One More Time....When Was America Great And When Did It Stop?

Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
You make the Liberals case stronger.
People like you shouldn't exist.
What made our country Great had nothing to do with Race.
Idiots like you are the only reason Democrats still exist in this country.

What made this country great was a cohesive homogenous culture built by EUROPEAN philosophy.

The "liberals" don't have a case, they are all every bit as bad or even worse than the worst of brokeloser.

"Liberals" have mainstreamed hate for white people and they call us the racists.
And if Republicans attacked them for that they would have much to gain politically.
I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

America has always been great, and it still is.
Both of which are good things... ya know... Liberty

Degeneracy is a good thing?
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
We stand for what we believe. We can't help what those who would twist our thoughts, our sayings, to their own twisted biased beliefs, but neither should we allow such activities to sway our way. Because s
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
You make the Liberals case stronger.
People like you shouldn't exist.
What made our country Great had nothing to do with Race.
Idiots like you are the only reason Democrats still exist in this country.

What made this country great was a cohesive homogenous culture built by EUROPEAN philosophy.

The "liberals" don't have a case, they are all every bit as bad or even worse than the worst of brokeloser.
Taking the best of the various races and cultures and mixing them together into a new multi-racial/cultural group makes such a group stronger than those groups who try to remain pure to their origin racial structures. Evolution works if you let it. Let nature and disease kill off the weak regardless of race, and we as a society will become stronger because of the various races and cultures being thrown into the mix.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
You make the Liberals case stronger.
People like you shouldn't exist.
What made our country Great had nothing to do with Race.

We're all living large on the accomplishments of men who were so "racist", they'd never be allowed to get anywhere near public office today.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
You make the Liberals case stronger.
People like you shouldn't exist.
What made our country Great had nothing to do with Race.

The USA is great, because it attracted Catholic elites from Ireland, Italy, and Poland, and Jewish elites from Eastern Europe.

Although, the last ones (Jews) will also be the death of America.

That's why the areas with more White Catholics, and Jews, tend to be richer.

One thing is for sure, African Americans have been a net drain.

At least Mexicans are usually working hard, can't say the same thing about African Americans, overall.
Degeneracy is a good thing?
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.

Working together?
Like when my Polish American uncle a Vietnam Veteran, was jumped, and robbed by Black hoodlums in his own neighborhood in Portchester, New York?
N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.

Working together?
Like when my Polish American uncle a Vietnam Veteran, was jumped, and robbed by Black hoodlums in his own neighborhood in Portchester, New York?

Maybe by working together he means when the Mexican across the street from me hired black people to set fire to his white neighbors' house?
Taking the best of the various races and cultures and mixing them together into a new multi-racial/cultural group makes such a group stronger than those groups who try to remain pure to their origin racial structures. Evolution works if you let it. Let nature and disease kill off the weak regardless of race, and we as a society will become stronger because of the various races and cultures being thrown into the mix.
You are a complete and utter moron.

Modern medicine and welfare insure that the weak WEAKEN the strong and also dominate in terms of population.

Mixing populations that have absolutely no compatibility and often even have great hostility and malice towards each other is recipe for the absolute destruction of this country just by itself. America today compared to the overwhelmingly white America of the past is so inferior and so much weaker that we might as well stop calling ourselves America. It is an absolute disgrace to the founders' memory.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
You make the Liberals case stronger.
People like you shouldn't exist.
What made our country Great had nothing to do with Race.

We're all living large on the accomplishments of men who were so "racist", they'd never be allowed to get anywhere near public office today.
You can't fix the mistakes of the past by making errors in the present or future. You play your game with the cards you were dealt not the cards you wished you were dealt.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
and even when you get to have your masturbatory fantasy of having all non-whites removed from this country -- there are women, gays, handicapped, children, etc -- who still would oppose your fantasy of America being great in the 1800's, 1920's etc

The problem with bitch ass people like you is that -- America is not yours, it is fuck what you whining about

-Maybe we were greater, when we had stay at home married mothers, who kids obeyed, when kids played outside with other kids, instead of by themselves twiddling on twitter, or their phones.

-Maybe we were great when our relatives still lived near us, before they scattered across the country looking for jobs, and cheaper costs.

- Maybe we were better off, before Gangster Rap music, and Pornography created the worst generation.

- Maybe we were better off, before Science told us there wasn't supposed to be a God, killing off spirituality.

- Maybe we were better off, before Black gangs came to be.

- Maybe we were better off, before Islamist's living in the US, did 9/11, to instill fear in the masses.

- Maybe we were better off, when people worked hard for a living.
Last edited:
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.

Working together?
Like when my Polish American uncle a Vietnam Veteran, was jumped, and robbed by Black hoodlums in his own neighborhood in Portchester, New York?

Maybe by working together he means when the Mexican across the street from me hired black people to set fire to his white neighbors' house?
That is how intersectionality works.
It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
and even when you get to have your masturbatory fantasy of having all non-whites removed from this country -- there are women, gays, handicapped, children, etc -- who still would oppose your fantasy of America being great in the 1800's, 1920's etc

The problem with bitch ass people like you is that -- America is not yours, it is fuck what you whining about
there are women, gays, handicapped, children, etc -- who still would oppose your fantasy of America being great in the 1800's, 1920's etc
libtards always bring up the past when it was Democrats who were being racist and women abusers , yet when you approach them on those subjects, they deny, deny, deny that it was Democrats doing such dirty deeds. Libturds are such stupid people.
And idiots like you always pretend to not know the difference between conservative and liberal because they know they were on the wrong side of history then...

And how do I know this? because those same conservatives are on the wrong side of history now, making the same arguments their racist idols were making then....
Ah yes, the infamous liberal switch. Deny, den, deny. Always cant cope with the Democrat lies....
All you have to do is tell me what William F Buckley, Goldwater, etc said about civil rights?

In fact, there is a reason folks like you don't like to talk about conservatism in the age of the civil rights movement, because too many of the conservatives that you folks may praise or worship -- WERE NOT IN FAVOR of civil fact, every emancipation effort made by historically oppressed groups were opposed by conservatives....

You see, you folks would have more credit if you would bring up people like, let's say a Hamilton Fish, but most of you folks have no idea who he is because he didn't fit the role of conservative as you think of it fact, Hamilton Fish would be looked at as a liberal -- since he is the one who helped pushed thru anti-lynching legislation.

But then again, maybe he did fit the role of conservative...because the thing about Fish that some conservatives do give him props for was his anti-communist rhetoric and especially for that Fish committee that was basically a defense of antisemitism or the Nazi regime...unless you think publishing the debunked Protocols of the Elders of Zion from his Congressional office, conservative
So you are saying that because of someone's color that should make them a better candidate than another person who isnt of color? So the person of color now has to think, was he elected because he is black, or because he was trained for that job? That was why Buckley and Goldwater were against affirmative action. But you dumbasses cant see past the color of ones skin to make sure their character is good.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
and even when you get to have your masturbatory fantasy of having all non-whites removed from this country -- there are women, gays, handicapped, children, etc -- who still would oppose your fantasy of America being great in the 1800's, 1920's etc

The problem with bitch ass people like you is that -- America is not yours, it is fuck what you whining about

-Maybe we were greater, when we had stay at home married mothers, who kids obeyed, when kids played outside with other kids, instead of by themselves twiddling on twitter, or their phones.

-Maybe we were great when our relatives still lived near us, before they scattered across the country looking for jobs, and cheaper costs.

- Maybe we were better off, before Gangster Rap music, and Pornography created the worst generation.

- Maybe we were better off, before Science told us there wasn't supposed to be a God, killing off spirituality.

- Maybe we were better off, before Black gangs came to be.

- Maybe we were better off, before Islamist's living in the US, did 9/11, to instill fear in the masses.

- Maybe we were better off, when people worked hard for a living.
Maybe we were better off, when we could trust our neighbor and not trust our government. United We Stand, Divided We Fall, the liberals have so divided us by race, sex, money, and lifestyle. Marxism has to be killed, or we will be killed..
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

Clearly America stopped being great January 20, 2009, 12:05 pm EST.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
and even when you get to have your masturbatory fantasy of having all non-whites removed from this country -- there are women, gays, handicapped, children, etc -- who still would oppose your fantasy of America being great in the 1800's, 1920's etc

The problem with bitch ass people like you is that -- America is not yours, it is fuck what you whining about

-Maybe we were greater, when we had stay at home married mothers, who kids obeyed, when kids played outside with other kids, instead of by themselves twiddling on twitter, or their phones.

-Maybe we were great when our relatives still lived near us, before they scattered across the country looking for jobs, and cheaper costs.

- Maybe we were better off, before Gangster Rap music, and Pornography created the worst generation.

- Maybe we were better off, before Science told us there wasn't supposed to be a God, killing off spirituality.

- Maybe we were better off, before Black gangs came to be.

- Maybe we were better off, before Islamist's living in the US, did 9/11, to instill fear in the masses.

- Maybe we were better off, when people worked hard for a living.
Maybe we were better off, when we could trust our neighbor and not trust our government. United We Stand, Divided We Fall, the liberals have so divided us by race, sex, money, and lifestyle. Marxism has to be killed, or we will be killed..

Divided by race?
We'd probably be like Puerto Rico if we were all mixed race, in the USA.

Marxism, and Capitalism are both ruined by Jews.

Ultimately it's not Communism destroying the West, but Individualism, Jews, and Capitalism.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?
Holder should ask Joe Biden since Biden has said he will take America back to the time when America was great, so apparently Joe thinks he knows when America was great. Did Joe mean he wanted to take America back to the time when he campaigned against school busing? Or when as chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee he pushed laws that have led to the mass incarceration of young black men for long sentences? Of perhaps he means back to the time when he broke with the Democratic Party to support a bankruptcy law that made it more difficult for poor people to protect their assets by declaring bankruptcy? Or perhaps he means when as VP he threatened to end US aid to Ukraine if they did not get rid of their top prosecutor who was investigating Biden's younger son who was kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse. Perhaps Joe will tell Holder what he means.
Notice when so-called "Trumpers" answer this question -- they always begin with racist and homophobic slurs...

Slurs that could said freely back when they claim America was great -- slurs that if said back then, wouldn't be considered slurs at fact, you could freely call blacks "nggrs", tell women their place is in the kitchen and call gay people "fags" -- and you can still be looked at as a decent human being by society -- in fact, you can limit the rights of those people you like to throw slurs at so much -- and still be looked at as a decent human being by society...

So this whining about "political correctness" -- is just folks being upset that they cant freely do this to other people anymore and still be seen as a decent human being by society ....and to that I say, so?
How about being able to call a Apple an Apple without worrying about the Apples feelings on being called an Apple.
/——/ A heaven forbid we call a spade a spade.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

I've asked this same question and the answers have been evasive.

The most direct answers I got (and those were few) was prior to the Civil War and the 1950. Both refer to racism. Slavery and Jim Crow.

The more indirect answers referred to Obama. That could indicate a hatred of a black President or a hatred of Democrats in general. Either way it's all pretty ugly

I wouldn’t take the MAGA thing so seriously. It’s a slogan. Trump was running against the Dems and the Dems had held the White house for the past 8 years which he was trying to paint and a scorched earth disaster. Making America Great Again means nothing more than taking power back from the Dems

Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions. Trust me, he loves seeing his opponents try to call him racist for the MAGA thing because it only makes them sound overdramatic and irrational. Don’t play his games.

It’s odd that you people can pretend that you don’t know when America was BETTER and why it was better. This shit isn’t complicated, all one has to do is have the courage to acknowledge facts and statistics...scared programmed pussies won’t dare pull their heads from their asses and allow themselves to wrap their heads around it though. Grab your straightjackets, I’m about to enlighten you nutless pukes.....
America was BETTER when it was Whiter...FACT!
America will be BETTER with less BROWN people...FACT!
NO nation is GREAT that is predominantly BROWN...FACT!

Now cue the scared bitches....scream “RACIST”!
I know, I know, I’m a total dick for exposing this revolutionary find....THANKS
You make the Liberals case stronger.
People like you shouldn't exist.
What made our country Great had nothing to do with Race.

We're all living large on the accomplishments of men who were so "racist", they'd never be allowed to get anywhere near public office today.
You can't fix the mistakes of the past by making errors in the present or future. You play your game with the cards you were dealt not the cards you wished you were dealt.

You say you're a realist, you respect the truth...

If today's left who racial narrative you parrot had their way, this country would never have been founded in the first place. That's the truth.

The reality is, a majority of non white citizens who bother to vote, choose the far left. Even if the left's gay and pro-choice agenda goes against their beliefs as in the case of muslims, protestant blacks and catholic hispanics.
Anyone who's believes in racial equality must be a buffoon.

I've been taking Art classes in Poughkeepsie, NY.

You should see all the Black junkies, Black Homeless, and Black thugs on the street corner hanging out.

I've even been flashed gang signs by a Black person.

Yes, there's some Whites in bad shape there too, but they're a minority.

Meanwhile, just outside of Poughkeepsie, it's almost all White, Middle Class, and none of this cr@p.

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