty to police those working for us in the name of party over country.
Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions.

I think that's the main point. MAGA was never a concept of American greatness; it was meant to target Trump's base's sentiments, and their fear of loss of "greatness". In order to figure out what MAGA meant best look at how it was "understood" (let's be charitable) by Trump's White base in light of the very recent past in 2016.

Remember the irate howls when Michelle proclaimed she was never as proud of America as she was the day her husband was elected President? As a pretty direct rejoinder, Trump's White base elected to MAGA. That invokes two wildly different concepts of greatness - two wildly different concepts of America, really - with the American Birth Defect sitting right in the middle, gloating over the conflagration.
I agree, however it is being way overthought and over analyzed. I’d bet the farm that Trump didn’t think all these angles through. It’s just a simple slogan. We should let it just be that

I tend to agree, and would still reinforce your "he likes playing with people’s emotions." And he may not know anything about anything, but how to do that he does know. Of course, people's emotional reactions play out before the background of their societal knowledge, however intuitive, and thus the analysis of what's going on, and why it arguably worked, may still be fairly complex, even while the goings-on played out on the most basic emotional level. Let's not forget, though, that Trump's henchmen, with some impact on the course of the campaign, from Bannon to Mercer and on to Manafort sure have put in a heck of a lot more intellectual work than the Buffoon-in-Chief.

Whatever... look around on here: I bet it is no coincidence that the most virulently racist of the goofs on here are also those most excited about the MAGA slogan. None, of course, have a clear understanding of what it is supposed to mean.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
Note... the few with enough honesty to address this question are unapologetic about their racism
Both of which are good things... ya know... Liberty

Degeneracy is a good thing?
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions.

I think that's the main point. MAGA was never a concept of American greatness; it was meant to target Trump's base's sentiments, and their fear of loss of "greatness". In order to figure out what MAGA meant best look at how it was "understood" (let's be charitable) by Trump's White base in light of the very recent past in 2016.

Remember the irate howls when Michelle proclaimed she was never as proud of America as she was the day her husband was elected President? As a pretty direct rejoinder, Trump's White base elected to MAGA. That invokes two wildly different concepts of greatness - two wildly different concepts of America, really - with the American Birth Defect sitting right in the middle, gloating over the conflagration.
I agree, however it is being way overthought and over analyzed. I’d bet the farm that Trump didn’t think all these angles through. It’s just a simple slogan. We should let it just be that

I tend to agree, and would still reinforce your "he likes playing with people’s emotions." And he may not know anything about anything, but how to do that he does know. Of course, people's emotional reactions play out before the background of their societal knowledge, however intuitive, and thus the analysis of what's going on, and why it arguably worked, may still be fairly complex, even while the goings-on played out on the most basic emotional level. Let's not forget, though, that Trump's henchmen, with some impact on the course of the campaign, from Bannon to Mercer and on to Manafort sure have put in a heck of a lot more intellectual work than the Buffoon-in-Chief.

Whatever... look around on here: I bet it is no coincidence that the most virulently racist of the goofs on here are also those most excited about the MAGA slogan. None, of course, have a clear understanding of what it is supposed to mean.
You are correct with your assessment. Trump is playing the tough guy that is there representing the people as he wrecks a government that many are frustrated with. When people over react to his language, tweets, and statements he really doesn’t care. Unfortunately there are many on the left that take it too far and spin up false or hyperbolized attacks which only makes Trump look like a martyr. I think we all need to grow thicker skin and choose better battles to fight.

The racist scum would not have jumped on the MAGA train of the Left didn’t turn it into a racist thing. Both sides are feeding each other
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?
/——-/ It’s been answered but in all fairness it was buried in a blizzard of posts. The answer is America was great before democRATs screwed it up with their high taxes, regulations and perversion. The starting date is when LBJ signed the Great Society into law. Hope that helps.

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