One More Time....When Was America Great And When Did It Stop?

i think America was Great up to about the 60s but was also going down hill at that time with constant making of and MORE new laws , rules and regulations at national and local levels . Thats what i remember anyway . Before that and from the 20s [my parents lifetime] up to the 60s early 70s was a Great time in America Biff .

Wasn't so great for blacks.

Wasn't so great for women.

Wasn't so great for homosexuals.
And if we ever have a national tragedy and/or economic collapse again all of those gains where people voted themselves goodies will come crashing down. And then you will know what being great was and is.
------------------ AW , i'm an old guy so YOU can have my share of the National FUTURE Tragedy you describe '22' !! Anyway , all i object to is diminishing Liberty and Freedom in the USA due to increased rules , law , regulations and increased third world population in the USA . That being said and as i answer the Original Topic Question i just say that ' I ' had it Great in the USA for my lifetime and my parents born in the 20s had things even better than me '22' .
and All the Goodies , i and my 4 brothers and sisters and MOM got them from the DAD until i moved out on my own . And then i got the goodies for myself by working . But as i keep saying , my only objection is the increase of laws , rules , regulations and 'pc' that is increasingly removing Freedom and Liberty piece by piece , bit by bit from Americans .
How about USA's always been great for some, not for others. The so called free market created poverty and events like the triangle shirt factory fire. A progressive movement starts, things get better, but the free market pigs with their huge sums of money slowly take over again. Back and forth things get better, then get worse. We now have a pig in the oval office who believes he could shoot someone in public and his base would still adore him. And he's right.
GO Trump !! After the last 30 years or so its GREAT to have an American back as President of the USA .
How about USA's always been great for some, not for others. The so called free market created poverty and events like the triangle shirt factory fire. A progressive movement starts, things get better, but the free market pigs with their huge sums of money slowly take over again. Back and forth things get better, then get worse. We now have a pig in the oval office who believes he could shoot someone in public and his base would still adore him. And he's right.
free market pigs like Oprah, Morgan Freeman and Barrack Obama?
But also yes I really do think that MAGA was turned into a racist thing because the left called it racist for no good reason other than wanting to paint trump as racist.

Let's not kid ourselves.

Trump is a racist, always has been, and, by all means, it should be pointed out. Moreover, the notion that Trump's Fox-addicted, racist base realized that MAGA carried racist undertones upon someone on MSNBC pointing to those racist undertones is ludicrous. That is particularly so since the most obvious reference of MAGA was to get the fuliginous infestation out of the WHITE House. Trump's base immediately understood that, having suffered through eight stereotype-crushing years of Obama's Presidency.
I don’t think trump is a racist. He is an opportunist and racially insensitive. I think he has no problem insulting people of all stripes and I have no doubt he would make fun of their sex, religion, race, disability or anything else he can use. That is different than being a full blown racist in my opinion.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
I don’t understand this argument of yours. He is keeping his promises?! Not really. He has kept some, failed at others. I don’t see hillary locked up. I don’t see peace in the Middle East or a denuclear N Korea. I don’t see Mexico paying for a wall. I don’t see repeal and replace healthcare.

I’ve seen him flip flop and spin on other issues like other politicians do. I’m not seeing this unique promise keeping that you give him credit for.

I do see lie after lie and attacking insulting and hyperbolic tweets pumped out on a daily basis. You can’t critique the Left for hurling insults when your leader does the same thing every day. You have to condemn none or both.
Nice try...the ad hominems are coming from Liberals.
Even the Democrats I know are embarrassed by the Left Wingers.
True, Waters, Heromo and the like are out there embarrassing themselves. Doesn’t take away from what I just said about Trump
Except that Trump is doing what I want.
Understood. Trump is progressing your agenda so you give him passes for his unsavory actions. I understand, that’s fine. Trump tells more lies and hyperbole than any president I’ve ever seen. It’s fine if you don’t care, just don’t deny reality.
and All the Goodies , i and my 4 brothers and sisters and MOM got them from the DAD until i moved out on my own . And then i got the goodies for myself by working . But as i keep saying , my only objection is the increase of laws , rules , regulations and 'pc' that is increasingly removing Freedom and Liberty piece by piece , bit by bit from Americans .
Like what exactly? Which PC trend or law or regulation is diminishing your liberty in such an effective way. Give me some examples
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

America Has bee great since 1862 when Abraham Lincoln a Republican President ended slavery and made our Country whole again. It has been a long hard road to the Prosperity and Equality we see in our Society today, Many of the positive results and growth have come due to the Hard work , ingenuity and determination to be a Free and Sovereign Country where all people have the "opportunity" to be successful and live, love, worship and not be forced to live under the thumb of a Monarch or Totalitarian Govt. How's that! The fact is America has never not been great ! You allowed a Campaign slogan " A very good one that appealed to disenfranchised voters" to make your head Explode" I feel sorry for you ! Move on Trump won!
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

America Has bee great since 1862 when Abraham Lincoln a Republican President ended slavery and made our Country whole again. It has been a long hard road to the Prosperity and Equality we see in our Society today, Many of the positive results and growth have come due to the Hard work , ingenuity and determination to be a Free and Sovereign Country where all people have the "opportunity" to be successful and live, love, worship and not be forced to live under the thumb of a Monarch or Totalitarian Govt. How's that! The fact is America has never not been great ! You allowed a Campaign slogan " A very good one that appealed to disenfranchised voters" to make your head Explode" I feel sorry for you ! Move on Trump won!
What disenfranchised are you referring to?

The top 1% of the wealth class who got 86% of the 2 trillion dollar taxcuts -- while those disenfranchised are still worrying about their healthcare coverage being snatched away??

Are you talking about the disenfranchised who have to settle for jingoism instead of policy because republicans could give a fuck about the disenfranchised?

And is America great now according to those easily fooled Trumpers? Because I still hear them complaining about every fucking thing under the sun -- with 95% of it being irrelevant bullshit

Buttigieg today in South Carolina: America “was never as great as advertised”
Well it's not going to be great for Him! He has 0 chance of being nominated by the Dems. They say they are Accepting and Inclusive. I'm Sure Ilhan Omar and other Muslim Infiltrators will embrace Mr. Buttguy with open arms. The Political left Knows Buttguy is just a stunt to garner support and gain the votes of the brainless deviants that think he's the next great thing. He's just competing with the others to Get so far left that it becomes ok to Attack and maybe even Kill anybody who disagrees with the "Ideology". They are already at ATTACK...……………..Powder dry?:tank: :flameth:
I don’t think trump is a racist. He is an opportunist and racially insensitive. I think he has no problem insulting people of all stripes and I have no doubt he would make fun of their sex, religion, race, disability or anything else he can use. That is different than being a full blown racist in my opinion.

Sorry to say that, Slade, but you seem not to have paid attention, then. From the racist selection of renters in the 1970s to stoking racial animus during his campaign, he has shown himself to be a full-blown racist. There is no mistaking that. Sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, insulting the disabled, racism, it's the exact same thing targeting a different group: Asserting one's own supremacy by way of denigrating whatever Other there is as inferior. Also, there's no mistaking that everyone knew it, and, in relevant part, he has been elected because of it.
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.

So, more minorities working in Nassau is a Trump promise?
I see you didn’t watch any of his speeches or interviews...Yes.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

America Has bee great since 1862 when Abraham Lincoln a Republican President ended slavery and made our Country whole again. It has been a long hard road to the Prosperity and Equality we see in our Society today, Many of the positive results and growth have come due to the Hard work , ingenuity and determination to be a Free and Sovereign Country where all people have the "opportunity" to be successful and live, love, worship and not be forced to live under the thumb of a Monarch or Totalitarian Govt. How's that! The fact is America has never not been great ! You allowed a Campaign slogan " A very good one that appealed to disenfranchised voters" to make your head Explode" I feel sorry for you ! Move on Trump won!
What disenfranchised are you referring to?

The top 1% of the wealth class who got 86% of the 2 trillion dollar taxcuts -- while those disenfranchised are still worrying about their healthcare coverage being snatched away??

Are you talking about the disenfranchised who have to settle for jingoism instead of policy because republicans could give a fuck about the disenfranchised?

And is America great now according to those easily fooled Trumpers? Because I still hear them complaining about every fucking thing under the sun -- with 95% of it being irrelevant bullshit

the disenfranchised who aren't part of the political establishment's favored victim classes: not gay, transgender, muslim or "POC".

The only one's who's ethnic identifier cannot be stated in public discourse UNLESS it is in condemnation and is not allowed to rally for their common interest without being labeled Nazis.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

America Has bee great since 1862 when Abraham Lincoln a Republican President ended slavery and made our Country whole again. It has been a long hard road to the Prosperity and Equality we see in our Society today, Many of the positive results and growth have come due to the Hard work , ingenuity and determination to be a Free and Sovereign Country where all people have the "opportunity" to be successful and live, love, worship and not be forced to live under the thumb of a Monarch or Totalitarian Govt. How's that! The fact is America has never not been great ! You allowed a Campaign slogan " A very good one that appealed to disenfranchised voters" to make your head Explode" I feel sorry for you ! Move on Trump won!
What disenfranchised are you referring to?

The top 1% of the wealth class who got 86% of the 2 trillion dollar taxcuts -- while those disenfranchised are still worrying about their healthcare coverage being snatched away??

Are you talking about the disenfranchised who have to settle for jingoism instead of policy because republicans could give a fuck about the disenfranchised?

And is America great now according to those easily fooled Trumpers? Because I still hear them complaining about every fucking thing under the sun -- with 95% of it being irrelevant bullshit

Nope I'm talking about the millions of people who are working again, and over 3% growth lowest unemployment "EVER" That top 1% provides the Financial stability and JOBS that drive our economy. How many jobs have you created? How many Billion dollar Company's with 50,000 employees have you run ? None I suspect ! So the 2 trilli tax cut actually had a direct Affect on the people who struggled to find jobs while the Govt had a strangle hold on business and Industry during the Failed 2 terms of Obama. Why was he considered the first Black President when everybody knows his Mother was white? I've always wondered that Can you give me an answer! You seem to be enlightened by your Leftist leaders LMK when he became black( African American).
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
I don’t understand this argument of yours. He is keeping his promises?! Not really. He has kept some, failed at others. I don’t see hillary locked up. I don’t see peace in the Middle East or a denuclear N Korea. I don’t see Mexico paying for a wall. I don’t see repeal and replace healthcare.

I’ve seen him flip flop and spin on other issues like other politicians do. I’m not seeing this unique promise keeping that you give him credit for.

I do see lie after lie and attacking insulting and hyperbolic tweets pumped out on a daily basis. You can’t critique the Left for hurling insults when your leader does the same thing every day. You have to condemn none or both.
Nice try...the ad hominems are coming from Liberals.
Even the Democrats I know are embarrassed by the Left Wingers.
True, Waters, Heromo and the like are out there embarrassing themselves. Doesn’t take away from what I just said about Trump
Except that Trump is doing what I want.
Understood. Trump is progressing your agenda so you give him passes for his unsavory actions. I understand, that’s fine. Trump tells more lies and hyperbole than any president I’ve ever seen. It’s fine if you don’t care, just don’t deny reality.
I’m not a whiny sissy boy.
And I’ve been lied to by MBAs 100s of times but I don’t keep my money under my mattress.
and All the Goodies , i and my 4 brothers and sisters and MOM got them from the DAD until i moved out on my own . And then i got the goodies for myself by working . But as i keep saying , my only objection is the increase of laws , rules , regulations and 'pc' that is increasingly removing Freedom and Liberty piece by piece , bit by bit from Americans .
Like what exactly? Which PC trend or law or regulation is diminishing your liberty in such an effective way. Give me some examples
----------------------- as i already gave 2 example in one of my posts Slade and i was very Specific . And i was Specific in post number 31 Slade . And for years you guys have been going after guns as you work to REMOVE effective and Eficient Guns from the hands of Americans Slade . But as i say , i have seen diminishing Freedom and Liberty in the USA since the mid 60s . The fact that you don't care about what i call important means nothing Slade . [Freedom is Diminishingin the USA ]
and All the Goodies , i and my 4 brothers and sisters and MOM got them from the DAD until i moved out on my own . And then i got the goodies for myself by working . But as i keep saying , my only objection is the increase of laws , rules , regulations and 'pc' that is increasingly removing Freedom and Liberty piece by piece , bit by bit from Americans .
Like what exactly? Which PC trend or law or regulation is diminishing your liberty in such an effective way. Give me some examples
---------------------------------- i gave you an answer an a post number , reread post number 31 Slade where i give a couple specifics Slade .
I don’t think trump is a racist. He is an opportunist and racially insensitive. I think he has no problem insulting people of all stripes and I have no doubt he would make fun of their sex, religion, race, disability or anything else he can use. That is different than being a full blown racist in my opinion.

Sorry to say that, Slade, but you seem not to have paid attention, then. From the racist selection of renters in the 1970s to stoking racial animus during his campaign, he has shown himself to be a full-blown racist. There is no mistaking that. Sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, insulting the disabled, racism, it's the exact same thing targeting a different group: Asserting one's own supremacy by way of denigrating whatever Other there is as inferior. Also, there's no mistaking that everyone knew it, and, in relevant part, he has been elected because of it.
I’ve heard the same attacks calling him an anti-Semite which I could only laugh at, while his prized daughter Ivanka is a converted Jew. It’s just a silly accusation yet people still make the claim.

Trump may stereotype people and attack people and not act offended when others are insensitive. I personal expect much more from our leader than Trump is able to give. But I have no doubt that if a smart successful black man or woman engaged with Trump he would treat him or her like anybody else. We’ve seen this with Ben Carson and others.

Trump plays to a conservative base and doesn’t pander to the identity politics crowd. His tactics are simple and transparent, but I don’t think he is a racist in the way his opponents claim he is

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