One More Time....When Was America Great And When Did It Stop?

But that’s not how Trump is leading. He is lying spinning hyperbolizing demonizing and dividing. That’s not making our country great. It’s an embarrassment.

I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
I think the left could find plenty of common ground with Trump who is not a far-right extremist no matter how much they'd like to believe otherwise. if only they'd stop with the hyperbole, the demonizing and the dividing of everyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
I don’t understand this argument of yours. He is keeping his promises?! Not really. He has kept some, failed at others. I don’t see hillary locked up. I don’t see peace in the Middle East or a denuclear N Korea. I don’t see Mexico paying for a wall. I don’t see repeal and replace healthcare.

I’ve seen him flip flop and spin on other issues like other politicians do. I’m not seeing this unique promise keeping that you give him credit for.

I do see lie after lie and attacking insulting and hyperbolic tweets pumped out on a daily basis. You can’t critique the Left for hurling insults when your leader does the same thing every day. You have to condemn none or both.
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
I don’t understand this argument of yours. He is keeping his promises?! Not really. He has kept some, failed at others. I don’t see hillary locked up. I don’t see peace in the Middle East or a denuclear N Korea. I don’t see Mexico paying for a wall. I don’t see repeal and replace healthcare.

I’ve seen him flip flop and spin on other issues like other politicians do. I’m not seeing this unique promise keeping that you give him credit for.

I do see lie after lie and attacking insulting and hyperbolic tweets pumped out on a daily basis. You can’t critique the Left for hurling insults when your leader does the same thing every day. You have to condemn none or both.
I apologize.
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Global Fair Trade
Elimination of Business Visas
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
I don’t understand this argument of yours. He is keeping his promises?! Not really. He has kept some, failed at others. I don’t see hillary locked up. I don’t see peace in the Middle East or a denuclear N Korea. I don’t see Mexico paying for a wall. I don’t see repeal and replace healthcare.

I’ve seen him flip flop and spin on other issues like other politicians do. I’m not seeing this unique promise keeping that you give him credit for.

I do see lie after lie and attacking insulting and hyperbolic tweets pumped out on a daily basis. You can’t critique the Left for hurling insults when your leader does the same thing every day. You have to condemn none or both.
Nice try...the ad hominems are coming from Liberals.
Even the Democrats I know are embarrassed by the Left Wingers.
i think America was Great up to about the 60s but was also going down hill at that time with constant making of and MORE new laws , rules and regulations at national and local levels . Thats what i remember anyway . Before that and from the 20s [my parents lifetime] up to the 60s early 70s was a Great time in America Biff .

Wasn't so great for blacks.

Wasn't so great for women.

Wasn't so great for homosexuals.
i think America was Great up to about the 60s but was also going down hill at that time with constant making of and MORE new laws , rules and regulations at national and local levels . Thats what i remember anyway . Before that and from the 20s [my parents lifetime] up to the 60s early 70s was a Great time in America Biff .

Wasn't so great for blacks.

Wasn't so great for women.

Wasn't so great for homosexuals.
------------------------------------ I don't care Coyote but life went on and here we are in 2019 where all have a pocket full of cash due to near full employment . . Freedom and Liberty are being lost little by little due to Rules , Laws , regulations and Political Correctness and with that happening all Special Interest Groups and the Majority LOSE Freedom and Liberty Coyote .
i think America was Great up to about the 60s but was also going down hill at that time with constant making of and MORE new laws , rules and regulations at national and local levels . Thats what i remember anyway . Before that and from the 20s [my parents lifetime] up to the 60s early 70s was a Great time in America Biff .

Wasn't so great for blacks.

Wasn't so great for women.

Wasn't so great for homosexuals.

Now everyone's life sucks equally.
I quite often think of the future and I see the USA currently being fecked up by many factors . Therefore I think of young up and coming American kids that ' I ' think are going to have lives that are fecked up when compared to mine . In my opinion I had things pretty Great . My parents had things even better than me . I just see a downward trend and way of life in the USA for Young Americans as time goes by .
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?
THE US has the been the cornerstone of international economic booms for years. We have led the world through 2 World Wars, and started the industrial revolution, automobile manufacturing and the beginning of solar and computer technology. We are becoming great again just look at the levels of GDP, unemployment, lower taxes and more minorities working than ever before! Thank you Mr. Trump! Taxes? Ha!
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
I don’t understand this argument of yours. He is keeping his promises?! Not really. He has kept some, failed at others. I don’t see hillary locked up. I don’t see peace in the Middle East or a denuclear N Korea. I don’t see Mexico paying for a wall. I don’t see repeal and replace healthcare.

I’ve seen him flip flop and spin on other issues like other politicians do. I’m not seeing this unique promise keeping that you give him credit for.

I do see lie after lie and attacking insulting and hyperbolic tweets pumped out on a daily basis. You can’t critique the Left for hurling insults when your leader does the same thing every day. You have to condemn none or both.
Nice try...the ad hominems are coming from Liberals.
Even the Democrats I know are embarrassed by the Left Wingers.
True, Waters, Heromo and the like are out there embarrassing themselves. Doesn’t take away from what I just said about Trump
A great country cannot include slavery or the denial of it's sane, free, adult citizens to vote.

So America had slavery until the Civil War. So it was not great before that. It would not allow it's women to vote until 1920. So it was not great before that. And America still treated many of it's minority citizens like shit for decades after that.

I would say the earliest America could have been great was the late 1960's.

But after 9/11 - America has DEFINITELY not been great IMO. Her MASSIVE overreaction to the terrible attack and the horrible things she has done around the world in the name of 'safety/security' haves been VERY disappointing.
Plus, the way the government has basically given over responsibility for the economy to the Federal Reserve is VERY concerning. Free enterprise is NOT alive in well in America - nor has it been since about 2008....and maybe as far back as 2001.

I would say the last time America might have been great was right before Clinton ignored the genocide of Rwanda and sat around (AND got other countries to pull their troops out) whilst hundreds of thousands of innocent people were hacked to death. A large part of my political innocence/naivety died then (when I found out he did that).

So - at most - America was great between say, August 15, 1969 (the first day of the Woodstock Festival) and early April, 1994.
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But also yes I really do think that MAGA was turned into a racist thing because the left called it racist for no good reason other than wanting to paint trump as racist.

Let's not kid ourselves.

Trump is a racist, always has been, and, by all means, it should be pointed out. Moreover, the notion that Trump's Fox-addicted, racist base realized that MAGA carried racist undertones upon someone on MSNBC pointing to those racist undertones is ludicrous. That is particularly so since the most obvious reference of MAGA was to get the fuliginous infestation out of the WHITE House. Trump's base immediately understood that, having suffered through eight stereotype-crushing years of Obama's Presidency.
A great country cannot include slavery or the denial of it's sane, free, adult citizens to vote.

So America had slavery until the Civil War. So it was not great before that. It would not allow it's women to vote until 1920. So it was not great before that. And America still treated many of it's minority citizens like shit for decades after that.

I would say the earliest America could have been great was the late 1960's.

But after 9/11 - America has DEFINITELY not been great IMO. Her MASSIVE overreaction to the terrible attack and the horrible things she has done around the world in the name of 'safety/security' haves been VERY disappointing.
Plus, the way the government has basically given over responsibility for the economy to the Federal Reserve is VERY concerning. Free enterprise is NOT alive in well in America - nor has it been since about 2008....and maybe as far back as 2001.

I would say the last time America might have been great was right before Clinton ignored the genocide of Rwanda and sat around (AND got other countries to pull their troops out) whilst hundreds of thousands of innocent people were hacked to death. A large part of my political innocence/naivety died then (when I found out he did that).

So - at most - America was great between say, August 15, 1969 (the first day of the Woodstock Festival) and early April, 1994.

As with every other country on earth, there is - always - the good, the bad, and the ugly, even from 1969 to 1994: Say, Vietnam, Reagan's mass-murderous atrocities in South-/Central America, and U.S. meddling in Iraq / Iran / Afghanistan during the 80s and 90s.

However, for as long as citizens in significant numbers are looking back, taking stock, and strive for the better, not all is lost.
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

Clearly America stopped being great January 20, 2009, 12:05 pm EST.
It is definitely starting to look that way......

My 401k stopped being great a couple of years before then.....then it started being great again a couple of years after that.....
You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.
I don’t understand this argument of yours. He is keeping his promises?! Not really. He has kept some, failed at others. I don’t see hillary locked up. I don’t see peace in the Middle East or a denuclear N Korea. I don’t see Mexico paying for a wall. I don’t see repeal and replace healthcare.

I’ve seen him flip flop and spin on other issues like other politicians do. I’m not seeing this unique promise keeping that you give him credit for.

I do see lie after lie and attacking insulting and hyperbolic tweets pumped out on a daily basis. You can’t critique the Left for hurling insults when your leader does the same thing every day. You have to condemn none or both.
Nice try...the ad hominems are coming from Liberals.
Even the Democrats I know are embarrassed by the Left Wingers.
True, Waters, Heromo and the like are out there embarrassing themselves. Doesn’t take away from what I just said about Trump
Except that Trump is doing what I want.
Anyone who's believes in racial equality must be a buffoon.

I've been taking Art classes in Poughkeepsie, NY.

You should see all the Black junkies, Black Homeless, and Black thugs on the street corner hanging out.

I've even been flashed gang signs by a Black person.

Yes, there's some Whites in bad shape there too, but they're a minority.

Meanwhile, just outside of Poughkeepsie, it's almost all White, Middle Class, and none of this cr@p.
In my neck of the woods down here in Floor E Da, my black friends and I dont have junkies, homeless or poverty from NYC. We are doing quite well, because we all left the plantation 30 or more years ago. What you are talking about are "victims" of liberalism, who vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable. Want to get away, more to Floor E Da.

I've been to Florida, and saw a Wendy's robbed by Blacks, and a car missing wheels in the middle of the road in the Black side of town.

My grandparents got buglerized 2 times in Florida as well, and that was in the White wealthy side of town.

There were even bums sleeping on the Beach, or drinking out of paper bags on the beach, and they were White.

One White bum was hiding behind my mom, and ran up when I came back to my Mom, I suspect he was going to snatch her purse.

Florida's not better, it's worse than Dutchess County, NY.
Not where I live in Floor E Da. Not only is it clean, but the people here of all colors and creed respect each other(try that in anywhere in NY) and have quite the wealth, which there is no STATE TAX....Only dumbasses live in states that have a high state tax...You deserve the misery and poverty that the liberals FORCE upon you.

Are you hallucinating?
A.) There's a lot more huge houses in the NYC metro than in Florida.
B.) I've never lived in a Liberal area, both Putnam Lake, and Pawling vote Republican.

Florida sucks, it's rather ugly, flat, boring, lacks park land, it's hot, has a lot of homeless, the food stinks, the water smells, the staff is largely slow, and incompetent even in medical fields.

Florida certainly has Racists too, I saw a tootless Scottish American guy drinking out of a paper bag on the beach, and saying how he was proud he knocked out a N(GGer.
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i think America was Great up to about the 60s but was also going down hill at that time with constant making of and MORE new laws , rules and regulations at national and local levels . Thats what i remember anyway . Before that and from the 20s [my parents lifetime] up to the 60s early 70s was a Great time in America Biff .

Wasn't so great for blacks.

Wasn't so great for women.

Wasn't so great for homosexuals.

So, it's better when Black murder rates spiked following Civil Rights?
So, it's better when Single working mother rates spiked following Civil Rights?
Well if you are being honest isn’t thy exactly Trumps playbook? It’s exactly why people like myself can’t support him. Without that BS I’d be in board with some of his policy ideas, but I don’t trust a word that he says and see him as an embarrassment to our country
So there was a president you trusted?
There have been presidents that I’ve respected and trusted as much as I can trust a politician. Much more than our current POTUS

You Lefties definitely should not respect and trust Trump...he is not looking out for your best interests.
Then why do you righties throw hissie fits every time they oppose him
Because he’s keeping his promises and America haters can’t tolerate that fact.
And besides, we’re not the ones hurling the insults all over the Internet; not that you are.

So, more minorities working in Nassau is a Trump promise?
i think America was Great up to about the 60s but was also going down hill at that time with constant making of and MORE new laws , rules and regulations at national and local levels . Thats what i remember anyway . Before that and from the 20s [my parents lifetime] up to the 60s early 70s was a Great time in America Biff .

Wasn't so great for blacks.

Wasn't so great for women.

Wasn't so great for homosexuals.
And if we ever have a national tragedy and/or economic collapse again all of those gains where people voted themselves goodies will come crashing down. And then you will know what being great was and is.

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