One More Time....When Was America Great And When Did It Stop?

Anyone who's believes in racial equality must be a buffoon.

I've been taking Art classes in Poughkeepsie, NY.

You should see all the Black junkies, Black Homeless, and Black thugs on the street corner hanging out.

I've even been flashed gang signs by a Black person.

Yes, there's some Whites in bad shape there too, but they're a minority.

Meanwhile, just outside of Poughkeepsie, it's almost all White, Middle Class, and none of this cr@p.
In my neck of the woods down here in Floor E Da, my black friends and I dont have junkies, homeless or poverty from NYC. We are doing quite well, because we all left the plantation 30 or more years ago. What you are talking about are "victims" of liberalism, who vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable. Want to get away, more to Floor E Da.
Anyone who's believes in racial equality must be a buffoon.

I've been taking Art classes in Poughkeepsie, NY.

You should see all the Black junkies, Black Homeless, and Black thugs on the street corner hanging out.

I've even been flashed gang signs by a Black person.

Yes, there's some Whites in bad shape there too, but they're a minority.

Meanwhile, just outside of Poughkeepsie, it's almost all White, Middle Class, and none of this cr@p.
In my neck of the woods down here in Floor E Da, my black friends and I dont have junkies, homeless or poverty from NYC. We are doing quite well, because we all left the plantation 30 or more years ago. What you are talking about are "victims" of liberalism, who vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable. Want to get away, more to Floor E Da.

I've been to Florida, and saw a Wendy's robbed by Blacks, and a car missing wheels in the middle of the road in the Black side of town.

My grandparents got buglerized 2 times in Florida as well, and that was in the White wealthy side of town.

There were even bums sleeping on the Beach, or drinking out of paper bags on the beach, and they were White.

One White bum was hiding behind my mom, and ran up when I came back to my Mom, I suspect he was going to snatch her purse.

Florida's not better, it's worse than Dutchess County, NY.
Notice when so-called "Trumpers" answer this question -- they always begin with racist and homophobic slurs...

Slurs that could said freely back when they claim America was great -- slurs that if said back then, wouldn't be considered slurs at fact, you could freely call blacks "nggrs", tell women their place is in the kitchen and call gay people "fags" -- and you can still be looked at as a decent human being by society -- in fact, you can limit the rights of those people you like to throw slurs at so much -- and still be looked at as a decent human being by society...

So this whining about "political correctness" -- is just folks being upset that they cant freely do this to other people anymore and still be seen as a decent human being by society ....and to that I say, so?
Back in the day when the Democrats were always throwing out racist slurs and hanging black people, it took a majority of Republicans to bring the civil rights act of 1964 to pass, yet those Democrats were blocking the doors with dogs and fire hoses. Only today, with PC, do you see Democrats again throwing racial slurs like "Clean and Articulate black guy, or put them back in chains, yet dumbass people let it slide. As for faggots, when you put your dick in another man's ass and call it normal, only mentally ill people think it is normal...
I really do wish you idiots would learn the difference between liberal and conservative....

The only folks who bitch and whine and opine about a time when they could freely discriminate against people of color or gays, or women -- ARE miss me with the Civil Rights Act bullshit, because coincidentally -- the time period BEFORE the civil rights act are what most of you so-called Trumpers claim is when America STOPPED being great

youre a fucking idiot... why do you keep ignoring the democrat party history? what are you ashamed of... that you are so god damn stupid you continue to vote for the party that keeps you in chains?
Notice when so-called "Trumpers" answer this question -- they always begin with racist and homophobic slurs...

Slurs that could said freely back when they claim America was great -- slurs that if said back then, wouldn't be considered slurs at fact, you could freely call blacks "nggrs", tell women their place is in the kitchen and call gay people "fags" -- and you can still be looked at as a decent human being by society -- in fact, you can limit the rights of those people you like to throw slurs at so much -- and still be looked at as a decent human being by society...

So this whining about "political correctness" -- is just folks being upset that they cant freely do this to other people anymore and still be seen as a decent human being by society ....and to that I say, so?
Back in the day when the Democrats were always throwing out racist slurs and hanging black people, it took a majority of Republicans to bring the civil rights act of 1964 to pass, yet those Democrats were blocking the doors with dogs and fire hoses. Only today, with PC, do you see Democrats again throwing racial slurs like "Clean and Articulate black guy, or put them back in chains, yet dumbass people let it slide. As for faggots, when you put your dick in another man's ass and call it normal, only mentally ill people think it is normal...
I really do wish you idiots would learn the difference between liberal and conservative....

The only folks who bitch and whine and opine about a time when they could freely discriminate against people of color or gays, or women -- ARE miss me with the Civil Rights Act bullshit, because coincidentally -- the time period BEFORE the civil rights act are what most of you so-called Trumpers claim is when America STOPPED being great

youre a fucking idiot... why do you keep ignoring the democrat party history? what are you ashamed of... that you are so god damn stupid you continue to vote for the party that keeps you in chains?
Because he want his FREE shit.
Anyone who's believes in racial equality must be a buffoon.

I've been taking Art classes in Poughkeepsie, NY.

You should see all the Black junkies, Black Homeless, and Black thugs on the street corner hanging out.

I've even been flashed gang signs by a Black person.

Yes, there's some Whites in bad shape there too, but they're a minority.

Meanwhile, just outside of Poughkeepsie, it's almost all White, Middle Class, and none of this cr@p.
In my neck of the woods down here in Floor E Da, my black friends and I dont have junkies, homeless or poverty from NYC. We are doing quite well, because we all left the plantation 30 or more years ago. What you are talking about are "victims" of liberalism, who vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable. Want to get away, more to Floor E Da.

I've been to Florida, and saw a Wendy's robbed by Blacks, and a car missing wheels in the middle of the road in the Black side of town.

My grandparents got buglerized 2 times in Florida as well, and that was in the White wealthy side of town.

There were even bums sleeping on the Beach, or drinking out of paper bags on the beach, and they were White.

One White bum was hiding behind my mom, and ran up when I came back to my Mom, I suspect he was going to snatch her purse.

Florida's not better, it's worse than Dutchess County, NY.
Not where I live in Floor E Da. Not only is it clean, but the people here of all colors and creed respect each other(try that in anywhere in NY) and have quite the wealth, which there is no STATE TAX....Only dumbasses live in states that have a high state tax...You deserve the misery and poverty that the liberals FORCE upon you.
Taking the MAGA slogan and relating it to Jim Crow is giving Trump way too much credit. He doesn’t strike me as the type that thinks that deep. He is an attack dog and he likes playing with people’s emotions.

I think that's the main point. MAGA was never a concept of American greatness; it was meant to target Trump's base's sentiments, and their fear of loss of "greatness". In order to figure out what MAGA meant best look at how it was "understood" (let's be charitable) by Trump's White base in light of the very recent past in 2016.

Remember the irate howls when Michelle proclaimed she was never as proud of America as she was the day her husband was elected President? As a pretty direct rejoinder, Trump's White base elected to MAGA. That invokes two wildly different concepts of greatness - two wildly different concepts of America, really - with the American Birth Defect sitting right in the middle, gloating over the conflagration.
I agree, however it is being way overthought and over analyzed. I’d bet the farm that Trump didn’t think all these angles through. It’s just a simple slogan. We should let it just be that

I tend to agree, and would still reinforce your "he likes playing with people’s emotions." And he may not know anything about anything, but how to do that he does know. Of course, people's emotional reactions play out before the background of their societal knowledge, however intuitive, and thus the analysis of what's going on, and why it arguably worked, may still be fairly complex, even while the goings-on played out on the most basic emotional level. Let's not forget, though, that Trump's henchmen, with some impact on the course of the campaign, from Bannon to Mercer and on to Manafort sure have put in a heck of a lot more intellectual work than the Buffoon-in-Chief.

Whatever... look around on here: I bet it is no coincidence that the most virulently racist of the goofs on here are also those most excited about the MAGA slogan. None, of course, have a clear understanding of what it is supposed to mean.
You are correct with your assessment. Trump is playing the tough guy that is there representing the people as he wrecks a government that many are frustrated with. When people over react to his language, tweets, and statements he really doesn’t care. Unfortunately there are many on the left that take it too far and spin up false or hyperbolized attacks which only makes Trump look like a martyr. I think we all need to grow thicker skin and choose better battles to fight.

The racist scum would not have jumped on the MAGA train of the Left didn’t turn it into a racist thing. Both sides are feeding each other
Bullshit. Don’t EVEN try to blame the racism of racists on anyone but them
That’s not what I’m doing. Reread what I wrote and try to understand my point better
The racist scum would not have jumped on the MAGA train of the Left didn’t turn it into a racist thing. Both sides are feeding each other

Did you think that through? The racist scum heard the racism in MAGA only because "the Left" pointed to it?

You know better. It's not as though Trump's dog whistling were confined to MAGA, or as if MAGA had been the most explicit instance thereof. But yeah, buying and wearing MAGA hats became far more fashionable once some realized they could rile up a liberal on top of showing their abject subservience. That's a sideshow, though.
Yes, the whole thing has turned into a sideshow. But also yes I really do think that MAGA was turned into a racist thing because the left called it racist for no good reason other than wanting to paint trump as racist.

I’m not a trump supporter but I do see the tactics being played here.
Black and gay rights are good things. I don’t consider them degenerate

N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.
N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.

Working together?
Like when my Polish American uncle a Vietnam Veteran, was jumped, and robbed by Black hoodlums in his own neighborhood in Portchester, New York?
What does that have to do with anything we are talking about?
Anyone who's believes in racial equality must be a buffoon.

I've been taking Art classes in Poughkeepsie, NY.

You should see all the Black junkies, Black Homeless, and Black thugs on the street corner hanging out.

I've even been flashed gang signs by a Black person.

Yes, there's some Whites in bad shape there too, but they're a minority.

Meanwhile, just outside of Poughkeepsie, it's almost all White, Middle Class, and none of this cr@p.
What’s your point?
N...nothing degenerate here!
View attachment 259801

it's due to purely economic factors!!!
View attachment 259803
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
You don’t honestly believe you are making a strong argument with this crap do you?!
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country

He's not the most articulate, eloquent or intelligent man we've ever had as president but hes incredibly down-to-earth for a NY billionaire real estate developer. The most human president in my lifetime, maybe in American history.

Everyone at one point or another has rolled their eyes at the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes. I don't know how a evil, lying witch like Hillary would have been an improvement over a good natured buffoon like Trump.
This is why I stress AGAINST the argument you are making that "Trump was just making an innocent slogan"

It is because, his slogan is not perceived by many of the posters here as an innocent slogan, they see it as a nod to become even more entrenched with their racism and bigotry -- they see it as a mechanism to have their racism and bigotry codified by law and they will oppose any republican candidate who doesn't at least give a nod to their aspirations...
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
So there was a president you trusted?
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country

He's not the most articulate, eloquent or intelligent man we've ever had as president but hes incredibly down-to-earth for a NY billionaire real estate developer. The most human president in my lifetime, maybe in American history.

Everyone at one point or another has rolled their eyes at the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes. I don't know how a evil, lying witch like Hillary would have been an improvement over a good natured buffoon like Trump.
Hillary may not have been better but that isn’t an excuse for his actions. You forgot to include how dishonest and insulting he has been as president. We should be better than that.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country

He's not the most articulate, eloquent or intelligent man we've ever had as president but hes incredibly down-to-earth for a NY billionaire real estate developer. The most human president in my lifetime, maybe in American history.

Everyone at one point or another has rolled their eyes at the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes. I don't know how a evil, lying witch like Hillary would have been an improvement over a good natured buffoon like Trump.
Hillary may not have been better but that isn’t an excuse for his actions. You forgot to include how dishonest and insulting he has been as president. We should be better than that.
I love the way Trump insults anti-Americans.
Yes they do but I’d make the counter argument that you could look and many innocent statements that way. The thing about Trump is he doesn’t give a shit. He sees people spin up these racist narratives and he spins it right back to work to his advantage with his circle of support. This is why our country is so polarized.
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country

He's not the most articulate, eloquent or intelligent man we've ever had as president but hes incredibly down-to-earth for a NY billionaire real estate developer. The most human president in my lifetime, maybe in American history.

Everyone at one point or another has rolled their eyes at the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes. I don't know how a evil, lying witch like Hillary would have been an improvement over a good natured buffoon like Trump.
Hillary may not have been better but that isn’t an excuse for his actions. You forgot to include how dishonest and insulting he has been as president. We should be better than that.
I love the way Trump insults anti-Americans.
I’m sure you do
no, that is why our country is so Great. Working together for better America, is good for our country. Trump will lead the way.
But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country

He's not the most articulate, eloquent or intelligent man we've ever had as president but hes incredibly down-to-earth for a NY billionaire real estate developer. The most human president in my lifetime, maybe in American history.

Everyone at one point or another has rolled their eyes at the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes. I don't know how a evil, lying witch like Hillary would have been an improvement over a good natured buffoon like Trump.
Hillary may not have been better but that isn’t an excuse for his actions. You forgot to include how dishonest and insulting he has been as president. We should be better than that.
I love the way Trump insults anti-Americans.
I’m sure you do
Oh, I do.
I’ve never seen so many local minorities working in Nassau County.

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